The Savage and the Genie

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by Siren Allen

  “Not even once?”

  “Not even once.” He stared at her for so long with his intense eyes that she became nervous. Needing to take the heat off herself, she asked, “Have you ever been in love?”

  He didn’t respond right away. He just kept staring down at her. She fiddled with her necklace. Her new necklace. The one her savage had purchased for her.

  “I’m in love right now.”

  His words came out as a whisper that was carried away on the wind. She wasn’t sure she’d heard him right.

  “What did you say?”

  “Nothing. Let’s go.”

  This time when he grabbed her hand, she allowed him to lead her back to the campsite. She didn’t pull away. She didn’t want to. His last words were on repeat in her thoughts. I’m in love right now.

  Did that mean he was in love with her? But if the fortune teller was right, that meant she was going to be the love he lost. Shit. She’d much rather be the last love. The one he didn’t lose.

  The one that he’d get to keep forever. Fuck. She’d hoped this wouldn’t happen. She’d hoped she wouldn’t start to feel this way. She’d tried to fight it. Yet, it wasn’t something tangible that she could fight. It was love.

  And no one could stop love.

  Chapter Nine


  That was what the rest of the journey to the campsite felt like. Neither of them said a word. They walked in silence, both caught up in their own thoughts. When they reached the site, the men were in the process of loading the boats.

  “Go on inside. I’ll let the men know about the king’s parting gift.”


  She headed toward their tent. Unable to help herself, she stared over her shoulder, wanting one more glimpse of him. To her utter shock and disbelief, he was standing right where she’d left him, and he was staring at her.

  Her pulse quickened. If he kept this up, she was really going to think he was in love with her. He didn’t look away. Nervous, she was the first to break eye contact. Walking faster, she rushed to their tent.

  Once inside, she placed her hand over her chest. Her heart was racing like it was being chased by a gang of goblins. If she’d known that one outing with her Saxon would leave her feeling this torn, this indecisive, she would’ve pretended to be sick.

  Ugh. Normally, her head and her heart were of one accord. If she thought she should hate someone, she hated them. If she thought she should like someone, she liked them. Her mind and her heart were always in agreeance.

  Or rather, they used to be. Until a tall, musclebound savage stormed into her life. Footsteps outside the tent pulled her away from her thoughts. Rushing to the other side of the room, she sat down in a chair near his pallet. A second or two later, Saxon entered the tent.

  “Did you enjoy our outing?” He asked.

  “I did. Very much so. What about you?”

  With a nod, he started unlacing his boots. She wanted to help him. In the past, she never helped unless he asked her to. She fought the urge to volunteer.

  “Are you tired?” He asked.

  “A little.” Was he going to invite her to sleep on his pallet again? It was much softer than her bed. Plus, she wasn’t ready to be away from him yet.

  “You should return to your lamp for a while and get some rest. I’ll call for you when the festivities begin.”

  Her heart dropped. He wanted her to go away. Why? What had she done? What had she said? She had too much pride to stoop to asking those questions aloud.

  “Okay,” she nodded.

  He took his boots off, then looked over at her. “See you later, genie,” he whispered.

  Her eyes were starting to water. Stupid Saxon. Blinking back tears, she replied. “See you later, Savage.” Calypso disappeared and reappeared in her lamp. She threw herself across her bed.

  “I’m so freaking stupid,” she yelled, only because she knew he couldn’t hear her. “Why did I allow myself to catch feelings? I know better than that. I know a genie should never fall in love with her Keeper. That could never end well, for the genie. Yet, my dumb ass went and did just that. Ugh.”

  She turned over onto her back. “Stupid fucking Saxon O’Rourke,” she screamed as loud as she could. “How dare you send me back to my lamp when things were just falling into place between us?”

  Placing a pillow over her face, she screamed for as long as she could, releasing her frustration and anger into the pillow. Done, she tossed the pillow across the room, wishing she could toss her feelings away just as easily.

  Caly scooted up until her head rested on her pillows, then she slid underneath her covers. The easiest way to forget about a problem was to go to sleep. Yawning, she closed her eyes and waited for sleep to claim her.

  It didn’t take her long to fall victim to the Sandman. However, falling asleep wasn’t a reprieve from Saxon. Instead, it was erotic torture. In her dreams, he did all of those nasty things to her that she could only fantasize about.

  He licked her in places that had never been licked before. He kissed her roughly while fucking her until she came on his cock and trembled uncontrollably in his arms. He was a big man, a rough man, therefore she knew sex with him would be kinky.

  It wouldn’t be sweet and gentle like what she was used to. And she was okay with that. She was ready for that. That was what she wanted, in dreamland. In reality, she didn’t know if she could handle that kind of sex.

  Her heart screamed, bring it on. Her mind screamed, don’t you like walking? Because if you let that man between your thighs, you’ll probably never be able to walk right again. Then there was her body that screamed, walking is overrated anyway.

  In dreamland, she didn’t have to worry about how rough her wolf was. She could handle anything he could dish out. Considering how long she’d been without sex, the real question was, could he handle her?

  Caught up in her erotic dream, she was just about to climax when Saxon called her name. It was like he had an orgasm radar or something that told him when she was about to explode.

