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Bred by the Jungle Tentacle Plant: The Complete Trilogy

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by Kylie Ashcroft


  Bred by the Jungle Tentacle Plant

  Breeding in Paradise

  The Final Breeding

  Bred by the Jungle Tentacle Plant


  Dr. Elizabeth Morrel was up to her knees in mud. She took a wrong turn somewhere, into a mossy dim area of the rainforest, and then with one careless step she sunk deep into a patch of dark black mud. The cold wetness seeped through the fabric of her pants, a shiver going up her spine. Even though she was hot and sweaty, the feeling of the squishy mud was unsettling.

  Blowing a stray lock of blonde hair from her eyes, she grabbed a nearby tree trunk and slowly pulled herself out, hoping her boot wouldn't be swallowed into the gunk. She was at least a three hour walk from the small Topnomee tribe encampment where she was staying during her research trip, and making the trip back would be dangerous and nearly impossible without both of her shoes.

  She yanked her foot lose, the mud giving a thick popping sound, and then she backed away to a bare patch of relatively dry ground and took a seat to examine the mess she'd made. Her olive-green pants were coated in a thick layer of mud all the way to her kneecap.

  This was the third week of Elizabeth's research expedition in the Amazon rainforest, searching for the mythical ontalya plant. For centuries the Topnomee people previously used the mysterious plant to cure all of their ailments, until suddenly it disappeared, much of its natural habitat destroyed by deforestation.

  Many scientists and researchers had studied and searched for the flowering vine over the years. Theories suggested it may have revolutionary medicinal properties, the most aggressive explorers convinced it could produce a natural and aggressive treatment for cancer. No one had found any evidence of the plants existence. Even the Topnomee people only had their legends and crude drawings of the plants.

  Eager to find the plant herself, Elizabeth researched the Topnomee tribe and earned the trust of their leader, Komta. When she revealed her intentions to find and propagate the lost ontalya vine, the chief quickly invited her to stay with his people during her expedition. In return for their kindness and assistance, she promised that if she located the mysterious plant, she would collect some viable sample to take back to her lab in California, but also help them to harvest and farm the plant themselves.

  While the Topnomee people were a great assistance in her search and helped her avoid touching the brightly colored plants that inspired rashes on her sensitive skin, Elizabeth mostly liked to search alone, enjoying the sounds of the nature and leading her own adventure. That's how she ended up in predicaments like falling into a mud pit.

  Elizabeth sighed, pulling some large green leaves off the bush next to her. She tried to scrape the mud off her pants and boots without smearing it all over her hands, which was a challenge. She was a mess, and every time she accidentally got herself into one of these pickles (which was daily, since she had a bad habit of keeping her eyes on the canopy instead of where she was stepping) she longed for a relaxing shower in her air conditioned apartment before taking a leisurely nap on her soft bed.

  Aside from a few dips in a stream here and there, hygiene in this part of the rainforest was limited to no-wash shampoo and occasionally dumping her canteen over her head. The sooner she found this plant, the sooner she could get out of the Amazon and fly back home. Elizabeth didn't want to leave empty handed. This plant was the key to unlimited grants and funding and making a name for herself in the world.

  She tossed the muddy leaves aside and wiped her hands on her pants. It was so hot and humid today, and she wanted nothing more than to strip down to her underwear, but with all of the flesh-hungry insects in this part of the rainforest, it was best for her to keep her skin covered.

  Above a tiny monkey chattered as it hopped through tree branches, scurrying upwards until it was out of sight. Elizabeth wished she was just some tourist, staying in an overpriced hotel with a tour guide in a jeep driving her into the rainforest for a few hours of "exploring." The novelty of the search for the plant wore off halfway through the first week. Now it felt like torture.

