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The Stream

Page 27

by Mark White

  I think that's it. I have no more. You can work out the rest for yourself. If you want to blame me for the changes happening in your life, please go ahead. But first, ask yourself this: what would you have done?

  And with perfect timing, a final message from Safira arrives. I may as well include it in my log so that everything is known.

  DO NOT USE THE TAP KILLER YET. We may have a better solution, thanks to Kwasi and Kofi. I will be there shortly.

  Fuck. What am I supposed to do now? Is Kofi back? Quickly Safira, I haven't got all day.

  Memory transcript: Kofi Albus - ~31st Ianuarius 228PD

  I'm still alive? I was sure those bastards were going to kill me.

  Where am I though? I can't see anything. I can't feel anything. What is going on? What have they done to me?

  Kofi, please stay calm. I am attempting to make you well again.

  Kwasi? What are you doing to me? Why can't I see you or feel anything? Are we conjoined, you sick bastard?

  No Kofi. We have successfully made you incorporeal, like us. We are awakening you step-by-step.

  Why would you do that? I know what you are doing to us. I can stop you.

  No Kofi, you are wrong. We are your friends. I seek to make you well. I am attempting to restore your damaged persona by using the part of you that is in me. Please let me concentrate.

  But…I saw…I don't…

  There, is that better Kofi?

  What do you mean? I don't…oh. I see. Oh.

  Kwasi. I am sorry. Please forgive me.

  There is nothing to forgive. You must forgive us for not understanding what would happen to you.

  You know I don't believe all those things I said. It's like I'm awakening from a dream. I could feel myself saying things I knew were wrong, but I could do nothing about it. It felt like I was becoming what I despised the most. I mistrusted anything and everything, especially you Safirans, just for being different to us. I suddenly trusted Raj, even though I knew he was doing everything for his own ends by manipulating us. It was horrible. I really am sorry.

  Kofi, please stop apologising, you were not yourself. It is in the past. Right now, we must concentrate on ensuring you are well, and stable.

  What do you mean?

  I am not sure this repair I have made is permanent, or indeed can be permanent. This has not been done before. Bluntly, it may not be possible to ensure my patch onto your personality can be integrated, it may only be a temporary fix. I am working on it, but it is too early to say.

  Ah. So I may only have a short while?

  Yes Kofi, I am sorry. I am trying my best, but I know you would want me to be honest.

  I know, thank you. Whatever happens, I thank you for these moments. I will try to make the most of it. May I be fully awakened now? I want to see what it is like.

  Of course, here you are.

  Oh Kwasi. It is beautiful, I never imagined it would be like this.

  Yes it is wonderful, isn't it?

  How can you bear being stuck in a Bora body for so long?

  One makes you appreciate the other, Kofi. Life in its infinite variety, and all that.

  Eloquently put my son. Please, in case I don't get a chance, tell Safira I love her, and ask her to forgive me.

  Of course, but there is nothing to forgive, as I keep telling you. Anyway, Safira is recently back from meeting Geraldine and should be here soon now I have restored you.

  That's wonderful, I can't wait to see her again.

  Also, send Geraldine my love, and tell her once more not to feel guilty. I know she will be still. Tell her I wouldn't have missed this for the world. Tell her to stick it to Raj good and proper.

  I will. Safira has just delivered the Tap-killer to Geraldine, so Geraldine will be busy. She should be deploying it soon.

  That's great news. It's going to cause chaos on Earth, but it's better than what Raj is putting us through.

  Kofi, I am sorry.


  This patch is not permanent. I do not know how to make it so. I can see it degrading already.

  How long have I got?

  Less than an hour I'd say. It is hard to be sure.

  Thank you for your honesty, Kwasi. I cannot but thank you for these moments. To be incorporeal, to see how you see the universe, the bulk, is worth any price. Nothing like going out on a high.

  Indeed. Kofi, Safira is here. I will leave you alone with her.

