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Corbin's Bend Season Two

Page 17

by Livia Grant

  “It’ll be like being in jail.”

  “Not forever. When you work out how to balance things a little better, then you can figure out yourself how to organize your day.”

  Carol nodded. “What about the baby?”

  “I think that we should wait for one month. If after that time you still really want to have a baby, then we’ll set the wheels in motion.”


  “Really,” Crystal said.

  “Then I can put up with all the other stuff!” She flung her arms around her love and kissed her sweetly. “And I’ll really try to keep the house clean, I promise.”

  “Good girl. There’s just one more thing. You have to remember that these rules apply whether I’m at the fire station or not. So if I’m at work for a few days, I expect the house to run smoothly, like it would if I were here.”

  “Yes, Crystal, it will.”

  Chapter 5

  “Yay!” Jen said, jumping up when Carol let herself in. “I was wondering what happened to you.”

  “I had some stuff to do,” Carol said. “Hi, Erin, hi, Sienna.”

  “We thought you must have gotten cold feet,” Erin said.

  “Not exactly,” Carol said, accepting the cup of coffee that Jen passed her. “Crystal has laid down the law about the house and stuff. There’s like a list of things she wants me to do before I leave the house and that’s just the half of it.”

  “How’d you go with that?” Sienna asked with a quiet smirk. Carol had rung her to let her in on her new rules.

  “I ran around like a mad woman trying to get everything done. I got a chicken out of the freezer and stuck it on the counter to thaw, I vacuumed, I made breakfast and then rinsed the plates and packed the dishwasher. I even sorted clothes into whites and colors.”

  “Oh my, what did she do to you to get you moving that fast.”

  “There’s a list. If I don’t do the stuff on the list, then I’m in for it,” Carol said. “That was just the morning list. She said I can’t come out to play unless my list has been taken care of, or else. Even the laundry has to be sorted properly. That brings me to a question? What is a pair of underpants or a shirt that has a white background but flowers or colored spots on it? Is it a white or a color?”

  “It’s a pale,” Erin said. “You put it in the pile with your pale pinks, yellows and blues.”

  “Unless it’s a delicate, then it goes into a delicate pile,” Sienna said.

  “If it’s black and delicate, it goes into its very own pile,” Jen said.

  “Are you serious?” Carol asked. “How many loads of laundry do you have to do to get through all those piles?”

  “You only have three for the machine,” Erin said. “Then while they’re washing, you do the delicates by hand.”

  “You have got to be kidding me!” Carol said. “Why would I buy a washing machine and then do the laundry by hand? That doesn’t make sense.”

  “You only have to do that for delicates.”

  “I don’t think we have many of those but if we do, then they’ll have to fight for survival in the machine with the pale colored stuff. I draw the line. I’m already apparently doing three half loads that I would normally squeeze into one load.”

  Sienna giggled. “You do realize there’s only two halves in a whole?”

  Carol stuck up her middle finger.

  “Now I wouldn’t get into the habit of doing that. That’ll get you spanked,” Jen said.

  “Whatever. I need coffee and cake,” she said grumpily.

  “Coming right up,” Jen said.

  “So that brings us to the important part of the morning, our sperm hunt,” Sienna said. “So when will we make our trip?”

  “Have you been listening at all? I don’t know if I can.”

  “Oh no!” Erin said.

  “Why not?” Sienna asked. “It’s the housework that Crystal is angry about isn’t it? I mean. If you keep the house clean, you have the dinner cooked and everything is running smoothly, then how would she even know?”

  Carol didn’t say anything, but she chewed the inside of her cheek nervously.

  “Brock and Crystal won’t be back until the day after tomorrow,” Jen said with a hopeful glance.

  “I don’t know. Crys said the lists must be done whether she was at home or not.”

  “How will she know?” Sienna asked.

  “You and Toby really don’t do discipline do you?” Jen asked. “They know, they always know.”

