The Savage and the Genie

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The Savage and the Genie Page 9

by Siren Allen

  “I thought you were leaving.”

  “I’m already gone.”

  Colt walked away, leaving Sax alone with his thoughts. He, too, was tired of moping about. Tonight was his last night here. Depending on how things were when he returned home, he may or may not return this way again.

  He may not be able to hold Calypso the way he wanted or touch her the way he wanted, but he would at least like to spend some time with her. Even if he had to make a wish to do so. That’s it!

  He was going to wish for her to bring her ass out there so that they could enjoy their last night on these shores together. Because the next time they docked, he was going to set her free. This was the last time they’d be able to hang out like this.

  Tonight, he didn’t want to be apart from her. He wanted her beside him. He looked to his tent and got ready to make his wish. Just when he opened his mouth to utter his command, the flap to his tent opened. Out stepped the woman of his dreams.

  On the inside, he was smiling.

  So was his wolf.


  No more games.

  No more beating around the bush. She wanted Saxon. And tonight, she would have him. She was done being shy. She was done using sarcasm to mask her true emotions. She wanted her savage inside of her tonight.

  Dressed in her dark blue letter pants that fit her like a glove and her blue halter top that crisscrossed in the front and stopped just below her navel, Caly stepped out of the tent she shared with Saxon.

  Around her neck was the necklace he’d purchased for her at the market. Her lips were tinted with burgundy lip paint, and her blue teardrop earrings dripped from her ear lobes. She was clothed in her armor of seduction and ready to go to war.

  As she walked away from the tent, a gentle breeze blew, lifting up strands of her hair which she’d chosen to wear down tonight. She tossed her blue tresses out of her face and stared across the camp.

  The soldiers were spread out. Some were huddled up with females. Others were seated in chairs, watching three women dance. Question was, where was her savage? She scanned the area. Her heart flipped over in her chest when her eyes landed on her target.

  She was surprised to find him staring directly at her. Walking slowly, she headed in his direction. His gaze never strayed from hers. It was the intensity of his gaze that had her growing wet between her thighs.

  Good thing she had on panties. He looked just as hungry for her as she was for him. She could feel eyes on her. It felt like everyone at the campsite was staring at her. Even so, she only had eyes for one person, her savage shifter.

  With each step in his direction she took, the excitement building inside of her rose higher and higher. By the time she reached his side, she felt like she was floating on excitement. It was like she was floating on cloud nine, as her aunt used to say.

  And it was all because of one shifter, the savage with the strange eyes who made her heart race. He moved to stand up when she reached him. She shook her head and sat down in the chair beside him.

  “Shouldn’t you be over there with your men, fawning over the ladies?” If you had been, I would’ve killed those bitches swiftly.

  Staring away from her, he peered into the fire before him and told her, “I’m right where I want to be.”

  Be still my heart and lower regions.

  “You don’t seem in the mood to party,” she pointed out.

  He shrugged his massive shoulders and all she could think about was wrapping her legs around them.

  “Honestly,” he started. “I’d rather be in my tent, listening to you tell me stories.”

  Aww. Her sweet savage. But tonight, was not a night for storytelling. She had other things planned for her mouth tonight. She forced herself to keep her eyes on him. She wouldn’t be shy. She would be straightforward. She would get straight to the point.

  Clearing her throat, she told him, “I’m not in the mood for storytelling tonight.”

  “You’re not?” He glanced her way. “Is it because the king didn’t send any cheese and sweet wine?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t have a taste for cheese or wine tonight.” She was so nervous, her heart felt like it was about to beat out of her chest.

  “I was just joking,” he admitted. “I made sure there was cheese and sweet wine.”

  “Thanks, but that’s not what I have a taste for,” she told him again. Was he going to make her spell it out? He swallowed. Damn, even his Adam’s apple turned her on.

  “If you don’t have a taste for your usual favorites, what do you have a taste for? Whatever it is, I’ll get it for you.”


