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Bred by the Jungle Tentacle Plant: The Complete Trilogy

Page 8

by Kylie Ashcroft

  "Take me," Trish moaned into his open mouth.

  Gavin pulled away, a devilish grin spreading across his face. He stood up, unfastening his jeans and kicking them off. Trish quickly unbuttoned her own pants, wiggling out of them and tossing them aside before yanking off her panties. She didn't want anymore obstacles preventing her from getting what she needed.

  When he returned, Gavin's boxers were still on, but she didn't have much time to protest before his head was between her legs. He kissed the inside of her thighs, moving towards her glistening slit. Trish was so glad she bothered to shave this morning, leaving her flushing lips fully exposed.

  As he moved closer to her quivering sex, Trish moaned and squirmed under his touch, unable to take the teasing much longer.

  His tongue was soft and warm as it ran up the edge of her labia. Shivers flashed through her body at his touch, leaving her gasping. He licked her again to similar results, then focused the tip of his tongue on her swollen clit.

  He moved slowly, his warm mouth soft against her sensitive bits. His tender motioned grew rougher, sucking his clit as his thumb teased the opening of her pussy, sliding inside easily. She tingled in a way she never felt before, Gavin's fingers stroking her slit as his tongue pounded against her like a soft jackhammer.

  Trish bucked against him, her moans leaving her breathless as sensations of intense pleasure pulsated through her body. Gavin was like a cunnilingus god, pulling her to the edge of orgasm in only a few minutes. As her toes curled, her knuckles turning white from clinging to the futon cushion, just on the brink of ecstasy, Gavin pulled away.

  He stood up again, staring down at Trish, naked and panting, her body glowing with sweat. She opened her eyes briefly to watch Gavin as he slid his boxers down to the ground.

  Through her cloudy haze, she noticed that what hung between his legs was not a penis. It was much longer and thicker, and it moved like a snake, slithering in her direction.

  Trish opened her mouth to ask what it was, but her jaw just hung open as another strange appendage appeared, this one growing out of his side like a tentacle. It was green, and thick, the tip tapering off into a point. Then there was another coming from his other side. Then another. And another. And another. Soon there were so many wriggling tentacles coming out of him she couldn't count them all.

  Trish didn't know what to do or what to think. This was the most bizarre thing she'd ever seen in her life, yet she couldn't shake how uncontrollably horny she was, or the fact that she was wondering what it would be like to be probed by Gavin's strange tentacles.

  "I know this seems strange," Gavin said as he climbed back onto the futon, kneeling between her legs. "I'm not a normal guy. But Trish, you're not a normal girl anymore—you're very special now."

  His tentacles grew towards her body, all different thicknesses, tiny tentacles tickling over her skin, while the thicker appendages massaged and rubbed her flesh. Each point of contact magnified the sensations in her body. Again she was lost in a black world of pleasure, losing all sense of the world around her. Any thoughts of questions about what was happening or how downright weird this was melted away. All she wanted was to be fucked.

  Her legs and arms waved wildly, her body incapable of processing it's reactions to the alien sensations of pleasure. Thicker tentacles twisted around her wrists and ankles, securing them in place and raising her up off the futon.

  Broad, firm tentacles stroked her breasts, activating them like pleasure buttons with each touch. She moaned, her neck relaxed as her head lolled backwards, her long black hair spilling down toward the floor.

  The rounded head of the tentacle growing from between Gavin's leg pressed against Trish's dripping pussy. She gasped as he pushed into her, the sensation of his tentacle filling her up causing her body to spasm with unexpected pleasure. Her hips bucked upwards, her body begging to be fucked.

  The tentacle moved slowly at first, drawing in and out of her, Trish sucking in her breath at each silky stroke. As she moved her hips, her body demanding a good fucking, the tentacle obliged, pushing and pounding into her. Trish's jaw hung open, animalistic sounds spilling out.

