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The Unbelievable Mr Brownstone Omnibus 3

Page 60

by Michael Anderle

  The alien looked the senator up and down. “Who are you? Are you authorized to speak for the government of the United States?”

  “I’m Senator Angus Johnston, and I’m currently authorized to speak on behalf of the United States, yes, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, so keep in mind that what you do in the next few minutes may result in war with a lot of very well-armed nations.” He clucked his tongue. “I know what you’re thinking, ‘Oh, well, these primitive apes can’t do much to us.’ Keep in mind, my alien friend, that we’ve got nukes and we’ve got magic. I think that’ll be enough to at least cause you a little pain. And if push comes to shove, we’ve got treaties with the Oricerans for strategic-level magic. We get our hands on a little sample, we can probably come knocking on your door.”

  “You misunderstand.” The alien’s face twitched. “The Nine Systems Alliance is protecting Earth. Yes, there was an issue with a rogue operative, but it’s been…handled.”

  The senator chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, the Silver Ghost was an alien. Interesting how that worked out.”

  James grunted. “She had it in for me for a while; for months. The Silver Ghost shit was just the latest version.”

  “I see.” The senator smiled at the alien. “From what I’ve seen, my alien friend, that problem was handled because of James Brownstone, not because of you, so why should I trust anything you say?”

  The alien narrowed his eyes. “No matter how much you think you can trust him, he’s a Vax Forerunner. His people are conquerors.”

  The senator laughed. “Welcome to Earth. Everyone’s descended from someone who conquered someone. Now, of course, James will have to share a few details with the US government for his safety, but that doesn’t change the fact that we’re not going to let you take him off this planet. Quite frankly, my alien friend, after this incident, if your government doesn’t establish some sort of formal, even if secret, diplomatic ties with the major countries on Earth, we’d consider that…troublesome and potentially a hostile act.”

  The roar of another jet passing overhead filled the night. Some of the soldiers had their weapons trained on the alien, others on the ship. All four tanks pointed their main cannons at the ship.

  Shay continued watching in silence, utterly surprised by the events unfolding in front of her.

  The alien looked around and frowned. “James Brownstone might be the doom of your world. You don’t understand how dangerous he is.”

  Senator Johnston shook his head. “No, it’s the exact opposite. I understand precisely how dangerous he is. He might be an alien sonofabitch from an entire race of sonsofbitches, but he’s our sonofabitch, you understand? So I think you should get back in your little ship, fly up, and contact whoever gives you orders and explain that James Brownstone will not be joining you for a tour.”

  “You’re all fools.” The alien pivoted on his heel and headed toward his ship.

  “Wait,” James called.

  What the hell is he doing? He better not have let that bastard convince him he needs to leave.

  The alien stopped and turned around. “If he volunteers to come with us, is that acceptable?”

  Senator Johnston’s smile vanished. “This isn’t North Korea. This is America. If he wants to leave, that his right.”

  James snorted. “I’m not leaving. I’m sure they have shit barbeque in the Nine Systems Alliance.”

  Several soldiers laughed, and Shay cracked a smile.

  “Then what is it?” the alien asked.

  James gestured around at the soldiers, tanks, spaceship, and the alien. “First contact between the government and the Nine Systems Alliance. Fucking spaceship. A whole freaking army here. Short of me blowing up a building with perfect timing, this shit works. Spontaneous and all that. This shit is fucking epic.”

  Shay blinked. “No fucking way. You’re kidding?”

  James reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring box. He headed over to Shay and dropped to one knee. “Come on, Shay. It’s not like you were gonna want fucking violins and doves.” He opened the ring box to reveal a jade ring with ancient Chinese characters on it. “Shield ring. Works with the pendant I already gave you. Way stronger together.”

  Several soldiers cheered.

  “Fuck, yeah. Go, Brownstone!” a man nearby yelled.

  The alien frowned. “I don’t understand. What’s going on?”

  Senator Johnston grinned. “You’re seeing real Earth culture here right now.”

  Shay stared at the tattooed bounty hunter on one knee holding the ring in front of her. “You seriously want to propose to me surrounded by soldiers, an alien, tanks, and a senator?”

  “Yeah.” James grunted. “Before I met you, I didn’t think about shit like love and marriage. Father McCartney said I should get married all the time because I obviously didn’t have the personality to be a priest or monk. He shut up about it not all that long after you moved into my place. I guess he figured you’d be what I need.” He smiled. “You know me, Shay. I’m good at ass-kicking and barbeque, not words. I know you thought I was gay when we first met, but you’re damned beautiful. You kick ass. You’re smarter than I am. And I love you. I don’t think there’s another woman on this planet, Oriceran, or any in the Nine Systems Alliance who is as perfect as you are for me. I know I don’t always get what you want, and I’m never gonna claim I understand women, but I know my life means more now that you’re in it, and I can’t see you ever leaving it.”

  Shay stared at James, her breathing shallow. It was utterly and completely insane. Cracked. A marriage proposal at a semi-official first contact situation surrounded by heavily armed men was about the least romantic thing she could think of unless James added a few bodies to the mix.

