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Beyond the Nightmare Gate

Page 12

by Ian Page

  If you wish to help Spittlethrift and the Academicians, turn to 210.

  If you feel you must refuse, turn to 282.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 299.


  The Chaos-birds circle overhead and Tanith chants over the Key as the birds form up to attack. As they hurtle towards you, the giant wolf that Tanith summons rears up to meet them, but it is not sufficiently strong to resist the charge of all the evil birds.

  Turn to 83.


  You remove the Spider Key from its hook and grasp it tightly. A strange tingling sensation travels from your fingertips all the way up your arm. The Key shimmers and then transforms into a real spider the size of your palm. Tanith screams with fright and, before you have time to react, you feel a sharp, stinging pain. In seconds, the poison injected by the spider is coursing through your veins: lose 8 ENDURANCE points.

  If you are still alive, you must choose from the remaining Keys.26

  If you choose the Eagle Key, turn to 227.

  If you choose the Wolf Key, turn to 235.

  If you choose the Serpent Key, turn to 240.

  If you choose the Dragon Key, turn to 277.

  [26] You may only choose a Key that you have not already tried.


  Concentrating even harder, your temples throb with the effort of sustaining the trance state as you think through your adventures with Tanith in the lands of the Shadakine Empire. When, finally, you reach the confrontation with the shadow demon, the Kleasá, at the campfire south of Suhn, Tanith begins to murmur in choked sobs, ‘Could it be? Is it really you?’

  If you wish to expend a further WILLPOWER point to continue your spell, turn to 276.

  If you wish to give up, turn to 265.


  The Elessi's suspicions have been aroused. He reaches out with his hand and speaks again in a harsh and authoritative tone. He is demanding something from you.

  If you wish to show him the Glass Rod, turn to 267.

  If you wish to show him the Parchment, turn to 289.

  If you wish to show him the Gold Coin, turn to 333.

  If you wish to show him the Silver Coin, turn to 348.

  If you wish to show him the Copper Coin, turn to 90.


  ‘Looking for me?’ asks a contemptuous voice. You look up and see a hooded figure dressed in black, carrying a long, black staff. Slowly the hood is pulled away to reveal your own face staring back at you. ‘Greetings, brother,’ your own voice laughs, coldly. ‘We meet at last.’

  Turn to 291.


  The stairway is directly in front of you, the entrance behind, and the smaller door to your left. Having decided that you wish to head for the stairs, you must now choose your route.

  If you wish to walk to the flagstone in the centre of the room that bears one sword, turn to 311.

  If you wish to step onto the flagstone bearing two swords directly in front of you, turn to 40.


  You walk over to one of the black holes situated close by. Peering in you can see only an absolute, impenetrable blackness. ‘Perhaps these, too, are Gateways,’ suggests Tanith.

  If you wish to put your hand into the hole, turn to 323.

  If you wish to enter the hole, turn to 269.

  If you wish to continue towards the Crystal Tower, turn to 302.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 337.


  Without hesitation you turn back down the stairs. You hear the soft, leathery flap of the lizard's feet as it pursues you. ‘Quickly,’ Tanith gasps. ‘It's right behind us.’

  If you wish to turn and attack the beast, turn to 308.

  If you wish to run to the room of mirrors, turn to 321.


  You explain your quest in detail; you tell of the Academicians who hold Tanith in the Crystal Tower, and of your need to give them the Threnogem. Patiently the Guardian listens to your story without interruption, nodding occasionally. When you have finished, the Guardian tells you the true nature of the Threnogem and of the strange statue in which it rests.

  Turn to 245.


  You are soon discovered. Laughing musically, the Elessin pull aside the branches and undergrowth that hide you. Feeling rather foolish, you allow yourself to be led out of the grove. The Elessin also discover your Ethetron. They chatter, excitedly, pointing at both the flying machine and the sky as they speak. You soon realize that they wish you to go to the Singing City with them.

  If you wish to go with the Elessin, turn to 45.

  If you wish to refuse, turn to 66.


  At the cost of 2 WILLPOWER points, you throw down the door with a sheet of magical fire. As the door falls from its hinges and crashes to the ground, a narrow flight of stairs is revealed.

  If you wish to step forward, turn to 125.

  If you wish to go back to the large stairway, turn to 239.


  To your surprise, the palace appears deserted. Perhaps it is a temple where people meet only at certain times, or a sacred place, which only a select few are allowed to enter.

  If you wish to mount the steps and enter the palace, turn to 208.

  If you wish to wait for nightfall to attempt to investigate the palace under cover of darkness, turn to 121.


  Heart pounding, you spin round, your Staff held in readiness to attack. The lizard bursts into the room. With a look of horror it instantly tries to leave but it is too late. Its own baleful gaze, a gaze which turns others to stone, is reflected on itself. It stops dead in its tracks, a victim of its own fatal power.

  Turn to 250.


