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Gastien Pt 1

Page 38

by Caddy Rowland

  Mic looked at him funny. “Sure. Wow, that had to be a prolonged whoopin’. Your gut, too, huh?”

  Gastien did not answer. When Mic went to reach out to him, he grabbed Gastien around the upper arm, below the shoulder. Gastien yelled in pain. Mic immediately jerked his hand back. That was no bar fight. Why would he be hurt on his arm? Confused, Mic didn’t say anything.

  Gastien walked up to the door and unlocked it. Mic just stared. “You mean this whole lower part of the building is yours? It is huge!” He looked totally bewildered now.

  “The upstairs, too, Mic. I own the whole building.”

  “OWN??? But, how? I mean, this building would not be cheap, even if it is in Montmartre. What did you do, rob a bank?”

  “Non, I did not rob a bank. We just had a business agreement.” Gastien walked into the building. Mic followed.

  “A business agreement? I still don’t understand,” Mic pressed. Gaz kept walking. “Gaz, how did you get this studio? Are you pulling my leg?” He hurried up to Gastien and stood in front of him. He wanted answers. Then he noticed that Gastien was blushing deep red and would not meet his eyes. “Gaz? What in the world is wrong? Why the embarrassment? Did a woman sign it over in the heat of passion?”

  Gastien snapped, “Quit asking questions, Mic. It was a simple business arrangement. That is all. Who knows what makes the gentry do the things they do? I painted. He paid me, plus gave me this.”

  Something did not feel right. “Come on, Gaz, I am not an idiot. There is more to it than that.”

  Then he stopped. Gastien had turned his back and he could see his ami’s shoulders shaking. Mon Dieu, he was crying! Suddenly, Mic knew. He did not know the details, did not know of the group rape, but he knew Gastien had sold himself. He also knew Gastien was afraid of what Mic would think if he told him.

  What an awful decision to make, Mic thought. But, can I honestly say I would not do the same if given the chance? It is a hard life, painting. Gastien had already almost died on the streets. I don’t know that I would do it, but until I had to live like he did, I can’t answer. Mic knew that the important thing was that Gastien felt accepted. Obviously, he did not want to talk about it, so that he could pretend Mic did not know. Mic put his arm around Gastien’s shoulders.

  “Hey, ami, it is your best friend, Mic. I don’t know how you got this studio, and I don’t care. I really don’t. Maybe it was a simple agreement, maybe you went through hell. The wonderful thing is, it is yours now! You deserve it more than most. Hell, I smelled you during those times on the street!” That broke the tension, and they both laughed. “Congrats, ami. I am very, very happy for you!”

  Gastien looked Mic in the eyes. “Mic...I just can’t – ”


  “It was nothing as bad as you are probably thinking.”

  “Good.” He is lying, thought Mic, it was worse. Something awful had happened to Gastien.

  “Well, let’s move on. This first floor is going to be both my studio and my home. I want it one big, open room. I will have a wall built so it is not so big. The other part will be where I store supplies and paintings. I may lease out part of it, too, I don’t know.”

  “It is a jewel, Gaz! It will be beautiful when you get the floors clean. Wow! Beautiful!” Mic exclaimed. He was sad that Gastien had to have suffered for it, but really happy his ami had this security now.

  “Here, come out back. The yard is big. Look, there is a pump! My own water!” Gastien cried happily. He could almost forget the ordeal, if he weren’t so sore.

  Mic whistled when he saw the back yard. “You have a lot of garden space. You going to farm again, Gaz?” he teased.

  “Ha! Hardly. There are a couple fruit trees, though. I may plant a few vegetables, I don’t know. No cauliflower!” he laughed.

  “But you eat it! I have seen you,” joked Mic.

  “Oui, I eat it. I just don’t ever want to grow it again!”

  They went out front to go upstairs. Gastien gasped when he tried to climb the steps. “You go on up, Mic. I can’t make it. As you will see, the space is almost identical in basic layout.”

  When Mic came back down, he asked, “What in the world are you going to do with that?”

  “I want to lease it to an artist.”

  “Nice! You will soon be a land baron!”

