2 Vampires, Warlocks, And Exes

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2 Vampires, Warlocks, And Exes Page 5

by Laura Lee

  “Uh, fine,” I replied. I took in his ensemble that I had somehow missed earlier during all the Maria drama. Leo dressed differently when he was at Voyeur-Gasm. I suppose it was to fit in better with his patrons but it always threw me off. Normally he wore all designer apparel looking every bit the successful businessman. Tonight, he was dressed in vinyl pants with a blood red shirt that was unbuttoned, revealing his magnificent chest and olive skin. I was suddenly incredibly aware that this was the first time we’d been alone together in months and I became more than a little anxious. “Leo, you know why I’m here so maybe we should go somewhere so we can talk?” I suggested, hoping dearly I could keep my hormones in check.

  He nodded. “Of course.” He picked up his phone and dialed an extension. “Yes, Sonia, my dear. I’ll be unavailable for the rest of the evening. Will you please make sure everything is shut down properly?” He listened while his head bartender responded. “Yes, thank you.” He hung up the phone and came around the desk to lock his office door. He took my hand and guided me behind the desk. He bent down, lifting a small area rug beneath his chair, revealing a hatch door. He pulled a lever and lifted the hatch, revealing a wooden staircase.

  I stared at it incredulously. “Really? The entrance to your super-secret lair is under your desk? Aren’t you afraid someone will discover the hatch? Like say, oh, I don’t know, the cleaning crew?”

  He chuckled. “Not at all. As far as anyone who might happen upon this entrance is concerned, it is simply the staircase to my private wine cellar.” He gestured for me to step in. “Please, after you.”

  I hesitantly took his hand as he guided me towards the stairs. I walked down about a dozen creaking steps and found myself standing in a room about twelve feet wide and twenty feet deep, lined with red brick and cedar wine racks. The shelves were filled to capacity. Curious, I inspected the labels on a few bottles. Most people would probably not understand the value in this room, but I was well aware that the bottle I was currently holding was valued at well over three thousand dollars. The occasional high roller asked for one to impress the bimbo on his arm.

  “Wow, this is some stash you have here.”

  He circled me and eyed me inquisitively. “What made you select that particular bottle?” he asked.

  I thought about it for a moment. “I don’t know,” I admitted. “I was just drawn to it, I guess. Why?”

  He grabbed the bottle from my hand and placed it back on the rack. Before I could question him, he rotated it forty-five degrees counterclockwise. I heard a series of clicks before the rack dropped back into the wall about six feet revealing another staircase below. He looked back up at me and smiled. “Good instincts.”

  “Holy fuck.”


  I took Leo’s hand to descend the massive staircase. He reached above my head and flicked a switch, which sealed the entrance above and bathed us in a soft light. I paused for a moment to assess my surroundings. The walls were carved out of reddish-orange-colored sandstone, like the kind you would find in the desert but they were smoothed and sealed to perfection. Elegant tapestries hung at even intervals, depicting Old English art with frosted glass sconces in between. Under my feet were stairs made of a thick, golden marble with perfectly polished hand rails on each side.

  “Wow,” I said in awe.

  He smiled. “Wait until you see the rest.”

  You would think being underground would feel cold and confining, and inspire claustrophobia perhaps, but the further down we went, the warmer and more cavernous it became. We finally reached the bottom and were met by a long corridor made of the same smooth stone, lined with iron sconces with small flames casting shadows on the walls. There were several large, dark wooden doors on each side with a wide open arch at the end. The ceiling was at least twenty feet high with a large antique iron chandelier hanging from the center. The floors were made of the same polished marble as the stairs, Persian rugs adding to the opulence.

  “My God, Leo, this is amazing,” I exclaimed. “Exactly how rich are you again?”

  He laughed. “You can say I am more than comfortable for several immortal lifetimes.”

  I released a breath. “How far underground are we anyway?”

  “About three hundred feet,” he replied.

  “Three hundred?”

  He nodded. “Yes. Would you like a tour? You have the honor of being my first official guest.”

  I jumped up and down like an excited toddler. “Yes! Omigod, yes!”

  He held his hand out with his palm turned upward. “Shall we?” he asked.

  I took his hand and saw firsthand exactly what a seemingly endless supply of money could get you.

  ***** He opened the first door to our left which led to a control room of sorts. There was a giant wall containing dozens of security monitors. On them I saw Leo’s office, every other area of the club, the front and back parking lot, an underground garage filled with fancy cars, an elevator, a large vault, several long tunnels leading to places unknown...Wait, an elevator?

  “Where is that elevator located?” I asked.

  “It’s a freight elevator.” He pointed to the monitor on the far right. “It runs between my hotel basement and that tunnel right there. I use it to bring items down that won’t fit through the hatch.”

  “Like wha---wait a second. Did you say your hotel??”

  He grinned. “Yes, my hotel. One of them, anyway.”

  My jaw dropped. “You own hotels?!? As in plural?”

  He nodded. “Technically, one of my holding companies owns them, but there are several, yes. Two on the Strip, then one each in Tahoe, Rome, London, and Paris.” He pointed to another monitor depicting a beautiful structure with a large lake in front complete with its own captivating fountains. Also known as the hotel in which Pixie Dust was located. “That one,” he began. “Is connected to the tunnels.”

