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The Savage and the Genie

Page 4

by Siren Allen

  I apologize. He thought it, but didn’t say it. “Enough of your story,” he told her in a gruff, but calmer tone. “I will tell you the real story of my people.”

  Her eyes lit up. Beautiful. For a second, they held him in a daze. He cleared his throat and proceeded to tell her his story. Growing up, he hadn’t known magic was real. He hadn’t even known what magic was.

  The stories of those who came before him never mentioned magical beings. They never mentioned any species outside of their own. There were only two things the ancient scrolls mentioned repeatedly.

  That was to never venture outside the mountains of Lycanson and never allow outsiders in. So, they didn’t, for years and years. They didn’t venture outside of their shores until they had no choice but to do so. And that was when Saxon’s whole life changed.

  That was when he learned that everything in the ancient scrolls had been a lie.

  Chapter Four

  For centuries, his people never left the shores of Lycanson.

  Not until Saxon’s father deemed it necessary. It wasn’t until their population began to outgrow their villages that they started to wonder about what lie outside their mountains and shores. Then the drought came, and it prevented them from farming.

  Not only that, but it also prevented them from having drinkable water and from fishing. Necessity was what caused them to explore. Exploring was what led to them learning that there was an entire world outside of their mountains.

  Saxon had felt stupid for believing that only he and his people lived on this huge planet. Hell, he’d felt stupid for not knowing how huge the planet was. What made him feel even dumber was the fact that he hadn’t even known this planet had a name.

  He didn’t know the name of this world until he met an astronomer, a person who studied the stars, by the name of Kertu. That male told him of the galaxy, of space. Turns out, they lived on a planet called Eris.

  All this time, his people believed that the stars in the sky were the souls of their late ancestors. That was what the ancient scrolls had taught them to believe. Turns out, those were just balls of gas and energy that were light-years away.

  Kertu had used a telescope to show the galaxy to Saxon and his brothers, enlightening them to their insignificance. They’d thought they were powerful. Truth was, they were just ants compared to how grand the galaxy was.

  They never would’ve known Kertu existed if they hadn’t begun exploring. All this time, Kertu had lived on a neighboring shore to the north of them that was ruled by a king who quickly became Saxon’s ally, King Denzin.

  Saxon’s father told Denzin of their troubles. Denzin provided them with a boat large enough to carry farm animals on. He told them of a charcoal method to siphon the salt out of the waters along their shore so they could use some of it as drinking and farming water.

  King Denzin saved their lives. They’d asked him what he wanted in return. He simply said he needed an ally. He needed someone who’d come to the aid of him and his people if they ever needed it.

  Saxon’s father agreed, and they returned to Lycanson with their animals and their charcoal. They were able to save their people because of their new allies. However, Saxon hadn’t been satisfied with remaining in Lycanson now that he knew there was more out there.

  He’d wanted to travel, to explore. So had his brothers. His father allowed them to do so, only because he too wanted to know what awaited them across the vast ocean. However, as king, he couldn’t leave Lycanson for long periods.

  So, he sent his sons exploring. It was up to them to rewrite the ancient scrolls so that those who came after them knew the truth. During their travels, they encountered more kingdoms like the one Denzin ruled over.

  They formed more alliances and established trade partnerships. Each time they did so, they sent word home to their king, his father, so that he could send a delegate along with a group of soldiers to visit their new ally and further discuss their partnership.

  Not only did exploring help provide knowledge to their people, but it also strengthened their pack. However, it also made them vulnerable. They quickly learned that not everyone was as kind and helpful as king Denzin and those they’d formed alliances with.

  They encountered pirates and worse, magic users as they explored. Though the shifters of their clan were peaceful, they never backed down from a fight. The thing was, they’d always fought amongst themselves.

  Minor skirmishes with other clans who lived on the other side of their territory. Mock battles with their own soldiers to test their capabilities. It was only when their lives were being threatened that the other side of them came out.

  For instance, when territories decided to rebel and try to overthrow the king. That was when what Calypso was referring to as the berserker inside of them came out. Other than that, they were a peaceful pack.

  However, once they began exploring, that put them on the radar of others. Afterward, their home front was attacked, and their lands were raided. Therefore, they were forced to do some attacking of their own. They expanded. They grew. They raided. They conquered.

  But only kingdoms who’d attacked their lands. And once they dealt out payback to those who’d raided their lands, they returned to exploring. Still, even when exploring, they encountered those who’d rather fight than trade.

  Most often, the rulers of those kingdoms treated their citizens like lesser beings and taxed them until they had nothing left for themselves. Saxon chose to overthrow those rulers and crown his brothers and cousins as kings of those lands.

  Due to their exploring, they made contact for the first time with magic users. Their strength was nothing compared to the abilities of magic users. Fighting beings with special abilities had been hard as hell.

  But they’d managed. They learned from their mistakes. They learned what worked and what didn’t work against those who possessed abilities that they didn’t. The more creatures of the lore they encountered, the more knowledge they accumulated.

