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Assassin Queen

Page 5

by Chandra Ryan

  “I need to sit. You don’t mind, do you?”

  She perched on his lap before he had a chance to answer. When she leaned over to unlace her boots, she felt the bulge of his erection under her ass and smiled.

  “I’ve just had a thought.”

  After he took a deep breath, he smiled, but the expression looked a little forced. “Do tell.”

  “Maybe you don’t want me to see you naked because you’re afraid of me making comparisons.”

  She watched his eye twitch before removing the boots. Then she turned so she was straddling him on the chair.

  “I promise not to laugh.”

  She had expected a great many reactions from him for the insinuation, including outright anger. She would best him, and she would do so by playing his game better than he had.

  What she hadn’t imagined, however, was nonchalance.

  “Trying to use my methods against me? How charming. Lacking in imagination but endearing just the same.” He ran a fingertip from her sternum to her waist. “Time to take off the pants.”

  She locked her fuming in her head and nodded. “Of course.”

  She would find a way to even the score. He wasn’t going to get away with ordering her about. And once she’d ridden him, her mind would be clear to plot a means of revenge.

  After she slid off his lap, she removed the leggings and the undergarments she wore. That was the last of it. She was now officially naked. And as she stood there under his watchful eye, she never realized how delicious it was to be naked in the presence of another. She was actually starting to enjoy his game.

  “And now what would Your Grace wish me to do?”

  He quirked an eyebrow at the bestowed honorific but didn’t comment on it. “Go lie on the bed. On your back. Stretch your arms above your head.”

  “As you command.”

  Her voice was sweet and innocent, but she made sure to keep her smile dangerous as she sauntered over to the bed. She lay down and ran her hands over her body in gentle caresses before assuming the position he’d ordered.

  “I didn’t say you could pet yourself.”

  “You didn’t say I couldn’t.”

  His rough bark of laughter made her shiver with desire.

  “You are quite wicked.” He stood and slowly started to undress. “I should punish you for mocking me, but I fear you’d enjoy it too much.”

  That was intriguing. The thought of him disciplining her made her stomach flutter. Though she’d never tell him about her reaction, she couldn’t stop herself from digging for a little more information.

  “You would think to punish me?” She stared at him as he stripped. “You would never see another dawn if you even attempted it.”

  He knelt next to the bed and nuzzled her neck. “Which do you think would win, Your Highness, in a real contest to the death? Your daggers of forged steel or the magic born from my soul?”

  She gasped. “Are you threatening me?”

  It was only then that she realized she was stretched out naked and vulnerable in front of the most dangerous man in the three kingdoms. He’d been her ally for so long she often forgot how fierce a foe he would make if he ever decided to switch sides. It should have filled her blood with icy fear. Instead, she found herself rocking her hips in an attempt to find some sort of relief from the heat and need that grew there.


  He bit down on her shoulder. It was just hard enough to get her to gasp and grab his shoulders in reaction, not actually hard enough to hurt.

  “Hands up, Your Highness.”

  “Enough with your games. I want to touch you.”

  He backed up an inch. “Oh, my sweetness. This is not a game. You can rule the land with an iron fist for all I care. You can boss every one of your subjects around until you’ve driven them all to the brink of insanity. Make them go on elaborate quests to bring you the finest of treasures just so you can destroy them in front of their eyes. I’ll never once say a word against your leadership. And if you issue an order in the service of the throne, I’ll put my life on the line to comply. But in here, while we are sharing a bed, you follow my orders.”

  He stared down at her for a moment as if he were giving the time to process the words.

  “Now, hands up.”

  So many emotions rushed through her that she couldn’t capture any single one of them. They were all a jumbled mess of anger, desire, pleasure, and frustration. As soon as she identified one, another would replace it. Her hands did stretch out over her head, however.

  “And if I refuse?”

  His expression remained sincere as he stared down at her. “Then I’m not doing my duty.”

  “And what is this duty of yours?”

  He started exploring her body with his fingers. A magician he might be, but that didn’t excuse him from the work of setting up camp or hunting for food. He worked hard in her service, and he had the calluses to prove it.

  “To protect the woman from being devoured by the queen.”

  Chapter Five

  He kissed the sensual curve of her hip as he slid his fingers down her thigh. She was a stubborn, determined, and uncompromising woman, but he needed her to yield to his demands. Not because he sought a submissive lover. He’d had lovers in his bed of all shapes and temperaments. She had to submit because she needed to have someone in her life she could lean on.

  Yes, she’d managed just fine on her own up to this point, but becoming a queen would change everything. She’d only ever had to worry about herself. Even though she acted as the leader in their merry gang of assassins and thieves, if anything happened to her, they would just disband and go on their ways. The same couldn’t be said for her people. Once the weight of a kingdom was placed on her shoulders, everything would change.

  “Spread your legs for me. I want to taste your womanhood.”

  When she followed the order without any complaint, he made sure to reward her. He nuzzled her inner thigh where it met the curls that hid her sex from his sight. “You are very lovely.” He inched closer to his goal as he spoke. “I can’t wait to run my tongue through your petals.”