  I shook my head in confusion, still reeling from the fact that Leo owned one of the most luxurious hotels in town. “I don’t understand. That’s over three miles away.”

  His grin grew wider. “It’s a very long tunnel. You could say I’ve built a city beneath the city.”

  I sat down in a chair next to a large control panel that looked like it belonged to NASA. “Omigod.” I looked up at him in shock. “Leo, I had no idea. I mean, I knew you had money, but this is money. You could buy anything you want. Live anywhere you want. Why here? Come to think of it, why do you even show up for work?”

  He knelt down in front of me and kissed my hand. “It is meaningless without someone to share it with. And that someone lives here. Besides, I like Vegas. And I like working. My father was an honest, hard-working man and I aspire to be the same. I may have taken some detours over the past five hundred years, but I figured out what mattered eventually.”


  He pulled me into a standing position and started leading me out of the room. “Come, there is something I’ve been dying to show you.”

  “What is it?” I asked.

  He led me to the third room on the right. “You’ll see.”


  The door opened and I was even more awestruck than before. We were in a library—an incredibly impressive library. Mahogany, crescent-shaped shelves filled with countless books took up most of the space. A small, curved staircase was off to the right leading to a circular balcony. A rolling ladder on each floor allowed you the opportunity to grab the volumes stacked towards the ceiling with little effort. A small sitting area was off to the left with a chaise lounge, a round table, and a Tiffany lamp. I could instantly picture Leo stretched out in that chair looking every bit the sophisticated scholar.

  “Omigod!” I exclaimed as I turned in circles looking at both stories. “There must be thousands of books in here! Where did you get them?”

  He gave me a sexy grin. “I’ve had a lot of free time on my hands over the years during daylight hours. Books kept me occupied before technology afforded me other opportunities.
I’ve been a constant student of any subject I could get my hands on, always looking to gain an advantage over others.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” My eyes focused on the spine of an especially weathered book. I walked over to pluck it off the shelf. It was a Holy Bible, Old Testament. Like, really old. I was almost afraid that it would disintegrate in my hands. “How did you get this?” I asked. “This is way older than you are.”

  “It is,” he confirmed as his expression saddened. “I inherited most of the older ones from my maker when she…ceased to exist. She left explicit instructions for them to be delivered to me upon her death.”

  I recalled his story about his maker…Renata, I think was her name. They were together exclusively for over four hundred years, eliminating any doubts I may have had about Leo’s ability to commit to a relationship. He told me that he hadn’t seen her since he moved to the United States in the early 1900’s. I assumed they’d had a nasty break up since he never talked about it. Maybe I was wrong.

  “Leo, I’m sorry; I didn’t know she was gone. When did she…die?” I asked carefully.

  He took a moment before answering. “A while ago. Perhaps that is a story for another time, my dear.” He walked up the staircase and climbed the rolling ladder. While selecting a thick book from the tenth shelf he added, “I have a gift for you.”

  I met him at the bottom stair and held out my hands. “What is it?”

  His lips curved up slightly at the corners. “A book.”

  I rolled my eyes as I accepted the daunting manuscript. “I can see that. I meant, why are you giving me a book?”

  He nodded towards the front cover. “See for yourself.”

  I brushed some dust away from the leather binding so I could read the golden text. The History of the Fae.

  I looked up in astonishment. “Are you serious?” I asked. “Where did you get this?”

  He took a step closer and kissed me on the forehead. “It was from my maker’s collection. I’ve had it for a while but never noticed it until recently. I’ve only looked through it briefly but it seems quite comprehensive. I’m hoping it will answer any questions you may have about your race.”

  I began flipping through the pages, being careful not to tear the delicate parchment. “Leo, I don’t know what to say.”

  He smiled as he walked towards the door. Stepping into the hallway he said, “Take all the time you need, my love. When you’re ready, go to the room at the end of the hall and I will answer any questions you may have about Maria.”


  After Leo closed the door, I reclined on the rich burgundy chaise and immediately began looking for answers. There was an inscription on the inside cover written in a delicate penmanship.

  My dearest Leonidas,

  This book is the most sacred gift I have to give. It will explain all of your unanswered questions about my sire and our people. You are my greatest love, sweet Leo. I will treasure you for my entire existence, even after the true death.

  Love always, Renata

  I exhaled. “Omigod.” This was his gift to me? The most sacred thing his maker had to give him? Why would he want me to have this? And what could it possibly say about her sire? I was about to stand to return it to him, but I noticed something sticking out of one of the pages. It was a dried piece of lavender marking a page about half way through the book. I turned to the marked spot and began skimming the page.