  “If Toby gave me a list, I’d tell him where to shove it.”

  “Sure you would.” Erin laughed. “I’d love to be a fly on the wall if your world ever changes.”

  “Come on girls, getting back to this problem,” Jen said. “I think I have an idea.”

  “Let’s hear it.”

  “You have to get everything done on the list right?”

  “Uh huh,” Carol said.

  “And you’re only one person right?” Jen said.

  “Perfect!” Erin said as Jen’s idea sunk in. “You are only one person but we are four!”

  “That might just work,” Carol said.

  “Of course it will. I’ll get Zach to pick up Bri before school and then as soon as he’s gone, I’ll come over.”

  “Then Sienna and I will follow as soon as our munchikins are safely in school. We should have your list all covered and probably even more in no time!”

  “Then off to Denver for us.”

  “This time, I’ll arrange for Zach to bring the kids home a head of time, just in case we’re late.”

  “Good idea,” Jen said. “We all need to agree on a story though of where we are.”

  “The museum,” Sienna said. “It’s easier than a movie. If we say we’re at the movies, they’ll ask which one, what was it like? Way too many questions. Toby wouldn’t have a clue what was at the museum and he wouldn’t even bother to ask.”

  “Neither would Zach, but he knows I wouldn’t be at the museum unless I was supervising a field trip or something.”

  “Shopping?” Jen asked.

  “Sienna could go to the dentist,” Erin said. “Feasible enough that they needn’t question it and boring enough that they won’t be overly curious.”

  “Meh, I’ll take one for the team,” Sienna said. “I don’t really have to go to the dentist to make this real though do I?”

  “Of course not,” Jen said.

  “Then fine,” Sienna agreed with a smile.

  Carol teared up she was so touched. “You guys are the greatest.”

  * * * * *

  Three of the girls were at Carol’s working hard but Jen was still a no-show. Carol was getting worried. What if Brock had found out and wouldn’t let her come? Even worse, he would be sure to tell Crystal. She was starting to panic when her friend arrived. It lifted her mood immediately. In fact, it cracked her up. She could barely compose herself to speak. “Wh-at are you supposed to be? Who are you supposed to be?” she giggled.

  “Your partner,” Jen said, running her hand through her spiky hair. Jen’s hair was short and blonde, as was Crystal’s, but that’s where the likeness ended. Jen was taller than Crystal by a few inches and she was very feminine. Crystal wasn’t, but she wasn’t as butch and manly as Jen was apparently portraying her. Her usual soft blow waved style had been spiked up with gel that must have been more like glue than hair product. She wore no makeup and what looked to be a pair of overly large black jeans. A white t-shirt and a denim jacket topped off her costume.

  “Does my partner really look like James Dean?” Carol cackled.

  “Oh my God, that’s great!” Erin said. “Not exactly like Crystal though.”

  “Better,” Sienna said.

  “Crystal is beautiful!” Carol said, a little affronted by Sienna’s quip.

  “Oh, Carol, she is,” Sienna said, realizing her mistake. “I didn’t mean it that way. I meant she can’t look like Crystal, she looks like a more dramatic form of Crystal that’s

  “Just because someone doesn’t wear a lot of makeup and girly stuff, doesn’t make them any less beautiful than someone that does.”

  “I know,” Sienna said. “You have to admit though, that Jen has done a pretty good job.”

  “Of course she has!” Carol said. “You are hot, hon.”

  “That’s better,” Jen said with a giggle. “You had me worried.”

  As planned, they got through Carol’s work in record time and by the time they left the house, it positively gleamed. She was extremely grateful for all the help, but she had a nervous feeling in her tummy. That could have been for many reasons though, not the least their destination.

  * * * * *

  “You seem happier today,” Brock said.

  “Yeah. I went and talked to Marilyn. She always makes me see things a little clearer.”

  “The mentors are great,” Brock said. “You can always talk to me though you know. You always have before.”

