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Just a Flirt

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by Olivia Noble

  Just a Flirt

  Billionaires on the Beach

  Book Three

  By Olivia Noble

  Copyright 2014 Olivia Noble

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Chapter One

  “Fine,” Nicole grumbled to herself as she stumbled out of the elevator. Her shoulder banged roughly against the wall on the other side of the hallway, and she giggled at her own clumsiness, barely feeling any pain from the impact in her inebriated state. She struggled to straighten herself as she used the wall for support, wobbling in the direction of her hotel suite.

  “Fine,” she said again with more conviction. “You’re a jerk, Eva. I don’t need you anyway.”

  Her ankles twisted in her high heels from moving at an erratic speed, sometimes walking far too quickly and sometimes completely paused in confusion. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Nicole found herself sprawled on the ground beneath her hotel room door.

  “Okay,” she said, looking up at the number dizzily. A small hiccup escaped her throat. “Just gotta find my key...” Rolling onto her stomach, she pulled at the handle of her purse which was tied around her neck so that she wouldn’t lose it. After fishing around for several minutes, and dropping a tube of lipstick and a few packets of condoms, she held up the small plastic card triumphantly between her manicured fingers. “There!”

  She lifted herself onto her knees and tried to insert the key into the door several times. After several frustrating failures, the light finally blinked green, and she giggled in glee. Nicole opened the door and promptly fell forward into the suite.

  “Mmm,” she mumbled, rubbing her cheek against the soft carpet. Somehow, in her current condition, the floor seemed to be as comfortable as an expensive mattress. She certainly didn’t feel any desire to go through the difficult task of climbing all the way across the room and up into her big empty bed. When her eyes glanced toward the luxurious bedroom, they immediately filled with tears. Nicole pulled her purse off her neck and tossed it feebly at the bed.

  “I don’t need anyone!” she shouted at the bed angrily. “No Eva? No hot dudes on the beach? Who cares! I’m an independent woman and I can please myssself. Thank you very much.”

  Crawling forward into the bedroom, Nicole heard the door shut closed behind her with an odd crunch. She was far too drunk to look back and investigate this. She continued to crawl toward her shiny golden purse which now lay in the middle of the carpet with her credit cards and cell phone spilling out. After reaching the purse, Nicole found herself unable to resist checking for messages. There had been nothing since Eva last informed her that she was abruptly leaving the country on a private plane.

  “Aren’t you fancy?” Nicole said bitterly. “All it takes is one gorgeous billionaire for you to become a complete slut and leave me lying in a ditch somewhere.” Nicole scanned through some of her older text messages as well, and found that while there were dozens of messages from old booty calls, there was, as usual, nothing from the one man she actually cared to hear from. She briefly considered drunk dialing him, but she knew better. With a large yawn, Nicole pulled her soft purse against her middle as though it were a teddy bear.

  “I’m in the Bahamas, for heaven’s sake,” she reminded herself firmly. “I’m going to have a good time if it’s the last thing I do.”

  Her eyelids grew very heavy, and for a few minutes, they closed completely.

  Dreams danced in her mind, revealing the deep, honest desires that she never allowed herself to acknowledge. She saw the face of the person she never allowed herself to think about. When her eyes finally opened again, Nicole was startled to find herself lying on the ground. She yanked herself off the floor, feeling as refreshed and alert as if she had slept for several hours.

  “Eva?” she said in confusion, rubbing her eyes as she grabbed one of the bed posts. Finding that her friend was nowhere in the hotel room, the information from the previous night came rushing back and smacked her in the face. “Oh,” she said to herself glumly. “Great.” Nicole moved to a mirror and recoiled in horror when she saw the sorry state of her black hair.

  “Jesus, girl. You look like shit,” she whispered to herself with disappointment. “No wonder you can’t get laid. You need to get this mess sorted.” She began trying to wipe off her smeared eye makeup, but it was futile. She was in desperate need of a shower.

  Reaching up behind her back to untie the strings that held up her bikini top, she pulled off the small piece of fabric and let her breasts bounce free. She reached down to undo the ties on the sides of her bikini bottom as well, and tossed both garments onto the bed.

  “Thanks for not helping me get lucky,” she told her discarded swimsuit disdainfully. “I spent good money on you! The sales lady said you were guaranteed to be a powerful man-magnet. Couldn’t you have tried to attract a man who wasn’t old enough to be my dad?” Nicole scowled and stretched her arms. “More like hot-guy-repellant,” she murmured as she moved toward the luxurious bathroom of the suite. In addition to an elegant glass shower, there was a very lovely, large bathtub. She wasted no time in climbing into the bathtub and turning on the water.

  “That’s nice,” she said with a sigh as she ran the warm water over her feet. They were sore and aching from dancing in high heels. She cupped the water in her hands, and splashed it over her face, making sure to carefully knead the mascara out of her eyelashes. As the water began to fill up in the tub, she sighed and leaned back into its depths, allowing her frizzy hair to become soaked. She reached up to comb her fingers through it and gently massage her scalp in anticipation of the hangover that was sure to come eventually.