  He separated the lips of her sex gently with his fingers. She was already wet with desire. He’d hoped she would be, but that didn’t compare to actually seeing the proof of her hunger. Her skin glistened in welcome.

  When he ran his tongue over her honeyed folds, his cock swelled painfully. She tasted warm and spicy. “You taste wonderful.”

  She moaned and rocked her hips. “Please. I need to touch you.”

  “Since you asked so nicely, you may.” He smiled as her fingers ran through his hair. He enjoyed the slight bite of her nails as she scored them along his scalp. With her legs parted for him and her hands grasping the top of his head as she writhed under him, she was the image of abandon. It made his heart beat faster and a moan catch in the back of his throat.

  This was how he’d always wanted her to be with him. No titles or pretense, just two people being honest and in the moment. In their profession, it was rare to trust someone enough to let your guard down. That she would grant him that boon was an honor. He swept his tongue over her clit and savored the moan that escaped her. There was still much he wanted to do to her and with her, but his body’s response to her desire proved hard to ignore. It hadn’t been overly long since he’d lain with a woman, but in her presence he felt as a young man just discovering the joys of a woman’s body.

  He slid a finger into her channel and moaned with her as her heat encapsulated it. The thought of his cock sliding through that heat made his body start to shake. The tremor might be only a slight one, but it signaled the tenuous grasp he had on his control. His only consolation was that, judging by Lilly’s whimpers and murmurs, she was as close as he.

  “Do you want me to take you?”

  He slid a second finger into her as he spoke. She said something, but her words were incoherent.

  “You have to tell me.” He crooked his fingers so th
e tips would stroke against the sensitive spot on the top of her channel.

  “Yes or no. It’s up to you.”

  She growled as she arched her back. “Gods, yes. Take me now or kill me and end this torture.”

  “There is no torment in this, my sweet. When we’ve slaked our hunger a bit, I’ll give you a new definition of the word.” He turned his head so he could nip at her thigh.

  “I look forward to the education. But, for now, let’s get you undressed and inside me.”

  He sat back and stared at her body for a moment longer. His heart ached with the longing. The anticipation being both painful and enticing, he wished he could savor it for longer. But he couldn’t. His need for her was too great.

  When he couldn’t bear the hollow pain in the pit of his stomach any longer, he stood up and slowly started to undress. Her gaze followed each and every one of his movements. After he’d pulled his tunic over his head, she traced the gentle bow of her top lip with her tongue. It was all he could do not to pounce on her. Instead, he clenched his jaw and untied his trousers.

  She kept her hands to her sides, but her fingers twitched occasionally as if she wanted to be the one to undress him. It made the snug fit of his codpiece painful. When he’d finally removed the leather piece, he took a deep breath of relief. Soon, he was standing in front of her completely naked. Her gaze, however, hadn’t left his body.

  “Does my lady enjoy the view?”

  Her focus finally returned to his face. “You’ll do.”

  “Such a sharp tongue.” He took a step toward her. “Maybe we should find a better use of it. Find a punishment fit to teach you manners.”

  As she sat up on the bed, her eyes sparkled with mischief.

  “This is one area you can not threaten me with, my kind sir.”

  Her voice was honeyed, and her expression one of divine innocence. If it were any other circumstances, he would’ve laughed at the image she presented. Laughing at a naked woman in your bed, however, was never a good idea. Especially when that woman was as lethal as Lilly.

  “Pray tell, why?”

  “Because you can not discipline with a reward.”

  Before he could process the words, she’d leaned forward and licked the length of his cock.

  “If using a sharp tongue will get your manhood in my mouth, you shall never know the softer side of it.”

  “Well stated.”

  His eyes rolled back as she slid him into her mouth. He was surrounded by slick heat as she took him all the way to the back of her throat. Then, as she worked her way back to the tip, she swirled her tongue around him as if he were one of the finest confectionary treats.

  “You’re quite good at that.”

  She let him slide out of her mouth but continued to stroke him with her hand.

  “Every woman should be. It tames the beast.” She ran her tongue around the head of his cock and then moaned. “And it seems to pacify most men as well.”

  He tried to hold back his laugh but lost the battle. “So you are the beast, then?”

  Her smile was wicked as she looked back up at him. “Most definitely.”

  As she took him back into her mouth, he found he had to agree. Only the wickedest of women knew how to use their tongues in such delicious ways. But he didn’t want to come in her mouth. Not this time, at least.

  He wrapped his hand around her hair and tugged lightly. “Stop.”

  She moaned in apparent disappointment but did as he bid.

  “Lie back.”

  After she had, he ran a finger through the lips of her sex. Thankfully she was still wet.

  “Are you ready for me?”


  He knelt between her thighs and positioned himself at her entrance. This was it—the last second of anticipation. He allowed himself to savor it before he pushed into her.

  Her sheath was so tight and hot as she took him into her that he had to close his eyes and take a deep breath just to keep from burying himself to the hilt at the wonderful sensation. He didn’t know how long it had been since she had taken a lover. She had always been discreet about her private affairs, but he hadn’t seen her leave with anyone in the three years they had been together. The last thing he wanted was for her to remember this evening as painful.

