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Bred by the Jungle Tentacle Plant: The Complete Trilogy

Page 4

by Kylie Ashcroft

  "Bathroom?" she asked.

  He pointed to the back of the store.

  "Obrigado," she said as she headed back.

  The gay guy emerged from the door just as she approached it.

  He raised his eyebrow at her. "Don't take too long. I want to get back to the resort ASAP."

  "You and me both," she said, moving out of the way so he could pass.

  The bathroom was tiny, barely enough room to stand between the toilet and the sink. The mirror was foggy glass, but it was good enough for her to see the mess she was in. Her clothes were black and brown, probably permanently stained. She'd probably just trash them once she got back. He hair was caked and hard with mud. What she'd managed to scrape off her bare skin left awful streaks of dirt behind. Kaycee felt like she'd never be clean again.

  The faucet spit out cold water. Wetting the handkerchief, she carefully wiped her face, rinsing several times and watching the brown waste swirl down the drain. Once her face was clean, she scrubbed her hands as best she could. There was no soap and she was hardly clean, but this was better than nothing.

  When she headed back to the van everyone was loaded up except for Rick, who was still leaning against the station, Kaycee's backpack at his feet.

  "Feel any better?" he asked. She could tell by the look on his face that she didn't look much better.

  She sighed and zipped her backpack up, flinging it over her shoulder. She stumbled for a moment, surprised by how heavy it felt.

  "Geez," Rick said, holding his arm out to steady her. "Are you ok?"

  "I'm fine," she hissed, trying to walk on.

  "Here, let me carry this." He took the pack from her and flung it over his own shoulder. "I think you need to rest when we get back."

  As Rick climb into the van, Kaycee noticed a reddish brown smear down the side of her bag.

  "Damn mud is everywhere," she muttered as she climbed in.


  When Elizabeth opened her eyes, her vision was so blurry she wasn't sure where she was. Her head was pounding and her entire body ached as if she'd been in some violent accident. As her brain woke up her vision cleared.

  She was laying down, her only sight a stained concrete floor smeared with reddish-green muck. As she pushed herself into a sitting position she remembered the bus stop.

  Someone knocked on the door.

  "I'm fine!" she called, her voice weak. "I'll be out in a minute."

  Instinctively her hands went to her belly, but instead of meeting her swollen stomach, her hands fell downwards until they met the deflated flesh. The scientist looked around, sitting up more. The creature—whatever was growing inside her body, whatever was left of the ontalya plant was now gone.

  "No..." Her voice came out as little more than a croak. She was sitting in a puddle of the yucky mucus, a trail smeared across the floor and up the wall next to the sink, to the tiny window near the ceiling.

  Elizabeth came to her knees, slowly standing on her shaky legs, quickly bracing herself against the sink so she wouldn't fall again. Hobbling towards the wall, she touched the window. It squeaked and hinged upwards, giving her a view of the dusty empty lot behind the bus station. Besides a chicken pecking the ground beneath a garbage can, there was nothing outside.

  She dropped the window, letting it fall back into place and eased herself back down to the floor.

  It was gone, there was no doubting it now. The last remains of the ontalya plant was gone, possibly lost forever. With it went her cure for cancer, the unlimited funding, all of her dreams.

  The aches throbbing through her body were enough to bring her to tears, and as the first hot drop slid down her cheek she shook her head and choked them back. No, she wouldn't be defeated. She wouldn't let her life be destroyed in this disgusting bathroom.

  Once the walls stopped spinning, she'd clean up, get dressed and she'd find that ontalya creature. There was no other option.


  When they arrived in their hotel room, Kaycee dropped her backpack on the floor of the bathroom. She was considering throwing that out along with her clothes. She didn't want to see mud again for the rest of her life.

  Rick moved past her to the bedroom, peeling off his pants and tossing them in the corner. "You going to hop in the shower?"

  "Yeah." She went to unbutton her pants and then looked up at Rick with a mischievous grin. "Want to join me? We could both get dirty." She stepped towards him, but he took a step back, staring at her mud-caked clothes.