  But worse than the physical symptoms of alcohol withdrawal was the loneliness that was sure to set in now that Eva was gone.

  “Everything’s going to be fine, Nicole,” she assured herself as she wrapped her arms around her middle. “You’re awesome. You’re smart and sexy. Super sexy. You’re going to be fine.”

  Nicole had great trouble being alone. Ever since her father walked out on her, she could never seem to handle even a few minutes of silence or absence of physical contact. The paralyzing fear and depression would set in. It was a little easier at home, because she had so many eager college boys on speed dial. She could fill the void with meaningless sex, and sometimes, if she got lucky, they would get tired enough to end up accidentally staying the night. Those were always the best nights, when she would fall asleep in the arms of some random stranger.

  It didn’t matter who it was, as long as there was someone there.

  Drawing in a shuddering breath, Nicole let her head sink below the water. The truth was that she never would have gone on this Caribbean vacation if Eva hadn’t agreed to come along. She was counting on the comfort of having her friend nearby. While she had made a great pretense of pretending that the trip was about helping Eva let loose, she also had her own selfish motivations. She was tired of being alone in her small loft in New York City. She wanted to experience what it felt like to have a sister; to have a family member that actually cared.

  The sex wasn’t part of the plan; but it was a nice little added bonus.

  Nicole was accustomed to using sex to thank people for showing her any bit of kindness. She had learned that it was the only way to guarantee that their affection would continue. The only way to try to mak
e sure that they would remember her existence, or think of her sometimes. It was simply how she got by.

  Of course, it also helped that it erased all her pain for a few moments.

  Lifting her head above the water, Nicole studied the shower head of the bathtub. Seeing the little metallic hose which led to a detachable faucet, her eyes lit up. She leaned forward to tug it off the wall and eagerly switched the water flow to the shower head. Relaxing back into the tub, she positioned the hose between her legs and allowed the water pressure to caress her vulva.

  With a little moan of satisfaction, Nicole tilted the stream of water until it was positioned perfectly to massage her clitoris. She closed her eyes and let the sensations take her away. She imagined that it was a man between her legs, licking at her hungrily to prepare her body for his cock. She imagined him pumping his fingers in and out of her while he looked up at her with ravenous eyes.

  Don’t stop, she’d whisper to him as she tangled her fingers in his hair and dragged him closer. I’m close. Keep eating my cunt. Just eat me all up.

  For a moment, she imagined Andreas between her legs, shoving his tongue between her folds, but she immediately dismissed this image. He belonged to Eva, and it felt wrong to fantasize about her best friend’s man. She had been lucky to get a little taste of him while things were still casual, but knowing Eva, that wouldn’t be for very long. She next imagined her ex-boyfriend from high school, gently sucking at her nub while pressing a finger up her ass. She had really thought that he loved her. Of course, he had gotten bored of her before long. Nicole dismissed this memory too, and grew frustrated with trying to pin a face on her fantasy man. She decided just to focus on the sensations.

  Pressing the shower nozzle closer to her body, she turned the head to change the style of the stream and increase the concentration and power. She let the water beat against her clit until it hurt. Letting out a little gasp of pleasure, she arched her back and let her entire body be completely immersed in the water. Nicole used her thighs to clench the shower nozzle and hold it in place, so she could reach up to rub her breasts. She roughly rolled her nipples between her fingers, and imagined there was a random man on either side of her, sucking voraciously on each breast. Her head drifted dizzily below the water as the sensations flooded her body.

  Nicole allowed her arms to float away from her breasts as all the muscles in her abdomen clenched in preparation for her orgasm. Her pulse raced and she held her breath in anticipation for the delicious tremors.

  Suddenly, two large hands went around her neck and dragged her out of the water.

  Nicole screamed and sprang away from the intruder, grabbing her shower nozzle to wield it as a weapon. “What the fuck!” she shouted as she glared at her assailant. “What the hell are you doing?”

  The man flinched slightly as a cascade of water went hurtling toward him. “I’m sorry! I thought you were in trouble. I thought you might be drowning.”

  “You idiot!” Nicole shouted as she covered her breasts with one of her arms. “I wasn’t drowning. I was masturbating.”

  “Well—I can see that,” he said with a mild blush. “I was just worried you might be drowning and masturbating at the same time.”

  Chapter Two

  Nicole’s mouth dropped slightly ajar at this incredible stupidity. “Why are you in my room anyway? Are you a maid or something? If so, this hotel has terrible maid service. Jesus!” She allowed her head to fall back to float in the bathwater as she glared up at the ceiling with a small whimper. “I really needed that orgasm and you ruined it. Jackass.”

  “I’m very sorry,” the man said, moving to sit on the side of the bathtub. The corner of his lips curled upward in amusement as he stared down at her bare breasts with shameless appreciation. “A gentleman should never interrupt a lady’s climax. How incredibly rude of me.”

  Nicole’s eyes narrowed at him, but she found herself growing suddenly very hot under his gaze. The man’s dark eyes contained an odd mixture of playfulness and animal intensity. Nicole was a bit startled when she saw him move his arm toward the bathwater, but it took her a second to register what he was doing. She gasped when she felt his hand moving between her legs without warning.