  “Are you or are you not going to bed me this evening?”

  Her defiant gaze was his undoing. He thrust the rest of the way into her and then smiled at her groan.

  “Impatient wench. I was trying to make this enjoyable for you.”

  She tightened her inner muscles around him. “A girl sometimes wants her lover to be soft and tender, but other times she wants to be breathless and feel her heart race. Sore muscles and tender skin are a small price to pay. I want to be properly taken tonight.”

  He smiled at the honest admission. “So be it.”

  Her nails dug into his shoulder blades as he began to thrust into her depths. He held nothing back. He poured every ounce of his energy into this act. Sweat beaded on his chest, and his breathing became labored pants and moans as his hunger built within him.

  Still, he didn’t let the wave of desire take him until after she’d called out in release and her body quaked under him. Only then did he surrender. He let go of what tattered control he had left and embraced the climax as his balls tightened and waves of energy tingled down his spine. Then there was only bliss. It would last for only a moment or two, but, for that briefly stolen time, all was right with the world.

  “You are a truly skilled man.”

  Her touch on his back had gentled. Now it was feather-soft and made his skin break out in goose bumps.

  “A man’s skill is only a reflection of his woman’s passion.” He pulled out of her and then collapsed next to her on the bed.

  She laughed. “I never knew you to indulge in false modesty.”

  He kissed her cheek. “And you never shall.”

  She rolled over and blew out the lantern. Only the light of the night sky illuminated the room now. “Good. Get some sleep. Tomorrow I get my house in order.”

  He lay still for a few minutes more until her breathing became steady. He wanted nothing more than to stay within the circle of her arms for the entirety of the night. Her order to rest had been an enticing one. Unfortunately, he could feel eyes on him in the darkness. Somebody was watching him. He could feel her magic calling to his. The touch was warm with invitation, but its sweetness left a bad taste in his mouth. Every survival instinct told him to be on guard. Not just for himself, but also for Lilly. Still, he had to follow the magic’s call. Lilly needed to know who was casting in her kingdom in order to make appropriate plans. Before the sun rose, he needed to discover who this mage was and how big a threat she posed.

  After he’d disentangled himself from her, he got dressed and opened the door silently. He locked it behind him to ensure Lilly’s safety until his return. If he didn’t make it back before she woke, she would be able to get out of the room on her own. The woman was skilled. If all else failed, the thieves in their group would make short work of the lock.

  He kept to the shadows as he made his way down the stairs and into the common room. He didn’t want to draw attention to himself if at all possible. Thankfully it was late and most of the inn’s inhabitants had turned in for the night. As he walked through the door, he felt fairly confident he hadn’t been seen.

  A handful of people were walking on the street, but they seemed to be either heading home from a night of revelry or getting ready for the next day’s business. He didn’t sense magic coming from any of them.

  He continued along the cobbled streets of the city in search of the mage. With each step, it became more difficult for him to deny from where the magic originated. He was heading to the castle.

  It might have been a small chance, but he had hoped the mage wouldn’t be in league with the king. If the king had a caster, overthrowing him would be difficult. Especially given how strong the mage seemed. He’d heard h
er all the way on the other side of the city. And, now that he was crossing through the first stone arch of the castle, it felt as if she were pulling him to her.

  The sensation wasn’t a comfortable one. Doubly uncomfortable when he considered how strong her magic would be when he was finally in her presence. She wouldn’t be an easy opponent. As he made his way through the corridors of the castle, he became increasingly aware of the unkempt state of affairs. Where were the knights? Where was the security? Even with the skills his profession gave him, it shouldn’t be this easy for him to gain access to the king’s quarters.

  “Would you please stop your insufferable sniffling?” The sharp feminine voice rang through the corridor he was currently walking through and made him stop.

  “I want my mother!”

  The boy’s voice did make him sound young, but nothing about it sounded as if he were sniffling.

  “She’s dead. Remember?” the woman snapped in reply.

  Even Kirin winced at the cruel words. He’d had to do his fair share of horrid things in the name of his chosen profession, but he’d never taken pleasure from them. She, on the other hand, seemed to delight in saying the words.

  “You’re a horrid, horrid woman.” Something hit the wall hard as if it’d been thrown. “When I see my father—”

  “Oh yes, your father. Tell me, little prince, how long has it been since you’ve seen him?”

  Kirin thought he might have heard a little sniff or two at the end of the sentence.

  “He doesn’t have time to wipe your nose. He’s got a kingdom to run.”

  “He likes spending time with me. I know he does.”


  A door just down the corridor opened, and he barely had time to duck back into the deep shadows.

  “Then go to his quarters. Tell his manservant you wish an audience. And if he decides to see you, feel free to tell him whatever you wish about me. You can even make up stories if you like.”

  “I will.” A boy of medium height and build for a ten year old stepped out into the passageway.

  “But, before you go, pray tell, what is it you hope this will accomplish?”


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