  "I, uh, don't know about that. I'm kind of tired. I think I'll just take a nap." He plopped down on the bed and turned on the TV, flipping through the channels as he leaned back against the pillows. "But maybe we could get dirty after you get clean."

  Kaycee sighed and went to the bathroom. She tugged her shirt up over her head, dried flecks of mud raining down from her hair unto the sink below. She tossed the shirt in the trash can under the sink and immediately unhooked her bra. The straps were stained with mud, and the rest was dingy with dirt that seeped through her shirt. Next came the pants, and then her panties, which were probably the least dirty item of clothing on her body, but she was already resolved to trash the clothes and forget about them forever, so they all went into the can.

  She stared at herself in the mirror, now naked and looking like some wild woman who lived alone in the jungle eating berries and weeds and talking a gibberish language to herself. Kaycee almost wanted to laugh, just to keep herself from crying. The afternoon had been so awful, she just wanted to forget it all. She'd wash up, then get drunk and then the horrible day would be over.

  Kaycee turned the shower on, letting the water run for a bit so it could warm up and then went over to the bathroom door.

  "Are you sure you don't want to join, Rick?" She waited. "Rick?"

  Leaning out the door she could see Rick lying on the bed, passed out, his mouth hanging open. She sighed again, then closed the bathroom door and went over to the shower.

  Steam was already rising out, the mirror lightly misted with condensation. Kaycee stepped in and gasped with relief as the hot water hit her body. She just wanted to be clean again.

  Turning slowly under the stream, she let the water flow over her body, streaks of dirt disappearing down the drain. The tight dryness of the mud was melting away, making her feel more human, more normal. As all of the surface dirt drained away, she grabbed the tiny bottle of complimentary body wash and squeezed it onto her shoulders, arms, breast and legs, using her hands to lather it up on her skin, covering every inch of her body with suds.

  The bathroom filled with the steamy scent of pears, the sensory overload helping to melt away the horrible memories of that afternoon. She let her hands linger over the curves of her perky breasts and the smooth flesh of her inner thighs, then she stepped into the water, letting it rinse away all of the suds.

  Kaycee grabbed the tiny bottle of shampoo, squeezing the entirety of it onto her head. The water had already rinsed away most of the mud, but should could still feel gritty bits of dirt in her hair as she worked the shampoo into a lather, a floral scent now mingling with pear aroma in the air.

  She closed her eyes and leaned back into the stream of water, letting it wash away the last of the dirt and suds, the warmth trailing down her body. She was warm and relaxed; she didn't want to let go of this feeling. She wanted to prolong it, expand it.

  Kaycee ran her hands over her stomach, reveling in the clean feeling of her skin as her hands inched downwards, her fingers stretching towards her slowly waking pussy.

  As her right hand slid between her legs, her other hand traveled up her body, cupping the fullness of her breast, teasing her nipple and bringing her body alive with wanting. If Rick didn't want to get dirty with her, she was perfectly happy getting dirty all by herself.

  Caught up in soft pleasures of her explorations, Kaycee didn't notice the sound of the zipper on her bag pulling apart, or hear the plop as the creature hit the tile floor.

  Leaning h
er body against the cool marble of the shower fall, she slid a finger into her hot, wet pussy, biting her bottom lip as she worked the finger in and out, pleasuring blossoming throughout her body.

  The creature moved across the floor, tiny tentacle legs propelling it forward, toward the shower and the soft moans coming from within. As it worked its way up the side of the tub, Kaycee slid another finger inside, moving her thumb toward her clit. Strumming it slowly, she gasped at the electric shots of pleasure flying through her body.

  Then she felt something cool and slick brush against her leg. Kaycee's fingers kept working as she tilted her head to side to see what was rubbing against her leg. When she saw the creature she let out a little yell, scrambling to the other side of the shower, almost falling out of it before she righted herself and pressed her back against the opposite wall.