  But it was fucking epic.

  Shay took the ring from James and slipped it over her finger. “Yes, Mr. Brownstone. I’ll marry you.”

  More cheers erupted.

  The alien watched the whole thing unfold with complete bafflement on his face and shook his head. “This planet is insane.”

  Senator Johnston cleared his throat. “I’d like an invite to that, by the way.”

  Shay winked at him. “I’m sure that can be arranged.” She tugged on James’ arms until he stood and leaned in to kiss him.

  The senator turned back toward the alien. “Are we done here? I believe Mr. Brownstone and his fiancée were on their way to Las Vegas before you so rudely interrupted them.”

  The alien shook his head. “You humans are impossible. It might be the death of you.” He turned and headed toward the ship.

  “Don’t you dare take that woman to a Vegas wedding chapel, James,” the senator admonished. “Special women require special weddings.”

  James shrugged. “I figured she could handle the wedding planning. I nearly killed myself just trying to figure out a proposal.”

  Shay patted him on the arm. “Don’t worry, I’ll handle it all.”

  “Thank God.”

  The alien stepped inside his ship, and the walkway retracted as the door closed.

  Senator Johnston clapped his hands together. “Well then, that solves that. I’m sure in the next few weeks and months there’ll be a lot of unusual diplomatic activity happening, but it won’t be so bad, considering how things might have turned out.”

  “You would really have fought aliens to save me?” James looked surprised.

  “If it wasn’t for you being some Vax Forerunner thing, son, the Council would still be around. Every junkyard can use a mean dog.” The senator smiled and pulled out his phone. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to make some calls. The alien dragnet we had out is costing a lot of money per day, and I think we made our point. You two have fun in Vegas.” He narrowed his eyes on James. “And I meant what I said about the quickie marriage, son.”

  “Don’t worry,” Shay assured him. “There’s no way I’d agree to that.”

  “Yeah,” James rumbled. “Not like I can get Shay to do somethin
g she really doesn’t want to do.”

  Senator Johnston stepped toward one of the soldiers in the back and gave them a wave. “Good lesson to learn right now, son. Happy wife, happy life.”

  The bottom thrusters of the Alliance ship kicked in and it rose, still eerily quiet.

  James wrapped an arm around Shay, and they watched the ship as it ascended into the sky slowly for about ten seconds before shooting off in a blur.

  “I like Spontaneous James,” Shay murmured. “I like him a lot.”


  Senator Johnston was looking through some files on his computer when his door opened and a man in a dark suit entered. The man closed the door behind him and placed a small metallic cube on the edge of his desk. Even if he didn’t recognize the man, he knew exactly where he was from.

  “I’ve got privacy measures already,” the senator explained, “Agent… You know what, I don’t even want to know your name. It’s easier that way. So many of you come and go.”

  The agent sat down across from him. “We’re disappointed that you didn’t coordinate the response with our teams. The President has some concerns as well with how things proceeded.”

  “Did I violate Protocol 2038 in any way, son?”

  “No, but that’s not the point.” The other man frowned. “The point is, we suspected Brownstone was of non-Oriceran extraterrestrial origin, but now we know, and we also know that he’s from a potentially very dangerous race. That’s not something we can just ignore.”

  Senator Johnston snorted. “And I’ll say to you what I told that Nine Systems man. He’s our sonofabitch.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because he has had plenty of time to go bad already. And I should think you and all the people in your little shadow ops groups would understand why we need an asset like him. Right now the opening communications with the Alliance are going okay, but today’s ally can be tomorrow’s enemy. They’re afraid of Brownstone, and that’s good because he’s a loyal American who is also conveniently an alien supersoldier who has tangled with their operatives and won.”

  The agent eyed the senator with suspicion. “You want to use him as some sort of anti-alien backup?”

  “I think having a large number of options is always good when you’re worried about defense, especially against enemies who are stronger than you by default. The Oricerans are going to look out for themselves, first and foremost. Their magical advantage over us is huge, and from what I understand about how the way the gates work, it might take hundreds of years for that to equalize.” Senator Johnston leaned back in his chair. “The cold truth is, we never had World War III because of nukes. Just think of James Brownstone as a nuke who thinks.”

  “Is that wise? He’s already known to not trust the government, and he’s a man who doesn’t always play by the rules.” The agent’s frown deepened. “His fiancée is dangerous, too.”

  “If we continue to cultivate a good relationship with him, he’ll be there when it counts, just like he was with the Council.” Senator Johnston pointed at his monitor. “And the Nine Systems Alliance admits they aren’t the only group of aliens out there. Besides different organizations and alliances, there are also the Vax.”

  “That’s what I really don’t understand. We should be examining Brownstone and figuring out what makes him tick. Maybe developing biological weapon countermeasures—that sort of thing. If the Alliance can’t handle the Vax, we might not have any chance. We should force him if necessary.”

