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Revenge (Phoenix Undercover #3)

Page 12

by C. A. Harms

  With no other windows in the room, my strength began to wilt as I felt the defeat wash over. Only…then I thought of Josh and Asher, and a newfound strength filled me. I had to get back to them.

  As I stepped up to the door, I placed my ear against the panel and listened for any signs of movement, a TV playing, anything that would help me locate where Leo was in the cabin.

  Unable to hear anything, I reached for the handle and twisted, feeling my heart race.

  I could almost immediately hear the water running in the shower across the hall, and it was all I needed to know. I was in the clear.

  I didn’t care that I had no shoes, or that it was dark out and I had no idea where we were. I moved through the hall and straight to the front door. I began working the lock free and as soon as I pulled the front door open, I heard his chilling voice from behind.

  “I warned you not to cross me.”

  I didn’t look back, I didn’t pause, and I ran.

  The blackness of the night engulfed me and I continued on, distancing myself from Leo. I just prayed I had a good enough head start.


  “You can run, Gabby, but I’ll find you.” He laughed with a sadistic cackle. A chilling fear rang clear as his laughter echoed off the trees. “There is nowhere to hide. No one to save you. You are mine now.”

  My feet ached as the branches broke beneath my bare feet. The darkness of the night left me with minimal clarity. It was scary being alone in the darkness, unaware of my surroundings and what may be lurking ahead. But hesitation only meant Leo may reach me; that was much scarier than any other danger ahead.

  “Gabriella.” Once again his voice rang out through the woods.

  I had no idea where we were, or how far from the city he had taken me, but I couldn’t think about that. I had to find a way back. I had to find help.

  “I’m coming for you.” A sick feeling filled my stomach as his voice sounded closer than only seconds ago.

  Something sharp cut into my foot and I gasped as I fell forward, catching myself against a tree. I reached down to pull out the sharp object now embedded in the heel of my foot. The blood oozed and a burning sensation made me wince as I dropped the shard of glass to the ground. A broken bottle of some kind.

  “I thought we were becoming friends. You were beginning to understand what I needed from you, and I was just starting to reconsider selling you. In fact, I even thought about keeping you all for myself,” Leo hollered.

  I hid behind a tree as I looked from side to side, hoping for a sign of where he was. I was turned around at this point and no longer knew which way I should run.

  “But you’ve deceived me, just as your sister had. I don’t forgive easily, Gabriella. I think once we reunite you may have to give me a reason to reconsider.”

  The hidden meaning of his words terrified me. Chills ran through me as I thought about his hands on me. I cringed, remembering the way he had attempted to touch me only moments ago. There was no way I could take more.

  Thunder rumbled overhead and I jumped in surprise. A storm was approaching and I knew it would only make my escape that much harder.

  “Game’s over.” I jerked forward, trying to get away when Leo’s voice whispered in my ear. “It’s time for you to understand and accept who you belong to.” He gripped my arm as he stepped around to my side and circled his other hand around my throat.

  His grasp on my throat tightened as he leaned in closer, within inches of my face.

  Rain began to fall and he smiled as he tilted his head back and allowed it to hit his face.

  His laughter broke free and I could feel the tears fill my eyes.

  I closed my eyes and pictured Josh’s smile. Memories of the day we brought our son into the world together filled my mind. That was a happy day. And if I was going to die tonight, it was the vision I wanted to be my last.

  Chapter 40


  “It’s less than two hours from here,” Margo whispered. “A cabin he owns under his parents’ name. We went there often in the beginning. It was the place he used to make me feel like he was normal. I can’t say that’s where he took her, but it’s the only place he has that isn’t tied to his name directly.”

  “Could you find it if you were led there?” I asked, feeling a sense of excitement rush through me.

  “I think so.” She nodded. “It’s in Monticello, hidden back in tall trees. It runs next to a stream.”

  Gray had already begun calling it in and making the necessary preparations. I stood at the side of Margo’s bed, damn near close to taking off and looking for this place without any assistance.

  “I’m so sorry…” she spoke, her voice catching me off guard, “…for any involvement I’ve had in any of this. But when you reach the end and you have no one to turn to, fear kind of takes over everything else. I was desperate, and I know that’ll never change anything coming to me, but I just wanted you to know how sorry I am. And I hope to god that the cabin is where he took her, because Gabby doesn’t deserve any of this. None of you do.”

  Her words only brought back that familiar burn in my chest I had been walking around with for days.

  I offered a nod and turned around to find Grayson motioning for me.

  “The team is preparing to meet us at the Bureau for briefing. We need to get moving, boss.” He was humming with adrenaline. It was a state Grayson entered whenever we were about to go out on a mission. And this one was so fucking personal we were all barely containing our need to rush forward. But we had no idea what we were going into. We had to be prepared for anything; we couldn’t risk anything happening to Gabby.


  Trevor drove.

  It was better that way, because I couldn’t calm my racing heart.

  Grayson, Trevor, Margo, and I were in one car, following by two others filled with eager agents who were equally ready to bring Leo down.