  “I know I can. Some things though are just easier to talk about to someone who isn’t involved.”

  “How am I involved?”

  Brock’s face was absolutely frozen. Damn it. Crystal had just let the words slip out, now she’d have to explain what she’d meant. “You’re not, that just came out wrong.”

  “It’s Jen isn’t it? Well not just Jen. Jen and Carol, they’ve done something.”

  “No, I didn’t say it was Jen and Carol or Jen or Carol. Really it’s about me and Carol.”

  “You’re sure we haven’t done anything?”

  “Yes.” It wasn’t a lie. He hadn’t done anything and neither had Jen. His wife seemed to have her house under control despite their morning get togethers. It wasn’t her fault if Carol didn’t. Anyway, they were working on that and everything would be fine now.

  “Well, if you’re sure. What else is happening?”

  “Carol wants to have another baby.” The words whooshed out of her with ease and it startled her. Maybe she was coming around to the idea herself.

  “Oh right,” Brock said, suddenly going a little pale. “That’s not what this is about is it? You weren’t going to ask me to-”

  “No! Oh no!” Crystal said with horror. “Eww.”

  “Thanks,” Brock said with a grin.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just the thought of you and me, I mean not that you and me would have to-” Crystal babbled.

  Brock’s eyes widened. “No! I wasn’t suggesting that! The other would be bad enough.”

  “Yes,” Crystal said. “Your genes are great, really great. I mean you’re good looking for a man, but it’s all a bit close to home you know? The thought of your-”

  “Way too close to home. Now I think we should maybe drop this and get some work done.”

  “Can we please?” Crystal said, Brock’s face was redder than she’d ever seen it and that was saying something, they were firefighters. She was sorry now that she’d gone there with something so personal.

  “Could you imagine those two if they had a child to kind of share?” Brock said with a chuckle to relieve the tension.

  Crystal blinked. “No, I couldn’t,” she said, trying to giggle. Brock obviously didn’t see Carol as any kind of threat. That should reassure her shouldn’t it?

  * * * * *

  “Is this the place?” Sienna said, peering along the row of buildings.

  “Yes,” Erin said, pointing to the number on the building.

  “There’s no sign,” Carol said. “That might be on purpose though.”

  “I guess,” Jen said, pulling her car into a space a few yards down and across the street.

  Carol tried to push her nerves down. She wasn’t really doing anything wrong was she? Why then did her ass tingle and her tummy flip as she crossed the road with the eclectic bunch and walked up to the enormous glass door. She had to laugh when their reflection became clear in the window. “Jen,” she whispered. “Your look doesn’t match your walk.”

  “That’s a bit sexist isn’t it?” Jen hissed.

  “No. If you want to dress like that, then you have to act the part or they’ll know we’re lying.”

  “Sorry,” Jen said, widening her stance and lowering her voice. “This better?”

  “Um, if you were a woman that had had a sex change maybe.”

  “I don’t know how to be gay,” Jen whined looking hurt.

  “You’ll do fine,” Carol said, putting an arm around her fake girlfriend.

  Jen smiled. “Thanks,” she said in her usual voice.

  “Better,” Carol said. “Smile, we’re excited, we’re going to be parents.”

  “Can I be God mother?” Sienna asked.

  Carol rolled her eyes. “I guess you can be a fake God parent.”

  Jen took a deep breath as they pushed open the door. “Let’s do this,” she said, forging ahead.

  “Hi,” Jen said. “My, ah, partner and I are looking for some sperm.”

  Carol’s mouth dropped open at Jen’s direct statement but then she actually couldn’t help wincing at her smile; if that’s what it was. She guessed that her friend was trying to make her smile different than usual but it came out more as a snarl than anything else. “We’re just window shopping,” she managed to slip out. Yeah like in a store, good one smart girl.

  “We’re the best friends,” Sienna said as Erin stood beside her mutely. “We’re going to be the Godparents.”

