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Dangerous Kiss

Page 30

by Jackie Collins

  ‘Oh, wow!’ Brigette said, wriggling free. ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘Bitch!’ Lina said, with a happy grin. ‘How come you ran off an’ got hitched without me? I thought we were planning a double wedding?’

  ‘Sorry!’ Brigette said, laughing.

  ‘An’ look at you,’ Lina added. ‘You must’ve dropped twenty bleedin’ pounds. What’s up with that?’

  ‘It’s the new me,’ Brigette explained. ‘I decided it was time to dump my puppy fat.’

  ‘Puppy fat, my ass,’ Lina shrieked. ‘You’re thinner than a stick. Jeez, what’s your agent gonna say?’

  ‘Nothing, because I’ve given up work.’

  ‘You’ve given up work?’ Lina exclaimed. ‘You?’

  ‘Yes, me.’

  ‘I don’t get it. Why? Are you pregnant?’

  She hadn’t planned on telling anyone, but this seemed like the perfect opportunity. She took a long deep breath and plunged right in. ‘As a matter of fact I am.’

  Once again Lucky was shocked. If Brigette was pregnant, how come she didn’t look more healthy?

  ‘How pregnant are you?’ she asked quickly.

  ‘Only a couple of months,’ Brigette replied vaguely.

  ‘Way t’ go, girl!’ Lina hooted, obviously delighted for her friend. ‘Bags I’ll be the godmother. Y’ know, the black godmother. I like it!’

  ‘So do I,’ Brigette said, and suddenly she felt like bursting into tears. She didn’t know why, but seeing her friends and family seemed to bring back only good memories. Carlo had kept her isolated for so long that she’d forgotten what it was like to be with people she genuinely loved.

  I’m doing heroin, she thought. I’m in a drugged-out haze most of the time. That’s how he keeps me under control. I’ve got to get away from him. He’s sucking the life out of me.

  Oh, God, what had happened to her? Was she repeating her mother’s pattern?

  Before she could think about it any further, Carlo strolled over, placing a possessive arm around her shoulders.

  ‘Well,’ Lina said, wagging a finger at him, ‘aren’t you the sneaky one? Daddy!’

  ‘Ah,’ Carlo said, with a satisfied smirk. ‘So Brigette has told you.’

  ‘It’s fantastic news!’ Lina said enthusiastically. ‘Does Fredo know? He’ll freak!’

  ‘No, this is the first time we have told anyone,’ Carlo said. ‘It is indeed wonderful news. I wanted Brigette to share it with the people she is close to.’

  Lucky watched him as he spoke. There was something very devious and cold within those icy blue eyes, something she didn’t trust. Abruptly she walked away and sought out Lennie to ask him what he thought.

  ‘It’s not good,’ Lennie said, frowning.

  ‘Why do you say that?’

  ‘I gotta tell you, Lucky, I think she’s doing drugs.’

  ‘You mean smoking a joint? What?’

  ‘No. She’s on something. Take a look at her eyes. Then notice how thin she is. This isn’t our Brigette.’

  ‘Well, here’s the big news,’ Lucky said, hoping Lennie was wrong. ‘She just announced she’s pregnant.’

  ‘You’d better have a serious talk with her.’

  ‘We’re having lunch tomorrow. I’ll find out everything.’

  ‘That’s good.’

  ‘What’s your take on him?’ Lucky asked.

  ‘He’s not exactly Mr Warmth. What do you think?’

  ‘A good-looking con man with a big dick,’ she said flatly. ‘I can smell ’em at twenty feet.’

  Lennie nodded. ‘So, Lucky,’ he said, trying to appear casual, but obviously bothered, ‘have you made a decision about Alex?’

  ‘What decision?’ she asked innocently, although she knew exactly what he meant.

  ‘You’re not doing the movie with him, right?’ he said, obviously uptight.

  ‘Why are you on about Alex?’ she said, exasperated. ‘We’re friends, that’s all.’

  ‘Friends, my ass.’

  ‘Don’t push me in a corner, Lennie. If I say we’re friends, you’d better believe me.’

  ‘Who’s pushing? I’m merely asking you not to work with him.’

  ‘That’s totally unreasonable,’ she said angrily. ‘I have a project I want to do, and it happens to be attached to Alex. Big fucking deal. Get over it, Lennie.’

  ‘So you’re telling me that, if there’s a choice here,’ he responded heatedly, ‘you’d choose Alex?’

