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Page 9

by Susan X Meagher

  "I really like the kid," Mary said. "She could be the leader this team has been crying for – but she won’t lead by being a good example. The other seniors don’t trust her – Wendy and Janet have made that clear. Standing up to me today was the worst thing she could have done." She shook her head and said, "I hate to crack down on the kid right after she gets car-jacked, but what was I supposed to do--just let her defy rules and call me out with no repercussions?" She ran her hands over her face in a gesture of frustration. "Damn, Lynette, the team’s fragmented enough without letting them think that open rebellion will be tolerated! I had to do something!"

  Lynette sighed, and let her head drop back. "I don’t know what the answer is, Mary. I see your point, but I also know that Ryan’s the only chance we’ve got to keep our jobs. If we have another dismal year, you know our contracts won’t be renewed."

  "I know that," she grumbled. "My mortgage knows it, my car payment knows it, my babysitter knows it. But I got this job by coaching my way. I’d rather go out doing what I think is right, than have some spoiled kid force me to change my principles just to keep her happy. The only chance we have is if we can make the team coalesce, Lynette. I can’t kowtow to any individual."

  Lynette sat in the chair for a few minutes, agreeing with Mary in principle, but knowing that they were on the verge of losing the one player that could turn their fortunes around.

  Instead of leaving right after practice, Ryan stood under a hot shower for so long her skin wrinkled. She knew that she couldn’t show Jamie how justifiably upset she was, mainly because they just didn’t need the additional stress right now, but also because the intensity of her anger was frightening her a little. Once she calmed down, she got into her warm-ups and shuffled back to the car, regrettably finding that she had parked right next to Coach Hayes’ battered Dodge Caravan. As her luck was holding at "pretty bad," the coach was just 50 feet behind her as she hit the lot.

  As Ryan came into view, Jamie couldn’t help but play with one of the gadgets she had found. She hit the button on the public address speaker and said, "Will the tall, gorgeous brunette please get into the car and pucker up?" Her voice carried across the deserted lot, plainly heard by anyone within a block.

  Ryan slid in, shaking her head at her lover’s playfulness. The unbelievably lush stereo was playing loudly, the sunroof and both front windows open, letting the music blanket the parking lot. Ryan got in and pulled her partner to her, partly to help calm her ragged nerves, and partly to be rude to the coach who was just about to reach her car.

  As they drove along the cross street by their house, Ryan looked at the teeming mass of reporters, shook her head and said, "I’m not up to this. I have to have some peace tonight. I’m about ready to pull onto a quiet street and sleep in the car."

  "Let’s go to the Claremont," Jamie said. "I’m sure they can squeeze us in."

  "Okay." Ryan turned the car and drove to the hotel without a complaint, showing Jamie just how much the entire situation was bothering her.

  When they reached their room, Ryan looked around and said, "Uhm … I wasn’t this stressed."

  "Regular price, since this was all they had left. Nice, huh?"

  They were housed in a small, but nicely appointed room, with a canopy bed, pullout sleeper sofa, worktable, and a spacious bath with a spa tub.

  "Maybe my luck is turning," Ryan sighed as she stretched out on the bed.

  Jamie climbed up next to her and said, "Tell me what’s wrong. I know something is."

  "Yeah. Something is," she said. "I have to make a decision, Jamie. I think I might decide to quit the team."

  The blonde sat up so abruptly that she frightened her partner. "You what? Where did that come from?"

  "Coach dislikes me personally, and she’s decided to be more obvious about it. Today she announced that I can’t sleep with you on road trips any longer. If I do, I’m suspended indefinitely."

  Jamie flopped down onto the bed, amazed and puzzled by the strange woman’s even stranger behavior. "This just makes no sense! Why would you want to piss off your best player?"

  "Don’t know. Don’t wanna find out. Don’t fucking care." Ryan was really in bad shape, judging by her inability to muster the strength to speak in complete sentences.

