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The Politics of Truth_Inside the Lies That Put the White House on Trial and Betrayed My Wife's CIA Identity

Page 51

by Joseph Wilson

Abacha, Sani

  ABC(American Broadcasting Company)


  Abidjan, Ivory Coast

  Abraham Lincoln (aircraft carrier)

  Abrams, Eliot

  Accra, Ghana

  Acheson, Dean

  ACRI (African Crisis Response Initiative)

  Adana, Turkey

  Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

  Adelman, Ken




  AIDS in

  as breeding ground for terrorism

  Clinton visits

  diversity, of continent


  natural resources

  U. S. investment in

  Wilson consults on

  Africa-American Institute

  African Affairs, Bureau of

  African, African-American Summit

  African governments, post-colonial

  African Growth and Opportunity Act

  African military, training

  Afrique-Asie (magazine)

  Agadez, Niger

  Agriculture Department, Commodity Credit Program

  AIDS (autoimmune deficiency syndrome)

  Air Force One

  air travel, to Niger

  airplane crash, of DC-

  al Qaeda. see also bin Laden, Osama; September 11, 2001

  links to Saddam Hussein, unproven


  Albright, Madeleine


  Ali, Muhammad

  All That Glitters (sitcom)

  Allen, Mike (Washington Post)

  Allende, Salvador

  Alliance for American Leadership

  All in the Family (sitcom)


  and advisorship CINC

  path to

  and symbolism

  America (Cooke)

  American Association of Nuclear Power Plant Managers

  American Enterprise Institute

  American Morning (CNN)

  American Prospect

  American Turkish Council


  “Ancien Combatant” (song)

  Andrews, Tom

  Ang, Melvin


  Angolan war

  and Cuba

  and diamond trade

  and failed elections

  and Gabon

  and South Africa

  and Soviet Union

  and the United States

  Angstat, Janet


  Aoun, Michel


  and Sullivan Principles

  Aqabah, Jordan

  Arab Cooperation Council

  Arab culture

  Arab-Israeli war, 1967

  Arab Knight Square, Baghdad


  Arafat, Yasser

  armored car

  Artists for Winning Without War

  Ashcroft, John

  recuses self from leak investigation

  al-Assad, Hafez

  assassination plot, on U.S. ambassador

  Atta, Mohammed

  Atwood, J. Brian

  Austria, forces in Bosnia

  Austrian ambassador, meets with Wilson

  Avalon Publishing Group

  axis of evil

  Aziz, Tariq

  assures passage for evacuees


  confronted on invasion of Kuwait

  at Hussein/Wilson meeting

  meets with James Baker

  Wilson confronts

  Baath Party

  Babylon (code word)

  Badian, Seydou

  Bagdhad, Iraq

  Bagdhad Museum of National Antiquities

  “Baghdad Bob”

  Baker, James

  Balkanization, of Iraq


  Baltimore Sun

  Bamako, Mali

  Bank of America building, burned

  Baradei, Mohamed El

  Barks-Ruggles, Erica

  Bartlett, Dan

  Basra, Iraq

  Baute, Jacques

  Bayh, Evan

  BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)

  BBC World Service

  Beatty, Warren

  Bechtel Corporation

  Bedie, Henri Konan

  Beers, Rand


  colonizes Burundi

  military coordination with

  Belgrade, Yugoslavia

  Bell’s palsy, Wilson suffers


  Bening, Annette

  Bennett, John

  Bennett, William

  Berger, Sandy

  Bergheer, Roland

  Berlin Wall

  Bettag, Tom

  Biden, Joe

  Bilma, Niger

  bin Laden, Osama

  biological weapons

  Bir, Cevik

  Biya, Paul

  Bizimungu, Pasteur

  Blackhawk Down

  Blades, Joan

  Blair, Jayson

  Blair, Tony

  Blankley, Tony

  Blinken, Anthony

  Blitzer, Wolf

  Blix, Hans

  Blondin Bey, Alioune

  killed, in plane crash


  Bohemian Club, San Francisco

  Bolton, John

  Bonaparte, Napoleon

  Bongo, Omar


  and prostitution scandal


  relationship with Wilson

  Book of Revelation


  Botha, Roelof (Pik)

  and Angolan war


  Boxer, Barbara

  Boyd, Wes

  Brandt, Willy

  Brasserie Lipp (Paris restaurant)