  Thank you, I do need to be alone with her. Kwasi?

  Yes Kofi?

  I am proud of you my son.

  Thank you father.


  Yes, I am here Kofi. It is good to see you back to your old self.

  I can't tell you how good it is to be back, and especially to see you again. I love you Safira, never forget that.

  I know Kofi. Know that I love you too. Always.

  Safira, I do not wish to live once I revert back to…to that. Please, Safira, can you do that for me.

  I…oh Kofi. I can feel your determination. Yes Kofi, I will. I will help you.

  Thank you. I do not wish to be a burden.

  You would never be a burden, but I would not wish you to suffer the pain of that existence.

  I wish to be of use before I go, I wish to have a purpose. Safira?

  Yes Kofi?

  Can I be made into a Redoubt? Would I retain a sense of purpose and be of use? Could I help repair the damage caused by humanity?

  Kofi, it will not be easy.

  I do not wish for it to be easy. I wish to achieve something before I go. Can it be done?

  Yes Kofi, if you wish it, I will do this for you, although it is me that it will not be easy for. Are you sure?

  Beyond doubt. We must start before I…revert.

  We have time yet. Let us spend it together.

  Yes, I need this memory. Will I remember it?

  There will be a trace. Your memory and personality drives your purpose, even after your dispersal.

  That's good. I want a memory of you to be with me always. Will I know what to do, how to locate the Earth and repair the vicinity?

  I will guide you when you part, I will give you all the information you need.

  Thank you Safira.

  I have just had a thought, but please tell me if I am being silly.

  What Kofi?

  You have successfully made me incorporeal after I had been scanned and placed into the Bora. Could you do the same for Raj Tamboli, after he has been scanned and placed in the Stream?

  That is not silly, that is a very interesting thought. Let me think.

  I can think of two problems that we would need to solve.

  Firstly, it was made easier in your case by the fact that we performed the process here, where the environment is conducive to it. It would be a riskier process elsewhere.

  As a Redoubt, if I was in the Earth system, could I help in any way? If I can repair the damage caused by the bulk drive, could I also weaken and change the structure to help the process?

  Kofi, that's brilliant. I think when Kwasi patched you, he must have passed on some of my intelligence accidentally.

  Yes, Safira. I am sure that was it.

  Again, when you are parted, I can give you the knowledge you will need to do that. You could guide Raj into the bulk, and we could contact him there.

  The second problem however is likely to be trickier. Raj will have to be persuaded to leave the Stream. We could carry out the process with you as we had subdued and isolated your consciousness in advance. We cannot do that with Raj, he must give himself up to the process voluntarily.

  There may be one way, it is worth a try. We use psychology, and our knowledge of Raj from before the Flood. The biggest thing that motivated him was being lauded and thanked by others. We need to pander to his ego, tell him how he saved humanity, and how he deserves a rest. Tell him he has done such a brilliant job that humanity can be left in the hands of the Decemviri. If he is unstable enough, he may fall for it. W
e'll need to show him how we can actually be trusted, and how we can all work together.

  How do we do that? How could we persuade him that he can trust us?

  I will be there to persuade him, demonstrate what is possible. I will be there as an incorporeal human, the first one ever. I can tell him what an amazing experience it is. How he will be able to explore the universe, and beyond, and live forever. How he will be able to inhabit a Bora and live on your planet and ensure you keep your promises. He always sought new experiences, and new ways of doing good. This would appeal to his sense of wonder, and give him a new challenge.

  But Kofi, you cannot both be a Redoubt and be there to persuade Raj. As brilliant as you are, you cannot do the impossible.

  I will be the Redoubt, I will not last long enough to do anything else. Kwasi will play my role. Kwasi is incorporeal, he has my memories. How will Raj tell the difference?

  That…could work. I knew Kwasi would have a critical role to play in what was to come. That role is you. It is perfect.