  The tall woman rolled off the bed and turned on the television, catching the end of ‘Meet the Press.’ She stared in amazement as she saw her own and her partner’s face in a cut out above the moderator’s head, and heard him say, "How do we, as members of the media, balance the public’s right to know with the right of the individual to be left alone? From every indication, these two women are intensely private individuals. Not one close friend or family member has revealed one word about either of them. And yet, the public’s thirst for information about these young heroes has grown in direct proportion to their refusal to speak. Does there come a point at which our needs as a people override their needs as individuals?"

  "No! There does not!" Ryan shouted, flinging the first thing she could get her hands on at the television. Luckily, it was just her warm-up jacket, because the force she used would have shattered the appliance if she had grabbed a more substantial object.

  "Honey, honey," Jamie said, wrapping her arms tightly around her waist. Ryan’s body was coiled so rigidly that she felt more like a bundle of wire than the powerful, yet soft woman that she was. "You have to calm down."

  "I can’t," she moaned, sinking to the floor. She dropped her head onto her bent knees and whispered, "I just can’t."

  "Tell me what’s going on," Jamie said. "Why are you so upset?"

  "I feel like I have to take a stand! I can’t let her push me around like this! The problem is, I’m just not up to a confrontation right now … do you know what I mean? I feel like quitting – but I’ve never quit anything in my life, and I don’t think I’d feel very good about myself if I did. I’m so fucking confused!"

  "Baby, baby, baby," Jamie said as she rocked her partner in her arms. "It’s gonna be okay. You don’t have to decide anything now. It’s really okay." She got up and pulled Ryan up with her. "Let’s lie down, and you can tell me all about it."

  Ryan nodded, and docilely followed her partner to the bed, lying down and unburdening herself of every anxiety. It took a long time, and Jamie was astounded by all of the things that were going through her partner’s fertile mind, but after a half hour she finally felt like she had a good handle on how to help.

  "Okay, here’s the deal," Jamie said. "I say we enjoy our night here in this fine hotel. I thought we could have Mia and Jordan come over and bring everything you need for your trip. It’s Mia’s birthday, remember … it might be nice to order a good meal, and have a couple of bottles of champagne to celebrate."

  "Okay. That would cheer me up, too," Ryan said. "What else?"

  "I think you have two viable options. One is to ask for a leave of absence until you feel better."

  Ryan’s head was shaking before she finished the sentence. "I won’t do that," she said, sticking her chin out in a small indication of her intractability. "I’m not going to ask to be coddled just because I’m upset."

  "Well, that’s a matter of semantics," the blonde said. "I don’t think it’s being coddled to ask for some time to recover from almost dying and being forced to shoot a man, but then, I’m a weenie."

  Ryan blew out an audible breath in a suggestion of a laugh.

  "Wanna hear my other suggestion?"


  "I think you should go to North Carolina alone." Ryan flinched at that, and Jamie hurried to explain. "I want to go … and I’d go just to see you for ten minutes if I thought it would help you – but I don’t think it will. I think it would burn and grate at you to know that I was in your hotel, and that we couldn’t be together. I don’t want to do that to you – even though I’ll hate to be apart from you."

  "Fuck ‘em," Ryan said quietly. "Just fuck ‘em. I’m not leaving you behind. You’re my fucking spouse! She wouldn’t
do this if you were my husband."

  "You might be right, honey, but there’s no way to know that." She kissed her cheek and said, "Easy on the ‘fucking spouse’ thing, okay? It’s not my preferred title." She was trying her best to tease her partner, knowing that she usually responded better to tense situations when there was some levity thrown in, but nothing was working today. Ryan just nodded once, and then stared at her.

  Looking into her troubled eyes, Jamie knew that one tiny shove would push Ryan into quitting, and she wanted that outcome more than words could say. She hated everything about the basketball team, and what it was doing to her partner – but she knew that Ryan would be very disappointed in herself if she quit just because she was being picked on. "Honey, I urge you to think about it for a few days. If you still want to after you consider it, then by all means, go ahead and quit. But with all of the stress you’ve been under, I just don’t think it’s wise to quit right now. Please let it settle for a bit. Think this through thoroughly … when you’re not so angry."