  Bratislava, Slovakia

  Brazzaville, Congo

  Bremer, L. Paul (Jerry)


  investigates slave labor in Sâo Tomé and Príncipe

  in Iraq

  military coordination with

  politics in

  British Flying Cross

  British white paper, and uranium allegations

  Broder, David

  Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners union

  Brown, Ron

  Brown vs. Board of Education

  Brussels, Belgium

  Brzezinski, Zbigniew

  Bubiyan island, Kuwait

  Buchanan and Press (MSNBC)

  Buchanan, Pat

  Bujumbura, Burundi

  Bull, Gerard

  Bumiller, Elisabeth

  Bureau of African Affairs, State Department

  burial customs, Nigerien

  Burkina Faso



  AIDS in

  as Belgian colony

  character of people

  civil war, Tutsi people



  pre-colonial period


  Bush at War (Woodward)

  Bush, Barbara

  Bush, George H. W.


  National Security Council

  and Saddam Hussein

  assassination attempt

  encourages internal rebellion of Iraqis

  on exposure of intelligence operatives

  and Israel

  letter to Hussein

  orders drawdown of U.S. embassy in Kuwait

  on September 11, 2001

  and Wilson

  meets with

  nominates for ambassadorship

  relationship with

  A World Transformed

  Bush, George W.

  2000 campaign

  smear tactics

  Wilson contributes

  addresses American Enterprise Institute

  comments on Novak story

  on Ir
aq as imminent threat

  personal motivations, for Gulf War II

  responsibility of

  rhetoric, on Iraq

  State of the Union Address, of January 28, 2003

  Bush, George W., administration. see also neoconservatives, push for invasion of Iraq

  comments on Novak story

  denigrates Wilson

  motivations for

  disengages from Israeli peace process

  faces questions on uranium allegations

  Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board

  handling of Iraqi intelligence

  intimidation tactics

  investigates Wilson

  justification for invasion of Iraq


  retracts lies

  requests $87 billion

  revisionist rhetoric

  and September 11, 2001

  as source of information on Valerie Plame


  individual named

  motivations for leaking

  White House

  White House launches investigation

  Wilson voices shock

  subversion of Congressional debates

  targets Saddam Hussein


  Wilson story, as call to accountability

  Butcher of Kurdistan

  Byrd, Robert

  Cabelly, Robert



  Camp David peace process

  campaign contributions

  Cape Town, South Africa

  Capital Report (CNBC)

  Card, Andrew

  Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

  Carroll & Graf Publishers

  Castro, Fidel

  Cavafy, C. P., Ithaka

  CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System)

  CBS Evening News

  celebrities meet with Saddam Hussein

  Centcom (Central Command)

  Center, Bill

  Central African Republic

  Central America, U. S. in

  Central Command (Centcom)

  CFA currency (French Central African)

  Chamberlain, Neville

  Charles, Sandy

  “Chemical Ali”

  chemical weapons

  development of

  Iraq used on Kurds

  United Nations resolutions

  used on Kurds

  Cheney, Dick

  and neoconservative cult

  sends campaign letter to Wilson

  Chevrolet cars, in Iraq

  Chicago Seven

  China, Communist

  Chinese, relations with United States

  Chirac, Jacques

  Chobe River

  Christian Right

  Christianity, in Iraq

  Christians, in Middle East

  Christie, Agatha

  Church of England

  CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). see also intelligence


  enlists Wilson’s services

  history of

  Iraq Survey Group

  Nonproliferation Center

  and psychology

  public dislike

  receives Wilson’s report

  and Robert Novak

  role of

  Wilson’s respect for

  CINC (commanders in chief, military)

  civil rights movement, United States

  Clark, Ramsey

  Clark, Torie

  Clark, William

  classified information

  leaks, to media


  “A Clean Break: A New Security Strategy for the Realm” (Perle)

  Wilson responds

  Clear, Jesse

  Cleland, Max

  Clinton administration

  attacks, on Iraqi WMD sites

  and Israel

  relations with Africa


  Clinton, Bill

  acknowledges African-Americans

  in Rwanda

  in South Africa

  visits Africa

  departs for trip

  planning the trip

  security concerns

  Clinton, Hillary Rodham



  American Morning


  Late Edition

  Coalition Provisional Authority

  Cocsal, Sonmez

  Code Pink


  Cohen, William S.

  Cold War


  colonialism, consequences of

  Comedy Central


  commanders in chief (CINC), U. S. military

  Commodity Credit Program (Department of Agriculture)

  communications, in West Africa

  communism, in Republic of the Congo

  communists, overthrown, in Poland

  Conflict Resolution Program, Woodrow Wilson Interna tional Center for Scholars in Washington

  Congo, Republic of

  Brazzaville, Congo

  character of people

  culture of


  foreign minister gives inflammatory speech at U.N.

  under Kabila

  oil industry

  politics of


  relations with United States

  strategic location of

  Congo River

  Congress, debates resolutions on Iraq

  authorizes use of force

  Congressional Fellowship

  Connally, John

  constructive engagement

  containment policy, U. S.