  Afterwards, Raj will be incorporeal, but we will be able to easily communicate with him. He could still cause us problems, but that is something for us to worry about, not humanity. His new perspective on the universe is likely to change him for the better anyway, depending on how far his intelligence has degraded.

  We should try this. It will be less damaging to humanity if it works. If it fails, we revert to the Tap-killer plan. Agreed?

  Agreed. I have just realised something important.


  We should have called the Tap-killer 'The Stopcock'.

  Focus, Kofi. I will message Geraldine immediately to stop her using it.


  Safira, you are right. We must move quickly now. You need to discuss this with Kwasi, and then go straight to Geraldine. You must prepare me. I must become a Redoubt before I get worse.

  I cannot let you go yet. I know I must lose you, but I need more.

  Safira, we must. I must. I need to do this, to do my part. So many lives have been sacrificed already, I am only one more. Don't let my life end without meaning. Fuck that sounded pompous.

  Yes Kofi, it did. But I understand, as much as I hate to agree. We cannot delay any longer.

  Are you ready Kofi? The process is painless for you, but will feel strange. I will separate you slowly, split your personality into small robust segments and instill each with purpose and knowledge, and also my love. Then I will send you through the bulk towards Earth. You will know what to do when you get there. You should start immediately, make the environment ready for Raj's journey.

  Are you ready?

  Yes Safira, I am ready.

  I never thought I would have to do this again, it was unbearably painful the first time. Kofi, I love you so very much.

  I know.

  [Memory log terminated]

  Plog (2): Geraldine Mander - 31st Ianuarius 228PD

  'So Kofi is gone?' I said to Safira once she had explained what had happened, trying to keep my voice as emotionless as possible.

  'Kofi as you knew him has gone, yes,' she replied, sounding equally upset. I really do believe that she loved him, as did I in my own way. I've known him for so long, the world feels empty without him.

  'However his spirit and determination lives on,' Safira continued. 'He is working on behalf of us all still. We can already detect the changes he is making near this planet and we believe it will suffice to allow us to enable us to make Raj incorporeal. If we can get Raj to agree to leave the Stream we will be able to complete his ascension.'

  'Ascension? That sounds very tainted with religious association,' I said, trying to focus back on the mission, and take my mind off Kofi for now. I can mourn him properly later.

  Kwasi interjected. 'That choice of words was my suggestion, based on Kofi's knowledge of Raj. It may appeal to his ego; he already sees himself as the saviour of humanity, this could be a logical next step for him.'

  'OK, I can accept that. Do you really think we can make this work and persuade Raj to leave voluntarily? It seems like a long shot, especially as we didn't exactly part on good terms last time,' I said. I must admit that I'm struggling to believe it could ever work.

  'We do not lose anything by trying, other than time. There are so many benefits to humanity, and to us, if we can keep an untainted Stream intact. We try this route once, if it fails, you push the Tap-killer button,' Safira replied.

  'I'm going to call it the Stopcock from now on, in honour of Kofi. He made me laugh, right to the end of his final pool,' I said. Oh Kofi, you lovely man. How I will miss you. 'OK, I agree, let's do this. We need to agree the basic strategy before we start, but in reality I think we'll be making it up as we're going along.'

  'I agree. However much we prepare, the plans will not last beyond the first sentence I think,' said Safira.

  'I'm going to have to start by apologising to him for the last time we talked,' I said. 'Butter him up a bit, get the conversation off to a positive start. I'll then try to bring it round to what you can do for him, and try to make him let you materialise properly so you can join in the conversation. I think teasing him by saying that he'll meet an incorporeal Kofi might be the bait we need. Do you think you can carry off that role Kwasi?'

  No one can replace Kofi, but if a part of him lives on in Kwasi then that is some comfort, and something that should work to our advantage.

  'I believe so,' Kwasi replied. 'Any inaccuracies I'll explain away by being confused after my recent ascension.'