  “Hmm,” the girl behind the desk said. “I think we might be jumping the gun a bit here.”

  “Oh shit,” Carol said. “This is the Cryobank, isn’t it?”

  “Sorry.” The girl winced at their obvious mistake. “Fourth floor.” She pointed to the elevators.

  “We knew that,” Sienna said, never one to let embarrassment get the better of her. “We were just keeping you in the loop.”

  Carol and the others stared at her. “What loop?” she mouthed.

  “Seeing as how you are, the keeper of the building so to speak.”

  Carol flicked her knuckles into the side of Sienna’s leg. “Stop talking,” she hissed, almost under her breath. “Thanks.” They moved almost as a single person while they found their way into the elevator.

  The doors slid closed, affording the friends a few minutes to regroup. “What the hell was that?” Carol asked as they all collapsed in a fit of the giggles.

  “I’m a nervous talker,” Sienna said.

  “Do I have to gag you or tie you up in here?” Carol asked.

  “Now you’re talking,” Sienna said with a giggle.

  “So you don’t do discipline much, but you do like to play?” Erin asked with a grin.

  Carol flicked the stop button on the elevator. “As thrilling as I’m sure Sienna’s sex life is, today is not the day. Today we are here for the good clean experience of examining the contents of men’s sperm. That’s it. Do we all understand?” Carol was pleased when they all nodded enthusiastically except Sienna who she was starting to think had been drinking.

  “Are you sure that you’re the submissive one because you are very toppy today.”

  “Seriously?” Carol asked. “I will make you stay in this elevator.”

  “I’ll stop talking, I promise,” Sienna said.

  “And no giggling,” Erin said with a smirk.

  “From any of us,” Carol said, eyeballing each of them in turn.

  “I’m not laughing,” Jen said. She popped a piece of gum into her mouth and chewed it noisily out of the side of her mouth.

  “Jen! Lesbians have manners you know.”

  “Hush, brat. I’m your head of house remember?”

  “Damn,” Sienna said. “My phone’s dead. I hope no one calls. With all the excitement, I forgot to charge it.”

  “That’s it! Everyone rein in their inner crazy or they’re not even going to let us check out the sperm.”

  “I don’t think we get to actually see sperm,” Erin said.

  “Of course not. You know w
hat I meant; the donors,” Carol said as she flicked the elevator button and once again set it moving. “Everyone take a deep breath.”

  As they stepped out of the elevator, Jen took Carol’s hand. It threw her a bit. She and Jen were buds, they’d hugged and talked, they shared spanking stories and their kids but they had never held hands before. It felt weird and not in a good way. Although this was only for the purpose of passing themselves off as a couple, it felt intimate, a bit like cheating. “Hi,” she said when they got to the counter. That was it. No other words would come. She was so shit at this cloak and dagger stuff.

  “My partner and I are interested in seeing how all this works,” Jen said.

  That was what she had been trying to say, she could always count on Jen.

  “Yeah because they don’t have their own sperm, they’re gay,” Sienna said, stepping back and zipping her mouth when Carol glared at her.

  And then there was Sienna.

  “Seems like you’ve, um, all come to the right place,” the girl said with a smile. She passed Carol a clipboard. “Just fill out these forms and bring them back to me.”

  “We might not be ready to actually start the process or anything, we just want to sift through your donor lists,” Carol said nervously.

  “I’m sorry, you have to fill out the forms first, but then you’re free to go through the donors short profiles.”

  “What’s the difference between that and a long profile?” Jen asked.

  “The short profiles are pretty basic. It does allow you to scan through and see what you’re searching for but if you want more information, there’s a small fee.”

  “Okay, thanks,” Carol said. She took the clipboard but really didn’t have any intention of filling it out. She wasn’t sure about lying on a form.

  “We can’t do this,” she said to the others when they scrunched into a corner in the room as far away from the desk as they could get.


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