  Feeling a little apprehensive, you attempt to gauge the height of the tower. It stands at least 30 metres tall: the climb will be arduous and dangerous.

  ‘I'm going to try to climb it,’ you say to Tanith.

  ‘Do you think you can make it?’ She shakes her head doubtfully.

  If you possess a Rope and wish to use it, turn to 217.

  If you do not have a Rope, turn to 292.


  You break the trance and breathe out through clenched teeth. Tanith is confused. She tries to make sense of the visions that you have placed in her mind and the magical compulsion that forces her to fear you. Outside, you hear a voice that sends an icy chill through your body.

  ‘How sad. Tragic. Such a waste of energy on a girl who despises you.’ You rush out of the room to see a hooded figure dressed entirely in black and carrying a long, black staff. Slowly, deliberately, the hood is pulled away to reveal your own face looking back at you. ‘Greetings, brother,’ sneers a voice identical to your own. ‘We meet at last,’ it laughs, mockingly.

  Turn to 291.


  As you walk towards the exit, an iron door slides shut in front of you, cutting off your access. There is only one other exit and you decide to investigate it rather than deal with the problem of the closed iron door.

  Turn to 221.


  You take out the Glass Rod, unaware of its purpose or use. The guard looks at the Rod, then at you and, before you can stop him, he reaches out and snatches away the hood that covers your dark hair. Instantly he grabs you and, within seconds, a large group of Elessin rushes out of a blue glass building and surrounds you.

  If you wish to try to fight your way to freedom, turn to 313.

  If you decide to surrender, turn to 342.


  At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, you search for some warning of danger and discover that the door is locked to prevent something from getting out.

  Turn to 295.


  You pass through the hole into total darkness and begin to fall. You try to scream but can make no sound. You are doomed to tumble forever in eternal silence, through a realm of nothingness.

bsp; Your quest ends here.


  Quietly, at first, a muted scream comes from deep within the frozen figure, growing in volume until it reaches a hideous roar. The dissonant wail freezes you to the spot. You cover your ears but you cannot block out the sound. The ground begins to tremble and the palace shudders and begins to fall. Within minutes you are crushed beneath shards of falling debris. You have released the Screaming God and the Singing City is no more.

  Your life and your adventure end here.


  The shriek of the Elessi's pipe is the last sound you will ever hear. Clutching your tortured head in agony, you crumple and fall to the ground.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  A shape of monstrous proportions rears up and shoots a white-hot plume of dragon-fire at you, heralding your terrible and instantaneous death. In a huge and soaring ball of flame, you pass from this world, slain by the dragon that has been called to destroy you.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  The Jahksa has chosen to leave this realm and his body is dematerializing before your eyes. ‘Thanks for the entertainment, Wizardling … ’ he sneers as he disappears, and you hear his fading voice. ‘We shall meet again.’

  ‘I shall look forward to that,’ you say, through gritted teeth.

  ‘Come, Grey Star,’ says Tanith. ‘We must speak with Oz-na-Mun if we are to find our way out of this place.’

  You find Oz-na-Mun in his shack. The gaunt-faced man looks up at you with solemn eyes. ‘The evil one — has he gone?’

  ‘Yes,’ says Tanith. ‘He will not return.’

  ‘Good. You have my sympathy, Grey Star. It must be a terrible trial to have a foe such as he.’

  ‘It is Shasarak who is the foe,’ you say, ‘and he is cunning. For surely there is something that each of us fears in ourselves. What better opponent than a creature that wears my shape, knows my thoughts, and can anticipate my moves?’

  ‘I hear that you seek the Moonstone,’ says Oz-na-Mun. You nod your reply. ‘I have prepared a map for you. It will guide you to the Gate by which you can leave this realm. There is a mountain that lies nearby. It is called the Moaning Mountain because of the sound of the wind that blows through it. In the side of the mountain is a cavern: the Gate is there. The Gate leads to a place that people call the Vale of Peace. The people of the Vale are wise and kind and they will show you the way to the hidden realm of the Moonstone.’ He hands you the Cloth Map. (Mark this as a Special Item on your Action Chart; it can be carried in a small pocket inside your robe.)

  You bid farewell to Oz-na-Mun and return to the Ethetron. Soon you are heading for the Moaning Mountain and the Gate that will carry you from the Realm of Paradox to the Vale of Peace.

  Turn to 158.


  You head towards the gate and the Elessin guard regards you with a look of astonishment. He speaks to you but you can only shrug, for you do not understand. He offers no threat, but bows, and with a welcoming sweep of his hand bids you pass through the gate. You enter a long avenue of crystal stones, alert for the slightest sign of danger.

  Turn to 279.


  ‘I will take what is mine,’ he says. He reaches out to take the Moonstone, a greedy gleam in his eyes. You have seconds in which to act.

  If you wish to attack the Jahksa, turn to 243.

  If not, turn to 218.