  ‘Are you forcing me to make a choice?’

  ‘Jesus! You’re really starting to piss me off.’

  ‘Oh, like you’re not pissing me off?’

  ‘I never do anything to piss you off. I’m the perfect faithful husband, and I ask you one little thing—’

  ‘Lennie, can we talk about this later? Now’s hardly the time.’

  ‘Whatever,’ he said. ‘As usual, it’s you calling all the shots.’

  * * *

  Over dinner Brigette was quite animated. Lucky had surrounded her with the people she was closest to, including Lina, who was all over Steven.

  Watching the action, Lucky noticed that the more lively Brigette became, the more withdrawn Carlo seemed to be. She made an attempt to engage him in conversation. ‘Where are you two planning to live?’ she asked.

  ‘Perhaps we buy a house outside Rome,’ he answered restlessly, one eye on Brigette.

  ‘Wouldn’t that be lonely for Brigette?’ Lucky said. ‘Y’ know, her being in a strange country where she doesn’t speak the language. Stuck outside the city with a baby to look after.’

  ‘Brigette does not need people around her,’ Carlo said shortly.

  ‘I think it’s very touching that you seem to know so much about her, when in point of fact you’ve only known each other for – what? Three months?’

  ‘Lucky,’ he said, fixing her with a malevolent gaze, ‘I realize you have Brigette’s best interests at heart, but it is time for you to let go. She is not your daughter. She is my wife. And I will see that she is happy.’

  ‘I’m sure you will,’ Lucky murmured. ‘There’s only one small thing – she doesn’t look happy.’

  ‘You are ridiculous,’ Carlo snapped. ‘And rude.’

  ‘Really?’ Lucky said, thinking what a pompous asshole he was. ‘I was Brigette’s mother’s closest friend, and since Olympia is no longer with us, I look out for Brigette. So you’d better treat her right, Carlo, otherwise you’ll have me to answer to.’

  ‘Is that a threat?’ he said, arching an aristocratic eyebrow.

  ‘No threat, Carlo,’ Lucky replied calmly. ‘I’m merely telling you the way it is. You might have had her to yourself for the last few months, but in future I shall be watching what’s going on. Oh, and by the way, I spoke to Brigette’s lawyers in New York. There’s no necessity for you to interfere in the way her trust is being run. She does not inherit the bulk of her estate for another five years, so I suggest you lie back. In five years, if you’re still married, then I’m sure Brigette will be only too happy for you to take over.’

  ‘I resent the way you talk to me.’ He bristled, livid that she would have such nerve.

  ‘I’m sorry, Carlo, but that’s the way it is. So here’s what I suggest.’ Her black eyes hardened. ‘Get used to it.’

  * * *

  ‘What kind of music are you into?’ Lina asked, toying with the stem of her champagne glass as they sat at one of the round dining-tables set out next to the pool.

  ‘Al Green, the Temptations, Aretha. Y’ know, classic soul,’ Steven said. ‘How ’bout you?’

  ‘Soul’s cool,’ she said quickly. ‘Keith Sweat, Jamiroquai . . .’

  He smiled. ‘You like to dance, don’t you?’

  ‘How can you tell?’

  ‘’Cause you’ve been jiggling around in your chair all night.’

  She grinned. ‘I have?’

  ‘You have.’

  She took a sip of champagne. ‘Y’ know, Steven, you’re a really
nice guy.’

  ‘What makes you say that?’

  ‘Well, I mean, take that friend of yours, Jerry whatever his name is, the one from New York. Every time I speak to him the guy is leering all over me like I’m naked or something. But you, you’re just a regular guy. And you could be a prick, ’cause you’re major good-looking.’

  ‘Don’t say that,’ he mumbled, embarrassed. ‘I’m not an actor. No need to build my ego.’

  ‘You’re better-looking than any actor I’ve ever seen,’ she said, meaning it. ‘You’ve got that Denzel Washington charisma thing going.’

  He roared with laughter.

  ‘An’ you got great teeth,’ she added with a cheeky grin.

  ‘Y’ know,’ he said thoughtfully, ‘this is the first time I’ve laughed since Mary Lou died.’

  ‘I told you when I met you before ’ow sorry I was to ’ear about your wife,’ Lina said. ‘It must’ve been tough for you.’