  She was so swept up by those sensations that she didn't notice the second tentacle growing towards her. It floated underneath her legs, its tapered tip straining towards her ass. Reaching the base of her smooth cheeks, it pressed lightly against the tight pucker of her ass, smearing her skin with its sweet, sticky lubricant.

  A moan escaped Trish's lips as it pressed firmly against her hole. Another wave of pleasure flashed through her body and she relaxed, the tentacle pushing into her hole, slowly filling her up.

  Trish never had anal sex before, but now the pleasure was so deliciously intense, she couldn't image ever having sex any other way. The two tentacle undulated within her body, pressing her to the limits. As she reached the crest of pleasure, a tiny tentacle curled around her clit, intensely vibrating against it. She moaned louder now, her voice jerky as her body was pounded by the two tentacle banging in and out of her.

  Gavin still kneeled above her, looking down, watching his tentacles as they fucked Trish's body. His face was serene, like the pleasure he got out of this was more than physical. He could feel her body quaking under him, feel the sensations that rocked her body pulsating in the tips of his tentacles. Those were just physical pleasures and they didn't compare to the release Gavin was about to receive.

  The world was reduced to flashes of color, each shade representing the rapidly increasing intensity of pleasure quaking through her body. Just as she felt like she couldn't hold out anymore, the first orgasm rocked her body, every fiber of her being tensing for a moment before a release shook every cell inside her. The sensations came in intense blasts, each growing until she feel her pussy contracting as the tentacle within her exploded its seed in side of her.

  Then she was shocked with a sensation so intense, the world went completely black.

  Gavin stood up, staring down at Trish's unconscious body as his tentacles slowly started shrinking back towards his body. He was panting, his body dripping with sweat.

  The door burst open, Elizabeth stumbling to a stop, surprised to see Gavin standing there, her eyes tracing along his wriggling tentacles.

  "I knew it!" she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

  Gavin turned slowly, glancing casually over his shoulder as if he expected her to show up at that exact moment.

  "Ah, Dr. Morrel." He turned back to watching Trish. "I'm glad you're here. You should be a part of this moment."

  "What are you talking about?" She moved slowly toward him, watching his tentacles, which didn't seem to care about her presence as they continued retreating. She edged along the wall, avoiding any contact with him. "What did you do to Trish?"

  Once she was past him, Elizabeth dropped onto the floor next to the futon, her fingers pressing against the sticky flesh of Trish's neck, searching for a pulse.

  "She's still alive," Gavin said, his voice hollow, emotionless. "She wouldn't be much use to me dead."

  Elizabeth examined her body. Besides the pungent aroma of sex and something she could only describe as freshly cut grass, Trish looked normal. Then Elizabeth saw movement under the skin of Trish's stomach, a ripple caused by some creature trying to push out of her flesh. She turned, looking up at Gavin. The overhead light glowed behind him like a halo, but she could see the creepy grin that spread across his face.

  "This is the beginning. The true beginning. And it's fitting that you should be here. One day, our people will talk of this moment—the genesis of the species—and it will be told with reverence and awe."

  "Our people?" Elizabeth stood slowly, unsure of what would happen next.

  "You're right, 'people' is an awful term. It's stained with blood and destruction. It's not a word we will need to use much longer."

  "What are you talking about?"

  Gavin smiled, his lips like too snakes crawling across his face. "The plan. We only wanted to live here,
peacefully, among your natural creatures and wildlife. We wanted to be a part of this beautiful planet. And it was beautiful, for thousands of years we lived among the trees and the birds." Gavin's smile dropped, his eyes glazed over as if he was staring into distant past. "Then the trees started to fall. The birds, the frogs and the insects started to die. Then we started to die."

  Trish moaned lightly and Elizabeth looked down, but her assistant did not wake.

