Wipeout: A Sweet Teen Romance (Ryder Bay Book 4)

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Wipeout: A Sweet Teen Romance (Ryder Bay Book 4) Page 22

by Jordan Ford

  Lettie’s father called a while ago. He’s in a panic and said he’ll be waiting at the marina with an ambulance when we find her.

  Which we have to do.

  But how?

  By looking, you dumbass. Just don’t give up. You can’t give up.

  I clench my jaw, shaking off the night chill and trying to focus. Like a robot, I continue to sweep my beam of light across our designated search area. Marshall’s puttering along slowly, obviously scared that we’re going to run her over.

  “See anything?” he asks for the millionth time.

  I want to snap at him that of course I’ll freaking tell him when I do.

  I’m sick of saying no all the time. It’s depressing, deflating.

  But I refuse to give up.

  I’ll search all night if I have to.

  “Jace?” Marshall says over his shoulder. “Anything?”

  I’m about to open my mouth with the standard negative answer when my beam of light catches something. I gasp and sweep it back to the point I thought I saw.


  Life jacket.

  “It’s her!” I shout, my voice breaking as I jump to my feet and hold the flashlight a little higher. Marshall quickly swings the boat around and follows my shouted instructions until we’re pulling up right beside Lettie.

  She looks dead—her skin translucent white, her lips practically blue.

  I feel like throwing up as I gape down at her.

  “Help me.” Marshall leans out of the boat, snatching her arm and pulling her toward us. I’m about to jump in, but Marshall starts to lift her and I bend down and manage to shove my hand beneath her other arm, using all my strength to haul her waterlogged body into the boat.

  She lets out a moan and I want to cry with relief.

  “She’s alive,” I whisper, dropping to my knees beside her.

  Marshall’s unbuckling the vest. “She’s an ice cube. We need to get her warm.” Sliding his hand behind her neck, he lifts her so we can wrestle her out of the vest. “Lettie!” he shouts. “Can you hear me, honey?”

  She whimpers softly, her eyelids fluttering as if they want to open, but they close before they fully do.

  “We’re gonna get you warm and take you to your dad, okay?” Marshall keeps talking to her while unbuttoning her dress.

  “What are you doing?”

  “We’ve got to get her out of these wet clothes.” Marshall strips her down to her underwear while instructing me to find any kind of blanket in one of the storage spaces.

  I scramble, wrenching up seat lids and looking in cupboards until I find a scratchy industrial-style blanket.

  “That’ll have to do.” Marshall’s rubbing her limbs vigorously. “Take your shirt off. She can lie against you and we’ll wrap the blanket around you both. She needs your body heat to get warm.”

  I whip off my shirt, dumping it on the floor and following Marshall’s instructions to the letter.

  I’m soon sitting on the floor, propped up against the side of the boat with Lettie between my legs. Her freezing wet hair sticks to my shoulder as her cheek presses against my skin.

  I can’t help a small gasp of discomfort, but I grit my teeth and wrap my arms around her, rubbing her arms the way Marshall did. He wraps the blanket tightly around us while Lettie whimpers against me.

  She’s obviously in pain as her freezing body starts to heat up again, and I hate that I’m doing this to her. But I can’t stop. I have to keep her alive.

  “Don’t leave me, Lettie.” I kiss her forehead and whisper against her skin. “I’ve finally found you. I need you to stick around.” My voice shakes with desperation as I hold her tightly against me, praying my warmth will be enough. “Stay with me, okay?” I hold my breath, pressing my cheek against the side of her head and finally whispering what I feel out loud. “I love you.”

  I kiss her icy cheek and say it one more time. It almost doesn’t matter if she can hear me or not. I know how I feel, and I can tell her a million times over when she’s warm and awake.


  Heat & Warmth, Pain & Love


  My body burns with pain, and I want to kick the blanket off me.

  I want to wrench free of the shackles holding me too tight.

  It hurts.

  Getting warm hurts!

