2 Vampires, Warlocks, And Exes

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2 Vampires, Warlocks, And Exes Page 4

by Laura Lee

  “Excuse me? Did you really just say that you’d sleep with anyone but me?”

  He went into the bedroom and started pulling on his jeans. “No, damn you. That’s not what I meant.”

  I stomped into the bedroom until I was standing six inches away from him. “Well, then enlighten me.”

  He sighed as he pulled me into a tight embrace. “I meant that because you’re you, I’m not going to let my dick make decisions for me.” He pulled back to frame my face with his hands again. “Because you’re too important. This is too important. I know you don’t take sex lightly. Trust me, Karli, I would love nothing more than to make love to you for countless hours. But I’m not going to let our hormones do something that I know you’d regret in the morning.”

  “Vance, I wouldn’t---”

  He put his fingers on my lips. “Karli, don’t.” He left me standing there as he walked out into the hall. “Look, if you still want me in the morning, I’d be more than happy to stay in this apartment with you for weeks going at it like bunnies. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’m going to get that wish granted.” He closed the door. “Good night, Karli. I’m going to sleep on the couch.”

  What the hell had just happened?


  All of a sudden, I was in a dark, dank room strung up by a leather strap with my body hanging from a rafter. I was in a haze, like I was coming out of anesthesia. My arms hurt terribly from holding my weight. I looked around trying to figure out where I was but couldn’t quite make sense of it. It came in flashes, but someone was with me. Squinting my eyes, I tried to make out the shape in front of me. Female. It was definitely a woman standing in front of me. Touching me. She leaned in to kiss me on the lips. As she pulled back, everything became clear. Maria. It was Maria with me in this horrible place. She gave me an evil smile with her fangs extended right before she slid down my body and pierced my skin.

  I woke up screaming, drenched in sweat. Vance was sitting on the edge of my bed holding me in his arms, trying to calm me. “What happened?” he asked.

  I took a deep breath, trying not to hyperventilate. “Maria...she attacked me.”

  “Shh, baby, it was just a nightmare,” he cooed.

  “No, Vance, this felt bigger than that,” I insisted. “I don’t know how to explain it, but I have this horrible sense of foreboding where Maria is concerned.”

  He pulled me into him and started petting my hair. “Honey, don’t worry about her. I won’t let her hurt you. I promise.”

  “You can’t protect me twenty-four seven, Vance.” I thought of Roxy almost killing me. “Look what happened last time you tried. One of your men got killed, and I came damn close.”

  He tightened his grip. “Karli, listen to me. I will find out why she’s here and I will send her packing.”

  “You can’t just make her leave town,” I argued.

  “No, but I can make her meet the sun if I have to.”

  I reached over him and turned on my lamp. He had an awfully determined look in his eyes. “Vance, listen to what you’re saying.” I sat back on folded knees. “You’re talking about murdering someone in cold blood.”

  “No, I’m not, Karli. I’m simply saying that I will do whatever it takes to protect you.”

  “She hasn’t even done anything to me! I know what I said earlier, about sensing the big bad from her, but that’s all it was. A hunch.” I narrowed my eyes. “You seem quite eager to pull the trigger. Are you sure this isn’t personal?”

  He scoffed. “Of course it’s personal. If she tries to fuck with you, I will make her regret it. She’s already stolen the most important thing in my life. I’m certainly not going to let it happen again.”

  “My God, what the hell happened between you two?” I asked in astonishment.

  He lay down next to me and tucked me into the crook of his arm. “Don’t worry about it, Karli.” He turned off the light. “Get some sleep. I’ll be right here if you have any more bad dreams.”


  Okay, I’ll admit it. Waking up in Vance’s arms was not an unpleasant way to start the day. Not just for the physically gratifying part of it. Which, just to be clear, was very nice. But more so because this felt right, so completely natural.

  I stretched before looking over to find that he was already awake, smiling down on me. I sat up to join him.

