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Letting Go of the Pain

Page 13

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Have you been with anyone since them?” Mink asked her, and she shook her head.

  “Here today, with the four of you, is the first time I’ve let another man close to me, to kiss me, never mind intimately touch me, and that scares the hell out of me.” She felt her body shaking.

  “That’s the last thing we want to do to you, sweetie. We can do slow, if that’s what you need,” Steve said to her.

  She eased up, and Panther held her by her hips under her skirt still.

  “Slow is one thing. Holding back, denying this attraction, or putting up walls is not acceptable. We’re risking a lot, too. What happened here today has shocked all of us, but I do believe my team and I are on board together. That we want you. Want to get to know you better and see where this leads,” Panther said to her.

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  “I’m not denying anything. I just need time, and I’m scared, Panther. I don’t want to feel pain like that again.”

  He stroked her jaw and gripped it.

  “Only pleasure, and remember, later on, they’ll be some more taste testing, and your sweet, wet pussy is on the menu.”

  She gasped, her lips parted, and he held her gaze.

  “Now kiss me and seal the promise that you’ll let us do some more exploring so you can get used to our touches and their effect on you.”

  She held his gaze as his team, his brothers, stared at her and waited for her response.

  “Can I say I’ll see later?”

  “No. You say yes because you want to know what it feels like to have our tongues on you, tasting your cream, bringing you pleasure, and that decision is all yours and it’s because you want it and you want more, you want us doing the exploring.”

  She felt her pussy cream just from his words and how wild, experienced, and commanding he was.

  “Then, yes. I want that.” She slowly leaned closer and kissed him.

  “Let’s do lunch now then.” Eddie slapped his hands together.

  They laughed, but then Steve eased her up off of Panther’s lap.

  His hands slid along her thighs, and there she stood on shaky legs, wondering how the heck she was going to even eat as she anticipated being feasted on for dessert?

  * * * *

  Eddie shook his head and laughed. “You are so full of crap. I had you beat by a mile.”

  Steve, Panther, and Mink started laughing.

  “I don’t think it was quite a mile,” Steve said to him.

  “I know it was. I hauled ass to that finish line, and you were nowhere in sight,” Eddie said.


  Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “That’s because I was already past the finish line,” Steve countered, and Eddie and Panther really started laughing.

  “He’s lying, Lauren. He won’t ever admit to defeat, but that’s okay. He’s still my brother,” he said to Steve, and Steve got straight faced but then lowered his eyes and shook head.

  Lauren re-crossed her legs, and Eddie placed his arm over the back of the couch where she sat.

  He held her gaze, feeling so much so quickly. He loved having a woman here, and especially Lauren. She fit right into their conversations, and they talked like they hadn’t done in a while. He ran his hand over her knee and then up her skirt a little. She glanced at him.

  “I’ll get the brownies,” Mink said, leaving the room.

  “It’s nice having you here with us,” he said to her, stroking her thigh.

  She held his gaze. “What do you guys usually do when you hang out?”

  He glanced at Panther, who was leaning back against the couch next to her. He took her hand and brought it to his lips.

  “We all have different responsibilities, but once we’re home, we look at the house, the training gym outside in the shed as decompressing time. We could work out in the gym out there, do projects around the house, simple maintenance stuff,” Panther said to her.

  “We make sure our gear is ready. We have several sets depending on the location that we’re shipped off to. Everything needs to be in order.”

  “How often do you have to leave?” she asked.

  Eddie stroked her thigh higher and to her hip. He leaned over and kissed her chin.

  “There’s no real pattern, baby. We get a call, sometimes a text, and we have to go. No questions asked until we get to the meet-up location or hear from our contact over the phone,” Panther said to her.

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  “That’s scary. Don’t you get worried or fear where you could be sent to and how dangerous it is?” she asked.

  “It’s what we do,” Steve said to her, and she glanced at him.

  “When was your last mission?” she asked him.

  Steve just stared at her.

  “We had one not too long ago,” Eddie said to her.

  “Months ago for me,” Steven said to her.

  “So you don’t have to go together? You separate?” she asked,

  “Now we do,” Steve said.

  “No, we don’t separate. The last one we did Steve’s talents weren’t needed, so he stuck back and held down the fort and handled things. Got to help out Bo with the construction, which is something Steve enjoys doing,” Panther said to him.

  Steve held his gaze, and Eddie hoped Steve wouldn’t lose it right now and start a fight. Everything was going perfectly, and Eddie was really enjoying spending time with Lauren and feeling so attracted to her. He started to really want the things their friends had. A woman to come home to. A woman to eventually love, wake up to in bed with and cater to. She had been abused, hurt, and nearly killed. Lauren deserved so much more in life. They could provide those things for her.

  “This is nice.” Eddie leaned closer. He stared into her aqua-blue eyes and then pressed his lips to hers.

  She cupped his cheek, and he deepened the kiss. The feel of her nails and fingers pushing through his crew-cut hair against his scalp gave him the chills. He eased his hand up her skirt, and she grabbed onto his hand to stop him. He pulled back.