  "We thought it was over. Everything our ancestors had done to bring us to this beautiful planet was wasted. But then you came!" His eyes lit up and he reached out and took her hands, his palms cold and scaly. "You heard of our plight, of the value of our species. You searched for us for months and then, finally, you found the lone survivor. You rescued us."

  Elizabeth's heart was pounding so hard she could hear it in her ears. Her mouth felt dry and she couldn't will herself to speak. Even if she could, she wouldn't know what to say.

  Gavin bent over, delicately brushing the hair out of Trish's face. Elizabeth wanted to slap his arm away.

  "I didn't come to rescue you," she spat suddenly.

  The creature jumped, startled by the harshness of her words.

  "I was just looking for the miracle cure—the magical plant that would cure cancer and every other horrible disease that plagues the human race."

  "Oh, we'll destroy all of those horrible diseases. Once humans cease to exist, the diseases will cease to exist as well."

  Elizabeth took a step backwards, her legs bumping against the side table. She couldn't accept the words she was hearing.

  "But don't worry." His face melted into compassion and concern. "There will always be a place for you, the sacred Mother."

  A heaviness grew in Elizabeth's stomach and she felt like she could throw up at any moment. What had she done? Her intentions were pure when she flew down to the Amazon. She wanted to better mankind, to change the world.

  "And it's not like we'll get rid of humanity completely. We'll keep the best parts. The race will be even better than before, the best of my people and the best of yours."

  Elizabeth cleared her throat. She needed to get control of this situation.

  "And how will this work, exactly? What will keep you from being discovered?"

  "We work quickly. Gestation time is down to 24 hours. We're designed to seduce, to breed. I will go out and impregnate more women. Then tomorrow night when the little one here is born, it will go out and impregnate. More and more of my kind will be born. By the time humanity realizes what's going on, they will be outnumbered. And then they will be eliminated."

  Elizabeth swallowed. She was trying to keep her face steady, pushing down her emotions.

  Gavin knelt down next to Trish, placing his hand over her stomach. He looked up at Elizabeth. "This one is strong. And each child after will be even stronger."

  Elizabeth exhaled. "I looked for you for so long. All I wanted was to find you." She reached out, stroking his cheek with her thumb.

  Gavin melted into her touch, as if he was being touched by an angel.

  "You were supposed to be the solution," Elizabeth said, her voice cracking. "The miracle." A tear streaked down her face. "But you're not. You're a monster."

  Elizabeth grabbed his dark hair, yanking his head back as she plunged a syringe into his neck. Gavin's mouth fell open into a silent scream as turquoise liquid shot into his flesh. It was her own mixture: arsenic and weed killer.

  Letting go of his hair, the creature tumbled to the floor, his arms and legs trembling, the last evidence of his tentacles quivering as they shrunk into his body. His skin started to wrinkle, and Elizabeth realized he was shriveling up, his flesh turning into brittle brown decay.

  At last his body stopped moving, and all that was left was a shrunken husk. Elizabeth tapped it reluctantly with her toe and it dissolved into dust.

  She exhaled, dropping the syringe on the floor as her hands flew to her chest and she let out a loud sob. She felt like she was teetering on the edge of death, that one false move would have condemned humanity, but it was all over now.

  Trish moaned again, her head falling over to the side, as her eyelids fluttered. Elizabeth dropped down on her knees beside her, the creatures dust sticking to her pants. She wiped tears from her cheeks before she gently took her assistant's hand.

  "Trish. Trish." She shook her shoulder until the girl's eyes opened just a crack. "Wake up."

  She made a noise of protest, but Elizabeth shook her again. "Come on. We have to get out of here. We need to find someone who can get that creature out of you."


  A month later, Elizabeth sat in her office, typing up notes from that morning's lab analysis. Her mug of coffee grew cold next to her keyboard.

  "Knock, knock," Dr. Preston said as he opened her office door. "Good morning, Elizabeth. How are you doing today?"

  She smiled, leaning back from her desk. "Fine. And you?"