  Conyers, John

  Cook, Frances

  Cooke, Alistair, America

  Corn, David (The Nation)

  Côte d’Ivoire

  Couric, Katie

  Crane, Phil


  Crocker, Chester

  and Angolan war

  Croix de Guerre

  Crossfire (CNN)

  Crowe, William J.


  and Angolan war

  relations with United States

  Cuban missile crisis

  Cultural Center, Baghdad

  Cultural Center, Bujumbura, Burundi

  Currie, Betty

  Czech Republic

  Dahuk, Iraq

  Daily Show with Jon Stewart

  Dakar, Senegal

  Dash, Samuel

  Dayton peace plan

  DCM (deputy chief of mission)

  de Gaulle, Charles

  de Moura, Venancio

  Dean, John

  Declaration of Independence

  Defense Department

  calls for resignation of

  Distinguished Service Award, Wilson receives


  Defense Policy Board

  DeKlerk, F. W.

  Delay, Tom

  Delaye, Bruno

  Democracy, rights of

  democratic process

  difficulty of implementing in Gabon. see Gabon, elections in; Gabon, politics in

  in Iraq

  participation in, as privilege

  Democratic Republic of Sâo Tomé and Príncipe

  Democratization, goal of

  Denny, Brewster

  Department of Defense, Office of Special Plans

  Department of Strategy and International Security, U. S. Air Force Air War College

  deputy chief of mission (DCM) position

  Deputy Under Secretary of Defense

  Derkou, Niger

  desert cooler

  Desert Fox

  Diarrah, Chiek Ourmar

  Diatta, Joseph

  dictatorships, living under

  Diouf, Abdou

  diplomats, love of intrigue

  disarmament of Iraq, vs. regime change
  Dobbs, Lou

  Dobrynin, Anatoly

  Dole, Bob

  Dominici, Louis

  attacks Wilson politically

  Donaldson, Sam

  Dos Santos, Jose Eduardo

  Douin, Jean-Philippe

  al-Douri, Izzat Ibrahim

  Downing, Wayne

  Dubinin, Yuri

  Dunne, Finley Peter

  economic sanctions, on Iraq


  relations with Iraq

  relations with United States

  Egyptian embassy, in Iraq


  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  Elf Aquitaine

  Elliot, Jon

  Ellsberg, Daniel

  embassy property, and diplomatic rights

  denied, to Kuwait evacuees

  Emma’s War (Scroggins)

  Ensor, David

  Entebbe, Uganda

  equator, and direction of water

  Equatorial Guinea



  ethnic cleansing. see Bosnia Republic of the Congo

  EUCOM (European Command)

  in Bosnia

  Euphrates River

  European Defense Force

  European Union ambassadors, in Iraq

  evangelicals, right-wing

  Evans, Rowland

  Exocet missiles

  Face the Nation

  Fahd, king of Saudi Arabia

  false alarm

  Fang tribe, Gabon

  Farrell, Mike

  Feinstein, Dianne

  Fertel Foundation

  fig leaves

  Financial Times

  Fineman, Mark

  Fleisher, Ari

  Fleiss, Heidi

  Flintlock program

  Flying cross

  Foley, Alan

  Foley, Heather

  Foley, Tom


  in Arab culture

  in Muslim culture

  in Nigerien culture

  Ford administration

  Foreign Service career

  deputy chief of mission (DCM) position

  and diplomacy

  path to ambassadorship

  qualifications for CINC advisorship

  sabbatical, for training

  Fowler, Wyche


  George W. Bush appears

  Hannity & Colmes

  News Sunday

  The O’Reilly Factor



  embassy in Iraq

  forces in Bosnia

  industry, in Africa

  Congo, Republic of

  Elf Aquitaine


  and political corruption

  and politics

  Sâo Tome and Principe

  military coordination with

  produces weapons

  relations with United States

  and Gulf War II

  seeks normalization of Iraqi relations

  Franceville, Gabon

  Frankfurt Book Fair

  Franklin (aircraft carrier)

  French Croix de Guerre

  frog-marching comment

  Fulda Gap

  Fulford, Carleton


  character of people



  and United States

  elections. see also Gabon, politics in

  opposition riots

  gains independence

  geography and climate


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