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The Savage and the Genie

Page 11

by Siren Allen

  Her eyes rose to his. “Saxon. Sax! Wake up. Sax.” She shook his body. But he didn’t open his eyes.

  “Is he alive?”

  She stared up at Colton. “I-I…”

  “Caly, is he alive?”

  “Yes. He’s weak. He’s lost a lot of blood. Why didn’t he shift? Why didn’t any of you shift?”

  “I tried. I couldn’t. I think they put something in our drinks and our food. Even the juice that Sax drank must’ve had something in it that prevented him from shifting. This was something they’d planned long before tonight.”

  “I agree. Colt, help me get him to the tent.” When she stood up, the manacles at her ankles dropped to the ground.

  “What’s that?” Colt asked.

  “Shackles. They’ve been invisible for all these years. But I could feel them. They’re what held me bound to my lamp and my Keeper. They’re off now because…” More tears blurred her vision.

  “Saxon freed you?”

  She nodded.

  “He loves you, Caly. And he will live because he loves you. He won’t let some silly shit like death keep you apart. Now help me get him up. I would do it by myself, but I’m pretty sure all of my ribs are broken.”

  Shit. Wait! “I’m free. My powers are back. I have healing powers. I can heal him. I can heal you. I can heal all of you.”

  “Will it weaken you.”

  Caly smiled. “Not at all. I’m of the elven folk. Using my powers only strengthens me over time. Let’s get him inside.”

  They carried Sax to his tent. Now that the general was dead, the others had retreated. Bastards. Once they had Saxon on his pallet, she examined his wounds. Fuck. Black lines were creeping over his body.

  “It looks like he’s been poisoned.”

  Caly nodded. “The general’s sword must’ve been dipped in poison. If I could bring him back and kill him again I would.”

  “Can you help Sax?”

  “I think so.”

  “Good. Help him. I’ll go check on the others.”

  Nodding, she faced her savage. He was so still, it broke her heart. Shaking off the feeling of hopelessness, she went to work. She placed her hands over his wounds and recited the ancient healing arts spell.

  His wounds were starting to heal, but because of the poison, he was healing slow. Hopefully, the sphynx ring would keep him alive long enough for her to heal him completely. It took more energy than she thought it would to purge the poison from his body.

  Colton checked on her three times and then left to gather their dead. She really needed to heal him too. But first, Saxon. It took her two hours to rid his body of the poison. And once it was gone, he still didn’t wake up.

  She had no idea why? She wiped the sweat from his brow with a cold rag. That was how colt found her when he entered the tent again.

  “He looks better.”

  “The poison is gone and his wounds have healed. I’m just waiting for him to wake up. I think he’s out of danger now. Is there anyone else you need to use the ring on?”

  Colt nodded. “A few people. I have Greyham guarding Sax’s tent. Will you come with me and heal them while we wait on Sax to wake up?”

  Caly nodded. “First, let me help you.”


  Once she was done with Colton, she slipped the ring from Sax’s finger and kissed him on the forehead before leaving the tent. It took another two hours to bandage up those who weren’t badly wounded and to heal those who were.

  The general’s ring had really come in handy. It saved a lot of lives. Still, a lot of lives had been lost in the king’s senseless attack. When she returned to her tent, she expected to see Saxon awake and alert.

  That was not the case. He was still unconscious. His body was healed. So why wasn’t he waking up? Why wasn’t he returning to her? If he died, she didn’t know what she’d do. He’d freed her.

  She was free to love fully. And now, she couldn’t possibly lose him. All because of a stupid king who’d coveted her. Surely, she wasn’t the only reason the king had attacked. Couldn’t be.

  He’d never seen her before. And his men had never seen her until that day in the marketplace. No, there was another reason he attacked. Maybe he wanted Saxon’s warships that were docked on the shores.

  Or maybe he just wanted to conquer a group of savages. She didn’t know. She didn’t want to know. What she did want, was Saxon back. And there was another thing she wanted. The king’s head.

  Caly stared over at Sax. He looked so strong, so powerful. Please wake up. She disappeared into her lamp, found a notepad and ink. She returned to his side where she jotted down a quick note.

  Someone had to pay for what happened there tonight. Someone had to pay with their life. She placed the note next to Sax’s pillow. After pressing another kiss to his forehead, she grabbed her swords and teleported out of the tent she shared with him.

  Problem was, she could only teleport to places she’d been to. When she was cursed, she could teleport to her Keeper's side, no matter where he was. She was free now so that was no longer the case.

  She reappeared in the marketplace. She knew what direction the castle was. She’d just walk there. The marketplace was quiet at the wee hours of the morning. No one was out. Not even a guard.

  “Hey you, I know you.”