  “Did you listen to a single damned word I’ve just said, son? You don’t go and kick a nuke to find out how it works. He’s from some advanced race centuries, if not thousands of years, ahead of us. Having some fool doctor with delusions of grandeur poke him isn’t going to do anything but piss Brownstone off.”

  The senator wanted to slap the man for his stupidity.

  “Maybe we could put leverage on his fiancée,” the agent suggested. “Or his daughter.”

  Senator Johnston burst out laughing. “Are you trying to be stupid, son? The best way to piss off James Brownstone is to go after the people he cares about. He’s already sore at the government for what went down during his daughter’s adoption. You pressure her at all, we’ll lose him forever.” His smile disappeared. “If I find at any point that your people have screwed with Alison Brownstone or Shay Carson? Well, let’s just not go there, shall we? You don’t last long around Washington and these dark projects without knowing a thing or two about dealing with people who go against you. Do I make myself clear?”

  The agent glared at the senator and gave him a curt nod. “So, your big plan is to be nice to Brownstone? That’s what you’re basing the security of the United States and Earth on?”

  “Being nice and showing proper respect goes a long way. James is many things, but he’s a man who understands when someone’s done him a favor. The US government, through me, almost declared war on an alien civilization to defend him from being kidnapped. So, yes, I do think he’ll be grateful.”

  “And if you’re wrong?” The agent raised an eyebrow in question.

  “Then we better have a mess of wizards ready to send him to the World in Between, and a whole army to push him there.” Senator Johnston gave the agent a stern look.

  “And what if the Vax come looking for him? What if they threaten his family or Earth?”

  “Then God have mercy on their poor, sad souls because James Brownstone certainly won’t.”

  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  January 3, 2019

  THANK YOU for not only reading this story but these Author Notes as well.

  (I think I’ve been good with always opening with “thank you.” If not, I need to edit the other Author Notes!)

  RANDOM (sometimes) THOUGHTS?

  Proposals… So, today I had to admit to my wife that I was tearing up when reviewing the edited version of this story and the proposal scene. I felt the emotions that I hope some of you shared with me as Shay and Brownstone finally made official.

  Two people, changed for the better because of love. My man Brownstone is all grown up, and the story has been told. Everyone (who is anyone) knows who and what James Brownstone is.

  And he is going to get married!

  However, DON’T you believe that we have delivered all the fun, because there is still something waiting in the wings (in about 3 books) to share.

  It will be epic ;-)


  We are able to support our efforts with you reading our books, and we appreciate you doing this!

  If you enjoyed this or ANY book by any author, especially Indie-published, we always appreciate if you make the time to review a book, since it lets other readers who might be on the fence to take a chance on it as well.


  One of the interesting (at least to me) aspects of my life is the ability to work from anywhere and at any time. In the future, I hope to re-read my own Author Notes and remember my life as a diary entry.

  Thursday late morning, Hilton Bali.

  I am sitting across from Judith as I work and she is finishing breakfast. I’m in the Hilton Bali Resort and outside is…a bunch of fucking water.

  I have JUST realized that I don’t know which ocean is outside. This reminds me of the time I was staring at the Mediterranean thinking it was the Atlantic because I didn’t know where Barcelona was in Spain.

  Until two (2) minutes ago, I didn’t know where I was in Bali, either.

  It’s the Indian Ocean, I believe.

  Now, at least I have a name for the body of water.

  I’m so location-ignorant sometimes. Who knew my lack of knowledge about world geography would be on display for hundreds (or thousands) to learn? Here’s a tip, kids: use Google Maps. Don’t Be Like Mike.


  If you would like to find out what LMBPN is doing and the books we will be publishing, just sign up at When you si
gn up, we notify you of books coming out for the week, any new posts of interest in the books and pop culture arenas, and the fan pricing on Saturday.

  Ad Aeternitatem,

  Michael Anderle

  Shadow of the Ring

  The Unbelievable Mr. Brownstone Book 16


  Family is life. That, and brisket.

  James took another huge bite of the meat on his sauce-covered fork. The trays on the table in front of him were laden with piles of Jessie Rae’s barbeque, neatly divided into smaller piles by sauce type. This was one enemy he was always willing to face.

  Since Alison was on summer vacation, he’d made sure they hit Jessie Rae’s at least every other week. Driving hours for good barbeque might seem extreme to some, but Jessie Rae’s wasn’t just good barbeque. It was the best.

  PFW is heading the right direction, but we’re still a long way off before we’re even close to Jessie Rae’s.

  Alison sat across the small table working on a rib with the intensity of a starving wolf. She set her half-eaten rib down on her plate, a mischievous smile on her face.

  “What’s up?” James rumbled, a little nervous at her look.

  “Have you noticed how I’ve been calling her Mom all summer and she's stopped complaining and telling me to call her ‘Aunt Shay?’” The teen grinned.

  “She’ll be your stepmom sooner rather than later.” James shrugged. “And she loves you. There’s no point in fighting it. Even Shay knows there are some fights she can’t win.”


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