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Letting Go of the Pain

Page 20

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

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  * * * *

  Panther and his team went into the building along with J.T., Cole, Farrow, and Luke as backup. They were shooting and taking out men one after the next. Steve was doing his thing setting up bombs for their escape once they retrieved Yovan and his team. As they got into the upper floor, more return gunfire erupted, and they did what was necessary to take them out. As Panther and the team entered the room, there were the men tied up, battered, and bloody.

  Soldiers fired at them, and they fired back, killing them.

  “Yovan. Yovan.” Eddie said his name and smacked Yovan’s face, waking him up.

  “Eddie?” he questioned.

  “Let’s go, man, we got you, and we need to move,” Eddie said to them as the others looked around at them.

  “A bomb. He set a bomb,” one of the other men told them.

  “Where is it?” Steve asked.

  “Right behind you. It was a setup. Commander Fairchild is in on it. He was working with Pachessa as well as some other agents who were involved with friends of yours. That case with the Irish terrorist,” the guy told them.

  “What the fuck?” J.T. said, and they started to ask questions as Steve went over to the bomb.

  “We don’t have enough time to disarm this thing. It’s set to a timer and a trigger. What the hell could he put as the trigger?” Steve asked.

  “My chair. It has to be my chair. He put something behind it,”

  Yovan said, and Steve slowly moved his chair.

  “What the fuck?” he yelled, and Panther went to look. He was shocked, sick, as a picture of Lauren in the café smiling was there and placed over the trigger to the bomb.


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  “Motherfucker, they’re going after Lauren. Or they might already have her,” Steve yelled.

  “What?” Eddie asked and then everyone looked.

  “Get the out of here as fast as possible,” Steve said, and they started helping the other men, soldiers who had been held hostage.

  “What’s the plan?” Farrow asked.

  “You all go. Leave me and get your woman. My team is safe, and I fucked this operation up. I should have known that Fairchild was involved with those men,” Yovan stated.

  “No, we don’t leave men behind. You and I stay, and we clear this bomb or we find out how much time we have and we fucking haul ass,” Steve said.

  “Wait, it’s a four-story building. You can’t jump out the window, and you can’t take the stairs even if you have a minute,” Farrow said.

  “No, but we have these.” Mink showed the climbing gear clips.

  “We anchor them on both windows, and the second that goes off, you run and you grab the line and jump out. We’ll be there,” Mink told Steve.

  Steve looked at Panther. “Panther?”

  Panther stared at Steve with worry and concern, but this was what Steve did, what they all did.

  “Fine, but don’t get fucking dead. That asshole has our woman, and we need to go get her and kill these assholes once and for all,”

  Panther said.

  Steve nodded, and then they got the escape route ready then left Steve and Yovan there.

  * * * *

  “You should just leave me, Steve. You don’t even know if there is a timer or if it will just explode.”

  “No, I don’t, but knowing this style, seeing it before, I can tell you that the dick behind this likes to cause fear. He more than likely put

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  less than a minute’s time on this. Once I pull you up and of, you need to run to the first window. I’ll take the second. It’s farther, and I’m not injured.”

  “No, you need to live to get to your woman. You know what they did to John Focus’s woman?”

  “I know,” Steve said and then took an unsteady breath. “I made a promise to my woman that I would make it back to her. Now she’s been pushed into the middle of this shit-show. I will get her back, and I will kill the men who took her.”

  Yovan nodded. “Let’s do this.”

  They prepared to run.

  “On three. One, two, three.” He pulled Yovan up and looked down at the bomb as Yovan ran for the window. “Forty-five seconds!” Steve yelled and watched Yovan grab onto the rope, yell, then throw himself out the window.

  Steve did next, not even looking or fearing that his brothers wouldn’t be there to help him. The rope kept going and going and then yanked back right before he reached Mink’s and Eddie’s hands.

  They caught him, unclipped him as Farrow and the others unclipped Yovan, and they ran. The explosion rocked the building, and they kept running for cover as debris scattered around them and a second explosion went off. They fell to the ground, and relief hit Steve’s insides.

  We’re coming for you, baby, and the asshole who set this all up, including the one who made the bomb, are going to die.

  * * * *

  Information was coming in from men they could trust. J.T. and Panther were on the phones with Spartan and other men they trusted.

  “So basically, that asshole, Agent Rogers, who worked with Agent Ferrow on Thylane’s father’s case, was actually working with Pachessa to take Yorkshire down so that Yorkshire would lose his


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  entire operation and Pachessa could take it over. This recent setup was created by Randolph O’Reilly, bomb expert terrorist and all-around dickhead scumbag, who has been working for Pachessa for years. He heads his operations in Chile and Ireland, where he engaged operations with Yorkshire,” J.T. told them.

  “Holy fuck, and they went after Lauren to not only seek revenge against you guys and your team who have encountered Randolph before but also because she was involved with Logan and Connor, who were also working for Pachessa on the side and double-crossing Yorkshire,” Spartan told them all over the speakerphone.