  “I swear it.”

  Raising her hand, she motioned for him to come closer. Instead, he frowned at her. She really was going to have to spell it out for him.

  “Come closer,” she whispered. “It’s a secret.”

  His eyes darted left then right. Caly could barely keep herself from laughing out loud. He really thought she had a secret to share. After making sure no one could hear them, he leaned closer to her. His scent wrapped around her. She couldn’t wait to get him alone.

  “What is it you have a taste for? Is it something I’ll have to steal?” He whispered.

  Her breasts pressed against him when she leaned even closer to him to whisper in his ear. “You don’t have to steal it. What I have a taste for is right in front of me.”

  “Right in front of you?” When he tried to move to look around, she gripped his chin and forced him to look at her.

  “Savage, what I have a taste for, is right in front of me.”

  It took a few seconds, but she saw the moment when he finally realized what she was talking about. His eyes widened, his nostrils flared, and his wolf howled. Not growled, like it normally did. It howled for her. That sound alone had her ready to strip him naked.

  “I like the sounds your wolf makes,” Caly admitted. She raised her hand to touch his cheek. He grabbed her wrist before she could make contact.

  “Calypso…” He closed his eyes and sighed. He took a couple of deep breaths then said, “Do not play with me. I cannot handle it. Not tonight.” When he opened his eyes, there was a slight glow to them. “Speak clearly. Tell me exactly what you want.”

  “I-I want…” Caly took a deep breath to calm her nerves. “I want to taste you and have you taste me.” Growls thundered through him. She continued. “I want to feel you inside of me. Tonight, I want to be yours. Tonight, I want…”

  The rest of her sentence went unfinished. Her savage rose from his seat, scooped her up and tossed her over his shoulder. He strode to his tent with her over his shoulder, ass in the air. It was a good thing she hadn’t worn a dress. Caly’s cheeks heated in embarrassment as his soldiers cheered.

  “It’s about damn time,” his brother, Colton, called out.

  This was not what she’d planned. Well, the end game was what she’d planned. But the way he was behaving right now wasn’t. She’d wanted to sneak off, discreetly. Her plan had been for them to slip away while no one was looking.

  It shouldn’t be a surprise that her savage was behaving like a, well, savage. When they entered the tent, he crossed the room and gently laid her down. He took a step back and started to undress. She followed suit.

  “No,” he told her. “I want to undress you.”

  I’m okay with that. Lowering her hand from the waistband of her pants, she laid back, rested against the pillow and watched him undress. First, he took off his boots then his socks and kicked them both to the side.

  Next, he removed his tunic, revealing his eight-pack to her. It was a mouthwatering sight. The next item of clothing to be discarded was his pants. Like the rest of his clothing, he kicked them to the side also.

  Finally, he stood before her, completely naked. They hadn’t even started yet and he was already hard. His cock stood at attention. She resisted the urge to salute it. Something that big, that powerful, looked like it deserved a salute.

  His body was a work of art, a masterpiece, every hard inch of him. She was definitely pleased with him. However, would he be pleased with her? On more than one occasion, he’d told her she wasn’t his type.

  He liked his women bigger. And while she was curvy in some places, mainly her ass and thighs, she wasn’t busty like the women who were outside dancing and drinking with his soldiers.

  Would he think less of her because she wasn’t like them? Insecurity wrapped around her like a blanket as Saxon came to his knees in front of her. He reached for her sandals. She allowed him to take them off of her.

  As with his clothes, he tossed her sandals aside, then moved up to her pants. His knuckles grazed her belly, causing her to shiver as he hooked his thumb in the waistband of her pants. Before he could pull them down, she placed her hand on his, stopping him.

  His eyes met hers. “What’s wrong?”

  She swallowed. What to say?

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “That’s not it. It’s just.” Speak your truth. No more hiding behind your fear. “I’m not like those women outside. I’m not, shaped their way. I’m not even proportioned right.” Blasted tears. She blinked them back, refusing to allow them to fall right now.