  ‘It’s beyond tough, it’s impossible. Nobody realizes what it’s like unless they’ve lost somebody close to them,’ he said gravely. ‘There are mornings you barely make it out of bed. All you want to do is pull the covers over your head and stay there for ever. It’s the nightmare that never goes away.’

  ‘I can imagine,’ she murmured sympathetically.

  ‘Sometimes, when I walk into my house, I almost expect to find her waiting for me.’

  ‘I’m sorry, Steven. What else can I say?’

  ‘Thank you, Lina. I hope you never have to go through it.’

  * * *

  ‘We’re leaving,’ Alex told Lucky shortly after dinner was finished.

  ‘Why so early?’ she asked, disappointed.

  ‘You know parties aren’t my favourite thing,’ he said. ‘Let’s meet tomorrow and talk about the script.’

  She hesitated a moment. ‘Uh . . . I’m having a slight problem with Lennie.’

  ‘What problem?’ Alex said, giving her a penetrating look.

  ‘He doesn’t want me to do it.’

  ‘That’s crazy!’

  ‘I know. And I’ll work it out. But in the meantime, don’t call me, I’ll call you.’

  ‘What does that mean?’

  ‘It means I’m playing good little wife.’


  ‘I promise I’ll get back to you in the next couple of days.’

  ‘Are you saying we might not work together?’

  ‘Of course we will. I simply have to handle it my way.’

  ‘You know, Lucky,’ he said, staring at her intently, ‘I’m only going to tell you once—’

  ‘Oh,’ she said, challenging him with her eyes. ‘What are you going to tell me, Alex?’

  ‘Sure you love Lennie, and he’s a great guy. But he’s too moody for you. You need somebody more in sync with your lifestyle.’

  ‘Somebody like you, I suppose.’

  ‘You could do worse.’

  ‘Only one problem.’

  ‘And what would that be?’

  ‘I’m a nice Italian American girl – well, actually, leave off the nice. But here’s the thing. It’s a well-known fact that you only go for Asians.’

  ‘You kill me, Lucky. Call me when you’ve sorted things out with your husband.’

  ‘Bet on it.’

  * * *

  ‘So tell me, Princess, am I getting the royal English dump?’ Charlie enquired, not sounding too disappointed because he already had his eye on a replacement – a scrubbed-faced TV star with big boobs and trouble in her eyes.

  ‘What?’ Lina said, all girlish innocence.

  ‘You’ve been talking to that lawyer dude all night. The old fart movie star is beginning to feel like a spare prick at a wedding.’

  ‘Oh, Charlie,’ she giggled, leaning back in her chair, ‘can I help it if I’m in lust?’

  ‘So I am getting the good old English dump?’ he said triumphantly.

  ‘No,’ Lina insisted. ‘Me and ’im were just ’aving a very interesting conversation about the environment, that’s all.’

  ‘Like, you know about the environment.’ Charlie snorted.

  ‘I do,’ she said indignantly. ‘I used to walk in the park in London when I was a kid. I love trees and stuff like that.’

  Charlie squinted at her. ‘I’m not used to getting the old heave-ho, doll.’

  ‘You’ve got a girlfriend, Charlie,’ she pointed out. ‘You’re hardly marriage material.’

  ‘Is that what you’re looking for? To get hitched ’cause Brigette did the dastardly deed?’

  ‘Not at all,’ she said, glancing across the table at Steven, who was now conferring with his friend from New York. ‘You’ve got to admit, ’e is cute. And – ’ere’s the biggie – ’e’s my bleedin’ colour. We match.’

  Charlie jumped on that one, ‘Ha!’ he said. ‘Are you tellin’ me I’m too white for you? Is that your current complaint?’

  ‘You’re scary white, Charlie. Don’t you ever go in the sun?’

  ‘Sunbathing’s for movie stars who’ve got nothing else to do.’

  Lina clinked her wine-glass with his. ‘Anyway, it’s not like ’e’s asked me out or anything.’

  ‘Oh,’ Charlie said. ‘And if he did? What would that make me? Second choice?’

  She giggled again. ‘Better than not being in the running at all, huh?’

  * * *

  Pia was waiting for Alex by the door. ‘Sorry, honey,’ he said. ‘Had to take care of business.’

  ‘You like Lucky Santangelo, don’t you?’ she said, as they walked out to the parking area.

  ‘She happens to be my best friend,’ he replied, handing his ticket to the valet.

  ‘No,’ Pia said softly. ‘I mean you like her as a man likes a woman.’