  But someone’s whispering to me. It’s a gentle, soft voice that contradicts the agony. So I stay still within the embrace.

  Is it Jace?

  It feels like Jace.

  I can ride out this nightmare as long as he keeps talking to me.

  An engine roars and rumbles around me, nearly overpowering the soft voice. I snuggle a little closer into my human pillow. It’s hard, yet soft in this weird way. Smooth skin stretched over taut muscles.

  My body finally starts to relax, and all I want is sleep. It feels safe now, like I could drift away and I won’t drown or sink to the bottom of the ocean.

  I won’t be seeing Mom tonight, and I actually feel pretty good about that. There are things here on Earth that I now need more. I’m lying against one of them, and I don’t know how I’ll ever let go.

  I drift away, warm and secure, until I’m jolted awake by movement again.

  Someone’s carrying me off the boat, rushing me down a walkway of some kind. I open my eyes and spot Jace’s blurry face. He’s holding me and the thought makes me smile. Well, my lips don’t smile, but my brain does.



  I turn my head, searching for him as Jace lays me down on a hard, uncomfortable bed. A hot crinkly blanket is tucked in around me and I gasp in pain, my eyes starting to water as my cold blood gets a few degrees warmer.

  I wish I could ask them to stop, to tell them that it hurts, but I can’t find the words. It’s like I open my mouth, but the sound inside of me is still frozen.

  Dad starts checking my vitals, asking me questions in a shaky voice.

  I try to answer him but can’t. All I can do is sniff and cry. Silent tears roll down the sides of my face, and Dad wipes them away. “It’s okay, sweetie. You’re gonna be okay.”

  I want to tell him that I know.

  I know, because I’m determined to be okay.

  No more hiding.

  It’s my chance to be brave. I won’t waste this.

  I force my heavy eyelids open, searching for Jace, but I can’t see him anymore. Instead, Dad’s face crowds out my vision. He’s smiling down at me, tears filling his eyes before he sniffs and shifts back into doctor mode.

  My body jostles from side to side as they lift me into an ambulance. Dad’s still beside me, holding my hand, ordering the ambulance driver to get moving.

  I don’t know where Jace is anymore.

  I hope he’s okay.

  I want to lift my head and check, but when I try, Dad gently pushes my forehead back down. “Just relax. Just rest. Everything’s going to be okay.”

  Yeah, Dad. It will be.

  I wish I could voice those words, but my tongue is too swollen to say anything.

  As I close my eyes again, thoughts of Jace swirl through my imagination. I can’t wait to wake up tomorrow and see him. Really see him. It’ll feel like the first time we’ve met, and in some ways, it kind of will be.

  Bass is Jace.

  Jace is Bass.

  And I’m in love.


  Good People


  I wanted to stay the night at the hospital, but Marshall wouldn’t let me.

  We had serious words on the way home, and he let me yell it out until I freaking started crying. I have no idea what came over me and I was super embarrassed, slashing tears off my face as fast as they fell.

  Marshall pulls into his driveway behind Denee’s car, which she must have retrieved at some point. Griffin probably helped her. Perfect Griffin, who can do no wrong.

  Unlike me.

  I clench my jaw so hard my teeth start to hurt.

p; Staring out the window into the darkness, I sniff at the last of my tears. I swear I’m gonna go rage if I cry anymore.

  Marshall’s hand lands on my shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. I try to shake it off, but he won’t let me.

  “I know you wanted to stay. I wish I could have let you, but she needs medical care and sleep. And you need a hot shower, food and sleep.”

  My nostrils flare. I hate that he’s right.

  “In the morning, I’ll drive you to the hospital myself. You’ll smell good, look great, and Lettie will be stoked to see you.”

  I can’t help a small snicker and finally turn to face him.

  He opens his door and the internal light pops on so I can see the look on his face before he softly says, “You did good tonight, kid. I’m really proud of you.”

  The air in my lungs goes still when he smiles at me.

  Holy crap. He actually means what he’s saying.