  “What are you talking about?”

  What did he think she was talking about?

  “The women outside have bigger breasts than me. I only have average breasts. And while my stomach is flat, my hips are wide, my thighs aren’t skinny enough, and let me not even start on how big my butt is.”

  “Are you done?”


  “Are you done putting yourself down?”

  “I’m not putting myself down. I love my body and…”

  “I love your body too.”

  Huh? “But you said I wasn’t your type.”

  “I recall you saying the same thing to me.”

  Yep, she’d said that to him on more than one occasion.

  “How about, from now on, we stop lying about how we feel, Calypso?”

  Done. “Okay.”

  “Good. Can I undress you now? I’m starving.”

  Wow. She removed her hand from his. “Yes, you may.”

  She raised her hips slightly so that he could get her pants off. Expecting him to remove her panties next, she kept her hips raised. Surprisingly, it was her top he removed next. Feeling weird just lying there with her hips raised, she lowered herself to the pallet.

  He didn’t seem in a hurry. He took his time, staring at her body. Clad in only her panties, she lay there, waiting for him to touch her. His eyes roamed over her flesh, taking in every inch of her. That slight glow to his eyes was still there.

  A sign that his animal side was present. That almost made this a threesome. She was okay with that. It had been so long since she’d felt someone else’s hands on her body. She was beyond ready for him to touch her. Yet, he seemed content with just staring at her.

  “You’re beautifully made, Calypso Rivers.”

  Blushing, she replied, “So are you, Saxon O’Rourke. Are you going to touch me now?”


  “What are you waiting on?”

  “My wolf.”


  “I’m waiting for him to speak to me. I really need him to speak to me.”


  “Because,” he paused, then whispered. “Because I really want you to be mine.”

  My sweet savage. “That’s exactly what I am. Tonight, I’m all yours. Touch me, Saxon. Please.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  On his knees next to her, he leaned down and claimed her lips in a gentle kiss that slowly turned into something more. He teased her lips until they parted then he slipped his tongue inside.

  It was like a bolt of lightning struck every nerve in her body the moment their tongues touched. A growl thundered through him and he deepened the kiss. His hand went to the back of her neck and held her head still as he kissed her like he was afraid he was going to lose her.

  Never had she been kissed so passionately before. Never had a kiss aroused her this much before. This was no ordinary kiss. This was weeks and weeks of pent up sexual tension finally being released.

  If this was what his mouth was doing to hers, she didn’t know if she’d be able to handle what his body was going to do to hers. When he wrenched his mouth away from hers, she found herself raising her head, following his lips, wanting more.

  “Lie back,” he ordered, voice deeper than usual.

  She obeyed, eager to see what else he had in store for her. He parted her legs and moved to kneel between them. With his hands on either side of her body, caging her in, he lowered his head and flicked his tongue across her nipple before sucking it into his mouth.

  Caly arched her back, loving the feel of his tongue on her nipple. He sucked her nipple into his mouth and gripped her other breast. She moaned his name. He sucked her nipple hard, groaning around it as his thumb grazed back and forth over her other nipple.

  She found herself gyrating against the air, wanting him inside of her, needing him inside of her.

  “Saxon,” she moaned, high off what his tongue was doing to her. “I need, I need…”

  “I know,” he murmured against her breast. “And I’m going to give it to you.”

  With one final swipe of his tongue over her nipple, he released it from his mouth. Hands gripping both of her breasts, he began trailing kisses down her body, starting with the valley between her breasts.

  His mouth inched lower and lower. His hands followed, caressing her breasts, then her ribcage, then her abdomen. When his mouth finally made it to her most sacred part, he paused. Hands on her parted thighs, mouth hovering over her pussy, he inhaled deeply.

  “You smell so fucking good,” he told her. “Good enough to eat.”

  Then dive in.