  “Good morning,” he said.

  I yawned. “Morning.”

  “Any more dreams?” he asked.

  I thought about it for a moment before shaking my head. “No. Not that I can remember anyway.”

  He kissed me on the forehead as he was getting out of bed. “I’m going to take a quick shower.”

  While Vance was in the bathroom, I got dressed and went into the kitchen to brew some coffee. A little while later, he joined me at the small, round dining table adjoining my living room.

  He took a sip from the mug I had waiting for him. “So I talked to Leo last night before I went to sleep for the first time.”

  I gulped my java down. “Yeah? Why?”

  “I told him about Maria being in town and that I needed his help finding her,” he replied.

  “How is he going to do that?”

  He shrugged. “It’s a vampire thing. He can get information where I can’t.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  He stood up and searched my kitchen cabinets for a travel mug. As he was transferring his coffee into one, he said, “I need to take this to go. I have to get to the station to gather some more information. My new partner will be in at nine.”

  “New partner?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, her name’s Tara. She just transferred here from North Carolina.”

  “Since when do you need a partner?”

  “Since this town has been going to hell,” he replied. “Well, more so than usual anyway. We’re expanding the preternatural cases department. I met her last week when she first came to town. It’s been funny watching all the guys at the station fawn all over her.”

  “Why would they do that? Is she pretty?” Okay, there may have been a hint of jealousy in my tone.

  He smirked. “Yeah, she’s pretty. A hot little brunette. But she’s happily married so they’re making fools out of themselves for nothing. Besides, I already have a hottie that I have my eyes on.” He wagged his eyebrows and grabbed his keys out of his pocket. “Anyway, like I said before, I have to go.”

  “What?” I asked. “You can’t just leave me hanging like that.”

  He bent down to kiss me softly on the lips before heading towards my front door. Before leaving he replied, “I’m not leaving you hanging, Karli. We’ll talk about this later. I’ll call you.” Damn him.


  Erica followed me to the back room as I arrived to work later that day. “Hey, Eri,” I said. “How was San Diego?”

  “It was incredible!” she replied. “My family loves Jake and they’re so happy for us!” She lowered her voice before continuing. “Karli, I completed the bonding ritual with my sisters. I can’t even tell you how amazing I feel! I never knew how powerful I could be. It’s like I’m tuned into everything around me now! I’m part of everything! ”

  The ritual she was referring to was held in a very high regard in the world of witchcraft. It could only be performed by thirteen siblings of the same sex blessed with magical genes. Since having that many children in one family these days was rare, let alone all of the same gender, it was virtually unheard of. From what Erica’s told me, the ritual would make all of their powers increase exponentially and it would pass down to their children, creating a much stronger magical bloodline.

  I hugged her and offered a smile as I pulled back. “I’m really happy for you, honey. I truly hope that you and Jake never lose the magic between you.”

  Her eyes started to water. “Thank you, K. That really means a lot to me. I don’t know how I got so lucky to be blessed with such a great guy who also has such a magnificent cock! And he a
ctually knows what to do with it!!! I mean, what are the odds?”


  Just then, Laney saved me from having to come up with an appropriate reply. As she tapped Erica on the shoulder she said, “Hey, ladies. Sorry to break up your convo, but Erica’s tables are starting to get restless.”

  Erica looked over her shoulder and blushed. “Oops! Sorry, I’ll get right on them.”

  “Crap, sorry.” I looked at Laney. “I’ll be right out.”

  She smiled sweetly. “Take your time. I’ll cover up front.”

  “Thanks, Laney,” I replied.

  Around ten o’clock, Maria sauntered in and, unfortunately, sat down right in front of me.

  She smiled. “Hello again, Karli. How’s your evening going?”

  Okay, calm down. She hasn’t technically done anything wrong. “Hello, Maria,” I replied. “Can I get you a drink?”