  “We need that location where they’re keeping Lauren,” Mink said to them.

  “We’re working on it. The guys we have and can trust in the government are working with Jed and Jaret Holmes as well as with Quantico and Kendra,” Spartan said to them.

  “Kendra?” Eddie asked.

  “Yes. She knows a lot of people and has great connections in both Argentina and Santiago. Quantico’s sources are saying that Pachessa, Lambert, and Randolph are there. His contacts are trying to pinpoint a location.”

  “That was pretty ballsy of him to stay so close. He really thought that bomb would kill us,” Steve said.

  “Any other soldiers and hell yeah, but you’re a master at this shit, Steve. You saved the fucking day,” Farrow told him.

  Steve looked away. “I’m not celebrating anything until my woman is in my arms alive and well.”

  “She will be. We’ve got the best men working on things now.

  Let’s sit tight, recoup our energy, and wait for the confirmation on that location,” J.T. said, and then they asked about Avana and her injuries and how everyone was handling what was going on.

  Spartan explained about everyone getting protection and especially all the women in the group.

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  “Good, they all need to be protected. These people are going after Sons of Justice, and that won’t be tolerated,” Luke said, and they all agreed and then waited for word on Lauren.

  * * * *

  “Let go of me! Let me go!” Lauren screamed and struck the guy who pulled her into the building. She didn’t know where she was. Not what country or who these men were, but she knew, she just knew, that she was going to die.

  The strike to her cheek sent her flying, but she cried out through the pain, swearing to herself that she would not disappoint her men and be weak. She countered when he went to hit her again, and she struck him several times until another person grabbed her by her hair and yanked her back down to the floor. They struck her in the f
ace and then turned her onto her stomach. A knee to her spine sent excruciating pain into her back as she screamed out, blood dripping from her lips and her eye swelling up fast. The rope was tight, and the rope around her ankles chaffed her skin.

  “Stupid bitch,” the one guy said.

  “Stop the bullshit and get her in here,” someone yelled.

  She cried out in pain when both men lifted her by the bindings.

  She thought her arms were going to tear from the sockets as they brought her into the building, down a dark hallway, and then into a room. There were two men there, and one was working on something behind a desk and table.

  “There she is, the main event,” one man said, and then the two men threw her into a chair.

  “Strip her top off. It will make for better photos to send of her,”

  the one guy said.

  She glared at him as one of the men went to reach for her top and she lowered her chin to her chest and tried biting his hand. “What the fuck,” he yelled and backhanded her across the mouth, making her


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  fall to the floor. She hit her shoulder hard and could feel the instant bruising. He yanked her back up by the top and tore it open.

  “Fuck yeah, I knew she was hot.” He cupped her breast.

  “Get off of me,” she yelled through clenched teeth, but she was crying at the same time. She was so damn scared.

  “Untie her hands. She isn’t going anywhere and knows it,” the one man with the dark black eyes and black beard said to her.

  “Randolph, you almost done?” the guy asked the other man behind the desk.

  “Just adding some finishing touches. I hope Steve likes them.”

  Her hands were now free, and she rubbed her wrists with her hands and then glared at the man in front of her. He had a gun on his waist in the band of his pants. She couldn’t tell if the safety was on or not. She would have only a few seconds to switch it. Pull the trigger and, if the gun didn’t shoot, then hit the safety and do it again. Shit.

  She was shaking, and her face was hurting, throbbing as her eye just kept swelling.

  She swallowed hard.

  “We need to move it. Everything is in place,” he said to him.

  “Should we head out now and get to the location?” one of the two men who’d snagged her asked.

  “Your work is done,” the guy behind the table said as he stood, pointed a gun, and shot both men.

  She reacted, reached for the gun on the waist of the guy in front of her. He yelled and went to grab it, and she fired it. The safety was off.

  She shot him three times like Panther told her and then turned, but the other guy slammed his hand down on her arm, and the gun fell.

  He then gripped her neck and squeezed. She grabbed onto his hand.

  “Oh, man, I almost feel bad for having to kill you. You’ve got spunk, but you see my vengeance against your lovers will be killing you and them shortly after.” He shoved her back down into the chair and held the gun to her head.

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  “Put that on.” He motioned with his head toward the floor. She looked down, and her heart felt as if it stopped beating. There lay a thick black vest covered in explosives. She shook her head. “No. No, I’m not touching it.”

  “You’re going to do more than that, doll. You’re wearing it. Now get it on, or I’ll knock you out, put it on you, and tie you to the chair as you wait for your men to come. You’re all going to die. You’re going to kill them just as you got Logan and Connor killed.”

  “What?” she asked, so confused.

  “I know your other lovers. Apparently you must be very good in bed because Connor and Logan never should have remained in that building so long with you and your cousin. They were supposed to kill you. Now put it on, or I knock you out and you won’t even be able to say hello and good-bye to your men,” he threatened.