  He smiled. "I couldn't be happier. We're finished with the Feltrex project a week ahead of schedule."

  "I know. It feels like a miracle doesn't it?"

  Dr. Preston's smile dropped. "I know. Elizabeth, I just want to say how glad I am that you were—that you were able to pull it back together, move on from your failure with that whole Brazil expedition and focus again on what's really important."

  Elizabeth was able to keep her smile steady as she nodded. "Of course."

  "Great." Dr. Preston's smile flashed back on, and he tapped her desk enthusiastically. "Can you stop by my office when you're done? I'd like to go over the slides for the presentation this afternoon, make sure all the I's are dotted and yadda yadda."

  "Sure. Give me 15 minutes."

  "Great!" He headed out the door and Elizabeth turned back to her computer.

  Her hands posed over the keyboard, ready to type, then she dropped them back down into her lap. After a few moments, she opened her drawer, pulling out an employee ID, the name "Gavin Denton" printed next to the human face of the creature she'd killed.

  That night after his death, she brought Trish back to the lab, calling one of her friends to help with the procedure. They managed to abort the creature with minimal risk to Trish, who recovered fully after blood transfusion and a week of rest.

  Elizabeth was worried that once they got the creature out she'd have to kill it, and she wasn't sure that she'd be able to go through with it, but it died shortly after removal. She tried to take some samples for testing, in the off chance that the miracle cure might be hidden somewhere within. But the creature dried up and dissolved within minutes.

  The next day the real Gavin Denton was found dead, his strangled body hidden in a custodian closet in the shuttered dorm at SDU. Dr. Preston shrugged it off, while the rest of staff gossiped about whatever became of the intern imposter. Only Elizabeth knew the truth. Trish remembered nothing concrete from that night, and the scientist was able to convince her that she had a bad case of the stomach flu which caused her strange dreams about alien creatures.

  Elizabeth tossed the ID badge back in her drawer and closed it. She sighed and leaned forward, positioning her hands over the keyboard again. She would type up this report. Then she would go to this meeting today and present her teams' new penis pills. Then she would continue the mind-numbing research of hair-loss drugs and sleep-aids.

  No one would ever know how she almost destroyed the world. And no one would know how she saved humankind. She was just a no-name scientist in a no-name lab.

  But, one of her old college friends sent her an article that morning. There were new rumors that a jungle tribe in Africa had a chief that was 150 years old. He claimed his long healthy life came from a mysterious plant whose leaves he brewed into a tea that he drank everyday.

  And Elizabeth had just enough money in her savings account for a one-way flight to the Congo.


  About the Author

  Kylie Ashcroft spends her days in a stuffy office, but lets her imagination run w
ild at night when she writes steamy, sexy stories. She enjoys stories that combine humor, hot sex and elements of sci-fi, fantasy and the paranormal. After growing up in a conservative household, she's making up time by exploring all of the things she was taught are taboo. Check out her other books.

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  Other Stories by Kylie Ashcroft


  I, Sexbot - 3,800 words

  When Rebecca wakes up, she can't remember anything. Soon her fragmented mind pieces together that she's a robot—reprogrammed by her owner to be a sexbot. With new firmware and hardware updates she's ready to service her owner's every wish. But when a neighbor comes to visit while her owner is at work, he offers to show her what kind of pleasure she can experience. Will she give in to his advances and learn the true power of the new port installed between her legs?

  [Includes oral sex (blow jobs and cunnilingus), first time sex and hot man on lady robot action.]


  Punished by Professor Tentacle - 5,000 words

  Maggie Cross is a freshman at her dream college, but a bad grade threatens her academic scholarship. When she asks Professor Gallagher for extra credit, he refuses until she offers him a sexy proposition. The professor wants to teach her a lesson and she's ready to learn! But, what Maggie expects to be a sweaty night of spanking and fun with her sexy professor turns out to be a night she'll never forget when she discovers what is hiding under his argyle sweaters.


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