  Ryan rolled over onto her stomach and beat at the pillow for a few minutes, her fists flying. Finally, she let out a sigh and dropped her head into the defeated down and said, "Okay. You’re right. I’ll decide after our trip."

  "Good girl. Now I’ll call Mia and see about getting them over here without detection."

  Jordan’s flight back to Colorado Springs was not until nine, leaving them plenty of time to share the afternoon and evening with their friends. Jamie instructed Mia carefully, detailing a long list of items that Ryan needed for her trip, along with their toothbrushes and a change of clothes for Jamie.

  When the pair arrived, Jamie and Ryan put on their happiest smiles and wished their friend a very happy birthday.

  "It’s happier now that I get to see you two," Mia said. "I was afraid you’d take off without us being able to hook up."

  "Nah, no way, babe," Jamie said. "I’d never ignore your birthday."

  "So, what did you guys do to celebrate?" Ryan asked. Before Jordan could say a word, she said, "Leave out the X-rated parts, okay?"

  Mia answered for her partner. "Well then, I guess we didn’t do anything to speak of."

  "Hey," Jordan said, "I took you out for a very nice dinner last night. Doesn’t that count?"

  "Of course it does," Mia said, giving her a kiss. "I’m just yanking Ryan around. It’s one of my favorite hobbies."

  Ryan tucked an arm around her waist and said, "Nobody yanks me better than you do, Mia."

  "Hey!" Jamie said. "That sounds like the kind of thing I should be doing for you."

  "You both yank me," Ryan said, "just in different ways."

  Since the reluctant heroes, as the newspaper had dubbed them, were loath to leave the building, Jordan and Mia took Jamie’s ATM card and loaded up on cash, then made a trip to one of Berkeley’s gourmet markets and bought provisions for the evening. Even though they complained of the largesse, they followed orders, and bought the champagne that Jamie specified, along with a variety of cheeses, some sliced ham and salami, and some crusty French bread that the Acme Bakery truck had just delivered.

  The foursome ate their repast while sprawled out on the king-sized bed, each pair entwined comfortably. The Forty-Niners were playing football, and they had the television on in the background – their attention only sporadically drawn to the game. "This is just like being at home, but the food’s a lot better, and my brothers aren’t giving me grief for being wrapped around Jamie," Ryan said.

  "It seems like you feel better," Jamie said. "Do you?"

  "Yeah. I’m much calmer."

  They had told their friends all about the disturbing events of the day, and Mia said, "James, if you want to go down to North Carolina, I’ll go with you to keep you company. I know the last thing you two want is to be separated right now."

  Patting her nearby foot, Jamie smiled and said, "I appreciate the offer, buddy, but I think this will work out all right. You and I will just go down to Miami and meet up with our women there."

  "I truly think your coach is a psychopath," Jordan grumbled. "She’s ruined this season for her team – and nothing makes me madder than a coach that won’t let her team members play to the best of their abilities!"

  "I read you, loud and clear," Ryan said. "I’m not sure we would have won many more games so far, but it sure would have been a more pleasant experience if Lynette had been running the team."

  "You’d be a better team if you still had Janae – and Janae wouldn’t have been hurt if she hadn’t been on the court during garbage time. You’ve gotta have a screw loose to play an irreplaceable player when the game’s as good as over. She sucks," Jordan grumbled, her ire still rising.

  "I agree, Jordan," Ryan said, "but I don’t have much control – so I’m gonna try to just go along and see what happens. I’ll make up my mind about staying or going when we get back from the Bahamas."

  "Ooo … the Bahamas," Mia said. "I’ve never had a better birthday present in my whole life."

  "Me either … and it’s not my birthday," Jordan said.

  "That was your Christmas present," Jamie corrected her friend. "This is your birthday present." She pulled an envelope from her backpack and handed it to Mia.

  "James! You don’t need to buy me anything for my birthday! Jesus! Isn’t a trip to the Bahamas enough?"

  "Nope," the blonde said. "You shouldn’t be punished just because your birthday is the day after Christmas. Go on … open it."