  Gastien chuckled. “Hardly. Not in Montmartre.” They both laughed. Montmartre was still primitive in that there was no running water, gas lighting or indoor toilets. “Mic, I need to ask you a huge favor. I will pay you for it.”

  “Fine, what do you need?”

  “I am going to have a locksmith change the locks today. There will be a different key for each level. I want you to have a set. I would like you to oversee the work until I get here. I will draw up plans for the lower level, give you a budget to stay within, and money. We will hire people together during my days off. I need to know someone is watching to make sure things get done as I want them. Would you do that?”

  “Sure I would, Gaz. I wish I could say you did not have to pay me, but if I am not painting at all I will probably need the money. So, merci.”

  “No need. You are helping me out, not the other way. I am also hoping you will design the upstairs studio, because I don’t have time. Again, I will pay you. Just stay within the budget I give you. Think about what you would want it to look like, what you would like it to have, if you were going to lease it. If you would like it, a renter would. Would you do that?”

  Mic was excited. “I sure would! It won’t be fancy, but it would need lots of light. Let’s talk budget tonight at dinner.”

  “It will need to be at lunch. I can’t stay long today, I am too weak. Soon we will eat a lot of dinners together. By the way, I will be moving my art and supplies to Montmartre right away. Can you make sure they are safe? When the people come to do work, could you move my belongings out of the way? I can’t be here all of the time, yet. I have to finish one last portrait.”

  “Of course I will,” assured Mic.

  “I will be coming on Sundays and Mondays for a few weeks now to clean it out. You will see me around then, but all dusty and dirty,” explained Gastien.

  Mic grinned. “That will make two of us, because I will help you. And you won’t be paying me for that. Deal?”

  “Deal.” Gastien smiled at his ami. “I don’t think I could ask for a better friend.”

  Mic looked at him seriously. “Merci. I knew the first time our eyes met through the restaurant window that you were meant to be my closest friend. I don’t know why. I just knew.”

  “Hell, that’s just because I was the first person stupid enough to like your work!”

  “I’d like to give you a good punch in the face for that, but – “

  “Oui, someone beat you to it.” They both laughed.

  “Well, now it is my turn to say merci,” Gastien said seriously. “There was no reason to befriend me, yet you did.” They were both silent, almost embarrassed that they had admitted so much.

  Mic laughingly said, “Don’t go make kissing noises again or I will run out the door!” As soon as he said it, he was sorry. Before he could say anything more, Gastien fixed it. He laughed louder than he had all day.

  “Mic, I don’t think you have to worry about me ever making kissing noises at you again. Trust me on that one. Now, let’s go have lunch.”

  During lunch, Gastien told Mic that he would be done with the final portrait a month early. He further explained that he needed to take some time to go away somewhere remote and just be by himself.

  “I have done a lot of hard partying, as you know. I have also had a lot of sexual marathons. Both my mind and body are exhausted. The doctor says I need to let myself just exist for awhile. I don’t know how long I will be gone, but the first of September would be the latest I will arrive here to live. I hope you understand why I need to do this, Mic. I will trust you to make sure things get set up right.”

  Mic nodded. “I un
derstand. Gaz, I have been so worried about you the past year! You have been so driven and eaten up inside. Many times I thought you were going over the edge. I am glad to hear you are going to find the old Gaz again. Not that I don’t expect to party when you get back! But, I think we can agree that you were abusing yourself a lot. As for your studios, I promise things will be just as you want them.”


  When Gastien got back to the cottage he took a long nap. As the days passed, strength was returning, along with a lessening of pain. On about the tenth day, he went for a nice, long walk. Coming back, he happened to hear Jean Luc and Annah in the flower garden. Gastien was not usually someone who listened in on private conversations, but he heard his name.

  “Well, Jean Luc, you sure got into a fine mess with your lover boy Gastien. Your lack of consideration for the possible consequences stuns me, I must say,” Annah was saying.

  “What do you mean? I know things got out of hand, but he is being paid off!” Jean Luc shot back indignantly.