  “Allow me to make it up to you,” he said in a low voice. His fingers delved between her folds, beginning to expertly massage her clit. He placed three fingers flat against her sensitive nub and firmly moved his fingers back and forth, with a skillful and aggressive pressure.

  A small cry escaped Nicole’s throat as she lifted her hands to tightly grip the sides of the bathtub. Her head tilted back and collided with the edge of the ceramic basin as she tried to raise her hips and spread her legs to give her mystery visitor better access. He seemed to know exactly what she needed as he managed to slip fingers simultaneously into her ass and pussy without even breaking the rhythm of his massage against her clit. In less than thirty seconds of stimulation, Nicole found that her entire body was trembling. The world around her seemed to slow down until time was standing still. Before she could stop the onslaught of sensation, she was moaning loudly and writhing in a much more intense orgasm than she could have possibly had on her own.

  There was no question that this was a man who knew what he was doing.

  “Am I forgiven?” he asked innocently.

  Nicole took a moment to catch her breath and let her dizziness fade away. She smiled up at him lazily. “I suppose the maid service in this hotel isn’t so terrible after all.”

  A deep chuckle emitted from the man’s throat. “I’m not a maid, pretty lady. Do I look like a maid?”

  Nicole allowed herself to really look at this man for the first time, and was surprised to see the ripples of muscle that were visible beneath his wet t-shirt. She found her eyes tracing over his massive arms and down to his tight jeans where there was a telltale bulge straining the fabric around his crotch. Her eyes fixated hungrily on this spot, and she was unaware that she was even biting her lip in longing.

  “Who are you, and why are you in my room?” she asked him curiously.

  The man reached into his pocket and fished out a small condom packet that Nicole recognized as her own. “Your door was left slightly ajar due to this condom and a tube of lipstick preventing it from closing. Wasn’t that an invitation?” He grinned down at her, tossing the condom into the bathwater where it floated like a little inflatable raft made for a caterpillar. “As to my identity,” he continued, “I thought you might...”

  “Stop,” Nicole commanded abruptly. Still slightly drunk, and completely lonely, she did not care who on earth this stranger was; just as long as he kept touching her. “Take off your clothes.”

  “Why?” he asked teasingly.

  “I’m completely naked,” Nicole informed him with annoyance. “It’s not polite for you to keep all your clothes on. Besides, I’m pretty sure I can make it worth your while.”

  He didn’t need to be asked twice. The muscled man quickly grabbed the hem of his t-shirt to pull it over his head, and his hands immediately moved to unbuckle his belt. Nicole stared with excitement as his jeans fell to the floor, and was impressed to see that he was wearing expensive designer underwear. She didn’t have time to contemplate this before those were also removed, and his glistening cock was set free in all its naked glory.

  Nicole’s mouth went very dry at the sight, and she was vaguely aware that this was too unreal to actually be happening. She had spent all night down at the bar, looking for a handsome man just like this one, only to leave empty handed. Now, somehow, this dreamlike apparition had found her in her own bathroom? Had she been so horny that the gods had taken pity on her and sent a savior?

  She did not have a moment to ponder the odd serendipity, for the man was already stepping into the bathwater and standing over her, holding his colossal cock in his hand. She found herself drawn magnetically to his swollen member, but when her lips were inches away from connecting with his flesh, she found a firm hand on her shoulder, halting he
r from going forward.

  “Bend over,” he commanded her as he stroked his erection.

  The tone in his voice gave Nicole a shiver, but she wanted nothing more than to follow his instructions. Although she was a little disappointed at not getting to taste him, she was much more excited about the prospect of having that enormous hunk of man buried deep inside her body. As she turned over in the bathtub, she got onto her knees and gripped the edges of the ceramic tub to offer the stranger a perfect view of her exposed ass.

  Just being in this position made her legs quiver with excitement. She couldn’t believe that she was letting a man she had met only seconds before view her in this intimate way. When he didn’t say anything for a moment, a pang of fear blossomed in her stomach. What if he was some kind of psycho? What if he actually meant her harm? In this moment, she was so aroused that she almost didn’t care. It was fine if he was some deranged sex offender, as long as it meant that she would get properly fucked.

  “Lift up your ass,” the man directed her, and his voice was perfectly calm as though he might be ordering a beer.

  Nicole leaned forward so that she could comply with his command. She tilted her ass up toward him in the most enticing way she could manage. Her whole body shook with yearning, and her greatest fear was not that he was a serial killer, but that he was the type of serial killer who didn’t fuck their victims first.

  What was he waiting for?

  Glancing back over her shoulder, Nicole observed as the magnificent man kneeling behind her. He held his cock poised in the way that one might hold a gun aimed toward their target. This thought thrilled Nicole and she couldn’t wait for the bold stranger to obliterate her insides with his weapon. She could feel the juices of her arousal dripping down her thighs and into the bathwater.

  “Will you fuck me already?” she asked him hoarsely. “I swear that if you make me wait a second longer, I’m going to kick you in the balls.”


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