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Books and Persons; Being Comments on a Past Epoch, 1908-1911

Page 19

by Arnold Bennett


  Academies, French and British, 81Academy, the British, 228-234_Academy_, the, under the editorship of Mr. Hind, 4, 19; under other controls, 38, 64Advertisements, 300Agents, literary, 22, 72Aid, State, for the artist, 319Albert, Henri, 78Alexander, Sir George, 63American postal censorship, 193Anderson, Sir Robert, 193Andreief, Leonide, 224_Anglo-Saxon_, the, 243Anthologies, 5Antoine, director of the Odeon, 257, 259Apoutkine, 225Archer, William, 140Aristophanes, 54Arnold, Matthew, 19, 268Art, the theory of, 283, 284"Art of the short story," the, 86"Artifex" reviews the Letters of Queen Victoria, 12Artists, creative, 13, 158, 228 and critics, 158 as critics, 158, 283 and money, 242, 250-254Asquith, H.H., 302_Athenaeum_, the, 68, 71; its review of "A Set of Six," 36, 332Audoux, Marguerite, 305Austin, Alfred, 325_Author_, the, 130Author, the, and the publisher, 13, 16, 17, 22, 33, 71, 204Authors and gift-books, 68Authors' Society, the, 130, 171, 233, 277, 291Autobiography in fiction, 295Ayscough, John, 28

  Balfour, A.J., 82, 87, 291, 306Balzac, 12, 134, 183, 252Balzac, Prof. Saintsbury's introductions to the works of, 43, 183Baring, Maurice, 208Barker, H. Granville, 317Barres, Maurice, 82Barrie, J.M., 5, 94Barry, Dr. W.F., 143Baudelaire, Charles, 16, 221Bayle, Pierre, 267Bazin, Rene, 65Becque, Henri, 255-262, 323Beerbohm, Max, 145Bennett, James Gordon, 193Benson, Arthur Christopher, 4, 11, 239-241Berenson, Bernhard, 158Bernhardt, Sarah, a caricature of, 79Bernstein, Henri, 197Beverley Fathers, the, and their library, 189Bible, the, 172Binyon, Mrs. Laurence, edits "Nineteenth-Century Prose," 5_Blackwood's Magazine_, 325Blake, William, 18, 314Book in a railway accident, a, 328_Bookman_, the, 5, 143Book-buyer, the, 32, 71Book-market, the, 133Book-pedlar, the, 105Books of the Year, 77, 289Boot, Sir Jesse, 106, 173Booth, E.C., "The Cliff End," by, 26"Borgia!" a sensational novel, 226Boston Libraries Censorship, the, 190Bourne, George, 120Bournemouth, 227Bradley, A.C., 269Bridges, Robert, 22, 63, 325Brieux, 155, 195-200British Academy of Letters, the, 228-234_British Weekly, see_ Nicoll, Sir W.R.Bronte, Charlotte and Emily, 42, 210Browning, Robert, 126Bunting, Sir Percy, 295

  Caine, Hall, 56, 175, 206, 305Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry, 87Cambridge University Press, 300Capus, Alfred, 197Carpenter, Edward, 22Censorship by the libraries, 167, 181, 271 postal, in England and America, 193Cezanne, 282Chamberlain, Joseph, 137Charity, the sale of books for, 68Charmes, Francis, 81Chavannes, Puvis de, 190"Cherry Orchard, The," Tchehkoff's play, 321-324Chesterton, G.K., 150-152Christie, Manson, and Woods, 281Christmas, the publishers', 73Churchill, Winston, 291Circulating libraries, the, 88Classics, the reading of, 33Clear, Claudius, _see_ Nicoll, Sir W.R.Clemenceau, 61Clifford, Dr. John, 196Coleridge, S.T., 268Collins, Arthur, 318Collins J. Churton, 41, 269Colonial expansion, German, 30Comedians, stage, 63Composition, the foundation of all arts, 27Conductor, an orchestral, 43Confessions, 77Convention, literary, 118Conrad, Joseph, 9, 27, 32, 36-40, 87, 94, 231, 238, 332Corelli, Marie, 32, 47, 48, 49, 56, 103, 206, 305Corroborative detail, 312Criticism, English literary, 267 the, of artists, 158, 283Critics, artists and, 158 newspaper, 26, 36 professorial, 41, 269Crosland, T.W.H., 64Cross, Donatella, 235Crosse and Blackwell, Messrs.Curel, Francois de, 253

