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Every Other Weekend

Page 3

by Tia Winston

  He rolled me onto my back, which usually wouldn’t get me anywhere near an orgasm, but number five made even missionary a delight. He slammed into me like a jack hammer, powerful and unyielding. His grip on the back of my thighs had my knees pressed painfully against my collar bone.

  “Oh God!” I cried loud enough that my eardrums rumbled. But I didn’t stop there. Number five was my most vocal orgasm. Screaming was the only way to dispense the pressure building in my body.

  I could feel his tongue on the back of my calf. His panting flowed well with my screamed moans.

  My legs started shaking so violently that he couldn’t hold them. He parted my ankles, and held me by my waist as he hammered into me even harder. It was a marvelous fuck, one I could never have imagined, and when the pleasure peaked, I exploded in countless shutters.

  “A-mazing,” I whispered before sleep consumed me.

  Chapter 4

  “Wake up, Angel,” Mason whispered in my ear. I thought I was paralyzed until I opened one eye to see him lying on top of me. He planted deep wet kisses along my neck and collar bone, bringing my body back to life. But it was the sudden shift of his hips that alerted me to the fact that he was still inside me. I gasped at his gentle thrusts as nerves in my pussy awakened. The small ache from earlier had kicked up a couple of notches, making even subtle movements send shock waves though my uterus.

  “Please!” I cried when he pushed deeper. “I can’t take anymore.”

  “Not even just a little? I’m almost there.”

  Honestly, I just wanted to go back to sleep, but being that he was the first real cock I’d had in months, I was in no position to turn him down.

  “All right, a little more, but you have to be gentle.”

  “I can do that,” he said as he kissed his way back up to my lips.

  His cock moved slowly in and out of my pussy. Even though I ached slightly, my g-spot was still engaged. After a few minutes I discovered that I still had one more wave in me. I could tell Mason was restraining himself by the force he used to bite down on my lip when he reentered me.

  “I’m sorry this isn’t better,” I said. He paused and met my gaze.

  “Angel, it doesn’t get any better than this. I’m just trying to last a little longer.”

  He growled against my lips as he resumed. The determination in his eyes made my wave double in size and force. I gripped the back of his waist, pulling him deeper inside me.

  “Don’t hurt yourself,” he said out of breath.

  “I hear there’s pleasure in pain.”

  My ankles locked around his waist and he sat back on his heels, taking me with him. My wet pussy slid all the way down his shaft and a sharp pain exploded through my cervix. I bit my tongue to keep from screaming, but I didn’t want him to stop. I was too close to cuming, too charged to think straight. All I wanted was his cock; even it meant suffering a little tomorrow.

  “Fuck me,” I pleaded as I tightened my walls around him.

  “You sure?”

  “Yes. I might scream, but don’t stop. I’m almost there.”

  “So am I.”

  He pulled out to the tip, and then rammed deeply into me. I responded with a blood curdling yelp.

  He paused and wiped a tear from my cheek I hadn’t even felt fall. “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No, keep going.”

  He continued stabbing my pussy; that’s exactly what it felt like, sharp pains shooting through my pelvis, contending with the immense pleasure his cock was delivering to my g-spot. I buried my face in his neck, gnawing at his Adam’s apple between screams. The wave was right there. My entire body fell numb, but my pussy was ablaze. My mouth had gone completely dry. But the damn climax wouldn’t release.

  “Faster…faster. I’m almost there.”

  He doubled his speed, once again jack hammering me until all I could feel was the peak of my orgasm.

  “Yes…yes…oh yeeesssss!” I screamed as the wave erupted in my pussy and spread through my entire body, sucking all the energy it crossed.

  “I’m right behind you, Angel,” he said, followed by a massive jerk. I fell back to the mattress, too spent to even wiggle a toe. He collapsed on top of me, and we were both heaving erratically. His pecks on my cheek were the last thing I remember before I was out again.

