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Love Under Two Wranglers [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Cara Covington

  “Kiss me, please.”

  It was the easiest request to fulfill, because kissing her was what he really wanted and needed to do. She tasted sweet and her flavor entered his blood stream. He stroked his tongue over her lips, and she opened for him. That first kiss last week had told him just how inexperienced she was. This one carried a different message.

  Holly burned for them as hotly as they burned for her.

  Duncan stepped up so they had their woman between them again. Alan lifted his lips from hers. Her eyes drifted open, and his heart filled with a combination of pride and desire. He could see the hunger in her eyes, but more, she looked at him as if he was a god.

  I’m only a man. He met Duncan’s gaze for a brief moment—long enough to know that they were on the same page.

  He stepped back and then hunkered down in front of her. He curled his hand around her left leg, and she lifted her foot. He slipped that sandal off, and then the other. He looked up, and met her gaze. “Will you let me take your panties off you?”

  Holly’s eyes glittered as she looked down at him. She licked her lips and nodded.

  Even as he hooked his fingers in the elastic and began to tug the tiny scrap down, he could smell her arousal. Damned if his mouth wasn’t watering.

  Duncan’s hands came around her waist, steadying her so she could lift one foot and then the other—again.

  “Now you’re naked.” And he did hear the satisfaction in his tone.

  “I see that. And I also see that you’re both still fully dressed.”

  “Not for long.”

  Alan gained his feet and lifted her into his arms. He was so horny, he had to rein himself in, exerting a kind of self-control that he’d never needed before.

  Duncan had already pulled the top sheet and blanket off the bed. Alan knelt with his precious bundle, and laid her in the center of the enormous surface.

  When he stepped back and aligned himself next to Duncan, Holly’s smile bloomed, slow and sweet.

  “Are y’all planning to do a strip tease for me?”

  “Maybe another time,” Duncan said. “When we’re not so horny we’re ready to explode.”

  “Brother, I don’t know if, with our sweet woman, that day will ever come.” Alan sure couldn’t see it happening.

  “You could have a point.”

  Alan reached for the hem of his T-shirt. “No strip tease, but the real thing. Because we want you very, very badly.”

  “Less talk. More action.”

  Alan’s laughter burst out of him, unexpected. “You do say the damndest things.”

  Holly giggled and he nodded. “All right then, Miss Holly. Your wish is our command.”

  Chapter 11

  They stood side by side and began to undress.

  Holly knew her eyes had widened, and she really hoped she wasn’t drooling. Yes, she was still a virgin—at least for another few minutes. But that wasn’t because she was a prude—in fact, she guessed she was a long way away from being prudish.

  And she wondered now, as her heart rate seemed to deepen and then pound with each piece of clothing shed, if maybe she was still a virgin for one simple reason.

  She hadn’t met these men until recently.

  Alan and Duncan both had gorgeously masculine chests. If she knew nothing about them, she would say they worked hard—or worked out. There was only one word that fit men whose chests and arms rippled with muscles, and that was buff.

  Alan’s chest seemed a bit broader than Duncan’s, with a dusting of light hair. Duncan nearly qualified for teddy-bear status. Dark hair covered his pecs and trailed down his abdomen. Her fingers itched to test out the texture of both men’s chest hair.

  “I think she likes what she sees so far,” Duncan said.

  “She looks like a kid in a candy shop.”

  Holly grinned. “Yeah, I have a whole new appreciation for that phrase ‘man candy.’” And she licked her lips because, even as both men chuckled, they reached for their belts.

  They stood close enough to her that she caught a tease of their scent in the air, and far enough away that she could see them both.

  They played out their actions for maximum affect. As soon as their belts were opened and their zippers down, they paused, kicked off their boots, and then shed their socks. Straightening to stand tall, they put their hands back on the waistband of their pants and stopped.

  Holly looked up and met first Alan’s gaze, and then Duncan’s.

  “We know we’re your first, honey.”

  “We don’t want to scare you.”