  Giving her friend a grin, Mia tore into the envelope. Inside a colorful birthday card was a first class round-trip ticket from San Francisco to Sydney, as well as a calling card with an enormous number of minutes. "I wasn’t sure what to get you, but Ryan reminded me that there’s only one thing that seems to be on your mind any more."

  "Hey!" Jordan said, her eyes wide. "Isn’t this a little premature? I haven’t even made the team yet."

  Jamie patted Jordan’s thigh, giving her an indulgent smile. "Ryan’s been telling me how well you’re doing, Jordan. There’s not a doubt in my mind that you’ll be the star of the team."

  "Uhh … I don’t think that’s gonna happen, Jamie. I’ll just be happy to sit on the bench — as long as the bench is in Sydney. There’s really a chance that I’ll get cut."

  "Don’t stress about it, Jordan," Ryan said. "If you don’t make the team, you and Mia can turn this ticket in for two tickets to some place warm where you can lick your wounds."

  "She’ll make it," Mia said, looking at her partner with unshed tears making her eyes glisten. "I have complete confidence in her."

  Jamie kissed Mia’s cheek, and said, "I know you’re having trouble saving enough money to pay for the ticket. And it’s such a long flight I want you to sit with us so we can yak the whole time."

  "I didn’t realize that was part of the deal," Ryan said. "Maybe I’ll sit in coach."

  Mia popped Ryan in the belly while leaning over to kiss Jamie. "Thanks, James," she whispered. "You’re the best friend I could ever imagine having."

  "The same goes for me," Jamie said. "Now let’s break out that champagne. We’ve got a birthday to celebrate!"

  After yet another lingering, tearful goodbye, Mia and Jordan left for the airport at 7:30. Ryan was still full of nervous energy, so they decided to go to the pool and let her work off some stress. Jamie chose to hang out in the spa, and after a very long while, Ryan emerged, winded and fatigued, but seemingly calmer. "I’m cooked!" Jamie said. "I thought you were never going to come out."

  "I decided to stay until I was tired. Took a while," Ryan said, looking a little sheepish.

  "You’d better save some energy. You’ve got two games to win in North Carolina."

  "That’s the last thing I want to think about. I’d like to focus all of my energies on you for the rest of the night."

  "Now you’re talking, Tiger."

  Part 3

  Struggling towards wakefulness, Jamie puzzled over which sensation had been the first to invade her
sleep-clouded mind. It might have been the soft, warm lips on the back of her neck, the moist, tender touch as gentle as a whisper. Perhaps it was the sensation of large, strong hands gliding teasingly over her thighs, causing the downy hairs to rise in answer. Of course, it might have been the springy black curls that tickled her backside when the dark woman nestling up against her seductively ground her pelvis into her. Whichever touch did the trick, the blonde was slowly pulled from her light sleep to the delectably sensual feel of her partner tenderly caressing nearly every part of her body simultaneously.

  "Somebody needs seconds, huh?" Her voice was slightly rough, but it held a gentle, welcoming tone. Stealing a quick glance at the clock she said, "It’s only been a few minutes since you knocked me out the first time, hot stuff." Her hand slowly drifted back to rub the baby-soft skin of her partner’s hip, eliciting a physical response to her question.

  Ryan’s powerful body began to move more freely, writhing sinuously against Jamie -- some warm, soft body part seemingly touching every part of her simultaneously. The dark head that nuzzled Jamie’s neck nodded a few times, adding a low growl just to make sure her point was understood.

  "What would you like …?" Jamie’s question was cut off by a warm, moist mouth that covered hers insistently, the owner obviously feeling more oral than verbal.

  Before Jamie could blink, Ryan’s coiled power was unleashed in a flurry of activity. All at once, the smaller woman was on her back, her arms and legs entwined with the powerful limbs of her partner, Ryan’s mouth claiming her forcefully. For just a second, a part of Jamie wanted to push the voracious woman away – to struggle against the feeling of being absolutely consumed. But there was something so appealing about the force of her partner’s need, that a bigger, more compelling part of her felt absolutely obliged to not only accept, but to welcome the touch.


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