  I can’t remember the last time anyone was proud of me.

  It makes me want to cry again, but I swallow instead, fighting the tears with what little strength I have left.

  “Come on, let’s get you inside.”

  I trail Marshall up the stairs and through the sliding door. Denee jumps off the couch as soon as she sees me, rushing past Marshall to wrap her arms around me.

  “I’m so glad everyone’s okay.”

  She holds me tight, clinging until I finally join in on the hug. As my arms circle around her back, I feel like a little kid again, and I rest my trembling chin on her shoulder and let her mother me for a minute. It feels pretty damn fantastic.

  “Come on.” She pulls out of the hug. “I’ve made you some hot chocolate and a grilled cheese.” She grins and winks. “Yes, I’m breaking all my food rules for you. Figured you could use a little comfort. Let’s get some of that into you, and then you can have a shower.”

  I nod, because that’s all I seem capable of right now.

  Plunking down at the dining room table, I let these two serve me while they talk about what happened. As I sip my hot drink and feel the warmth of it trailing down my body, I relax back in my chair.

  Lettie’s safe.

  And so am I.

  Gazing at my two guardians, I can’t help feeling more at home here than I felt back in Sterling Beach. I don’t get it, and I’m too tired to unpack the thought, but it’s there and it makes me open my mouth and say, “Denee. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I took your car and didn’t respect you.”

  She pauses with her mug halfway to her mouth and smiles at me. “I’ve already forgiven you.”

  “I know, but I just…wanted to say it again. I wanted to…” My forehead bunches as emotion tries to take me out. My voice is hoarse when I finally manage to rasp, “Thank you. Thank you both for taking me in and taking care of me. I know I don’t always make it easy.”

  Denee’s eyes fill with tears. “Aw, Jace. We can see you have a good heart. We just want to help you any way we can. We love having you here, and you’re welcome to stay for as long as you like.”

  I give her a skeptical frown, but when I glance at Marshall I can see that he’s smiling and nodding at me.

  He chuckles. “Okay, so, yes, you drive me crazy sometimes. But Denee’s right. You do have a good heart, and it shone bright tonight. We don’t want to send you away. Honest.”

  Emotions swamp me yet again, and it’s all I can do not to break down. Rising from the table, I croak, “I’m gonna take a shower, then go to bed.”

  “Okay.” Denee grins. “I put out a fresh towel for you. Enjoy the soak.” She winks at me and I shuffle to the bathroom, overwhelmed by their genuine kindness and relieved beyond measure.

  Now that I know the truth about Snap Dragon, I’m in no hurry to leave Ryder Bay.

  No hurry at all.

  True to his word, Marshall drives me to the hospital the next morning. Griffin was still in bed, having stayed up most of the night to support Savannah, who was distraught over what happened to Lettie. She feels responsible, even though she had no way of knowing about Reed. None of us did. He seemed like the most harmless guy.

  But he was a snake.

  A snake who was caught by the police while we were searching for Lettie. I don’t know what’s going to happen to him, but I hope they take it really seriously. The guy’s a full-blown creeper, and if I get any say in this, I’ll be pushing for a restraining order to keep Lettie safe.

  Marshall told me Reed was back with his uncle and aunt, but they are making other living arrangements for him. Looking into facilities that can provide help and rehabilitation. I fisted my hands on my knees and tried to control the anger pumping through me. I still want to maim the guy, but I want to see Lettie more, so I’m fighting the animalistic urge for pummeling. Hopefully I’ll never see him again. More importantly, I want to make sure Lettie never has to. I hate that she went through all that without someone there to protect her. She must have been so scared.

  At least she’s safe now, and I can finally see her. I’ll make sure she knows she never has to face anything like that again. I’ll do everything in my power to make sure she never feels that scared. I just want her to be safe and happy.

  With my breath on hold, I walk into the hospital and follow the receptionist’s instructions to Lettie’s room.

  But I don’t make it very far.

  I’m stopped mid-hallway by a guy I recognize as Lettie’s father.