  Elizabeth pushed herself to her feet, and then checked the map she had loaded on her phone. By her calculations, she could walk for another hour before she would need to circle around and head back so she'd arrive at camp before sunset. If she didn't find any promising evidence today, the tribe would break camp tomorrow morning and hike to another section of the rainforest. The tribe was willing to do this until the plant was discovered, but Elizabeth wasn't sure how much longer she would last.

  She unsnapped the breast pocket of her tan shirt and pulled out a worn piece of paper. Carefully, she unfolded it and looked at the crude drawing one of the elders made for her of the plant. It was a vine that grew up any tree or bush it could wrap around, always growing upwards toward the sun. It was noted for its bright pink flowers, some as large as your hand. The flowers were the key to the medicine.

  Elizabeth sighed and folded up the paper again, stuffing it back in her pocket. She'd seen a lot of viney-looking plants and a lot of pretty pink flowers, but she'd yet to find the miraculous plant she searched for.

  Elizabeth took a swig from her canteen and continued on her path, her eyes scanning the trees and plants as she went.

  After about 20 minutes she encountered a small stream, tiny blue and red frogs hopping along the rocks and up the trunks nearby. The vine never grew near a water source like this, so there was no point in following the stream. She found a trail of rocks that allowed her to hop across it, though she was tempted to dip her legs in and wash some of the mud away.

  Hopping onto dry land she continued north again, hurrying through patches of light that peeked through the canopy. A long-billed and brightly colored bird flew overhead and Elizabeth wished she could join it, soaring through the trees and speeding up her search.

  Just as she was about to turn and head west, something caught her eye further north. It was a brief flash of pink--probably another bird, but she had to be sure.

  Elizabeth climbed over some mossy rocks and navigated through a patch of thick trees before she spotted the pink again. It wasn't moving--whatever it was seemed to be fixed to the side of the tree. Her heart was pounding with excitement. She wanted to break out into a run, but held back, taking her steps carefully to avoid another mishap or misstep.

  As she got closer she was nearly out of breath, as if she'd run up the side of a mountain to get to this point. Elizabeth stopped, standing in front of a large tree, the trunk almost five feet across. Wrapped around the trunk was a thick green vine, spotted randomly with waxy looking leaves, and there just two feet in front of her face was a large pink flower in full bloom, the powdery yellow center completely exposed.

  She didn't need the drawing to confirm it, but she pulled it from her pocket anyway, holding it up at eye level, comparing the plant before her to the faded colors. They were the same. This was the mysterious ontalya plant. Her search was over.

  Elizabeth laughed out loud. It felt unreal; somehow she couldn't quite feel the joy she knew she deserved to feel in this moment. She circled around the tree several times, examining the vine, touching the leaves and the stem to make sure it wasn't an illusion.

  The plant was exactly as described by the natives and the researchers obsessed with it. It was rooted into the ground a few feet from the base of the tree, a vine as thick as her upper arm snaking towards the tree, climbing up the trunk and slowly spiraling around the circumference.

  Upon closer inspection, Elizabeth saw tiny little fingers of light green roots growing out of the plant and clinging t
o the bark of the tree. The vine grew upwards, out of sight into the canopy.

  There was only one flower that she could see, growing at eye level, though there were several buds along the vine. The plant probably just started to bloom, and if Elizabeth had explored this area just a few days earlier she could have missed the plant entirely. It was as if something had guided her here—she was meant to find the ontalya and complete the research that would change medicine forever.

  Always the scientist, she pulled out her camera, snapping pictures of the flower, the vine, the trees. She took photos of the soil where the vine took root and dozens of macro photos of the magical flower. She wanted to capture every detail as soon as possible, as if the plant may dissolve back into myth and memory.

  Elizabeth wouldn't be able to send the photos to her colleagues until she got back to camp. She cursed the lack of cell reception in this part of the world. Even just a text messages or a choppy phone call to excitedly report her find would be enough. Instead, she pulled up her map app and marked the location of the plant.