  _Daily Mail_, the, 127, 138, 139_Daily News_, the, 150, 295_Daily Telegraph_, the, 306Danby, Frank, 10D'Annunzio, Gabriele, 235Dante, 19Darling, Mr. Justice, 12Davies, W.H., 78, 325Davray, Henry, 220Debussy, Claude, 280Defoe, Daniel, 172Dehan, Richard (Clotilde Graves), 290"De Profundis," suppressions in, 217_Dial_, the, 243Dialogue, novel, 311Dickens, Charles, 105, 134, 139, 252Dilettanti of letters, the, as a class, 229Dilke, Sir Charles, 295Dixie, Lady Florence, 193Dobson, Austin, 270Donnay, Maurice, 197Dostoievsky, F.M., 117, 208-213, 216, 308Douglas, Lord Alfred, 64, 325 James, 303Drama in the novel, 311Dumas _fils_, Alexandre, 200

  "Ecce Homo," Nietzsche's, 77_Edinburgh Review_, the, on "Ugliness in Fiction," 8"Editions," French and English, 59Eliot, George, 8, 135Elton, Oliver, 269Emerson, R.W., 190"Encyclopaedia Britannica, The," 300English literary criticism, 267_English Review_, the, 66, 145, 294Epic, the, and the Sonnet, 87Esher, Lord, 11

  Factory Acts, the, 327Fay, William, 63"Fiction" and "literature," 328Fiction, autobiography in, 295 ugliness in, 8Fielding, Henry, 172, 192, 271Flaubert, Gustave, 16, 212Florio, John, 223Fogazzaro, Antonio, 306Forster, E.M., 292_Fortnightly Review_, the, 193, 306, 325France, Anatole, 59, 82, 232Free library, the Municipal, 104Frith, W.P., 210

  Galsworthy, John, 9, 95, 184, 214-216, 317Garvin, J.L., 291, 305Gauguin, 282Gaunt, Mary, 276Gautier, Theophile, 139George V, King, 317Georges, Mlle., 99German Colonial expansion, 30Gide, Andre, 66, 155Gift-Books, Royal, 68_Gil Blas_, 259Gilchrist, R. Murray, 87, 94, 117Gladstone, Lord, 157 W.E., 51Glasgow libraries, censorship in the, 192Glyn, Elinor, 10, 271-277, 289Goethe, 19Gogol, 117, 208Gorky, Maxim, 224Gould, Jay, 193Grahame, Kenneth, 57Grosvenor library, the, 106

  Hand, T.W., librarian at Leeds, 189Hankin, St. John, 140Hardy, Thomas, 8, 9, 87, 94, 96, 137, 172, 192, 267Harland, Henry, 91_Harper's Magazine_, 51Harraden, Beatrice, 47Harriman, 193Havergal, Francis Ridley, 241Hazlitt, William, 268Heaton, Sir J. Henniker, 196Heinemann, William, 169, 170Herford, Prof. C.H., 84, 269Hewlett, Maurice, 130Hill, Rowland, 135Hind, C. Lewis, as editor of the _Academy_, 4Hocking, the brothers, 103Holiday reading, 222Holmes, O.W., 190Hope, Anthony, 47, 130Houssaye, Henry, 81Hudson, W.H., 278Hugo, Victor, 134, 155Hull and the libraries Censorship, 185_Hull Daily Mail_, the, 186, 187Hutchinson, Sir G.T., 130, 169 Thomas, Wordsworthian researches of, 18

  Ibsen, Henrik, 321, 323_l'Illustration_, 260Impressionistic Method, the, 37Ingram, J.H., 84Intimations of Immortality, 63Irwin, Mabel McCoy, 194

  Jacobs, W.W., and Aristophanes, 53, 94James, Henry, 87, 95, 263-266Jaures, Jean, 61John o' London, _see_ Whitten, WilfredJohnson, Lionel, 267_Journal_, a report in the Paris, 223 _des Debats_, the, 81Journalism, success in, 300-304

  Keary, Peter, 188Keats, John, 237Kingsley, Charles, 105Kipling, Rudyard, 55, 57, 94, 160-166Knight, Prof. W., Wordsworthian researches of, 18

  Labourer, the Surrey, 120Lamb, Charles, 268Lambert, Canon, 186Lane, John, 120Lang, Andrew, 51, 83, 114Lansdowne, Lord, 306Laprade, Pierre, 283Lectures and State Performances, 315Leasing, 159Letters, the, of Queen Victoria, 11, 16, 68, 69Libraries, 106 the circulating, 88 and their subscribers, 33 the, and "His Hour," 271 censorship by the, 167, 181, 271Library, the Municipal Free, 104Literary criticism, English, 267Literary periodical, the, 242Liverpool, 44London, 160; and the Neo-Impressionists, 280 a book on, 3 the potential reading public of, 101 the Bishop of, 77Longfellow, H.W., 190Love poetry, 145Lowell, J.R., 190Lucas, E.V., 6, 150_Lucifer_, an American journal, 193Lytton, Lord (and "Money"), 316-319