  Raising her blades, she spun around. The fortune teller was seated at her booth.

  “Why are you out here this late?” Caly asked.

  “The Fates wouldn’t let me sleep. They kept telling me that I’d be needed here.”


  “For you, the first love, the lost love.”

  Caly’s chest began to ache. “You’re talking about your prediction.”

  The woman nodded. “He’s loved you. He’s lost you. Now it’s time for his next love.”

  A tear dripped down Caly’s cheek.

  “Don’t try to fight it,” the woman told her. “You can’t stop the Fates. If you try, you’ll lose, and he’ll lose.”


  The woman shrugged. “Who are we to question the powers that be?”

  “But it’s not fair.”

  “Life isn’t fair. Do you think I’d be sitting here, in this foreign land that’s ruled by a vile king, if life was fair?”

  Caly swallowed back her tears. “I will kill that vile king. Tonight, he will die. Him and his entire family.”

  The woman shook her head. “That is not the will of the Fates.”

  “Fuck the Fates.”

  “Trust the Fates. They will allow you to kill the king. I’ll even take you to him. But you mustn’t kill his heir. One day, that child will become a great ruler who will unite the lands.”

  “Whatever. Take me to the king.”

  “Do you promise to kill the king and only the king?”

  “No. I need to kill a lot of people.”

  The woman shook her head.

  Caly gritted her teeth. “I went to bed last night in the arms of the man I love. Because of the king, I woke up to bloodshed. Now the man I love is fighting for his life. I want to kill the king and everyone he loves.”

  “Then I will not help you.”

  “Fuck. What do you want from me?”

  “I want you to trust the Fates.”

  “Okay. Fuck it. I’ll trust the Fates. Take me to the king.”

  “You swore you’d trust them. If you go back on your word, things will not end well for you or the shifter who loved and lost you.”

  How the hell was she alive and standing when her heart was breaking in her chest? She would get to kill the king, but she’d lost Saxon forever. He’d move on to his next love. What about her?

  Where would she go? What would she do? She didn’t want to love anyone else. She only wanted her savage. He was the only man she wanted to lie down with every night and wake up to every morning. But the Fates wouldn’t allow it.

  “Are you ready?” The woman asked her.

  Goodbye, Saxo

  Caly nodded. “I’m ready.”

  The woman handed her a crinkled-up piece of paper. “Recite this spell and it will take you where you want to go.”

  Was she really about to trust a fortune teller whom she didn’t know? Shit. Did it matter? She’d already lost the man she loved. He would live. But she couldn’t be with him. The Fates had other plans in store for him.

  He was an alpha anyway. He would be a king one day. She was just a former cursed genie who was far away from home with no family to return to.

  “Change your mind?”

  Caly shook her head. Staring down at the paper, she recited the words. The paper dropped from her hands. Clutching her swords, she watched the paper float to the ground as she disappeared.

  She reappeared in the middle of a grand room where a party was being held. The music stopped and everyone in the room stopped to stare at her, the newcomer. It seemed they were celebrating their victory against the savages.

  She wanted to kill them all. She wanted to coat her blades with their blood. She wanted to coat the walls of the castle with their blood. But she’d settle for their king. Caly raised her twin swords into an X position in front of her face.

  “I heard your king has been looking for me. Tell him Calypso Rivers is here for his head.”


  She’s gone.

  Pacing back and forth in his tent, Saxon stared down at the note his genie had left him. Scratch that, she wasn’t a genie anymore. He’d freed her from her lamp. And she’d run off to kill the king. Foolish woman.

  “Why didn’t either of you stop her?” Sax yelled at his brothers, Colton and Greyham.

  “Blame me,” Colt said. “I should’ve been watching her. I didn’t even know she’d left.”

  Sax sighed. He couldn’t blame either of them. They’d been taking care of the wounded. They’d been doing exactly what they should’ve been doing. It was him who hadn’t done his job properly. It was him who’d lost the woman he loved.

  “I have to go find her.”

  “You’re not completely healed.”

  “I am. I feel one hundred percent better. And even if I didn’t, there’s nothing anyone can do to stop me from going after her.”

  “We don’t have many men to spare,” Grey said. “And we need them here, to protect the wounded while we load them onto the ships.”

  “We are not leaving these shores until I find Caly.”


  “I’m not leaving without her, Colt.”

  “I know. I’ll go with you to the castle. Grey can stay here and protect the wounded.”

  Grey shook his head. “It’s going to take more than you two to get Caly out of the castle. And by now, she may not be alive.”

  “Don’t ever say that again,” Saxon growled.

  “I’m sorry, brother, but…”

  “She’ll be alive. If she isn’t, I will burn this entire kingdom to the ground. Colt, grab your weapon, and come with me.”