  With one final effort you throw a further WILLPOWER point into your attempt to reach Tanith. The effort is strenuous and also costs you 1 ENDURANCE point. Your illusion is almost over and you begin to fear that you will fail but, as you reach your reunion with Tanith at the Shadow Gate, a glimmer of recognition lights in her eyes. ‘Is it true?’ she whispers. ‘Is it really true?’ Unsteadily, she climbs to her feet and walks towards you with slow, faltering steps. She stands before you and you sense that you have broken through the barrier that covered her mind. You reach out and draw her near to you.

  ‘It's me,’ you whisper.

  ‘Grey Star,’ she sobs. ‘I thought … it was in my mind … the Black Wizard, he had your face. He took me from the Crystal Tower and brought me here. The Chaos-master asked me what gift I desired and I asked for you, Grey Star. Then the Chaos-master told me that the Black Wizard was you and then my mind was full of hate and loathing. I … ’

  ‘You don't have to explain; it's all right, I understand,’ you say. From outside the shack, a sneering voice sends an unnatural chill through your body.

  ‘How touching; how nice. Such understanding.’ The evil voice laughs, mockingly. You run outside to see a hooded figure in a black robe carrying a black staff. Slowly, deliberately, the hood is pulled aside to reveal your own face; your own eyes stare back at you as if you were looking into a mirror. ‘Greetings, brother,’ says your voice, with a bitter laugh. ‘We meet at last.’

  Turn to 291.


  You take up the Key. As you go to place it in the lock, a terrifying sound freezes you to the spot. First, you hear the rattling of wings, and then you see a looming shadow of huge proportions; it is a dragon of old! Green and scaly, the monstrous winged reptile hurtles towards you, its razor-like teeth bared to the sunless sky. A bright plume of flame trails from its mouth and the heat of the flame sears your face. In moments the dragon will be upon you. Bravely, you step forward and prepare to meet this terrifying challenge. ‘Wait!’ screams Tanith. ‘Let me deal with this!’

  If you wish to ignore Tanith and engage the dragon in close combat, turn to 272.

  If you decide to follow Tanith's advice, turn to 153.


  You are back in the Neverness; the bleak, sunless sky and the unending plain of grey cloud stretches away from you.27 Soon you sight the familiar shape of the Crystal Tower and land the craft close to its door. ‘Spittlethrift!’ you shout. ‘I have returned. Come, take your prize.’ A window in the tower opens and the face of Spittlethrift appears. He is ashen-grey and trembling with fear.

  ‘Go away!’ he calls. ‘We've nothing else to give you. The girl … she was not ours to give in the first place.’

  ‘It is I, Grey Star,’ you shout. ‘Open up. I have brought the Threnogem as I promised.’

  The little man stares down at you, shocked and afraid. ‘But … but,’ he stammers, ‘you have only just left, you … you were changed, so full of darkness and … this is not possible!’

  ‘Let me in,’ you demand, ‘or it will be the worse for you.’

  The window slams shut and after a short wait, Spittlethrift throws open the door. ‘Is it really you?’ he asks, incredulous.

  ‘What has happened?’ you demand, growing angry. ‘Where is Tanith? Return her to me!’

  ‘She is gone. You … or, should I say, someone like you was here but a short while ago. We could not understand the change in you, you had so much more power. We were afraid. We gave up the girl, even though the Threnogem had not been brought back to us.’

  After more questioning, you are able to piece together what happened while you were in the Realm of the Singing City. It seems that someone who looked exactly like you, clad in a black robe, came to the Crystal Tower. He had an evil countenance and was able to master the Academicians easily. They gave up Tanith to the Black Wizard and he left. He had been asking questions about the Realm of Paradox and one named Oz-na-Mun, the man with the mighty hand. It appears that he was on his way there. The Academicians say that he had no craft but was able to travel the realms at will.

  If your Gyronome has been blessed by the Guardian of the Screaming God, turn to 303.

  If it has not, turn to 314.

  [27] If you left your Backpack in the Ethetron, you now regain access to it and all of the items therein.


  You seem to be attracting a great deal of attention. Many Elessin are watching you and some have even started to follow you along the street. A few Elessin children a
re pulling at your robe and some of the adults come forward to question you. They receive a helpless shrug in reply.

  Turn to 238.


  You make a complete circuit of the beautiful city. There is no other gateway, although you notice a section of city wall, sheltered by an arch and covered with thick, blue foliage.

  If you wish to try to climb the city wall, turn to 48.

  If you wish to enter the city through the city gate, turn to 274.

  If you possess a Mind Gem and wish to use it, turn to 301.

  If you possess the Magical Power of Enchantment and wish to try to pass the guard undetected, turn to 294.


  The Chaos-birds are circling the becalmed Ethetron as Tanith chants over the Key. They draw together, ready to attack, but then suddenly break into shrieks of alarm. Like you they can hear the rustle and flap of leathery wings beating the air. The birds are thrown into a panic as the howling dragon falls upon them. The Ethetron is buffeted as the dragon and the Chaos-birds battle in mid-air.


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