  She trailed her finger lovingly along the edge of the bar. “Yes, I’d adore one. I think I’ll have another Bloody Mary. But this time, please make it with Gray Goose. Chad tells me it’s one of your favorites so I thought I’d give it a try.” What the hell?

  I narrowed my eyes at her. “And why would you and Chad be discussing my drink of choice?” I asked, suspicion heavy in my voice.

  She winked. “Oh you know, pillow talk, that’s all.”

  I mixed her drink and set it on the bar. “Wow, must have been really great sex if you felt the need to discuss another woman afterwards.” Okay, I know that was bitchy but I couldn’t help myself.

  She took a sip and pulled back with a smile. “Oh, quite the contrary. The sex was outstanding. He’s one talented demon. Oh, but wait a minute. You already know that. Don’t you?”

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business,” I snapped.

  She assessed me salaciously and grinned. “Oh, don’t be shy, darling. I could tell that the two of you had a history so I asked him about it and the floodgates broke. He’s very fond of you and I can certainly understand why. You’re a beautiful woman, Karli.”

  I scrunched my face. “Uh, thanks,” I said as I started walking away.

  She grabbed my wrist, halting my progress. “No need to be so modest. Chad told me in great detail how electrifying you are in the bedroom. I know you’re certainly not a prude. I find myself wanting to experience it personally. Perhaps the three of us can get together sometime?”

  “Um, thanks but no thanks. I don’t swing that way.”

  She pouted. “What a pity. He said you wouldn’t agree but you can’t blame a girl for trying, right?”

  Ugh. I was appalled! Who did this woman think she was? Before I could tell her to get the hell out of my bar, Leo marched up to her.

  “Maria, I heard you were back in town,” he scowled. “What are you doing here?”

  She gave him a fangy smile and grabbed his hand. “Oh, Leo, I was wondering when I would get to see you!” She threw her arms around his neck and leaned in to his body, lingering a little too long before pulling back. “Ooh, you are still as delicious as you always were! Can I buy you a drink? It’s the least I could do to repay you for everything you’ve given me.” Huh?

  Leo stiffened and removed her arms from his neck. He gave me an uncomfortable look before returning his attention to her. “No, that’s quite unnecessary. I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to ask you to leave this establishment.” Yay, Leo!

  She stuck out her bottom lip, pouting again. “Oh, Leo, don’t be that way.” She sat back down and started trailing her finger up his forearm. “Really, after all we’ve been through? I was just getting to know your lovely bartender here. I hear she is most alluring. She’s managed to catch the attention of my two favorite men in Vegas... as you well know. No one has been able to do that since…well, since me!” She laughed and turned her attention back to me, staring intently as she spoke. “But this one is different. I hear that she’s managed to neuter one of the most insatiable, virile vampires I know. Heard he’s getting his blood from a bank these days. It’s a shame really, that he would deny himself the pleasure of taking directly from the vein. Makes me wonder what makes her so special?”

  Leo’s face reddened, his pale blue eyes took on an eerie glow, and his fangs shot out like a switchblade. I jumped. Shit, I don’t think I’d ever seen him this pissed before. I risked another glance at him and winced. Pissed was an understatement. I didn’t even know what to call this. “That’s enough, Maria.” He grabbed her by the elbow forcefully, lifting her off the barstool. “I’m not going to ask again. You need to leave now. Do not make me ask you again.” He growled. I mean, literally growled.

  She held up her hands in surrender. “Oh, put your fangs away, Leo. I’ll leave. I’m sure Ms. Lane and I will find other ways to get…acquainted. I’m back in Vegas indefinitely, you know. ”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Leo managed through fully extended fangs.

  She took a fifty out of her purse and placed it on the bar. She leaned over and covered my hand with her own. I was trying my damnedest not to flinch but I don’t think I succeeded very well. “Goodbye, Karli. I’ll be seeing you soon.” She turned around and blew Leo a kiss as she strolled out of the bar.

  He came up to me and said, “Are you okay, my love?”