  “I’m right behind you,” Colt told him.

  With his sword in his hand and blood caked up all over his body, he went in search of the woman he loved. He and Colt walked in silence. Sax tried to shift twice. He still couldn’t. When they reached the marketplace, he was shocked to find the fortune teller at her booth.

  “You’re here,” she yelled. “And you brought a friend.”

  “Ignore her,” he told Colton, not breaking his stride.

  “If you ignore me, I won’t be able to tell you about the love you had, but lost.”

  Sax stopped and whirled around. “Have you seen my genie?”

  The fortune-teller shook her head.

  Saxon gritted his teeth. “Then shut the hell up.” He turned to leave.

  “There’s no use looking for your genie. She’s the love you lost.”

  Sax whirled back around. “If you know something, tell me, lady.”

  “I know that you lost your genie. My condolences.”

  “Is my, is… is Caly dead?”

  “Fates, no. Why would you think that?”

  Colt gripped his arm. “We don’t have time for this crazy lady.”

  “I’m not crazy.”

  “Have you seen Caly?” Sax asked.

  “I have.”

  “Then why did you say you hadn’t seen her?”

  “I never said that.”

  This crazy-ass lady.

  “I told you that I hadn’t seen your genie. Do you have a genie?”

  “I do...I did…”

  “Do you or do you not? It’s a simple question.”

  “I freed her.”

  “Which means you don’t have a genie any longer.”

  “I… no, I don’t. I… she’s an elf.”

  “An elven,” the woman corrected him. “She’s of the elven folk. She’s elven.”

  “Have you seen, my elven?”

  “I have. She came through here. I think she’s gone to kill the king. You just missed her.”


  “If you hurry, you won’t catch her.”

  What the hell was she talking about?

  “But, I can give you a spell that will take you right to her.”

  “Okay, give it to me.”

  “There’s one condition. The Fates will only accept the death of the king. No one else can be killed.”

  “Fuck that.”

  The woman shrugged. “You’re on your own then.”

  “Why can’t I kill anyone else. Their men killed mine.”

  “That was because of the king’s orders. He’s the vile one, not his people, not his soldiers. Especially not his heir.”

  Saxon sighed. “Okay, I will only kill the king.”

  The woman nodded and stretched her hand out. “Both of you read this together and it will take you where you want to go. Say hello to your new love for me.”

  “My new love?”

  “Sax,” Colt said. “We’re running out of time.”

  His new love? Sax took the wrinkled sheet of paper. He held it up so his brother could see it also. Together they read the spell. As soon as they uttered the last word, the paper fell from his hands, and the two of them disappeared only to reappear in front of the castle.

  “It worked,” Colt shouted.

  “We just have to figure out a way to get inside.”

  Just then, the doors to the castle started to open.

  “Get ready,” Saxon told his brother.

  They raised their swords and moved forward. His mouth damn near dropped to the floor as he watched his woman walk out of the castle, all alone. In her hand, she was holding the king’s head. In her other hand, she was holding two swords.

  “Mine,” his wolf growled, speaking to him for the first time in his life. “That elven is my mate. The one I’ve been waiting all my life for. My future queen. I must claim her. I must have Calypso Rivers.”

  His mate smiled at him. He smiled back. All this time, his wolf had been silently waiting for him to free his mate from her lamp so she could return to her true form, her elven form. Then and only then could he claim her.

  He’d loved a genie and lost her when he freed her. Now he was able to love his elven warrior, his new love, his mate. The fortune teller’s prediction had been right.

  “Was that your wolf I heard calling my name?” Calypso asked, approaching him, swinging the king’s head as she walked.

  “Good, you can hear him. You know what that means, right?”

  “It means I’m your mate, your new love.” She smiled. “The fortune teller’s prediction finally makes sense. This is for you.” She handed him the king’s head.

  “Thanks.” He took it then dropped it to the ground.

  “Hey, do you know how hard it was for me to get that?”

  “Fuck that head. I’d much rather hold you.” He pulled her into his arms. Staring down at her, he told her, “Thank you for saving me, genie, I mean, elven, or do I call you elf, elves?”

��It’s elven, thank you. And you can simply call me, mate.”

  “I like that. Thank you for saving me, mate.”

  “You’re welcome, savage. Now, let’s go back to the camp. I’m ready to leave these shores.”

  Sax kissed the top of her head. “Mate, your wish is my command.”


  Thank you for reading Saxon and Calypso’s story. I hope you enjoyed it. More from Saxon’s brothers coming soon. The next shore they dock on has a lot in store for Colton. I can’t wait for you to meet his feisty mate. Follow me on the links below to stay updated on my new releases, giveaways, and book news.

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