  Groaning, she fought the pull of his call. Fighting a losing battle, she was forced to give in. She woke up and stared up at her ceiling. If she didn’t hurry to his side, he’d call her name again.


  “How may I help you, my Lord?” She appeared directly behind him.

  He faced her. “You’re still in the same clothes you had on earlier.”

  Oh right. “Sorry. I fell asleep in this. Is it time for the festivities?”

  He nodded.

  “I’ll return to my lamp to get dressed.”

  “You can bring your clothing out here and get dressed. You can use the tub.”

  “I’d rather not.”

  His gaze searched hers. Apparently, he’d noticed how curt she was being.

  “What’s wrong?”

  You. You’re what’s wrong. Even if I’m the one you love, you’re going to end up leaving me and falling in love with someone else. Cheating bastard.

  “Nothing’s wrong.”

  “Don’t lie. Not about this. What’s wrong?”

  It wasn’t like she could tell him the truth. That would be too embarrassing.

  “I was sleep when you called me. I’m still a little drowsy.” That was a partial truth.

  “Aahh.” He massaged the back of his neck. “If you want, you can go back to sleep. You don’t have to join the party.”

  He would say that. She wanted to join. Damn him. Why couldn’t he just command her to come so that she could go without seeming needy? Now, if she went, he’d know the truth behind her sarcastic remarks and eye rolls.

  He’d know what really lay behind the wall of indifference that she’d placed between them. He’d know that she wanted to be near him. To prevent him from knowing the truth, she had no choice but to accept his offer to return to her lamp.

  “I think I’ll do as you say and return to my lamp. I am still a little tired.”

  Was that regr
et she saw in his gaze? Ugh. If he wanted her to go with him, his childish ass should’ve just said so. Then again, since she wanted to go, she should’ve said so. It was too late now. She’d made her choice and she’d stick to it.

  “Enjoy your party, my Lord.” She bowed her head slightly, then disappeared.

  There were those stupid tears again. Blinking them back, she walked over to her vanity table and sat down in front of her mirror. For a chick who wasn’t the crying type, she sure teared up a lot around her savage.

  That needed to stop, pronto. Never show your enemy or a stranger your weaknesses. That was what she’d learned in her military training. Never allow someone to know how to hurt you. Staring into her mirror, she gave herself a pep talk.

  “Remember who you are. Your current situation does not change the fact that you’re a warrior. You’re an elven soldier, the youngest daughter of general Calico Rivers. You’re strong, you’re smart, and you’re brave.”

  She smiled at her reflection. “Most importantly, Calypso Rivers, you’re alive. Which means you’re still capable of changing your circumstances. You will not be defeated by a curse. You will not be defeated by a fortune teller’s prediction. If you want something, you’ll go after it. You’ll succeed at whatever you put your mind to, even love. From now on, you will focus on your own goals and do whatever you have to do to obtain them.”

  She wiped the remaining tears from her eyes and uttered her family’s motto. “Death before defeat.”

  She was tired of tiptoeing around what she was feeling. She was tired of pretending she didn’t care. Caring didn’t make her weak. Choosing not to care did. Being too afraid to care was the reason she was sitting all alone in her lamp.

  Being afraid to care was the reason she wasn’t spending her last night in this kingdom with Saxon. No more. She was done being afraid. She was done with half living her life. As of now, she was going to start doing all of the things that made her happy.

  Tomorrow be damned. She was going to live for today and let the future worry about itself. This time, when she glanced in her mirror, she no longer saw a female who was sitting around feeling sorry for herself.

  No longer did she see the reflection of a female who was allowing fear to rule her actions, her life, her desires. Now, she saw a determined female. She saw a female who was bold and beautiful.

  A female who would no longer shy away from what she was feeling. Now, when she looked in her mirror, she saw a warrior who was strong enough to conquer the world. But for tonight, she’d settle on conquering a savage.

  First, she needed to change clothes.


  He missed her.

  She was right in his tent, resting in her lamp. And still, he missed her. He wanted her right beside him. Instead of giving her an option, he should’ve demanded she join him at the party. Now, he was sitting here all alone, looking like a fool. His wolf growled.

  “Oh, shut up,” Sax thought. “If you’re not going to speak, don’t say nothing at all.”

  Though he was trying not to dwell on it, he couldn’t help thinking about the fortune teller’s prediction. He was going to fall in love, lose that love, then fall in love again. He was currently living out that prediction.

  He was in love with Calypso Rivers. There was no doubt about it. Being near her made him happy. Being near her made him feel complete. He loved to see her smile and lived for the sound of her laughter.

  Though he didn’t show it, when she got excited, he got excited. When she smiled, he smiled, on the inside. When she moved, he paid attention to those around her, staying ready to sit a bastard on their ass if they got too close to his woman.

  He was willing to do anything to keep her safe. He was willing to do anything to keep her by his side. However, he was pretty sure she didn’t feel the same way about him. After their day together, his hope had begun to flourish.

  She’d smiled at him, held his hand, laughed with him. There was no doubt in his mind that she’d want to join him for the festivities. Her actions had caused him to believe that she wanted to be near him just as much as he wanted to be near her.