  They both looked nervous and wasn’t that sweet? Action was called for. She pushed up from her supine position and knelt on the edge of the bed, inches from them.

  “I know what a naked man looks like. I’ve surfed the Internet.”

  “We’ll talk about that later, young lady.” Alan sounded dominant, but the image was ruined slightly by the bit of pink decorating not only his cheeks but his shoulders.

  She waved her hand in dismissal. “Whatever. Drop the drawers, gentlemen.”

  Alan turned to look at Duncan. “I think she needs her bottom paddled.”

  “I think so, too.”

  “Talk, talk, talk. It’s time to deliver.” The words had barely left her mouth when both sets of denims and briefs hit the floor.

  Those website pictures were so not sufficient. Two cocks, one nested in dark hair and the other in light, stood standing proud and straight before her. Now I understand why it is some of those book heroines quake at their first sight of their men’s equipment. At first sight, it wouldn’t seem logical that something that big would fit inside a woman’s body.

  Inside her body. But she knew better. Of course she did.

  Holly licked her lips again, and began to reach out a hand, then pulled back.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. We’ve put our hands on you.”

  “Only fair you get a chance to do the same.”

  “I don’t know how.” A man’s cock was his most vulnerable flesh and for all of her reading of very graphic erotic romance novels, she really didn’t know how to touch them.

  “Give us your hands, Holly.” Duncan’s voice sounded thicker. Thicker. Yes, his cock was a little thicker than Alan’s.

  In response, she held out both hands. Each man took one and brought it to his cock. She shivered as her palms wrapped around the turgid male shafts.

  “You can squeeze us…lord, woman, yes just like that.” Alan shivered as she squeezed and then began to move her hand up and down. In all the books I’ve read, the heroine pumps those cocks.

  “Hot…soft and silky….hard….wonderful.” She could think of no other words.

  “Baby, I’m triggered so far right now. I don’t want to come in your hand.” Duncan covered her fist with his, stopping her. “I’d much rather come in your pussy.”

  She released them both, and then grinned up at them. “Okay. Now what?”

  Alan and Duncan traded looks.

  Then Alan reached down and lifted her into his arms. “Now, sweet Holly, you let us have our way with you.”

  He knelt on the bed and moved them both up. He laid her down again, right back where she’d been. Stretching out on her right, he raised himself so he was looking down at her. “We’re going to light your fires, sweet thing.”

  Holly could have told him—told them both—that her fires were already lit. Duncan lay down on the bed on her left, and moved in close so that she felt his heat become her heat. She looked at him, and then met Alan’s gaze again. “Kiss me, please.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Alan lowered his head, and Holly’s eyes drifted shut as his mouth met hers. Warm and wet, his lips caressed hers. The brush of his tongue made her open her mouth, and then yes, he was kissing her in that wonderful way he had. Their tongues danced, and Holly caressed his, a sway and dip to the most erotic music ever, music that strummed through her blood.

  He owned her mouth, wooing her with such
exquisite heat that her nipples peaked and she felt her feminine flesh grow warm and damp.

  As Alan tapered his kiss, she began to reach with her left hand for Duncan.

  She turned her head to the left and met lips waiting to taste hers and a tongue ready to seduce her own. As Duncan’s mouth took hers, hands began to caress and pet, to cup and tug and stroke.

  Heart pounding, excitement building, Holly broke her kiss with Duncan and turned back to Alan. “More.”

  He responded immediately, his lips covering hers, taking her deep into that special place that lit her fires and made her arousal soar. Then he moved, placing tiny kisses on her cheek and her neck, moving down the bed. When he ran his tongue over her nipple and then sucked the bud inside, Holly’s back arched, and she moaned.

  “You’re gorgeous all the time, sweetheart, but even more so now, when you’re aroused.”

  Duncan kissed her, his tongue wicked and wanton as he claimed her mouth. The twin sensations of his kiss and Alan’s suckling wrought a whimper from deep inside her. She rolled her hips, and then whimpered once more as two hands spread her legs, and two sets of fingers brushed her slit.