  “Leo, what the hell was that about?”

  “Whatever do you mean, my dear?”

  I put my hand on my hip. “Leo, don’t do that. What the hell was she talking about? How well do you know her? What did she mean by ‘after everything you’ve given me’? What have you given her, Leo? And how the hell did she become a vampire?” I gasped as it hit me like a brick in the face. “Oh, fuck me six ways from Sunday, that’s what you gave her! You made her a vampire, didn’t you???”

  He looked around, uncomfortable with the attention we were gathering. He leaned forward and whispered, “I will tell you everything tonight after work. Can you come by my place?”

  “You mean your actual home?” I asked, shocked by the invitation. “Not the club?”

  He looked around nervously. “Go through the back door of the club and meet me in my office,” he replied. “I’ll be waiting for you. I can escort you downstairs.”

  My curiosity overrode anything else I was feeling for the time being. “Okay. I’ll be there as soon as I get out of here.”


  Vance arrived a few minutes after Leo took off. He spotted me and increased his pace until he was standing directly in front of me. “Leo called. He said Maria was headed here. Where is she?”

  “Is Leo Maria’s maker?” I asked.

  “What makes you think that?” he countered.

  “Because of the way they were behaving towards one another. And what she said to him. There’s definitely a past between the two of them. I’ve never seen him get that pissed before. Ever. It wasn’t even close to the way I’ve seen him get with you.”

  “What did she say to him? And where the hell is she?”

  “She’s gone. Leo made her leave. She said that they’ve been through a lot together. And that I must be something special to catch the attention of her two favorite men in Vegas. She also added some pretty degrading things towards him that I’m not going to repeat.”

  “So what was Leo’s response to all of that?”

  I bit my lip. “He told me he’d tell me everything tonight after work. At his place.”

  A muscle worked in his jaw. “And what was your response to that?” he asked.

  I lowered my head. “I agreed to meet with him.”

  “In his home?”

  I nodded. “Yep.”

  “And where exactly is that?” he asked. “After all these years, I’ve never been able to figure out where that man hangs his hat.”

  I looked away. “I can’t tell you.”

  “You can’t tell me? Or you won’t?”

  I looked him square in the eye. “I won’t. Leo trusts me. I’m not going to violate that.”

  He scoffed. “And w
hat’s stopping me from following you?”

  I put my hand over his and squeezed his fingers. “Because I trust you. And I know that you would not compromise my trust. Understood?”

  He stood up and turned away from me. “I understand, Karli. But that doesn’t mean I have to like it.” He walked out the door without looking back.


  I let myself in the back door of the club into a hallway lit by a dim red bulb. I immediately had to press my body into the wall to avoid running into the middle of a couple going at it. Things like this used to shock me. It kinda bothers me that I’ve become so desensitized to it. I spotted Leo’s office up on the right and managed to work my way over.

  I knocked on the door. “Leo, it’s Karli. Are you in there?”

  He opened the door a half second later. “My love, thank you for coming.” He stepped aside. “Please come in.”

  Leo’s office was exceptionally masculine and sophisticated, much like its occupant. It was decorated in black, white, and crimson with a huge mahogany desk in the center. Two plush black leather guest chairs sat on one side of the desk, with a high back office chair on the other. Six flat-paneled security monitors were hung on the wall, streaming live footage from the club. Since this was an anything goes sex club, provided it was consensual, odds were pretty solid that each monitor would display a live sex act of some kind during business hours.

  Curiosity got the best of me again as I found myself staring into the third monitor on the left. It was focused on the room that Vance and I had once occupied, triggering a flashback to a major moment of indiscretion on my part. We had come here while he was investigating a murder. The environment combined with a little too much vodka and a side of sexy detective had taken control of my body as if I were possessed. I very nearly had sex in public that night. Not my finest hour by any means.

  Leo must have noticed me looking because he cleared his throat and brought me back into the present with his question, “How was the rest of your shift, my love?”


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