  I had to focus on the road ahead of us, because the nervous energy within me was almost more than I could take.

  “I think when we get there, you should stand back.”

  I remained facing forward, thinking to myself that I had to have heard my best friend incorrectly. There was no fucking way he was actually suggesting I allow everyone else to rush in and possibly save the woman I loved while I waited in the damn car.

  “I just think maybe we need to check things out first and then maybe…” I didn’t let him finish that sentence before spinning around in the seat and looking at him.

  The man knew me better than almost anyone else. We grew up together before going off to college and then choosing to join the Academy afterward. He of all people should fucking know that me sitting in the car filing my god-damn nails while they rushed in to bring down the man who had tortured me and the woman I loved was not gonna fucking happen.

  “You’re insane if you think I’m not gonna be the first person Leo sees.” He attempted to argue, but I continued on without a second thought. “If it was Brooklynn who was being held by Leo, would you wait outside while we all checked it out? No, you wouldn’t. So don’t you fucking sit there and tell me what is best. I’m going in, and whatever it takes, if she is in there, I will be taking down any sack of shit standing in the way of me getting to her.”

  I continued to stare at him until he nodded his head in agreement.

  “How close are we?” I asked.

  The adrenaline pumping through me had now only multiplied.

  “About fifteen minutes out,” Trevor announced.

  “The local authorities are waiting for us. They’ll lead us toward the Catskills and then once we are close, hopefully Margo will spot the location,” Grayson added.

  “I’ll know it,” Margo assured us. She was observing the surroundings, taking it all in. She looked determined, and maybe even a little vengeful. I think she had finally accepted that anything she had ever received from Leo was nothing short of poison.

  Her anger was good; it was the full measure she need
ed to see this through.

  Chapter 41


  This bitch thought she could outsmart me.

  Winding her hair around my hand, I yanked her head back and forced her to look up at me. Blood dripped from her nose, and her pain was the best kind of reward.

  Tightening my grip made her whimper in pain.

  “Those noises make me hard, baby,” I whispered against her lips, licking the blood, mixed with tears, that had accumulated on her upper lip. “And the tears, fuck, you’re driving me crazy.”

  “Please, I’ll listen,” she promised, yet her promises were too late.

  “I’m gonna enjoy this,” I assured her as I pressed my body against hers, making my arousal evident. “And the more you fight me, the more I’ll love it.”

  Parting her legs with my thigh, I used my other hand to begin lifting her shirt.

  “No!” She fought against me, attempting to push me away.

  Covering her mouth with my own, I swallowed her cries. Her struggle was turning me on even more.

  Grabbing the loose material of her shirt I heard it tear, and suddenly her chest was exposed. In that moment I was so fucking hard I could feel my control slipping.

  I had thought of this moment, dreamed of it every night since I watched her shower, imagined what it would feel like to take her, claim her, and destroy her.

  “I’m going to fuck you so good, Gabriella,” I whispered against her ear as she turned away from me.

  A flash of light caught my attention.

  Gabriella struggled against me once more and my hold slipped. She fell to the ground just as the headlights of multiple cars flickered through the trees.

  I lifted my foot and placed it against Gabriella’s shoulder, holding her to the ground as I continued to watch.

  One by one, the headlights turned off on each car as the cars turned up the driveway, creeping closer at a slow speed. When the car closest to the house stopped, I lowered myself to Gabby’s side and held my knife to her throat. “Make even the smallest of noises and I slit your throat without thinking twice.”

  The fear in her eyes told me she understood.

  Men began to exit the cars and approach the cabin, prowling in the darkness.

  There was enough distance between us to remain hidden in the darkness of the woods.

  It was easy to spot Joshua Phoenix as he led his men toward the entrance of the cabin. A sudden burst of anger rushed through me. Obviously my earlier warning had not been subtle enough.

  Reaching down, I gripped Gabriella’s arm and yanked her upward, causing her to cry out in pain.

  And in that moment, everything fucking changed.

  Chapter 42


  “Did you hear that?” Grayson froze on the front porch and we all turned toward the sound of a woman’s scream. It echoed throughout the trees and we were unable to determine the exact direction it came from.

  But there was no doubt in my mind now. Gabby was out there somewhere.

  “Let’s move.” I motioned for the guys to follow.

  Only two remained behind at the cabin as the rest of us moved forward. My heart beat so rapidly in my chest I swore I could hear the blood rushing in my ears.

  Knowing Gabby was out there somewhere, scared, and possibly hurt, made me feel crazed inside.

  As we went deeper into the woods, I feared maybe we were only putting her further in danger, but waiting could do the same. I was torn between rushing forward and falling back. The feeling was more unsettling than anything I had ever felt before.

  “Over here.” Trevor’s voice rang out from my left, and I immediately broke out in a sprint. I had no idea what it was I was about to witness, but from the sound of his voice I knew he had found what we were looking for.

  The branches of the trees smacked against me as I continued to run, not giving two shits about the damage they were causing. My foot got caught on a rock and I fell forward, bracing myself on a large tree just as someone grabbed my arm.