  Everyone had a weakness. Magical creatures weren’t undefeatable. You just had to work harder to kill them. And Lycans didn’t mind working hard. During war, they let themselves go and fought with a wild abandonment that brought fear to their enemy’s eyes.

  “And that’s how we got the title of savages, berserkers. Because in battle, we are indeed savage. But only because we have to be, only because that’s what it takes to win. We do not like losing. Still, we only fight, we only kill when we have to. And never women and children.”

  “Is that why you spared Patisha’s life, even though she tried to kill you?” Caly asked, then yawned.

  “Yes. That’s why her life had been spared.”

  “I’d kind of been hoping you’d kill her.”

  Saxon held in his grin. “You’re a vicious little genie.”

  Eyes drifting shut, she whispered, “I can be when I need to be.”

  “But you called me a savage for killing,” he reminded her. “I think you’re the real savage.”

  “I don’t call you a savage for killing. I call you a savage for needlessly killing. There’s a difference.”

  Indeed, there was. “What if I told you I didn’t kill needlessly?”

  “I’d call you a liar.” As an afterthought, she added, “My Lord.”

  “Have you ever seen me kill someone who didn’t need to be killed?”

  “I’ve only seen you kill one person…”

  “And he deserved it, right?”

  Hesitating before answering, she finally replied, “Yes, he deserved it. But I’ve listened to your soldiers when they’re drunk. They sing of your exploits and…”

  “Do any of their lyrics refer to me killing innocent people?”

  “No, but…”

  “Were you even listening to my story? Didn’t you hear me say that I only kill those who are evil and cruel to their subjects?”

  After a moment, her eyes drifted open. “I heard it.”

  “And yet, you still think I’m a savage.

  She swallowed. “Because it’s safer that way.”

  What the hell? “Safer? For who?”

  Her midnight blue eyes peered into his. “Safer for me,” she whispered and then closed her eyes. “Good night, Saxon.”

  For a long time, he just stared at her. What the hell did she mean it was safer for her? What did him being a savage or not have to do with her safety? Though he was indeed a savage, he’d never hurt her.

  In all the years he’d been traveling, exploring, he’d never met someone as unique and special as her. And he’d met a lot of people, a lot of women, during his travels. She was the only one who made him want to be more than an explorer.

  She was the only one who made him want to settle down. Because of her, he was no longer as interested in traveling as he’d once been. Because of her, he was now considering returning home and allowing his brothers and cousins to continue what he’d started.

  She was changing him. Why her? Why this genie with the attitude and the ability to roll her eyes like no other? Why was she the female who made his inner wolf feel calm? She wasn’t his mate.

  He knew that for a fact because his wolf was still quiet. If she belonged to him in the true sense, his wolf would’ve told him so. Their inner animals remained silent until they met their mates.

  Once they did so, they would be able to hear their wolf’s thoughts when they were in their skin-forms. He couldn’t hear the thoughts of his inner animal. Caly wasn’t his mate. So why did she make him want to settle down?

  Why did she make him want to start a family? It was all so confusing. Maybe she was right. Maybe her thinking of him as a savage was safer for her. As long as she thought of him that way, she’d never let her guard down around him.

  She’d never fall for him. She’d never desire to give herself to him. Though he hated to admit it, that was a good thing. It was a good thing that she didn’t want him the way he wanted her.

  Because if she did, he’d say to hell with finding his true mate. And as alpha to his pack, his people would accept no one other than his true mate as their queen. Saxon sighed. There could never be more to them than what they had right now.

  That was why he had no choice but to free her before they arrived at the shores of his territory. Before he said goodbye to her, he’d make sure no one would ever be able to hold the title of Keeper of her Lamp again.

  Even he didn’t have that right. He wanted to release her now. But it wasn’t safe for her here. He would take her to a place where magic users were welcomed. A place where she’d be safe. She deserved to be set free.

  She deserved to live a carefree life. And he would do that for her. Before then, he wanted to enjoy a few more days with her. He wanted to see her smile for a little while longer. He even wanted to watch her get angry so that he could see the blue flames ignite in her gaze.

  He wanted to spend a little bit more time with her before he had to let her go forever. It was selfish of him to want these things. It was selfish of him to keep her, even for a little while. A selfish savage, that’s what he was.

  But soon, he’d be a lonely savage. She mumbled something incoherent in her sleep. Saxon pulled the covers up over her. She snuggled into them. He sighed. He’d rather be selfish than lonely.

  “Goodnight, Calypso.”

  Saxon closed his eyes. That night, like many other nights, he dreamt of a blue-eyed, brown-skinned genie who made him want to give it all up to be with her. He couldn’t help but wonder if she ever dreamed about him.


  Erotic dreams were her new normal.

  Every night, her dreams were filled with naughtiness. In each dream, the scenes changed, but the lead couple remained the same, Saxon and her. During those naughty scenes, she was the one in control of their sexcapades.

  Last night’s dream involved her riding him until he screamed her whole name. Calypso Ariel Rivers. She’d had him bucking uncontrollably underneath her while he gripped her hips, and tried his best not to cum.

  But the sex was too good for him to hold out for too long. His orgasm rocked him a few seconds before hers rocked her. Not only did it rock her in dreamland, it rocked her in reality also. When she awoke, she was still trembling and grinding against the air.

