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Gastien Pt 1

Page 16

by Caddy Rowland

  Gastien learned to dig in dumpsters for food. He watched the restaurants to find out when they were emptying that evening’s trash. They would many times discard unused foods that would not keep. Sometimes, if they saw him and were kind, they would give him the food before it hit the trash. Most times they simply cursed him, yelling at him to stay away. He told himself it really was not so bad. If it had just hit the trash it was probably safe. Sometimes he got a whole piece of chicken or something else fully intact that a patron had been too full to eat and too lazy to take home. Other times he was not so lucky. Those nights he had to make do with partially eaten food or food that was ready to spoil.

  As January progressed, it was even colder. It snowed at night sometimes, although it melted during the day. Many nights Gastien could not find dry ground to sleep on anywhere. He would then lay his tarp on top of the dampness. He was amazed that he did not get sick. Some days he was grateful for that. Other days he wished he would just die. No matter what, he kept on painting as much as he could, whenever he could find a place to paint.

  He would stop by the park to check in with Mic at least a couple times a week, so that Mic would know he was ok. He could not stand the pity in Mic’s eyes, though, so he did not stay long. They would always talk about when Mic would be leaving and Gastien got his job, but even Gastien knew now that he would not get it.

  He was a mess, with both body and head lice. The red spots all over his body itched something terrible, even on his face. He had lost a lot of weight, making his filthy clothes hang loose. Gastien’s hair had grown over his ears on the sides, with the top always falling into his eyes. Since he could not afford to get it cut, he could not wait until it was long enough to tuck behind his ears.

  Mic had put some of Gastien’s work in the restaurant where he worked, but nothing much sold. This was always a slow time of the year. Gastien was grateful that his friend was trying to help him.

  By February he was so weak that he sometimes stumbled if he walked too long. He managed to get to Mic’s for his supplies almost every morning, and still he painted. At the end of the day in the third week of February he once again made his way to the alleys of the 6th to search for food in the dumpsters. He had not found anything he dared to eat for six days. Before that, he had eaten precious little for two weeks. Gastien was so dizzy and weak he wondered if he was dying after all. As he approached the dumpster at yet another restaurant, a server saw him. She took pity on him, calling him over. She then brought out a thick stew with three pieces of bread.

  “Be careful not to eat too fast. If you do, you will vomit it up,” she warned him. “I have to go back in. If I get caught, I will be fired.” As soon as she was gone, Gastien shoveled down the food. He could not pace himself, he was literally starving to death.

  As soon as he finished, he knew he had been foolish. Stomach rolling, it was evident that the food was going to come back up. He hardly got to his knees before he vomited the meal. Gastien retched until he thought his heart was going to explode. Once he was done, he felt weaker than ever. He could barely hold himself up. He knew that if he did not eat and keep food down, he would be dead by morning. Gastien was simply too weak to go on anymore.

  The colors called him to continue. The paintings he had yet to do danced in his head. Non! He would not die! He was put here to paint the color. He would not fail that calling! Suddenly, he knew what he had to do if he wanted to stay alive. There was no other choice. Soon, the thugs and addicts would be coming out. He began to breathe only through his mouth. Then, he bent over and ate his own vomit.

  How Gastien kept from vomiting again was a feat in itself. He fought the need to retch while eating it by thinking about colors and paints, getting a job, once again being with a female. When finished, Gastien crawled away, trying to gather what little strength he could find. He finally just collapsed behind a dumpster, without even taking out a blanket. If the rats want me, they can have me, he thought faintly to himself.

  He awoke a few hours later shivering. He managed to get his two filthy blankets out so that he could wrap up in them. He could not even worry about being eaten by rats or killed by a vagrant. Gastien was exhausted. He did not care about anything except sleep. Sleep that would heal and give him strength.

  At dawn, he once again woke up and managed to sit up. He remembered how he had eaten his own vomit, and instantly felt sick again. He fought it, knowing he had to keep from getting weaker. Finally, he tested his legs. Evidently the horrendous meal had done something for him after all, because he could walk. He forced himself to Mic’s to get his paints. Then he painted all day long.