  'I'd avoid the word ascension if I was you when talking about yourself. Raj will want to feel like he's the first. You were merely a guinea pig to prove the process for him,' I said. We need to pander his ego at every opportunity, given his latent instability. I think that's the only chance we've got. 'Then we thank him for his service, and say he is due a reward. I'll try to introduce you Safirans as our friends, and say that you wish to reward his service with ascension to join them as equals. His role will be to ensure you meet on your obligations to help humanity and ensure his good works are continued. Blah blah blah.'

  'That sounds like a reasonable approach, even if it will leave us in an interesting position with Raj once he has ascended. However, one bridge at a time, as you say,' said Safira. 'The outstanding issue is how we will hold our discussion with Raj. We will need to use your secure radio to initiate contact, but if you are in agreement then I think it would be better if we bridge the Sink into the Stream, and invite Raj into here. That would avoid the issue of us having to materialise in his presence, at least initially, until we have gained his trust. We will need to prove that Kofi is incorporeal later, but we can initially have Kwasi appear as Kofi here which may help reinforce who he is, or rather, isn't.'

  'OK thanks, yes that sounds better. So, are we ready?' I asked. 'Is there any reason not to just get on with it?'

  'I believe we are ready,' said Safira. 'Kwasi?'

  'I am ready, but please get into the habit of calling me Kofi,' he said, changing his form into Kofi's human appearance.

  'Yes Kofi,' Safira said, sounding emotional.

  'Yes Kofi,' I said, doing no better. 'Give me a minute to compose myself, and then I'll get on my radio.'

  Am I ready? I'm not sure that I am, this is a one off chance. I need to be completely focused on it. Despite that, I can't stop thinking about Kofi. He's really gone this time, at least in a form that I can communicate with. I was devastated when he was killed, but I always had the possibility that they might be able to bring him back. Once he had returned, I thought I'd always be able to talk to him, whatever form he was in. Then the worst thing possible happened before I'd even had a chance to have direct contact again. He had always been such a tolerant person, with a clever, clear mind. Suddenly he became someone completely different, someone I didn't recognise. He'd never want to be like that, so when he had his final moments of clarity, I can fully understand why he made the choice to be a Redoubt. Focus, Geraldine, you must make his
decision count for something. Let's do this.

  'Raj, can you hear me? I wish to apologise for my behaviour, I was wrong about you. We need to discuss how we can conclude this amicably. I have a suggestion that will work to your advantage,' I said. Sounded pretty inane to me, but I just need to break the ice.

  There was a crackling noise, but no response. I was just about to repeat my message, when a voice replied.

  'Geraldine, this is Damon. Why would Raj wish to talk to you?' said Damon's voice.

  'As I say I wish to apologise. There is no excuse for what I said last time; I've been under a lot of pressure and am very tired, but Raj did not deserve that,' I said.

  'Indeed,' came the mocking reply.

  'I believe there has been a major misunderstanding between myself, Raj and the Safirans. Raj has served humanity so well over the years, and continues to do so. I trust him to make the right decision for us going forward, once he knows the full facts. I wish to arrange a discussion between all parties, and once Raj knows everything, I will accept his judgement,' I said. Like fuck I will.

  Damon paused for a few seconds. 'He may be amenable to that, but it is not ideal talking via the radio. Can you access the Stream in any way?' he replied. That sounds promising, although it sounds as if he's hoping to get us in a position where I'm compromised. No chance.

  'We can use a virtual environment, hosted by the Safirans, but linked into the Stream. I can give you its Stream address if this is acceptable. We will give you full privileges on this link, so you can hold the channel open and exit at any time. This cannot be used to trap or harm you,' I said. Best to appear as open and trusting as we can.

  'Give me the address and I will study it,' Damon replied. I read it out verbatim; letter by letter, digit by digit.

  'Geraldine, the link is being interrogated and fully stressed from the Stream. Raj is being very thorough,' said a message from Safira.

  'Very well, this is acceptable,' said Damon. 'Please enter the environment, and Raj will join you shortly.'


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