  Taking a few minutes, she walked out into the rainforest again, examining each of the trees within 20 feet of the vine for any others that may be of the same species. There were some vines here and their, but they were thinner, or they were speckled and brown. None had flowers or even buds. Elizabeth walked slowly back to the vine, her eyes locked on the bright pink flower. This was her one chance. Hell, it may even be the last of the ontalya left in the whole world. She couldn't screw this up.

  Her pack had the minimal amount of equipment in it, along with bug spray and a first aid kit. There were a few smaller bottles for collecting samples and a larger plastic tupperware that she carried her lunch in. It was empty now, but the insides were smeared with the remnants of berries and bread. She hustled back to the stream to wash it out and then returned to the vine.

  The tupperware was big enough to fit the flower in. She would take that back with her tonight and then she could return with the tribe and the rest of her equipment tomorrow to figure out how to harvest and transport the rest of the plant.

  Carefully she placed the jar at the base of the tree and examined the flower. It was a single bloom growing out of the vine, a few leaves flanking it on each side. The petals were round, but drew into a point at the tip. The lower parts of the petals had subtle purple spots. As she stood close to it, she noticed it had a very unique fragrance, not like the floral scent one would expect, but something else, something different.

  Slowly she slid her hand behind the blossom, pulling it gently towards her so she could get a better whiff. It was sweet and appealing, but there was something almost chemical, unearthly. Elizabeth had never smelled anything like it before. And she couldn't stop smelling it. She wanted more, to inhale this bizarre scent until there was nothing else to smell.

  She brought up her other hand to hold the flower steady and inhaled more deeply. The more she inhaled, the more the scent seemed to change, morphing and deepening, the complexity of the fragrance growing by the second. Then suddenly she felt like something popped in her head, a shiver of pleasure bursting through her body.

  Elizabeth stepped back from the plant, feeling a little dizzy, every inch of her body tingling. She laughed lightly to herself. The flower was very potent and whatever the chemicals were the provided medicinal properties may also have some hallucinogenic effects as well. She was letting herself get a little too carried away. She would wait a moment for her head to clear and then she'd collect her sample.

  First, she needed to sit down. Finding a dry bare patch on the ground, she eased herself down and then rested her head against her knees, waiting for her head to clear. It seemed, though, that her head was getting foggier, her sense of the world spinning a little. The strangest thing was she felt uncontrollably horny.

  Elizabeth hadn't thought about sex, or men even, in months. She was so caught up in research and traveling that there was no time for simple pleasures or desires. But now, nothing would please her more than a large hard cock between her legs.

  She laughed. Maybe this plant was the cure for cancer and a powerful aphrodisiac to boot. If so, she would be set for life. Enough funding to take on whatever pet project she wanted, and she'd never have to work for a sleazy pharmaceutical company again.

  But for now she needed to focus, which was hard when this desire to be fucked pulsated through her body.

  She looked up, the dizziness in her head was gone, and she was thinking much more clearly, so she slowly pushed herself to her feet and went back over to the vine.

  As she reached for the flower her hands shook. Trying to focus, she shook her head and backed away again. Her pussy was so wet, she felt it soaking through her panties. There was no way she could responsibly collect a sample while she was so distracted. She could screw something up or even kill the plant if she wasn't 100% focused.

  Elizabeth turned in circles, looking around at the rainforest. Besides the monkeys and birds, plus a few buzzing insects, she was totally alone. The thought of how insanely unprofessional and risky this was seemed to only turn her on more, so Elizabeth couldn't fight the desire. She'd have to rub one out so she could get on with her research.

  From her backpack she pulled out a small square tarp and spread it out on the ground. She left her boots on in case something happened and she needed to make a quick escape, but unfastened her pants and eased them and her underwear down below her ass before laying down on the tarp.

  Her pussy was screaming to be touched and stroked, but she held out, teasing herself as she slowly unbuttoned her shirt, letting it fall to the sides revealing the dingy tank top underneath.