  The creature was perched on the edge of the bathtub. It was a blob of flesh, with two black eyes the size of olives poking out of a bump that must be the creature's head. Instead of arms or legs, it seemed to have hundreds of tiny little hot dog sized appendages. Its skin was slick, and though it was hard to make out exactly what it looked like through the steamy bathroom air, the skin had a pale tint of green accented by patches of pink flesh.

  Though she should be rightfully terrified, Kaycee couldn't help being intrigued. What was that weird thing? She saw a few strange bugs and reptiles during their trip in Brazil, but nothing this bizarre. It was like an alien or something.

  The creature didn't move, and Kaycee started to wonder if maybe she was hallucinating the whole thing. Maybe this whole day was some bizarre dream that was turning into a freaky nightmare. She wasn't scared though.

  As she considered moving, the creature's appendages rippled and then it slid down the side into the tub, the shower water pounding on it. It seemed to like it, spreading its body out flat so as much skin as possible was sprayed by the hot water. It's appendages splayed out to each side, wriggling in pleasure.

  Kaycee realized exactly how strange it was that she was standing here in the shower watching this creature, and reached for the curtain to climb out when she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. She turned back to the creature and stared in amazement as its little legs started to grow. They were all squirming and twisting, growing longer and thicker, some growing faster than others. It was bizarre, as if somehow the water was empowering this creature, making it grow at an alarming rate.

  Some of the legs were growing as thick as her forearm, looking like long, thick tentacles. She was so transfixed by the all of the undulating appendages, Kaycee didn't noticed the thin one that was snaking towards her foot.

  She was surprised when it wrapped around her ankle, holding her firmly. At its touch, a sensation flashed through her body, one of pleasure and wanting. She didn't pull away, didn't want to pull away.

  Another appendage slithered towards her, gently twisting around her other ankle. Pleasure began pulsating from that tentacle's grasp as well. Kaycee realized she was still horny, but now the sensation was overpowering. She couldn't think of anything else, she just wanted to come.

  As the creature's appendages continued to grow, Kaycee ran her hands over her body, squeezing the swell of her breasts, gasping as she stimulated her nipples, finding her skin so alive and more sensitive than usual. Each stroke and touch was magnified and intensified as if she had taken a dose of some magical sex drug. She could focus on nothing besides the pulsating sensations of pleasure rocking her body.

  Kaycee didn't notice as more of the tentacles grew towards her, sliding up her body and slipping around her as the ones around her ankles pulled her towards the creature, sliding her down until she was laying in the shower, the hot water pounding against her body. Each pounding droplet of water was an erotic massage against her skin.

  She was gasping and moaning softly, unable to fully process all of the sensations. She let her hand travel down, towards her aching pussy. It needed to be touched and stroked, brought to a full release.

  As her fingers inched closer to her mound, two tentacles slid up and gently encircled her wrists, pulling her hands away to her sides. She would have groaned with disappointment at being unable to stimulate herself to release, but more appendages stroked and touched her body, twisting around her legs, massaging her breasts, turning every inch of her body into a receptor for sexual pleasure.

  A tentacle with a tapered tip slid up between her legs. The creature gently pulled her ankles apart, spread her legs wide and revealing her wet pussy. This tentacle wasn't interested in that though, traveling downwards to her ass. Kaycee was unaware of this tentacle's destination, and would have tensed at its approach. The few times Rick tried to talk her into anal sex and actually persuaded her to try it were painful and unsuccessful. She had no interest in trying again.

  But now, in her own steamy world of pleasure, Kaycee's mind was open to anything. The creature's tentacle paused outside her pucker, rubbing its own sticky juices against her hole until she started to relax. Slowly the tip of the tentacle pressed inwards, causing Kaycee to cry out from the unexpected shock of pleasure. Her ass loosened even more and the head of the appendage pushed in even more, filling her up.

  Kaycee moaned, rocking her hips, wanting more. A thin, delicate tentacle, strummed at her clit, gradually applying more pressure and subtle vibration. A pulsing intensity was building up in her crotch. All she wanted was more; all she wanted was release.