  All creatures of the Fae become immortal on the twenty-fifth human year following their creation. During the year prior to this cellular change, you will suffer several symptoms. While bothersome, their effect is only temporary so you needn’t fret. Each Fae responds differently as their molecular structure becomes more advanced. You should expect to experience one or more of the following during this time:

  Insatiable need for sustenance

  Hypersensitive psychic abilities

  Tremendous exhaustion

  Heightened desire to engage in coitus

  Wow, talk about accurate information! As far as the symptoms went, I could scratch them all off the list. Especially the coitus part. I began skimming other chapters finding more proof of the book’s credibility. I sat back for a moment in disbelief. I had the answers to so many questions right in the palms of my hands! And thanks to Leo, of all people. Vance apparently wasn’t the only guide that I had on this journey. I took some deep breaths and closed my eyes to absorb everything.


  I must have fallen asleep because I opened my eyes sometime later while lying in a huge bed. The dark was a bit disorienting so I felt my way around until I found a table lamp. I switched the light on and surveyed my surroundings.

  I was alone, but I knew instinctively that I was in Leo’s bedroom. It was too stylish and masculine not to be. I took a deep breath in, and smelled his leftover spicy, clean man scent. His bed was bigger than any I’ve ever seen. It must have been custom made. The arched headboard and footboard were made of a deeply stained oak, with a matching nightstand on each side. The black silk duvet mirrored the elegantly papered walls and sat atop crisp, white sheets. In front of the bed was a sitting area composed of a black leather loveseat with red accent pillows and a large fireplace. An eccentric piece of art hung on the wall behind me that reminded me of intricately woven snowflakes. Iron and glass sconces filled with tea lights flanked the undoubtedly priceless masterpiece.

  “Wow, talk about a room built for seduction,” I said to no one in particular.

  I noticed a door off to the right so I got out of bed to explore. I gasped upon entering the master bathroom. The cool, sexy motif carried into there tenfold. The walls and floor were the color of steel and the vanity was a polished black with black granite countertops. On my right, a floor to ceiling mirror rested behind a black Jacuzzi tub, surrounded by silver candelabras that stood at least four feet tall. To the left, a glass enclosed shower with jets on every wall tempted me to indulge in the luxury they promised. My God, Leo certainly knew about living a glamorous life.

  A garment bag hanging on the back of the door caught my attention. There was a note attached to it with my name. I unfolded the thick piece of stationery and recognized Leo’s handwriting.

  A beautiful dress for my beautiful fairy.

  I unzipped the bag and wasn’t entirely surprised to find a designer label, sinfully soft, red silk, knee length wrap dress. And in typical Leo form, a bag sat next to it complete with lingerie and matching shoes, all in the right size. Also included was an assortment of my favorite cosmetics and perfumes. He certainly believed in being prepared, didn’t he? I wondered how long this had been there.

  I took a long shower and my time getting ready. I walked back into the bedroom to find another note lying on the freshly made bed.

  Good morning, my love. I will be in the grand hall when you’re ready. Take a right outside the bedroom door and walk down to the open archway.

  I followed his instructions and was speechless upon my arrival.

  I felt as if I had been transported into one of my smutty historical novels. The ‘grand hall’ as he’d called it, was indeed magnificent. It was large enough to fit an entire army comfortably. It reminded me of a medieval ballroom and also had stone walls and marble floors. Several seating areas were scattered throughout consisting of plush couches, chairs, and chaises, all in shades of burgundy, brown, and gold. On the ceiling were exposed beams, cascading into a cathedral-like dome, with a large iron chandelier hanging from the top. On each end of the room was a hearth made of stone inside of which I could easily stand. It was rather disconcerting how something that felt so old seemed so effortlessly modern. Leo was sitting in a chair near the fireplace on the left. He stood and walked over to greet me, grabbing my hands as he leaned in to kiss me on the cheek. I couldn’t help the shiver that followed.

  He smiled as he picked up on his effect on me. “You look incredible in that dress, my sweet,” he said. “Are yo
u hungry? I can make you something…I stopped by the grocery store last night before you came.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Planning a sleepover, were you?” I accused.

  He grinned. “I was just trying to be a good host by anticipating all of my guest’s needs.”

  I looked down at my dress. “I’d say you passed that test.”

  His eyes slowly roamed my body from head to toe, scrupulously examining my curves. His fangs lengthened as I’m sure he was imagining the black lace that was currently draped over said curves. “I can’t say my motives were entirely selfless,” he admitted.

  I blushed. “Well, regardless, I appreciate everything. Thank you.”

  He dipped his head to place a soft, sweet kiss on my lips. “It was my pleasure,” he whispered.

  I shivered again and broke away from him before I did something crazy like peel my new dress off. I walked over to the hearth, sat down in a chair, and cleared my throat. “I want to know about Maria, Leo.”

  He joined me in the adjacent chair. “Ah, yes. I didn’t think I’d be lucky enough to have you forget about that,” he said. “Where shall I start?”

  “How about the beginning?” I replied.

  He sighed. “The beginning it is then.”


  Leo shifted uncomfortably in his chair before starting. “What would you like to know first?” he asked.

  “How did you meet?” I replied.

  “Maria and I met in one of my clubs…in the early 1980’s.”


  “And what?” he countered.

  I rolled my eyes. “Leo, please don’t make me work for this,” I pleaded. “It’s pretty obvious you don’t enjoy discussing it, but I need to know.”

  He steepled his fingers. “Very well, my love. But you have to promise to keep in mind that I was a very different man back then.”


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