  His eyes zeroed in on her center. “You’re so wet for me, Caly. Your panties are soaked through. Let’s take these off.”

  Yes, please. He slowly removed her panties and tossed them aside.

  “Now there’s no more fabric between us,” he told her, eyes on her center. “No barriers. Nothing separating your pussy from my mouth.”

  Damn, she could cum just from listening to him talk like this. He rubbed one finger between her folds, coating it with her juices. He then rubbed that finger over her clit. Leaning forward, he pressed a kiss to her clit and then licked his lips.

  “I knew you’d taste like this. I knew you’d taste sweeter than wine. I want to get drunk off your juices, Caly.”

  His actions had her too tongue-tied to say what she wanted. Instead, she showed him. Caly lowered her hand to his head. His gaze traveled up her body until their eyes locked. She gripped his blond hair gently, then pushed his head down.

  “Drink,” she whispered.

  His wolf’s howl filled the room. He tore his gaze from hers and lowered his mouth to her pussy. That first swipe of his tongue against her sensitive flesh sent a shiver over her body. By the fifth swipe, her hips were jerking.

  By the ten, fifteenth, twentieth, whatever number he was on, her entire body felt like it was convulsing. He didn’t simply drink from her, he devoured her, like a beast who’d been deprived of food for months.

  His tongue delved between her folds as his hands gripped her thighs. Holding his head steady, she raised her hips up and down, riding his tongue, loving the way it felt against her body. She knew she was close to coming undone.

  She knew her orgasm was nearly upon her. She was ready for it to strike. She wanted to last longer, wanted to feel his tongue against her longer. But her orgasm would not be denied. Her body started to tremble uncontrollably.

  He licked her faster, sucking her clit into his mouth and flicking his tongue over it. She cried out his name as he tongued her down. Her orgasm crashed into her like waves crashing against the shores of Adalon.

  Her grip on his hair tightened, but he didn’t complain. He continued licking her
as she rode the wave of pleasure that his tongue had provided her. It was a long time before the tremors ceased.

  She couldn’t believe she’d cum so hard, so violently. Struggling to catch her breath, she released his hair and closed her eyes. That was… That was… freaking amazing. She’d tell him that as soon as she could speak.

  Another tremble rolled over her, an aftershock. He placed one final kiss against her clit, then she felt him move from between her legs. She knew she should open her eyes, but she couldn’t yet. Though she couldn’t see him, she felt his breath against her cheek.

  “Calypso,” he growled.

  “Yes,” she whispered, heart racing.

  “I’m going to fuck you now. Are you ready?”

  Eyes still closed, she whispered, “I am.”

  Chapter Eleven

  She was so fucking wet.

  He could still taste her on his tongue. The scent of her was intoxicating. Sax stared down at her body. She was beautiful. Her pussy glistened with her juices. He couldn’t wait to be inside her. Her eyes were closed. He wanted her gaze on him.

  He wanted her to watch him when he fucked her. If she thought she was going to be able to keep her eyes closed the entire time, she was wrong. He positioned the tip of his cock at her slick entrance. He worked the head in and groaned at how tight she was. She bit her lower lip.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  Not opening her eyes, she shook her head.

  Look at me. “You sure?”

  She nodded. He wanted her eyes on him and he knew exactly how to make that happen. Sax lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist. When she still didn’t open her eyes, he shoved into her, filling her tight heat with his cock.

  A gasp escaped her lips. Her eyes popped open. “Fuuck,” she groaned, chest rising and falling rapidly. Eyes on him, she whispered, “Do it again.”

  He was never letting this woman go. He pulled almost all the way out then slammed into her again. Pleasure rocked his body as he rocked hers. Blue flames flared in her eyes. His wolf howled his pleasure but didn’t speak.

  Sax wasn’t going to worry about that right now. Right now, he only wanted to focus on pleasuring his genie. He lowered his body to hers and thrust forward, going deeper than before. She groaned his name.


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