  I looked up and found Connor staring ahead with a look of fear in his eyes. As I turned my head to look in the same direction he was staring, my world felt as if it crumpled around me.

  Less than ten feet away stood Leo.

  He held Gabby in front of him, using her as a shield while pressing a knife to the base of her throat.

  The terror hidden in her eyes was so hard to witness. The animalistic urge within me wanted to charge him and rip his throat out with my bare hands, but I knew I couldn’t move. I had to make him think he held the power.

  “I can see that you, Mr. Phoenix, are still having a difficult time understanding my power.” His hand was woven throughout Gabby’s hair and he pulled back hard, causing her head to jerk. When she cried out in pain, I tried to move forward, only to be held back by Connor.

  “You see,” Leo began again, “Gabriella is no longer yours.”

  Rage boiled within me as he ran his tongue along her cheek and she cringed at the gesture.

  “She’ll always be mine,” I replied.

  When I spoke the words I was looking directly at Gabby. I needed her to remain calm. Because whatever it took, I would be sure that she walked away from this and was returned to our son.

  “If that makes you feel better, keep telling yourself that.” He smiled as he skimmed his nose along her jaw. “But Gabriella and I know different. She and I have had a lot of fun lately, Josh.”

  Gabby closed her eyes tightly and her lip trembled.

  I could feel my body shake in anger.

  I wanted Leo. I wanted to feel his blood on my hands as he cried out in agony from the pain I inflicted. I wanted him to feel weak and inferior as he begged for his life.

  Leo continued to look from his left to his right, watching for any movement.

  Everyone stood completely still surrounding Leo, just waiting for the moment they could find his weak point. It would only take one second to gain control over him and bring him down.

  I felt time was slipping away as I focused on the knife he held to Gabby’s neck. Visions of him pressing too hard and causing her pain flashed in my mind over and over, making it harder to remain in place.

  I would give anything to trade places with her.

  It shouldn’t go down like this; she didn’t belong here, not like this.

  I looked up once more to lock my eyes on Gabby and found she was staring back at me. That same fear from earlier remained in her eyes and it made my heart literally ache in my chest.

  She mouthed “I love you” and suddenly it was hard to fucking breathe. I felt like everything was so final, and I refused to believe this was how she and I would end.

  I needed her. Asher needed her.

  A sudden gunshot rang out through the trees and my body jerked in surprise as I watched Gabby stumble forward as Leo grabbed the side of his neck and dropped the knife to the ground.

  I lunged forward and caught Gabby just before she hit the ground, using my body to break her fall.

  My team swarmed around Leo, pointing their guns at him as he spit blood with each cough. I held Gabby close to me as I watched the man who had terrorized the woman I love for days, and I felt nothing but satisfaction. Pure joy in his demise, and by the faces of those men who risked their lives alongside me to save Gabby, they all felt it too. It was a form of peace, a calm knowing that he would no longer haunt our nights and leave us looking over our shoulder at every turn.

  I looked down at Gabby and found her eyes closed, and suddenly that joy I felt only moments ago turned to panic.

  Blood smeared my shirt that hadn’t been there before.

  Pushing her back just enough to scan her face, I found the blood was oozing from a fresh cut along the left side of her neck.

  “Gray,” I screamed. “I need help.”

  Fresh tears fell from my eyes.

  I hadn’t even considered the possibility of her being hurt. Instead I ignored her needs and watched in amazement as Leo took his last

  Grayson and Trevor both knelt at my sides; it was Trevor who lifted Gabby from my chest and held her securely while I stood and began checking her over. “She’s hurt,” I said. “Her throat is cut and there’s blood coming from her nose.”

  “She has a cut on her forehead too,” Trevor announced.

  My stomach rolled with each new wound we discovered.

  “Gabby.” I placed my hand on her cheek and begged her to open her eyes. “Please, baby, look at me, Gabs. Come on, sweetheart.”

  She groaned in response, and even though it wasn’t the words I had hoped for, it was enough to allow me to know she was still with me.

  “Let’s move.” Gray nudged Trevor forward. “We need to get her to the hospital.”

  “Let me have her,” I said as I laced my arms beneath her body.

  “I got her man, let’s go,” Trevor assured me, but I couldn’t allow him to hold her. I needed her close. I had to feel her warmth against me, her breath fanning over my face.

  “I need her, Trev, please.” My voice cracked with emotion, and I didn’t even attempt to hide my tears. “I need her,” I repeated, hoping that he understood just how bad I had to have this.

  And when he moved her to my arms, I suddenly felt a small amount of the pain in my chest had weakened and I could breathe once again.

  Chapter 43


  I woke to the sound of machines beeping. A sterile smell, almost resembling bleach, filled my nostrils.

  I felt weak as I turned my head to the side and looked around the room. Finding only an empty hospital room, I let go of everything I suddenly felt inside and my body began to shake with heavy sobs. The sound echoed throughout the room, only making me cry harder.

  I remembered I had been found, and that I was free.

  The door to my room burst open and in rushed Josh, followed immediately by my father and a doctor hot on their trail.


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