  Wait! That wasn’t the air. She tried to be still, but her body was in the throes of a full-blown orgasm. She jerked a few more times before the wave of pleasure washed away, leaving her wishing she was still asleep.

  It wasn’t the orgasm that had her wishing she was still asleep; it was her current situation that had her wanting that. She was awake now and slowly coming to her senses. And she sensed something wasn’t right.

  Fuck! She wasn’t in her lamp. She’d forgotten that she’d fallen asleep next to Saxon. She’d made sure she’d slept on the edge of the pallet, as far away from him as physically possible.

  Yet, when she opened her eyes, the side of her face was resting against his chest. Not only was her head on his chest, but one of her arms was draped across him, and her leg was thrown over his waist.

  And if she wasn’t mistaken, that was an erection her leg was resting on. Which meant she’d been humping the side of Saxon’s body in her sleep. How embarrassing! She wanted to move, needed to move, but was afraid she’d wake him if she did so.

  Fiddlesticks! What to do? Lying there was wreaking havoc on her nerves. Sadly, it was also wreaking havoc on her libido. She’d just had a dream-orgasm and now her body was craving the real thing.

  It was craving the man she’d just humped. Get it together, Calypso. If he awoke and found her like this, he would never let her live it down. Moving slowly, Caly raised up and peered down at him.

  Asleep, he didn’t seem so much like a savage. He looked slightly angelic. Not a regular cherub. More like a fallen angel. Dark and deadly with only a hint of goodness. It should make her shy away from him.

  Instead, it made her want to move closer. However, if she moved any closer, she’d end up slipping him inside of her. That was tempting. Illogical and never going to happen, but tempting as hell. Instead of focusing on his hard cock, she focused on his cuteness.

  Suddenly she had the urge to pinch his cheek. Suppressing a giggle, she smiled as she raised her hand and moved it closer to his face. If she had some paint, she could draw him some kitty whiskers and make him look even cuter.

  “Are you going to keep staring at me, or are you going to go back to dry fucking my side?”

  With a yelp, she scooted away from him. Her cheeks were on fire now. “You were awake the entire time?”

  His eyes opened. “Yes.”

  “Why didn’t you say something? Why didn’t you stop me?”

  “You were asleep.” His gaze locked with hers.

  “You could’ve woken me up,” she asked, scooting back to her side of the pallet.

  “You were sound asleep. You said you haven’t been sleeping well lately. Why would I wake you up?”

  “Because I was humpi… I was…”

  “Dry fucking me,” he finished for her.

  “Whatever. I was asleep. I didn’t know I was doing it. I had no control over it.”

  “What were you dreaming about?”

  “Cucumbers,” she lied.

  He chuckled. “Big ones or small ones?”

  “Huh?” Oh, she’d said cucumbers. A dick shaped vegetable. She smiled. “Big ones,” she answered with a laugh.

  Saxon laughed along with her. As the laughter faded away, an awkward silence followed. Clearing her throat, she stared down at the pallet. How long had he been awake? She hoped it wasn’t for the entire time.

  “You moaned my name in your sleep,” he told her.

  Ugh. He was awake the entire time. Damn.

  Chapter Five

  She was adorable when she was embarrassed.

  Sax watched a flush tint her cheeks as she groaned in response to what he’d just told her. Her sweet moans were what had awoken him. He’d held himself completely still, afr
aid that he’d awaken her.

  He’d been willing to spend the entire day in that position as long as she kept rubbing against him like that. His rock-hard cock was proof that he’d enjoyed having her hump him. He felt a bit guilty for having lied to her.

  She hadn’t moaned his name in her sleep. She’d moaned the word savage. Since she had a habit of referring to him as such, he assumed she was dreaming about him. His pride wouldn’t let him ask her.

  But the fact that she hadn’t denied it meant she more than likely was dreaming about him. At least, that was what he was going to keep telling himself to keep him from growing angry. Caly stared down at the pallet, and then she stared over at the tub.

  She was staring everywhere to keep from looking at him while he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off her. Damn, he missed having her warmth next to him. He missed feeling her body pressed against his.

  He missed having her arm draped across his chest. Why the hell couldn’t he stop staring at her? Saxon closed his eyes before he did something crazy like wish her back into his arms.

  “Are you going back to sleep?” She asked.

  “What does it look like?”

  “It looks like you’re going back to sleep.”


  “Hmmm, isn’t a word.”

  It was his word.

  “Did you hear me? Hmmm isn’t a word.”

  “Must you talk so much?” He waited for a sassy retort. He waited a full minute longer, still no reply. He opened his eyes to find her glaring at him. Silently. The silence stretched to another minute. “I wish you’d talk to me,” he growled.

  A huge grin spread across her face. “You do know that hmmm isn’t a word, right?”


  She giggled. The sweetest sound he’d ever heard.

  “Do you plan to go out and steal us breakfast?”

  Food. Right. They needed that to live. “I’ll go out when I wake up.”

  “And how long will that be?”

  “Give me another three hours.”


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