  Chapter 5

  Holy hangover. My pussy had never felt so battered and raw in all my life. And I’d given birth three times. My head was throbbing, and when I opened my eyes, everything in the tiny room was a jumping picture. I hadn’t noticed how lavish the Asian themed room was decorated last night, but I had much better views to focus my attention on at the time.

  I didn’t need to feel the other side of the bed to know that I was alone. Nine months of waking up to no one made it easy to sense the emptiness in the room.

  There were certain parts of the night that were blurry, but Mason wasn't one of them. I only wished he'd hung around so that I could show his cock my gratitude.

  My purse was tucked under my pillow while my bra and thong lay folded at the foot of the bed. I sat up and discovered greater pains in my inner thighs. As uncomfortable as they were, it was bearable in exchange for the feeling of relaxation that I seemed to be enjoying. It was the first morning in years that I hadn’t woken up horny. I took a deep breath, finally free of the never ending throbbing of my clit. I was finally satisfied. I just wondered how long it would last.

  I guess I was kind of out of practice. A hot night of sex was just what I needed, and the fact that it was with Mason was like hitting the jack pot.

  "Morning," an older woman's voice called as she tapped at the door. I immediately searched the bed for my phone. When I remembered I didn't have it, I realized I didn't even give Mason my number. I suppose he could always look it up in the kid’s files, but wait...

  I felt my face and discovered I was still wearing my mask. He had no idea who I even was.

  "Shit," I whispered. Why hadn't I just shown him who I was last night?

  "Miss, I have your dress. Time for check out."

  I wrapped myself in a sheet and answered the door.

  “Good morning.” An older Asian woman smiled as she handed my dry cleaned dress over, along with a note addressed to “Angel”.

  I couldn’t remember if that was the name I gave him, or if he just liked calling me that.

  "Thank you. Where do I get my phone?"

  "Downstairs on your way out." Her emphasis on the word "out" alerted me that I'd overstayed my welcome, so I slipped on my dress, tossed the note in my purse, and started the slow limp down the narrow staircase.

  The place was completely empty, except for the same cheery woman waiting near the exit with my phone in a baggie.

  "Thank you, come again."

  The door latched the second I was out far enough for her to shut it. My car was the only one in the parking lot. I did a speed walk of shame with my heels tucked under one arm and eased myself onto the driver’s seat. Sitting ached even more than walking. I’d done this to myself. Going for that sixth orgasm meant I'd probably be sore for days. At least I had the weekend alone to recover.

  Just as I stuck the key in the ignition I remembered the note. I pulled it out and ripped it open to find a hand written note on the back of a post card.

  Sorry I couldn’t stick around for a lucky seven, but I wanted you to know that I had an amazing time. You’re a beautiful and talented woman, and I wish you all the best with your mystery guy. But if he doesn’t work out, I hope to bump into you again some night.

  Goodbye for now; hopefully not forever,


  I slapped my forehead. How was he supposed to contact me if he thought I was pinning after another guy? Again, why didn’t I just tell him who I was? He wasn’t afraid to put himself out there, even though I was certain being a part of a sex club could cost him his job.

  “Stupid, stupid,” I said as I cranked on the engine and swore off Long Island iced teas for good
. I wanted him to know who I was, that I was really talking about him. But it wasn’t like I could just walk into his office Monday morning and tell him.

  Could I?

  Chapter 6

  “So…how was it?” My sister Linda asked. She was the first person I called after soaking in an Epson salt bath.

  “I cannot believe you sent me to a sex den.”

  “It’s not a sex den. Or at least the one here in Portland wasn’t. And nobody told you to open your legs to the first guy who said hello to you.”

  She was right. Drunk or sober, I acted like a total slut. But damn did it feel good. I left out the part about my mystery guy being Principal Zackary. That was a secret I’d take to my grave.

  After great debate, I realized the situation was for the best. Even if I told him the truth, there was no guarantee he’d want anything to do with me. Men perusing through sex clubs weren’t looking for girlfriends or repeat partners. They wanted casual, nameless, blameless sex which was what I thought I wanted too –before he was inside me.