  Generally it was too hot and humid most days for Elizabeth to stand wearing a bra, and her breasts were small and perky enough to get away with just a tank top. Her nipples were like hard beads poking through the tight fabric. She wanted to release them, to strip down to bare nakedness and let the moist air caress every crevice of her body, but she held back.

  Sliding her hands over her breasts, shocks of pleasure shot through her body and she gasped louder than she meant to. Whatever chemicals were produced by the flower had heightened her sensitivity to extreme levels. Just a brief breeze over her sweat-glistened skin made her shiver in intense pleasure.

  Elizabeth couldn't hold back anymore, couldn't stand any more of this teasing. Her hands moved quickly over her body and down between her legs. Her juices were dripping out of her pussy, the inside of her thighs slick and sticky. She could smell her scent and it seemed so pungent that any men within 50 yards of her would come running. And she wanted them to, but for now it seemed she was left to pleasure herself.

  She started with one finger, slowly sliding it between her folds, intense pleasure radiating from her pelvis. Her whole body shook as she slid in another finger, her hungry pussy practically gobbling it up. She curled the tips of her fingers, carefully stimulating her g-spot.

  The pleasure was so strong, she couldn't concentrate on what she was doing, her hands moved automatically as wave after wave of bliss shook her body. Her free hand found her breast, pinching and teasing her nipples. Her hips bucked wildly at the air, chasing after the elusive climax. Even with such heavenly sensations throbbing inside her, she wanted to come and feel that sweet release.

  Her thumb found her engorged clit, and just soft pressure was like pressing a pleasure button that increased with her tap. Elizabeth's legs shook against the tarp as her stroking sent her body into spontaneous orgasm, her moans echoing off the branches above her, birds screeching off in fear.

  She laid on the tarp, panting and trying to recover from the most intense feeling her body had ever experienced. As the almost unfathomable waves of pleasure faded away she realized she was still unbelievably horny. She needed to be filled and fucked, and considering her calls of pleasure hadn't alerted anyone to her location, she was shit out of luck.

  Then she felt something on her ankle, slithering slowly over her pants leg. She star
ted kicking at it with her boot, assuming it was a snake. But when she sat up, the slender green thing that was attempting to crawl up her leg was much too long to be a snake—in fact, its tail stretched back, up the tree and joined the mysterious vine. It was the vine.

  Elizabeth tried to scoot away, but the vine was faster, quickly wrapping its way around her ankle and holding her in place. This part of the vine wasn't as thick as what wrapped around the tree, but it was strong and she couldn't kick it away. She looked around for her bag, but it was out of reach lying near the base of the tree, so going for her knife wasn't an option.

  Another thin vine slinked along the grass towards her, slowly entwining her other foot. Elizabeth sat up, attacking the vine with her jagged, engrossed fingernails. Her scratches did nothing to scare away this strange plant. She laid back down in disbelief. What was she supposed to do? Even in her panic she wasn't that scared, the only emotion that flowed through her body was the intense wanting her masturbation could not satisfy.

  Before she could react, she felt a light tickle on each of her wrists, and then her arms were yanked over her head by two other vines that appeared from the other direction of the forest. Elizabeth snapped her head around, looking for any more of these strange vines.

  How big was this plant? Or maybe there was more of them? If there were, how were they acting together and why were they restraining her?

  Out of the corner of her eye, Elizabeth noticed some movement from behind the tree. A flash of green, and then a thicker vine was coming towards her, slithering much slower, as if it was moving cautiously and watching her. This was no plant—this was something else, some sort of creature.

  It slid up between her ankles, the tip of it rising up in the air as if it was glancing over her body behaving more like a tentacle than an inanimate plant. The vines around her wrists suddenly flashed hot against her skin and a vision appeared in her mind's eye: this wasn't a plant at all. This creature was from another planet, slamming into Earth on the back of an asteroid thousands of years ago.


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