  He painted as if his time on earth was running out, because it very likely was. The painting he did that day was his best so far. Looking at it, he knew that he had managed to become a skilled oil painter. There was a satisfaction in the knowledge of that, even if he got no further.

  For Gastien realized, as he looked at it, that he was heading nowhere and had no options. He would simply keep painting every day until he ran out of supplies. After that, perhaps the color would call him home. If not, then it had better present one hell of an opportunity. What that could possibly be, he did not know.


  That night, after eating from a dumpster yet again (at least he found food!), he decided to chance falling asleep behind a wagon in the alley. In this cold, any walking in the wind he could avoid was a benefit. Much later, he jerked awake. The hairs on the back of his neck were at full alert. Something bad was happening.

  Just a little way down the alley he heard a man begging for his life. He sat up, forcing his eyes to focus. Mon Dieu! There were two men down there, and one had a long knife! As Gastien watched, horrified, the man plunged the knife into the other man’s guts! The stabbed man slumped over and fell. He heard the other say, “That will teach you for beating me at cards you fils de pute!”

  Gastien would never know why he did what he did next. It would always remain a puzzle. He was half a block away, it was dark, and without thinking he yelled forcefully, “Drop your weapon! This is the police!” The man with the knife immediately fled.

  Gastien ran over to the extremely well dressed man lying on the ground. The amount of blood pouring from him told Gastien his wound was fatal. The man was gasping for air and clutching his intestines, which were pouring out of his body. His eyes rolled in his head, but he managed to focus back on Gastien.

  “Quick! Before he comes back. Take the money. Left pocket.” He gasped for breath. “Huge amount. You need it by the look and smell of you.” Blood poured from his mouth. He managed to continue, “That enculé lost it fair and square. He does not deserve it. Quickly!” His breathing was a rasp.

  Gastien was shocked. “Monsieur, I cannot rob a dying man! I will get a doctor.”

  “Don’t be a fool! I am dying! TAKE THE MONEY!” He paused, gathering strength. “Enough to rent a small room for at least a year and eat! Watch and ring, too. Hock them! You…will be, ahhh…set.” He grasped Gastien’s ankle, looked into his eyes. “Make something of yourself!” He was broke out in a cold sweat and shivering now. “TAKE THE DAMN MONEY! I want you to have it! Before he comes back! RUN LIKE HELL!”

  The reality of what the man said sunk in. Gastien quickly felt in the man’s left pocket, grabbing a huge roll of money. He then stripped him of his pocket watch and ring. “Merci beaucoup Monsieur! Merci beaucoup!”

  The man smiled a little, nodding. Then, he shuddered and died. Gastien shut the man’s eyes, stood up, and ran the opposite way down the alley from where the killer had left.

  When he got to the end of the alley, he forced himself to walk casually. He wanted to appear to be looking for a place to sleep. It would not do to call attention to himself. Shaking, Gastien tried to calm his pounding heart. This was his chance! From this man’s death, he could get redemption! He felt like he was in a dream. Could this really be happening? Gastien kept fondling the money and the jewelry.

  Gastien stepped back
into another alley, allowing the dark to cover for him. He stuffed the roll into his hidden pocket in his trousers. He decided to also put the jewelry there. His sweater and coat hid the bulge, and besides, who would want to put their hand in his trousers in this condition? He laughed bitterly to himself. For being told so often a few months ago how darling he was, things sure changed in a hurry! He doubted he could pay anybody enough to reach inside his trousers at this point!

  The very first thing he was going to do was go wait for Mic to get up. Mic would be able to tell him where to find a good doctor. He wanted to be rid of these damn lice. He made his way to Mic’s and waited impatiently for dawn to come. At six o’clock he could wait no longer. When Mic answered the door, Gastien simply said, “Mic, please forgive my early arrival, but I urgently need your help. Can you come out and talk with me?”