  “Your lips are addicting.”

  She worried her bottom lip, and then as if trying to slow things down again, she reached out and stroked his neck.

  “Did this hurt?” she asked about his tattoo.

  “A little.”


  Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “He was drunk off his ass,” Mink replied, coming into the living room carrying a tray of brownies.

  “I wasn’t drunk,” he replied.

  “What does it mean?” She asked him about the symbol.

  “It’s the Armor of God. It means being ready for the day when evil comes so that you can stand your ground and have the power to do so.”

  “We all have a version of it on us. Mine is the actual armor, latticed along my upper arm to my shoulder,” Panther told her and pushed his shirt up higher.

  “Mine has the armor, as well as Zeus in red wearing the armor of God,” Mink said to her and showed her his arm.

  She reached out and caressed his muscles.

  He, in return, knelt onto the floor in front of her, slowly lifted her leg so her legs uncrossed, and then he slid his hands up her thighs under her skirt to her hips.

  “Lift up and let me take off your panties so we can really get a good look at you.”

  “Mink.” He shook his head, and Eddie cupped her cheeks.

  “Trust us,” he said and slowly lowered his mouth to hers and helped her lean back and shift lower. Mink lifted her hips and pulled off her panties.

  She pulled from Eddie’s mouth as Mink grabbed her hips and had her ass off the edge of the deep couch cushion.

  She grabbed out at Eddie and Panther, who were on either side of her.

  “The brownies? I thought you said brownies,” she said, gasping for breath as Steve knelt down on the floor next to Mink.

  “You first then brownies.” He slid a finger up into her cunt.

  She went
to close her legs, but Steve and Panther moved their palms over her inner thighs and down under her knees, spreading her higher, keeping her open to Mink and Steve.

  “Oh God!” she exclaimed and came.

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  “Fuck, that is hot,” Mink said and lowered down and began to feast on her wet pussy.

  Steve pushed her skirt up to her waist so they could see their brother feast on her. The sight instantly made his dick hard. Her bare, wet pussy glistened with cream as Mink licked and stoked his tongue in and out of it. He alternated fingers, thrusting, curling up into her cunt, and then he growled against her pussy, lifted her hips higher, placing her legs over his shoulders, and stroked her pussy and asshole.

  “Mink!” she screamed out and came. Her nails dug into Eddie’s thigh and Mink’s, too.

  “My turn,” Steve said, and Mink winked at her.

  “You’re delicious, baby. Now let my brothers have a taste, too,”

  Mink told her and eased back, only for Panther and Eddie to caress their palms up her thighs, spreading her as Steve took Mink’s position on the floor between her legs. Eddie slid a finger up into her cunt and held her gaze.

  “You are awfully wet, sugar.”

  She nodded, lips parted, eyes glistening.

  “We will never hurt you. You tell us what you like, what feels good and what scares you. Okay?”

  “Yes,” she hissed, and he stroked two more times and then pulled his fingers out and licked them.

  “So good.”

  Her face flushed. He brought his fingers back down into her cunt and stroked her a few more times.

  Steve cleared his throat. “Uhm, my turn, remember?”

  “Oh, yeah, I know I have to wait, but I think Lauren should taste how fucking sweet and addicting her cream is so she knows when we can’t stop wanting her and possessing this body she’ll understand why.” Eddie brought his wet fingers to her lips.

  “Open, baby, taste yourself,” Eddie ordered with his eyes on her lips, watching how her light pink tongue poked out and accepted his cream-covered fingers.


  Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Goddamn, that is fucking hot,” Panther whispered, and it seemed to arouse her as she really sucked his fingers with enthusiasm as Steve began to stroke her cunt.

  She held Eddie’s gaze, and her chest heaved up and down, and as she opened her mouth, releasing his fingers, she moaned as Steve went down on her cunt while he slid his palm up under her top to cup her breast.

  Eddie brought his fingers to his lips, her gaze locked onto him.

  “You’re going to be an amazing lover, Lauren. Fucking amazing.”

  Panther reached over to undo her sweater and pushed down the straps to her camisole and bra. He leaned into her and kissed her neck as she rocked her hips, and then Panther exposed her breast.

  “You hide your body well, baby. Makes me happy to unwrap you and feast on you with my brothers.” He poked his tongue over her nipple. She tilted her hips upward.

  Eddie brought her palm toward his crotch so she could feel how hard she made him.

  “This is what you do to me. To us.” He pressed her palm over his erection, stroking his cock, letting her get a good feel for how hard and big he was.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed and came.

  Steve licked her clean and then smiled at her. “We’re going to work it all out, baby. You’ll realize fast how much we care and how protected you’ll be in our arms and especially in our beds.”

  * * * *

  Panther lifted her up into his arms and onto his lap. He cupped her cheeks and kissed her tenderly. She ran her fingers through his hair, and when he pulled back, he stared at her.

  “Look at you.” He stared at her flushed cheeks, her full round breasts pouring from the bra she wore. She looked so damn sexy he felt possessive and wild to claim her.