  Wrong. Dead wrong. She’d only remained by his side throughout the day because he’d wished it. From where he was seated, he could see his tent. He found himself staring at it every few minutes to see if she’d come out.

  How foolish of him. He took another sip of his beverage. While most of his soldiers were drinking wine, he was sipping on his plain grape juice. Caly’s favorite juice. Fuck. Everything, even juice, made him think of her. A slap on his back caused his wolf to growl.

  “Simmer down,” his brother said as he sat down in the chair next to him. The chair he’d put there for Caly, just in case she showed up.

  “Tonight, is a night for partying, why do you look like you’ve lost your best friend? Are you missing Beck already?”

  “Hell no.”

  “Aah, you must miss him a little bit.”

  “Not even a little. I’ll see him when we backtrack this route to trade.”

  “You mean when we do it. Us, not you. Soon, you’ll have to return home to take up your alpha duties.”

  Don’t remind me. Sax took another sip of his drink.

  “What’s in your mug?”


  “Same for me.”

  Sax eyed his brother. “You’re not drinking wine tonight?”

  Colt shook his head. “I need to be alert for tomorrow. I instructed the day team not to get drunk. I promised them I’d find them the best liquor they’d ever had the next time we docked.”

  “Good thinking. I’d already told the captain and the watchmen not to drink. It’s good that the day team isn’t drinking either. Did they give you a hard time when you told them that?

  “Not after they saw the entertainment the king sent us. Those three dancers are hot enough to make them not want to drink.”

  Right, the dancers. He hadn’t paid any attention to them.

  “All eyes are on the females dancing. All eyes, except yours. You keep staring at your tent.”

  Ignoring his brother, Sax took a sip of his drink. Not one to be ignored, Colt kept talking, trying to get a reaction out of Saxon.

  “You keep staring at your tent like you’re waiting for someone to come out of it.”

  Sax didn’t say anything, hoping his silence would shut his brother up. Colt rose to the challenge.

  “You keep looking at your tent like you expect that beautiful genie of yours to emerge.”

  A growl rumbled through Saxon’s chest.

  “And there it is, your wolf. I was wondering when he was going to show up. Has he spoken to you yet? Has he claimed Calypso yet?”

  No, and that was the problem.

  “From your puppy dog expression, I guess the answer is no.”

  “Must you talk so much?”

  “I must. Since Beck isn’t here, I have to talk for two now. I see the way you look at her. I know you want her. Even if she isn’t your mate, you should enjoy her.”

  “Do you hear yourself?”

  “Yeah, I do. Because I’m the one talking.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Colton.” Sax took another sip of his juice.

  “If you want her that badly…”

  “What? What should I do, Colt? Since you’re such an expert with women?”

  “Thank you for acknowledging my expertise.”

  “I was being sarcastic.”

  “So was I. Seriously, though, I don’t know why you’re acting this way. You want her, she wants you, what’s the problem?”

  Sax stared down into his cup. “Problem is, she doesn’t want me.”

  “Bullshit. I’ve seen the way she looks at you.”

  Sax’s eyes snapped to his brother. “You’ve been watching her?”


  His wolf growled his disapproval. He glared at his brother.

  “You’ve been staring at my fucking woman?”

  Chapter Ten

>   “No one looks at her but me,” Sax growled.

  “Calm down. I haven’t been watching her in the way you think. I’ve been watching how she looks at you. Trust me, she doesn’t look at anyone else, the way she looks at you.”

  She better not. “How does she look at me?”

  “You know, for a future alpha who’s a beast when it comes to fighting, you sure are blind to love.”

  “Just tell me how she looks at me.”

  “Okay. She looks at you like you’re the only person in the world.”

  “Shit, that’s just because I’m the Keeper of her lamp.” Then again, she’d stared at king Edgeworth with disgust. Maybe his brother was right.

  “As I said, you’re blind to love,” Colt told him. “Since you’re not going to put the moves on your genie, come watch the entertainment with me.”

  Sax shook his head.

  “Come on. It’ll lift your spirits. Amongst other things.”

  “Not interested.”

  “Really? You’re not interested? When was the last time you slept with a woman?”

  Last night. However, he knew that wasn’t what his brother meant. “That’s none of your business.”

  “It’s been weeks,” Colt continued. “Since you met Calypso, you haven’t looked at another woman. You need sex, brother. You have too much pent-up energy in your body. It’s making you cranky. Well, crankier than usual.”

  “Go away, Colt.”

  “You don’t have to watch the dancers. The king sent a few ladies of the night. Do you want me to grab one for you?”

  “No, Colt. Damn. You’re worse than Beck.”

  “Thank you.”

  “It wasn’t a compliment.”

  “I’m pretty sure it was.”


  “Okay, okay,” Colt said, holding his hands up in defeat. “I’ll leave you alone. If you change your mind, I’ll be sitting over there watching the dancers.”


  Standing up, Colt slapped him on the shoulder. “I sure hope your wolf hurries up and speaks to you so that you can claim Calypso. I’m tired of seeing you moping about.”


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