  “Of course I will come out, Gaz. Just let me get some proper clothes on,” replied Mic. He was wide awake the minute he heard the word “urgent”. A few minutes later, he came outside.

  “What’s up that has you asking for help this early? Are you in danger?” Mic asked worriedly. Gastien looked awful, and smelled worse. He had been afraid Gaz would die for the last month.

  “I am better than all right, my ami! Much better! I have been given a new chance! You won’t believe what has just happened!” Gastien told him about the scenario that had played out in the alley that night.

  Mic was stunned. He asked a lot of questions, saying, “I don’t believe it, I just can’t believe the unlikeliness of being in the wrong place at the right time, if you know what I mean!” Finally when it sank in he said, “Gaz, I am so happy for you! Now we need to get you cleaned up and get you that restaurant job! Oh mon Dieu, Gaz, do you know that two people have left Le Procope? One had a family emergency and one got caught stealing food for a friend. I was afraid you would not be able to apply, but now you can! Oh, Gaz, now you can! I have asked for the other full time position since I graduate next week. I am not going to Montmartre after all, not until I earn a bit more money. I will probably work at least another year.”

  Gastien could not believe his ears. A full time job? “Oh, Mic, that is unbelievable…but will he hire me? I know he told me that he wants experience.”

  “Oui. He will hire you. I will see to it that he has no choice! He and his wife will be in to eat in a couple of nights. Guess what? You are going to wait on them!” crowed Mic.

  Gastien laughed. “I will be very nervous! What if I spill on his wife or something?”

  Mic chided, “Then you will blow the opportunity, Gaz. But, come on, with the things you have probably seen and been through, this will be a breeze!”

  “You are right about that! Right now, though, I need you to tell me where a good doctor is in the area. I want to be rid of these damn lice! Hopefully, he will give me a good scrubbing down! Also, will you please go buy me a new set of clothes? I will get a couple more sets later, but I can’t stand to put these on again after I get cleaned up. They need to be burned.”

  Mic shuddered. “Gladly. I hate to say it, Gaz, but you smell like shit. For real.” He looked at Gaz, waiting to see if he would be angry. Instead, they both burst out laughing.

  “I smell worse than shit, ami! Now, head me to that damned doctor. Can you take the time to get me the clothes, or will you be late for class?”

  “Oui and oui. Don’t worry about it. It is free time to work on a final project. I am ahead of the game there. In fact, why don’t we walk together, then I will go in to get us both some breakfast. You are buying your own, of course!” He smiled at Gaz. “We will eat outside, you stink too bad to come inside yet, you mangy dog.”

  “So I have been told for the past couple of months. I have not been allowed in most places.”

  They walked to the 6th, then Mic went in and got coffee, eggs, and fresh biscuits. Gastien gave him money for all of it. He figured Gaz would be extra hungry so he bought him six eggs scrambled and four biscuits with honey. Coming out of the restaurant, they walked over to the park to sit down. Mic wolfed down his food. Gastien knew this time to pace himself a bit.


  When they were finished, Mic walked with him to the doctor’s office. The doctor smiled at Mic, involuntarily drawing back when he caught the odor wafting from Gastien. “Doc, as you can tell, my friend needs cleaning up and checking over. He has lice and stinks like hell,” Mic stated. “Please take care of him, check him over, and get him cleaned up. I want to assure you that he has the money to pay for it. My artist friend has just come into a small inheritance.” With that he winked at Gastien. “I will be back with some clothes. After that, we will find you a decent room in a safe building. Later you can shop for some new personal items. ”

  The doctor shook Gastien’s hand. “I am Dr. Morel. We will fix you up and get you good as new. It looks like you had a period of pretty rough times. Don’t worry. I am sure soon you will be looking and feeling much better.”

  Gastien smiled shyly. “Hopefully smelling better too!” They all laughed.

  “Oui, that is a promise, young man!” the doctor said. Turning to Mic he continued, “Don’t hurry back. It will take some time to get him treated for the lice. Then I want to look him over. If you come back about one o’clock he should be ready to go look for a place to stay.”