  Mackail, J.W., 270Macmillan, Sir Frederick, 130"Madame Bovary," terms of the publication of, 16Madeleine, Jules de la, 16Malet, Lucas, 331Mallarme, Stephane, 65"Man of Kent, A," _see_ Nicoll, Sir W.R.Manchester, the potential reading public of, 101_Manchester Guardian_, the, 47, 84, 237Marjoram, J., 145Masefield, John, 28, 311-314Mason, Frederic, 77Mathews, Elkin, 267Matisse, 283Maupassant, Guy de, 86, 117, 137, 252Maxwell, W.B., 9, 27Meyerfeld, Dr. Max, 217Memoirs, books of scandalous, 98, 181"Mercure de France, Societe du," 59Meredith, George, 87, 95, 134-139, 173, 227Merrick, Leonard, 5, 94Methuen, Sir A.M.S., 130Middle-class, 89Milton, 19, 20Mitchell library, Whitman's poems at the, 192Moliere, 19Money, artists and, 242, 250-254"Money," a gala performance of, 316Montague, C.E., 201-203Montaigne, 222Montenegro, the Queen of, 276Moore, George, 8, 87, 94, 172, 176, 190Morley, Lord, 22_Morning Post_, the, 208Mudie's, 33, 52, 88, 173, 174, 175Municipal Free library, the, 104Murray, John, action against the _Times_, 11, 16

  Napoleon's mistresses, 99_Nation_, the, 84Nelson's Sevenpenny novels, 107, 130Neo-Impressionism and literature, 281_Neolith_, the, 243_New Age_, the, 122, 246"New Machiavelli, The," 294-299New York, 160, 161Newcastle-on-Tyne, 3Nicoll, Sir William Robertson, 5, 26, 29, 67, 114, 222, 319Nietzsche, Friedrich, 78Norris, W.E., 49Novel, a "literary," 331 a sexual, 271 dialogue and drama in the, 311 library censorship of the, 167, 181, 271 the sevenpenny, 72, 107, 130 the six-shilling, 22, 72, 131 the, ugliness in, 8 of the season, the, 26Novels
and short stories, a perennial discussion, 86 autobiography in, 295 shilling, 107 the length of, 248 the sales of, 68, 131Novelists and agents, 22, 72Nousanne, Henri de, 259, 260Noyes, Alfred, 325Numes, M., 259

  Omar Khayyam, 84Ospovat, Henry, 79

  _Pall Mall Gazette_, the, 137Paris, 155, 256Pater, Walter, 227Pedlars, book-, 105Pemberton, Max, 103Periodical, the literary 242Persky, Serge, 224Perusals, unfinished, 235-237Phillpotts, Eden, 47, 87Pinero, Sir A.W., 140Play of Tchehkoff's, a, 321-324Poe and the short story, 84Poetry, love, 145 marine, 325 official recognition of, 155Poets, contemporary, 63, 325Post-Impressionists, _see_ Neo-ImpressionismPostal censorship, English and American, 193Prices of books, the, 14, 130Prose, the, of Wilfred Whitten, 3Professors, 41, 269Provinces, the potential reading public of the, 101Public, the, 88 a publisher on "the public," 204 disdain of artists for the public, 243 the characteristics of the middle-class public, "the backbone," 88-94 treatment of this class by contemporary novelists, 94-96 unreadiness of this class to be pleased, 97 explanation of its concern with fiction, 98 the potential public in the industrial Midlands, 101 trade failure to cater for this public, 102-104 the Free Libraries, 104 the book-pedlar, 105 cheap editions, 107 the sections composed of dilettanti, 229 "right people," 291, 294 as book-buyers, 32Publishers' Association, the, and Library Censorship, 169, 277Publishers and authors, 204-207 English and French, compared, 17 their place in literature, 13 profits, 11, 16, 72, 182Publishing seasons, bad, 22, 26, 68_Punch_, 143Putney, the High Street, 123

  Quiller-Couch, Sir A.T., 55, 87

  Railway accident, a book in a, 328Raleigh, Prof. Sir Walter, 44, 238, 269Reading on holiday, 222Realism, the progress towards, 118; Russian realism, 208Rembrandt, 281Reprints, cheap, 33Reviewers, 26, 36_Revue des Deux Mondes_, the, 81Reynolds, Stephen, 78, 120Richards, Grant, 26Richardson, Frank, 109 Samuel, 139, 172, 192"Rita," 51Robaglia, M., 259Rockefeller, J.D., 193Rodin's statue of Hugo, 156Rosebery, Lord, 250Ross, Robert, 217Rossetti, D.G., 172Roussel, 283Rouveyre's caricature of Bernhardt, 79Royal Academy, the, 234.Russian fiction and drama, 117, 141, 208-213, 224, 321Rutherford, Mark, 94