  I was deep in the sex haze and utterly convinced I was in love. It wasn’t only the hottest sex of my life, it was a dream come true. I know I’d told ton of people I’d never re-marry but I could envision walking down the aisle again with Mason, making love to him every night until we were old and gray.

  “Quinn!” Linda yelled in my ear, dragging me out of my day dream.


  “I said, ‘Quit dodging my question and tell me how the sex was’.”

  “Oh, it was all right,” I lied as I shifted my heat pack so that it rested on my swollen pussy lips. My poor kitten had been pumped so hard I was chaffed.

  “Well, keep trying. I remember my first visit. The guy fucked me so hard I was limping for a week.

  A week! God, I hope it didn’t take that long.

  “Since when did you become such a freak?” My sister and I never talked about our sex lives; in fact, I’d never shared my issues with anyone other than Tommy, and now Mason. I couldn’t believe he still fucked me after the way I ran off at the mouth.

  “I’m pretty sure I’ve always been one. Just like you.”

  “I am not.”

  “Oh, really? You know how I know that you’re lying? Because last time I was in town I stole a dress from your closet.”


  “And I noticed that stripped ottoman in the corner. Yeah, I’ve got the same one and I’m willing to bet you’re hiding the same thing under yours that I’ve got under mine.

  I gasped and dropped my heat pack. The cold air hit my chaffed skin and I winced.

  “Oh god,” I whispered as I bent over to pick it up.

  “Stop being so dramatic. You think you’re the only woman on your block with a fuck machine?”

  “It’s not that.” Every second that my pussy wasn’t iced or heated it pulsed and burned like two lumps of hot coals rubbing together. “Ow, ow, ow,” I cried as I sat back.

  “What are you whining about?”

  “My crotch feels like I have an acid burn,” I cried. “I’ve used lotion, ice, and a heat pad, but I can barely move.”

  “Oh, honey, why didn’t you say something? All you need is to mix some vitamin a, d, and e oils with some fresh aloe vera cream.”

  “Where am I going to find all of that?”

  “In your medicine cabinet. I made sure you were stocked up when I gave you the number to the club. Now go treat your junk, and call me later.”

  I’d never known this side of Linda before, but I sure wish I had. It seemed there was a lot my big sister still had to teach me.

  By the next morning, I had better mobility thanks to Linda’s home remedy. I even managed to do a load of laundry, which was nothing compared to the mountain of things I had to do, but nonetheless a small victory.

  “I don’t smell dinner,” Tommy said loudly, bursting through the garage door, disturbing my nap. I was still exhausted and so relaxed that I must’ve dozed off on the couch. “Sorry. I didn’t know you were sleeping on the job.”

  He padded over to the couch and gave me a kiss on the cheek. It still amazed me that we were able to remain friends. I think the constant sex during our divorce proceedings had a lot to do with it.

  “What time is it?” I asked mid yawn.

  “Almost six.”

  “That can’t be right.” I pulled his wrist to my face and sure enough it was. I’d slept for five hours. I hadn’t slept that long since…before I had kids.

  “You feeling all right?” Tommy asked, touching my forehead.

  “I’m fine. I just lost track of time. Where are the kids?” I got my answer when the bangs and thumps overhead started. “I guess I better get started on dinner,” I said as I attempted to stand, but a pain in my groin sent me crashing back down onto the couch.

  “You don’t look fine. Are you sick or something?”

  “It’s nothing. I’ll just order pizza.”

  It felt weird having him play nurse when I was healing from sex with someone else. Tommy really was a good guy, but we just weren’t compatible sexually. I never wanted to be a cheater; even though we were divorced, I felt guilty.

  “I’ll go pick up something and hang around in case you need a hand.”

  “Tommy, you can’t spend the night.”

  “I know that. Will you just let me do the husband thing for a little bit? I promise I’ll go right after I put the kids to bed.”