  She reluctantly reached down and, with shaking hands, put on the vest of explosives. He clipped it together, and trepidation fed her anger. “I’m glad they died, but you should know they didn’t stay because of me and because they wanted to live. They were weak, and they failed. My cousin killed them.”

  “No, the federal agents killed them. In fact, those men were so stupid they really thought that they could be part of the federal government stopping us while also dipping their hands into our money pots. They’re all dying tonight, even that asshole Ferrow who tried getting your cousin killed.”

  “You’ll die, too. The second my men come through that door, you’re dead.”

  He chuckled. “I don’t know what they told you to make you putty in their hands, but I’m invincible, and you once again will be the demise of men who opened their hearts to you. You’ll die knowing that they came here to save you, but yet it’s you who caused their death when that bomb explodes.”

  Tears filled her eyes, but she wasn’t going to cry and show defeat.

  He glanced at his watch.


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  “Time is almost up.”

  He reached for the vest, clipped together two pieces, and then it lit up.

  He then brought her hands behind her back and tied them to the chair, entwined them with the wires from the bomb, and then brought another one up around her neck. He yanked on the wire, and she gasped as it dug into her neck. He gave her a smirk and then licked her cheek.

  “So sweet, no wonder they moved heaven and earth to get to you.” He then chuckled as he made it so she was stuck, her head tilted back, her throat exposed with a wire strangling her. The tears now flowed as she felt the stiffness set in and couldn’t move. As she did, the wire on her neck tightened more, and she moved her wrists where more wires were wrapped around them.

  “Oh no, no, no, don’t move at all or you’ll die before they get here.”

  “Maybe I should…so you die, not them.”

  “Aw, don’t you have all the courage in the world right now, sweetie, but you see it isn’t quite ready. I need to just press this button and then, poof, the timer starts.”

  She wasn’t going to be able to do a thing. This man, this monster was going to succeed in killing all of them

  The tears flowed, and then the door burst open. A swarm of soldiers entered, and there her men and their friends stood. Eyes went to her, and then the guy who made the bomb pointed his gun and shot at them as he ran from the room. Her men followed, shooting.

  “He has the detonation button on him. Don’t!” she screamed as more shots rang out, and then she heard the beeping sound. Steve and Mink came running toward her and immediately looked her over. A hand went to her neck.

  “Oh God, baby, we’re so fucking sorry. So sorry we left you,”

  Steve said to her.

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  “No, no please, just leave me here. It’s going to detonate. It’s attached everywhere. Please, I want you to live. I love you all, and you can’t die because of me.”

  She cried and sniffled as they gathered around her.

  “Shhh, baby, we aren’t leaving you,” Eddie said to her and caressed her hair.

  “Fuck,” Panther said and tried moving the wire on her neck.

  “No. No, don’t move anything. He said it will sense it and explode.” She swallowed and cringed.

  “You’re in pain,” Panther said.

  “Look at your face, all battered and swollen,” Eddie said to her.

  “He killed Pachessa?” J.T asked, standing there.

  “I did,” she said.

  “Damn,” Farrow added.

  “What do you need, Steve?” Cole asked.

  “I’m looking. It’s so complicated, and I don’t see a time yet I hear a ticking.”

  “Please, you all can’t stay and die. Please go and leave me here.”

  “No, we never leave a soldier,” Steve said to her.

  “I’m not a soldier.” Sh
e cried and sniffled.

  Panther squeezed her shoulder and held her gaze. “Baby, you fought to stay alive, you shot the man we were sent to kill, and helped solve the biggest cover-up and federal corruption situation in a long fucking time. You’re more than a soldier.”

  “Shit, I can’t even tell where it started. It looks like it’s similar to the one that was on Yovan, but I’m not sure,” Steve said.

  “He added the wires around me after he clipped it in the front to something under my armpit,” she said, her voice still shaking.

  Steve felt around and then stared at her. She closed her eyes and tried to breathe as Panther caressed her hair, Eddie held her hand at the back of the chair, and Mink stood by Steve, holding tools.

  “Lambert is nowhere to be found. Men just took out Mario, the guy working for Pachessa and the one who was in contact with the


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  criminal agents,” J.T. told them as he spoke on the phone, getting updates.

  “I see two wires, and it could be either one.”

  “Can you cut both?” she asked him.

  “No, sweetie, we’ll blow up. It’s one of them, but not typical.”

  “Where are they?” Panther asked, and Steve pointed them out.

  “That looks like some sort of flap between them,” Panther said, and she couldn’t look. The wire was hurting her throat and breaking through the skin. She gulped and cringed as tears fell.

  “You can’t move this?” Eddie asked and pointed to her throat.

  “No. No, he said it would set the bomb off,” she told them.

  They all just stared at her.

  “I think you all should leave the room, the building. I’ll stay, and Lauren and I will decide which one to cut when you’re all safely out of here,” Steve said to them.

  “We aren’t leaving her,” Panther said.


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