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  “Eddie and I need a taste, too,” he said, and she held his gaze. She ran her palms up over his shoulders.

  “You’re so big, Panther. All of you are,” she said, her voice shaking. He caressed her thighs under her skirt and gripped her hips.

  “More muscles and capabilities to protect you with,” he said, eyes narrowed. He could see her fear, hell, smell it. He was a hunter, a tracker, a soldier capable of so much, and this woman on his lap, in his arms, letting down her defenses for men like them, affected him like no danger ever had.

  “Don’t be scared of me, of my abilities, of what I know am capable of. Find power in them, encouragement that we’re the right men for you, to protect you, provide for you, and to help you.” He reached up with one hand and cupped her cheek, and his forearm slid along her breast. She was well endowed.

  “It takes a lot of courage to let go of things that hurt us, but when we finally do, we’re free. Want to be free, baby?”

  “Yes,” she said as a tear escaped her eye.

  It got to him. To his heart and his soul, her vulnerability, and the need to protect her and possess her, make her his and his team’s was confirmed and just kept getting more confirmed the longer they spent time with her.

  “I…I want to taste you, too,” she said, shocking him.

  He felt her ease back and then reach for his jeans. He stared at her face, trying to read her to see if it was what she wanted to do or felt like she needed to in order to just make him accept her. He didn’t know what her boyfriends had done to her or how bad it was.

  “Baby, you don’t have to.”

  “I want to. It’s just been a long time for any intimacy, but your words ring true to me. To let go of the things that hurt. The memories of the pain, the abuse I experienced need to not be part of this new relationship with you and your brothers. There’s no place for it here.”

  He cupped her cheek.


  Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “You’re a sweet, giving, young woman, who deserves to be treated like a princess. They failed you. They weren’t real men and certainly weren’t real soldiers. If you’re sure you want to try, believe me, baby, looking at your beautiful face and these sexy breasts, I am more than willing to be your first go at it again.” He winked.

  She smirked, and instead of lowering down to undo his pants, she lifted up, held his cheeks between her palms, stared into his eyes as if she could see to his soul and he could see to hers, and then kissed him tenderly.

  When she pulled back smiling, he knew everything was going to work out fine. What he hadn’t expected, in the moment his cock was released from confinement and her mouth slid down over his dick was how powerful their goddess was, and he knew in that moment whenever the time was right and they made love to Lauren together, that he and his team were never going to be the same men again.

  * * * *

  Lauren was baffled by the turn of events and how easily she accepted the four men and this new relationship. The power and connection between the four of them was so strong, so touching that she knew, despite her fears, it was exactly where she belonged. She wasn’t ready to have sex with them yet. This whole first-date thing had gone completely differently than she imagined and worried about.

  Now here she was, exposing her vulnerability and praying she wasn’t making a mistake. As she took in the sight of Panther’s thick, long cock, she knew she was going to lose herself in him. He was incredible. All those muscles, the thick, hard forearms, his commanding, possessive manner and the way he spoke to her and seemed to understand her fears and reservations revealed a lot about the kind of man he was. Panther was their leader, and she couldn’t help but to wonder if he would somehow be hers as well if this relationship worked. As she inhaled his scent, saw him clench his

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  eyes closed just from her gripping his cock, it empowered her. She suddenly felt capable of so much more than she ever imagined. She wanted to be a seductress, a sexual goddess, and
at the same time a partner, a part of their time, and perhaps someone who could link them all together even more fully than the four of them were without her. Was that sane? Was she being a moron for thinking she could not only connect them more fully with one another but also be part of that power, that energy and commitment and trust, as well?

  She didn’t know, but she followed her gut, which suddenly seemed to be sending her messages she could hardly keep track of.

  She focused on pleasing Panther as she slid her tongue along the ridge of his cock and then began to suck him into her mouth.

  “Lauren, holy damn, baby, that mouth feels so good. Keep it up.

  Keep moving, baby, just like that.” He coached her, and she did as he said.

  She didn’t feel scared until the second set of hands landed on her hips and Eddie slid his palms along her ass cheeks. She closed her eyes and anticipated the smack, the hard, brutal spankings, and maybe even the belt.

  She closed off her mind and pushed her way through the fears.

  When she felt the fingers slide into her pussy from behind, she moaned against Panther’s cock. He ran his fingers through her hair and watched her. She glanced up, sucking him down as Eddie thrust fingers into her pussy and rocked against her back.

  She ran her palms up and down Panther’s thighs, and he grunted and came. She swallowed him, licked him clean, and then held on, pulled her mouth from his cock, and lay her cheek against it as he caressed her hair and Eddie thrust fingers into her pussy from behind.

  When she felt his mouth replace his fingers, she stuck her ass out farther and moaned and rocked against his tongue. He slid his thick, warm tongue back and forth, and from her pussy to her anus, and a moment later, she felt the tip of his finger slide into her asshole, and she cried out and came.


  Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She was panting against Panther’s leg as he stroked her hair.


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