  “Great!” said Mic. “I will be back then. Any preferences on what to buy for clothes, Gastien?”

  “Non, I trust your judgment.” He dug out some money. “This should more than cover it. Merci, Mic. You are a good ami.”

  After Mic left, the doctor took Gastien to the back. “The first thing I am going to have you do is strip down. We will have to burn these clothes. Go through your belongings for anything that you want to keep, but all clothing and blankets, things like that should be burned. Once you are stripped and have separated out the items that are to be burned, go through that door. There is a shower set up in there. You will stand aside, turn on the faucets, and then adjust the temperature. Once it is nice and warm, step in, letting the water come out above your head. Soap down and just let the dirt run off. Use the liquid in the bottle for washing your hair. It is kinder to hair than the bar soap. This is not going to kill the lice. We will use tea tree oil for that, but I want you clean first. That way, you won’t be sitting in filthy water while I treat your hair.”

  Gastien looked embarrassed. “I will be sitting in a tub while you treat me?”

  The doctor smiled patiently. “It is the easiest way. Plus I will use as hot of water as you can sit in, as that will kill the body lice. It is a very deep tub for such purposes. Up to your neck. You will use a special soap in the tub to kill them, too. Make sure to wash your genitals and other private areas well in the shower first, as you don’t want to scrub with the soap for the lice in those areas! Don’t be embarrassed. I have seen lots of people with lice, and lots of naked men.”

  “I just feel a lot like trash,” Gastien confessed. “It is embarrassing. I am trying to make a living as a painter. It has not been easy.”

  “No need to explain or apologize. I understand. I will also trim off your beard if you wish, then give you a straight edge, if you know how to use it without lopping off an ear.

  “I paint small details, so shaving is not a challenge to me like it is for some,” smiled Gastien.

  “Then let’s get you cleaned up so you can start your new life!” The doctor clapped Gastien on the back. Gastien stripped as soon as the doctor had left the room. Mon Dieu he stank! He did not know which smelled worse, his clothes or his body. He quickly grabbed the few things he owned that did not have to be burned, piling the rest on the floor. There was a clean robe hanging on the door, which he assumed he would put on after showering, along with a thick, fluffy towel and a washing cloth.

  Gastien stepped over to the shower. It was the first shower he had ever seen. Seeing that the faucets were marked cold and hot, he turned them both on carefully, staying out of the way of the water unti
l it felt right to his hand. Then he stepped in. It was heaven! Gastien sighed as the warm water ran over his head and down his body. The water felt so good! He shuddered as he saw the dirty water that ran down the drain. He was even dirtier than he had imagined. He soaped up the washing cloth and began to clean away months of living on the streets. There was not a crevice or crook of his body that did not get scrubbed! Finally, he washed his hair.

  After drying off he put on the fluffy robe. Then Gastien opened the door and waited until the doctor came to get him.

  “You already look and smell wonderful! Please bring your valuables along with you in this bag,” Dr. Morel instructed. “Let me look to make sure that you are not keeping something by mistake that should be burned.”

  Once that was done, the doctor led Gastien down the hall to another room. There was a big tub in there with steam rising from it. “Jump in, Son!” the doctor said. Gastien sank down into the tub. The hot water and Epson salts went to work on his sore muscles and ligaments. “Unfortunately, the tea tree oil will sting a bit on the scalp. I am sorry. But I guarantee it WILL kill the head lice. I am going to leave you in here for about thirty minutes first, just to soak your muscles. Please use the soap, too. That will kill any of the body lice the heat does not get. Oh! And don’t worry about the red bumps. Once the little varmints are gone, your skin will heal quickly. I will also give you some lotion to put on after we are done. That will take the redness away immediately and speed the healing. See you in half an hour.”

  Gastien must have fallen asleep as soon as he shaved and washed with the strong soap, because before he knew it the doctor was back. Dr. Morel saw the scars on Gastien’s back and looked startled. “These scars on you back…do you want to tell me how you got them?”


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