  She could feel her juices on their fingers as they moved them back and forth, spreading that moisture over her labia, finding and coating her clit.

  “Oh, oh!” They moved relentlessly, using mouths and hands to draw her higher, and then higher still. Holly couldn’t think, she could only feel.

  She could only gasp when Duncan eased back and Alan, who’d worked his way down her body, made a place for himself between her open thighs.

  Her heart pounded as she looked down and met his gaze—and then it felt as if it tripped when he leaned forward, his gaze still locked with hers, and lavished a long lick on her slit.

  Holly shivered, laid her head back, closed her eyes, and shamelessly pushed her pussy into his face.

  The vibrations of his low chuckle became a new kind of stimulus, a shivery kind of extra sensation that made her arousal climb. She wanted to push into him and pull back at the same time, because as exciting and good as his mouth on her felt, it also edged close to too much.

  His hands bracketed her hips, pinning her down on the bed, keeping her there, and open for his pleasure.

  His pleasure, and hers.

  The swipe of his tongue, the heat of his lips moving back and forth and up and down became a rock beat in her blood. His tongue found her clit and every time he stroked that tiny nubbin she mewed.

  Alan lifted his head. “You taste so good, Holly. So good.”

  His impassioned words aroused her and made her want to blush. No one had ever said such an intimate thing to her—she’d never imagined that anyone ever would.

  “Please.” She knew she was close to coming, because they’d brought her here twice before—once with their hands and mouths, and once with their words alone.

  She tried to roll her hips, finding little movement because her lover held her down. He’s so strong.

  Alan chuckled and returned his mouth to her. Licking and sucking, she felt his tongue enter her and that made her cry out in surprised pleasure. She thought that would push her over, but no, she kept climbing and climbing, with no end in sight.

  Alan moved, and she felt the brush of fingers against her pussy. When he pushed them inside her, she flinched even as she made a needy sound. He eased his fingers back a little, lessening the twinge of discomfort. And then he moved them, back and forth inside her.

  She knew what he was looking for but had never really believed in the G-spot. Until he found it.

  “Oh, oh, yes!” That inner caress lit the fuse and her orgasm exploded, wave after wave of hot, delicious ecstasy that swept her body and covered her with electricity. On and on her climax went, higher, more fierce than anything she’d ever felt. Alan’s mouth drank her juices and then clamped down on her clit while his fingers inside her kept teasing that sweet, sweet spot.

  Shivers wracked her as her orgasm tapered and she began to float back to earth. Alan drew his fingers from her, and placed sweet kisses on her mound and on her thighs. The he pushed himself up to his knees.

  Holly opened her eyes just in time to see him catch a small square package that Duncan must have tossed to him.

  She watched, avid, as he tore open the packet, withdrew the condom, and slid it into place.

  Alan moved up her body and settled on top of her. He brushed the hair off her face, and then cupped her cheek. “I want to kiss you—share your flavor with you. Will you allow it?”

  Reading those passages in the books she’d read had made her wince. And she’d wondered, if maybe being in that situation would make the act—what she considered an extremely intimate sharing—more desirable.

  Holly had her answer, because there was nothing she wanted more right then and there than to taste the two of them on her lover’s lips. Unspeakably moved, she couldn’t articulate. So she stretched up and kissed him.

  Together they were salt and sweet, musky and somehow darkly delicious. The combined flavor touched something deep inside her, something that seemed strangely familiar, and she wondered if they hadn’t done this, been this, in some previous life. Alan raised his head and then kissed the corner of her mouth.

  “Are you ready for me, honey? I’ll be as gentle as I can.”

  Holly met his gaze. “I know it’s going to hurt. But I want this. I want you.” She turned her head to look at Duncan. “I want you, too.”

  Duncan stroked his hand over her hair. “You’ll have me. But it pleases me in ways that I can’t put into words, that Alan is going to be your first.”