  Oh shit.

  He’s gazing at me with a serious expression, his eyes narrowing as I slow to a stop in front of him.

  “Dr. Green?” I ask.

  “That’s right.” He nods, pressing his lips together and still eyeing me up like he’s trying to work me out. “I know you’re here to see my daughter, but we need to take a little walk first.”

  I swallow. This can’t be good.

  Dread simmers through me as he turns me away from Lettie’s door and leads me to a secluded outdoor garden.

  “Take a seat.” He points to the concrete bench and I sit on the edge of it, my knee bobbing erratically.

  Dr. Green stays standing, gazing down at me and making me feel the size of an ant.

  Finally, he crosses his arms and sighs. “So, you’re the guy who’s been secretly emailing my daughter.”

  I wince and look to the ground. “Yes, sir.”

  He clears his throat. “My Lettie’s only fourteen. I mean, she turns fifteen next week, but still. She’s young.”

  I glance up, glad he’s still looking at me. Hopefully he can see how genuine I’m being. “I would never disrespect her. Sir, I… I wish I could give you more than just my word, but it’s all I’ve got. I care about your daughter. A lot. I would never do anything to hurt her.”

  He purses his lips in thought and then takes a seat on the bench opposite me. Resting his elbows on his knees, he runs a hand along the back of his neck and finally blows out a breath. “I read your emails. Lettie didn’t want me to, but I didn’t give her a choice. Once she was settled, I sat by her bedside all night, reading…watching…you two fall in love.”

  My mouth is dry, my heart giving a dull thump as I realize just how much he must know about me now. My recklessness. Hayes. Shit. He’s never going to let me see his daughter, let alone date her.

  Glancing up, he catches my eye. “The way you acted last night…fought so hard for her. You really proved how much she means to you. From what Marshall’s told me, you’ve got a good heart, and, um…” He sits up a little straighter, looking out into the garden. “Although you’re both still very young, I fell in love with my Wendy when she was fifteen, so I’m gonna trust you. I’m going to trust that you will care for Lettie the way I cared for Wendy.” He blinks and sniffs. “I cherished her from the moment we met to the moment she died.” His swallow is thick and breaking my heart. “So, I’m gonna let you two hang out together…because I think it’ll break Lettie’s heart if I say she can’t see you. But I’ll be keeping a very close eye on you two.” He points
at me.

  I nod, kind of dumbstruck. I was not expecting this… at all.

  “Don’t do anything to make me regret this decision.”

  I blink, my head bobbing like a jackhammer. “I… I won’t, sir.”

  “Good.” He gives me a tired smile. Poor guy. He’s exhausted. “Well, I’m going home to freshen up. Lettie’s in Room 124.” He points through the glass door. “Take an immediate right through that door, and then it’s the third corridor on your left. Don’t stay too long. She needs her rest.”

  “Yes, sir.” I stand to my feet and take the hand he’s extended to me.

  I feel very grown up as we shake.

  “It’s Kevin. Not sir. Not doctor. Just Kevin.” I give him an awkward frown and he lets out a tired chuckle. “Just… Whatever. Don’t make me feel old, okay?”

  I grin and watch him walk away, still totally floored. I’m not used to adults giving me a chance, but damn, it makes me want to try.

  I’ll be responsible. I swear I will. When it comes to Lettie, I don’t want to screw anything up.

  These people in Ryder Bay are good, and I don’t want to do anything to let them down.


  Soul Mates


  In spite of my exhaustion, I slept badly in this hospital bed.

  I miss my pillow, my own house, and I desperately want to get back there, but Dad said I had to stay for at least twenty-four hours.

  He spent most of the night by the bed, my laptop resting on his knees while he read my emails.

  I didn’t want him to do it.

  I cried and begged, but he just quietly remained firm on his decision.

  So, of course my mind spun with all those emails Jace and I shared, wondering what I’d said, if I’d told Jace anything that I didn’t want Dad to know.


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