  The creature was ready, knowing exactly what it needed to do next. A thick appendage with a rounded head floated up to Kaycee's waiting pussy. Gently it wiggled between her lips, then slid into her wet pleasure canal.

  "Oh god!" Kaycee cried out. Her eyes were closed, but colors flashed through her mind, deep and intense shades that she'd never seen in the real world. The tentacle slowly slid out of her pussy and then plunged in again, filling her up with its firm head, her body reveling in the sensation. The tentacle in her ass pulsated and pounded with the one in her pussy. It was double the stimulation, but a hundred times the satisfaction.

  Kaycee felt like she was being fucked by a pleasure machine programed especially for her. The writhing tentacles stroked every inch of her body were like an endless massage . She lost all sense of place and even of herself. She was just a giant magnet attracting every good feeling, emotion and sensation possible in the world. Her moans were growing louder as she panted, her body writhing underneath the creature's firm gripped.

  The tentacles pounded in and out of her, massaging and expanding inside her, pressing up against each other. They moved in sync as she rocked her hips. Then the creature held her steady as the tentacles alternated their pounding, making Kaycee yell out at the intensity of this new sensation. They sped up, bringing her closer to the release she craved. The colors flashing in her mind intensified, her moans overtaken by her heavy breathing as each stroke, touch and sting of water against her skin pulled her closer and closer to ecstasy.

  Then the creature shuddered, a hot liquid filling up her pussy. That sensation sent her over the edge—Kaycee screamed as her pussy clenched and spasmed around the tentacle, her entire body shaking as the orgasm rocked every cell of her being.

  The aftershocks we even more intense, until the waves of pleasure gradually started to faded away, leaving Kaycee light headed and unbelievably tired. Before she could even attempt to open her eyes, everything went black like a dream that ends suddenly, and she was unconscious.


  The water was cold as it beat down on Kaycee's stomach. Her fingers were pruney and her body was stiff from laying so awkwardly in the tub. She sat up, trying to stretch away the tightness and then reached up to shut off the water.

  Her memory was a bit hazy, but she hadn't forgotten the creature, which was nowhere to be seen. She pushed the curtain aside, wondering if the creature had crawled away, but the bathroom was empty, the mirror still foggy.

  Easing onto her knees, Kaycee noticed a green film on the floor of the
shower. She touched the shiny slickness. Had the creature dissolved and disappeared forever? What the hell happened?

  She got out of the shower and toweled off, looking around as if the creature would just pop out at her. Maybe she'd imagined the whole thing? Slipped and hit her head in the shower? Knocked herself out?

  No. Kaycee shook her head. Though he memory was a little faded and unclear, she couldn't have imagined it completely. Her body still tingled with the afterglow of the mind-blowing orgasm she had while wrapped in the creature's tentacles.

  As she slipped on her bathrobe and took a final glance around the bathroom she accepted that it was gone.

  Rick was still lying in bed, snoring. Kaycee sat down next to him, sliding the remote out of his hand and flipping through the channels. He coughed and looked around, startled.

  "Huh? Hey!" He smiled, rubbing Kaycee's arm tenderly. "All clean now?"

  She nodded, keeping her attention on the TV.

  Rick rolled onto his side and playfully tugged on the belt of her bathrobe.

  "Ready to get dirty again?"

  Kaycee shook her head. "No, I'm feeling pretty tired now. I think I'll take a nap."

  Rick frowned. "Okay. I'm going to head downstairs then. Get a bite to eat. Want anything?"

  She shook her head.

  Rick got up and fished a pair of shorts out of his suitcase. After he pulled them on, he planted a kiss on his girlfriend's head and left.

  Kaycee leaned back on the bed, trying to focus on the TV, but she was distracted by a churning sensation in her guts and the nagging feeling that the creature wasn't done with her yet.


  The Belem airport felt like the first real taste of civilization Elizabeth had seen in years. Her time in the waiting area was brief, before she shuffled onto the airplane, tossing her stained and worn backpack in the overhead rack before settling down in her seat. The scientist still hadn't quite accepted that her mission to bring the ontalya plant home had failed.


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