  ‘Where do you come up with this crap?’ he said, irritated that she knew so much.

  ‘A woman’s intuition.’

  ‘I’m with you, aren’t I?’ he said, thinking of what he would do to her later in bed.

  ‘If you had a choice, Alex . . .’ she murmured.

  ‘You’re full of shit.’

  ‘Am I?’ she said. Then, because she was smart, she briskly changed the subject. ‘See those two people across the street? They were here when we arrived. They look like gypsies. A child shouldn’t be out this late at night.’

  ‘Maybe they’re lost,’ Alex said, hardly glancing over.

  ‘Do people get lost on the Pacific Coast Highway, and wander down to the Malibu Colony?’

  ‘If you’re so concerned, go ask them.’

  ‘I think I will,’ she said, crossing the narrow road. The woman stood up from the kerb as Pia approached. ‘Excuse me,’ Pia said. ‘I couldn’t help being concerned, seeing you out here all night with your child. Are you all right?’

  The woman nodded, clutching her thin sweater across her dress. ‘I – I wait to see Mr Golden,’ she said tentatively. ‘Is he in house?’

  ‘Yes,’ Pia said. ‘Would you like me to ask someone to fetch him?’

  ‘Please,’ the woman said, shivering.

  Pia returned to Alex. ‘She’s apparently waiting to see Lennie Golden.’

  ‘Is she a fan?’

  ‘I hardly think so. She’s quite beautiful, and speaks English with an Italian accent.’

  ‘Maybe I should talk to her,’ he said, ‘see what she wants.’

  ‘Go ahead.’

  He walked across the road.

  The woman stared at him as he approached. He took a good look back and was quite startled by her smouldering beauty. She reminded him of a young Sophia Loren in the movie Two Women. Full breasts, long legs, ample hips and a swirl of long, wavy chestnut hair. He wondered if she was an actress – she was certainly lovely enough in a very raw, womanly way.

  ‘You’re waiting to see Lennie Golden, right?’

  ‘That is right,’ she said, her lilting accented voice barely more than a whisper. ‘If I can see him, it would be good.’

  ‘Do you kno
w Mr Golden?’

  ‘Five years ago . . . we knew each other in Sicily.’

  ‘You did, huh?’

  She nodded.

  ‘What’s your name?’

  ‘Claudia. I think he remember me.’

  ‘Oh, yes, Claudia,’ Alex said, as it all came together. ‘I’ve got a feeling he’ll remember you very well indeed.’

  Chapter Sixty-One

  ‘I wish to leave,’ Carlo said imperiously. ‘I wish to leave soon.’

  ‘We can’t,’ Brigette answered. ‘The party’s for me, and I’m having a nice time.’

  ‘If I say I want to go,’ Carlo snapped, ‘then we will leave. That Lucky Santangelo woman is a bitch. Make the most of her tonight, Brigette, for I will not allow you to see her again.’

  ‘Don’t tell me that, Carlo,’ Brigette said, starting to get distressed. ‘I love Lucky. I’ll see her whenever I want.’

  ‘If we were at the hotel now,’ he said ominously, ‘you would not dare talk to me like that.’

  It was at that exact moment that she realized how desperately she needed help, and right now she was in the only place she was likely to get it.

  Perhaps Carlo realized it too, for he was certainly anxious to get her out of there.

  Her mind was running in different directions. She had to tell someone what was going on. Maybe Lina. Yes, that was it – tell Lina, who’d alert Lucky, who would come once more to her rescue.

  But how could she ask Lucky for help again? She was supposed to be all grown-up. She had a career, a baby growing inside her, and a husband.

  No, she couldn’t humiliate herself again.

  And yet . . . she knew she had to escape, or was she doomed to be under Carlo’s evil spell for ever?

  ‘I have to go to the bathroom,’ she said.

  ‘Do so,’ he said. ‘Then we must leave. You will tell them you are not feeling well.’

  Her blue eyes searched the party for Lina.

  Gotta tell her, gotta tell her, gotta tell her, she thought.

  But Lina was nowhere to be seen. Damn!

  Outside the bathroom, she ran into Lennie.

  ‘How’s my favourite ex-stepdaughter?’ he asked.

  ‘I’m great, Lennie,’ she said, still looking around for Lina.

  ‘Enjoying the party?’

  ‘It’s great.’

  ‘So . . .’ he said. ‘Little Brigette is having a baby.’


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