  “Oui. To the tune of a large piece of real estate that could have earned us some money! That is a pretty expensive trinket to throw to the likes of him, isn’t it? But, then, of course YOU had to go and fall in love with the man. Then, in a jealous rage, arrange a group buggering by Lord knows how many – just because he does not love you. What kind of an idiot are you anyway?”

  “I am not an idiot, Annah. I simply let my emotions get the best of me. I did not mean for him to get buggered, as you so elegantly put it. That was NOT supposed to happen. I would not wish rape on anyone. What I gave him for that is my business, not yours. I am surprised he lived!”

  Annah sniffed. “Well, perhaps you did not mean for it to happen, but you DID mean for him to service them in some way. And the bottom line is he agreed, for a price. He got what he deserved, if you ask me. He is common. Trashy. Like all peasants. Why couldn’t you keep that in your head? He is a fabulous painter. That I will give him. He could have been a nice sex toy for you, but you had to try to make it more. What in the world did you think? That a simple commoner would only do something like that for love? They all want money, Jean Luc. That is all that matters to them.”

  “I said I made a mistake. I fell in love. I can’t help it!”

  “I thought only women were that weak! Even I could use him for sexual purposes and not fall in love! You fool! You almost ruined us!” she snapped.

  “I am sorry! I think it will be ok.” He stopped. “By the way, are you telling me that you did actually have sex with him, too? The icy Annah?”

  “What would you know about my needs, Jean Luc? I am not cold, if I have a man around! Oh, don’t look so disgusted. You of all people should not judge. If you must know, oui, I allowed him to have sex with me. Several times, in fact. He was very good at it, too! I guess I will have to say that for the peasant, he knows how to use his bite. Still, I would never fall in love with him. He is not my class, and I would never forget that, unlike too many of the women in this city.”

  “Well, why sleep with him then?” inquired Jean Luc waspishly. “Why lower yourself?”

  “Two reasons, darling. First, I had heard over and over how good he was. And he is. He does as much magic with his bite as he does with a paintbrush. Second, I wanted another child. I now have one inside of me.”

  “You mean you wanted him to impregnate you? Someone of his stature?”

  Annah laughed. “Why not? He is good looking, I am good looking. The baby will not want in that department. Additionally, it will be raised as gentry. I will make damn sure my child is not anywhere near common. I will also make damn sure you are never alone with it should it be male.”

  Jean Luc was appalled. “Surely you don’t think I would do something to a child?”

  “I have no idea anymore what you would do! You proved that by falling in love with that little artist whore!” She looked up in time to see Gastien walking toward them. Annah blushed bright red. “Gastien! You startled me! Were you here long?”

  He looked at her, then at Jean Luc, shrugging. “Long enough.” He turned to walk away. Looking over his shoulder he stated, “Oh! Congratulations on your newly expected arrival. You must both be very proud.”

  Gastien was fuming as he entered the cottage. He wondered if there was anything honest about that family. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that they both planned on using me as their family fuck puppet, he admonished himself. And here I worried about doing something with their daughters that would upset them! Why is it that the gentry are such liars, yet think themselves so much better than anyone else?

  The more he paced, the madder he got. How dare Annah say he deserved what he got? What did she know about struggle? He felt sick that his child was being carried inside of someone so heartless. How could anyone know what had happened to him and say any human deserved that? He hated this family! Except for Vivienne. She had done nothing to him. She actually thought he was wonderful. Ha! He wondered what Annah would think if she knew her eldest mooned over him.

  Vivienne had brought Gastien flowers every day, leaving them on the doorstep after knocking gently. By the time he got to the door she was always gone. But he knew her scent. It was Vivienne. Sighing, Gastien settled down to paint. Maybe that would lighten his mood.


  The next afternoon he walked up to the house. When a servant answered the door Gastien simply said, “Tell the family I am ready to continue painting at nine o’clock tomorrow morning.” Then he turned and left. The three women showed up in the morning. Jean Luc would join in the afternoon as usual.

  “I am glad to see that you are feeling better, Gastien,” said Vivienne.

  “Merci, Vivienne,” smiled Gastien.

  “It IS good to have Gastien back painting, isn’t it Mother?” agreed Véronique.