  Just then Alan moved, and she felt the heat of his latex-covered cock against her pussy. She felt the slickness as he moved back and forth, up and down. Then he brushed over her clit and Holly inhaled sharply as her arousal shot up, high and fast. “Oh…do that again.”

  Alan grinned and repeated the gesture. Then he shifted, and she felt the head of his cock begin to slide into her pussy.

  He held her gaze as he retreated and then pressed further. She felt the twinge, and he must have read that in her eyes.

  “Hang on to me, honey.”

  She already had her arms around his neck, but now she smoothed her hands over his shoulders. “Just do it, Alan. I really need to know what it feels like to have your cock inside of me.”

  He nodded, and then eased out of her again. She knew this was the moment and nodded back.

  Alan came inside of her, pressing against her body’s protection, until the pinch turned sharp, nearly tear-inducing.

  He pushed and came all the way inside of her. The barrier now gone, only a sting and a slight stiffening of her muscles, the body’s natural reaction to the momentary pain gave her away.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m not. It’s already better.” She didn’t lie. As sharp and painful as his possession had been, the sting was easing, nearly gone. She knew from the look in his eyes that he really was sorry, and maybe just a bit leery of proceeding.

  Holly figured it was up to her to reassure him. “I presume there’s more? Because otherwise, I have to tell you, I’m going to be disappointed.”

  “You definitely need your bottom paddled.”

  Holly grinned. “That sounds…interesting.” Then she stretched up and brushed a light kiss against Alan’s lips. “Please, Alan. Make love with me. I want to give you pleasure, too.”

  Her body had adjusted to the presence of her lover’s cock, and Holly instinctively squeezed her inner muscles. How different that exercise felt with Alan inside her.

  He sucked in some air. “Lord have mercy, woman, you’re going to wreck me.”

  “I hope so.” Working on instinct again, she raised her feet and rested her heels on the backs of his legs. “I really hope so.”

  Alan laid his mouth on hers, and when his tongue plunged into her mouth, he began to move his hips, working his cock in and out of her body—fucking her.

  “You feel
so good around my cock, honey.” Alan whispered the words against her mouth and then tasted of her again. She stroked his back with her hands and his legs with her feet, and reveled in the return of her arousal. Excitement became a blazing wildfire, rushing to fill every inch of her, consume every atom.

  The drive to come, to reach that pinnacle, made her moan and move, caress and hiss and sigh. She could have sworn that Alan’s cock grew even larger than it had been. He fucked her in a rhythm that gained in intensity, with strokes that became deeper and sharper.

  Recalling the effect that his and Duncan’s words had on her that night she’d pleasured herself on their behalf inspired her. She moved her head, releasing his kiss, then nuzzled his neck and licked his ear. She whispered words without thought, or plan. “Come inside me, lover. I want to feel your cock pulse as you come.”

  “Holly!” Alan gained his knees and his thrusts sped up, and then he stiffened and shouted, and she did indeed feel his cock begin to quiver and pulse.

  Duncan laid his hand on her stomach and stroked down. His fingers found her clit and he pinched it.

  Holly screamed as her own release rose up, a wall of sensation and pleasure. The rapture, so sharp, so overwhelming, consumed her completely.

  Chapter 12

  “Come on, honey. Let us take care of you.”

  Holly sighed as Alan lifted her into his arms. She thought they’d taken care of her pretty darn well already. She opened her eyes, realizing that she’d dozed for a few minutes after he’d come back from the bathroom.

  Remembering how he’d used a warm wet cloth to clean away the bit of blood on her made her blush. When she’d made an inarticulate sound, he’d shushed her and told her there wasn’t much.

  Duncan had bounded from the bed first, and she surmised that he’d gone ahead. She heard what sounded like a door closing. And then, first the sound of a motor, and then the sound of the shower reached her. Alan stopped as he reached the enclosure. “Hair wet or dry?”

  Holly grinned. “If someone will wash it for me, wet is fine.” It really was one of the little things in all the romance books she’d read that made her sigh. She rarely went to the hair salon, but when she did, getting her hair washed was to her mind the best part.


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