  “Fine.” Damn I hated when he acted all sweet. It made me look like the bitch for leaving him. I knew that’s how all our friends saw me. Tommy was the only honest-to-good guy in all of Pasadena, maybe even the country. I know it for a fact after searching everywhere and everything for a reason to get out of our marriage. Boredom didn’t seem like a good enough excuse, but I decided one day that life was too short to spend it daydreaming about all the things I’d never do.

  But it was nights like this that made me question my decision. He ordered take out from my favorite Italian restaurant and even set up the TV trays in the family room so I wouldn’t have to get up. The kids told me all about their day at Griffith Park, and Tommy even talked them into putting away their own clothes.

  By nine, they were each off in their respective rooms, more than likely texting or playing video games.

  “Three down and one to go,” he said as he attempted to pick me up.

  “What are you doing?” I asked as I pushed him back.

  “I was trying to help you to bed.”

  “No, thank you. I’m fine where I am.”

  “If you say so. So, you gonna tell me what’s really going on, or are you gonna keep pretending that sitting on the couch for eight hours is your usual Sunday?”

  “I pulled a muscle.”

  “I told you, you’re getting too old for that boot camp stuff. Plus, you don’t even need it. You’ve got the body of an eighteen year old.”

  God, I wish that were true. At eighteen, I could have gone ten rounds with Mason and still ran five miles the next morning.

  “You’re right. I’m gonna skip this week.”

  “Well, since your schedule has opened up, maybe you could do me a favor.”

  “Depends on the favor.”

  “The school called last week with my volunteer schedule.”

  “You mean the one I put on your calendar six months ago.”

  “You did?”

  I huffed. I didn’t know why I even bothered to keep his schedule for him. It helped to know when he was free for the kids, but he never acknowledged any of the appointments I sent with regard to school activities.

  “Okay, I know I should’ve checked, but I can’t do this week. I’ve got some guys coming in from Sacramento and you know how they liked to be entertained.

  “You mean ‘I know how much they like to golf.’ There’s no way you’re getting out of volunteer week. You know how competitive that school is. If we don’t complete our hours, the kids could lose their spots next year.”

  “Which is why I told them you would go in my place.”

  “You what?!”

  I couldn’t go to the school after what happened. I was ready worried about seeing Mason when I dropped them off in the morning. I’d never seen him before, but after what had happened with him…I just had that kind of luck.

  “Oh boy, you’re doing that squinting thing with your eyes when you get really mad. Please don’t be mad.”

  “You are going to call them back and tell them that you made a mistake.”

  “I can’t. It’s already Sunday night. And like you said, we have to do the hours for the kids.”

  “Not ‘we’. You. I’ve done my hours for the year. I’ve also done bake sales, costumes, concessions stands, and field trips.”

  “Then tell them that tomorrow. The way I see it, my ninety thousand dollar tuition check each year is service enough.”

  “Tommy, please. If you ever loved me, you’ll go and do the hours yourself.”

  “Quinn, you know I love you. Just like I know that you’re gonna do what’s best for the kids,” he said as he took my hand. “Why don’t you let me make it up to you by taking you upstairs?”

  I rolled my eyes and sighed. I knew sex would come up at some point; it always did. To his credit, Tommy really tired his best and he wasn’t so bad in bed. I was just never fully satisfied with him.

  “Don’t you have a home to go to?”

  “Oh come on, like you don’t want to. It’s been four months and I know you’re probably aching for the real thing by now.”

  “Now you really have to go.”

  “Just hear me out. I went to the doctor and got Viagra and I’ve started running again. I can keep up with you now.”

  “Why is it that your propositions always make me sound like a slut?”

  “Because it’s one of the many things I’ve always loved about you.”

  “Goodnight Thomas,” I said as I finally stood, surprised that it didn’t hurt.

  “See, you’re feeling better. I’m hard as a rock. This was meant to be.”


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