  Annah looked at Gastien. “Oui. It is nice to see that you are on the mend. We were all worried about you.”

  “Ah. Well, I appreciate you all respecting my privacy while I healed. Now, hopefully the bruises will fade before I am fifty!” He winked at Vivienne. She blushed. Annah glared.

  “Oh, Annah, don’t glare. I simply winked at my joke. Vivienne will be married soon, don’t you think I know that? Nor do I forget that I am of a different class. That is a definite,” he chuckled. “Let’s get started!”

  The next few weeks went by with painting, Gastien going to Montmartre to clean up his studio, and hiring workers. He figured out a budget for both the downstairs and upstairs, giving Mic a copy. Soon it was July 10th. Gastien had healed nicely. He was looking good again, after a month. There was still faint bruising in places, but you really had to stare to see it.


  One Monday he had come back early from Montmartre, after sleeping there the night before on the floor. He had been so exhausted that he simply did not want to get a cabriolet to take him to the cottage. The cleanout was finally done. Gastien would bring his paintings next week during his days off along with his supplies, leaving only what he needed to finish the portrait. He would keep the easel and any other supplies that were not used up.

  A good soak in the tub washed dust out of his hair. Gastien then dried off to take a nap. Putting on a nightshirt, he went into the bathroom to brush his teeth. When he came out, Vivienne was there. Once again he noticed how lovely she was. She had her mother’s looks with none of the iciness.

  “Vivienne! Don’t you knock before entering?” he chided her. It was not good for her to just come in. He had drawn the shutters in preparation for his nap. “It is not decent for you to see me in my nightshirt!”

  “Gastien? I want to say, well, I just – “ she stopped, and looked down. She was very uncomfortable.

  “What is it Vivienne? You should not be here, you know, but is there something you need?”

  She hesitated, looking up at him. Her deep blue eyes stared into his. “Oui. There is something I need. Close your eyes for a minute, will you please?”

  Gastien smiled. She
could be so young sometimes. She must have flowers again. He closed his eyes. Suddenly, he felt her lips on his. As he tried to pull away, her arms went around him.

  “Please don’t say non! Please,” whispered Vivienne.

  He looked at her as she smiled. Then she explored his mouth timidly with her lips. What the hell, he thought. Why should I care what Annah thinks anymore?

  “Use your tongue,” he whispered back. “You will find it much nicer if you use your tongue. Do you want me to show you?”

  She nodded. Gastien slowly kissed her, wrapping his arms around her, filling his hands with her hair. “You are so beautiful, Vivienne,” he whispered. Then he gently slid his tongue into her mouth, exploring slowly. “See? Isn’t that nicer? You try it now.”

  Vivienne slid her tongue into Gastien’s mouth. As she became less shy, she explored his mouth more boldly. Finally he pulled away.

  “Vivienne? Do you understand what you are doing? I am not Prince Charming. Don’t get your heart caught up in this. I don’t want a girlfriend. Am I making myself clear?”

  Vivienne stepped back and breathed. She looked up at him and nodded. “Oui. I want you Gastien. I want you to be the first.”

  “I am not experienced with virgins, chèri. I may hurt you.”

  “I don’t care.”

  Gastien walked over and locked the door. “Then come here. Let me undress you. Let me get you ready for my bed.” He slowly undressed her, and then he lay next to her.

  “Aren’t you going to take your nightshirt off, Gastien?” she giggled.

  “Well, I thought maybe I was going too fast,” he confessed, “I am not sure how to deflower a virgin!”

  He got up, pulling his nightshirt over his head. She reached out to touch his hairy chest, and then wrapped her hand around him. “Are you sure that fits?” she asked innocently. “Maybe some fit only in certain women.”

  Gastien laughed kindly. “It will fit just fine, chèri. It will hurt at first I am told, but it will fit. Let me get you ready.” He kissed her deeply for several minutes. Then Gastien used his hands and his mouth to make sure that she was aroused. When he began to explore her chatte with his mouth, she tried to push his face away. He whispered, “Don’t be embarrassed, chèri. Not many men do this, so just enjoy it.”


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