  Sainte-Beuve, 267, 268, 270Saintsbury, George, 42, 269Sales, the, of novels, 59, 68, 131Sampson, John, his edition of Blake, 18Sargent, John, 95, 190_Savoy_, the, 243Scarborough, 227Schuecking, Dr. Levin, 66Scott, Sir Walter, 86, 105, 134, 139, 252Scott-James, R.A., 295Sculpture, proposal for an academy of, 234Sea and Slaughter, 325-327Season, the novel of the, 26Seasons, bad publishing, 22, 68Selincourt, Ernest de, his edition of Keats, 18Series of reprints, cheap, 33Sevenpenny novel, the, 72, 107, 130Shakespeare, 19, 172, 318Shaw, George Bernard, 84, 130, 195, 200, 291, 316, 317Shelley, P.B., 172, 318Shilling novels, 107Short story, the, in England, 38, 84Shorter, C.K., 26, 29, 42, 114, 188Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., 105Sims, G.R., 126Single lines, the, of Wordsworth, 18Six-shilling novel, the, 22, 72, 131Smith, Sir F.E., 78, 291 Nowell, his edition of Wordsworth, 18, 21Smith, Reginald, 130 the Rt. Hon. W.F.D., 47 and Son, W.H., 88, 132Smollett, Tobias, 192"Societe du Mercure de France," the, 59Sonnet, the, and the Epic, 87_Sphere, see_ Shorter, C.K.Stacpoole, H. de Vere, 28Stage Society, the Incorporated, 256, 321State performances, lectures and, 315Stationers' shops and books, 103Stead, W.T., 295Stendhal, 60, 96, 134, 211Stephen, Sir Leslie, 19Sterne, Laurence, 172Stevenson, R.L., 37, 81, 86, 221, 252Stock, M., the French publisher, 256, 260_Strand Magazine_, the, 113Strauss, Richard, 280Style, English, 45Success in Journalism, 300-304Suppressions in "De Profundis," 217Surrey labourer, the, 120Swift, Jonathan, 172Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 22, 66, 123Switzerland, 227Symons, Arthur, 209Synge, J.M., 63

  Taine, 267, 270Tchehkoff, Anton, 117, 141, 208, 225, 258, 321-324Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 84, 85, 103, 125, 126, 156Thackeray, W.M., 134, 139, 315Thurston, E. Temple, 290_Times_, the, and the letters of Queen Victoria, 11 an article on Trollope in, 148 Book Club, 88, 315 _Literary Supplement_, 48, 266Tolstoy, 117, 192, 208, 224Tonnelat, M., on German colonial expansion, 30Tourgeniev, 117, 208-213Tree, Sir H. Beerbohm, 197Trevena, John, 276Trollope, Anthony, 134, 139, 148Tunbridge Wells, 12

  Ugliness in fiction, 8Unclean books, 143Unfinished perusals, 235"Unpleasant" books, 97

  Vachell, Horace Annesley, 97Vallotton, Felix, 283Verlaine, Paul, 28Victoria, Queen, the Betters of, 11, 16, 68, 69Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, 129, 328Vladimir, the Grand Duchess, 276

  Walkley, A.B., 62, 140, 194, 222Ward, Mrs. Humphry, 39, 47, 56, 65, 103, 130, 139, 206, 291Wedgwood, A.F., 237Wells, H.G., 61, 62, 78, 87, 94, 109-116, 123, 186, 192, 294-299, 313, 315_Westminster Gazette_, the, 60, 69, 248White, Gilbert, 84 W. Hale (Mark Rutherford), 94Whitman's poems at the Mitchell Library, 102Whitten, Wilfred (John o' London), 3Wilde, Oscar, 66, 217, 317Williams, Daniel, a bookseller, 12_Woman's Journal_, the Boston, 193Wordsworth, William, 18, 157Wyman, Messrs., 132

  Yeats, W.B., 63, 325_Yellow Book_, the, 243Yonge, Charlotte M., 8, 105, 136, 210

  Zangwill, Israel, 311Zola, Emile, 59, 208


  [Transcriber's Note: In the section UNCLEAN BOOKS, 8 July '09, a quotationmark was added at the end:

  "What is the geographical situation of this house of Dr. Barry's, hemmedin by flaming and immoral advertisements and by soliciting sellers ofnaughtiness?"]


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