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The Last Straw

Page 5

by Yvonne M Remington

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  The following week went quickly. Jack would be in on Saturday and promised to spend more time with her. She made it clear that the ordeal with Bobby was weighing heavily on her and her fibromyalgia was kicking up. She needed his support and she needed to be around him through this period of stress. There still was no letter from her son. She was beginning to dread the thought that she would be forced to make a decision she did not want to make. She loved Joyce dearly and couldn't ask for a better friend, but she needed to figure out where she was going from here. She loved her life as a mother and a grandmother and all that had fallen apart. She knew that she would always be both, just not the way she had always hoped. Since Karen's death, she realized how much her life had drastically altered. Due to the events, that only Bobby had control over. There just wasn't anything left to give. It was her turn now. She had hoped that she and Jack had a future, but he still hadn't even taken her to meet his parents.

  Aileen planned a special dinner for Jack's arrival. Joyce had agreed to work a double to give her the entire day free. Aileen felt it was time for them to have a heart-to-heart conversation and clear the air about something. There just never seemed to be much real time for serious conversation, which was sometimes okay, but she felt it was time for some commitments.

  She ordered two filets from Palermo's deli and spent the day shopping for fresh vegetables for her salad. Jack was good at choosing the wine though he usually drank beer except for special occasions. Jack did the grilling when he was in town.

  She had a hair appointment at Fanci's at 1:00. Her wavy hair was too long for the summer heat and unmanageable. The nail tech at the salon slipped in a manicure while she was waiting. Her aura was already improving.

  She soaked in her favorite bubble bath "Purely Passion" to a tepid bath, being careful not to ruin her well-deserved manicure. The ninety-six percent humidity warranted the new strapless pastel floral sundress that emphasized her curves. Aileen required little make-up; she had a natural glow about her skin.

  Jack had his own key, but the agreement was that he would only use if he expected. He promised never to surprise her and he kept his word. At seven o: clock there was a knock at the door. Aileen wondered why he didn't use his key. As soon as she opened the door, she found out why. He wanted to see the look on her face when he arrived. His 6'2" cowboy frame with a fresh haircut and shave stood tall in his pastel blue golf shirt that matched his eyes and khaki pants showing off his well-defined muscles. In one hand, he held a bottle of wine and in the other one dozen long stemmed red roses. He had the most alluring smile on his face as he watched Aileen's mouth gap and then turn to a big smile.

  "Can a tired and hungry cow poke come inside, ma'am?"

  "You look gorgeous. Be my guest."

  "And these are for the prettiest girl in town." He presented her with the roses.

  "They are lovely. I'll put them in a vase, if you'll put the wine in the wine bucket."

  Once accomplished, Jack put his arm around her waist and drew her to him.

  "Now I would like a proper welcome home kiss." He placed his lips on her and swallowed her with his arms. The heat around them rose several degrees before they relaxed and took a breath.

  "You look gorgeous. Good enough to smother with kisses, till you can't stand it any longer." Jack missed her, of that, she was certain.

  "How about we do dinner first? Everything is ready, if you'll turn on the grill." She opened the bottle of wine while the grill was heating so they could relax and talk. "So tell me about your week." Aileen's strategy was to get him to talk first, before she steered the conversation where she wanted it to be.

  "Nothing special; pretty routine; now let's get to yours, because I know yours was anything but routine."

  "You are correct. I almost wish it was." Jack listened as Aileen went over the events of the week until the steaks went on the grill. Jack proceeded to the patio, while Aileen prepared the table. The conversation over the dinner was much more about them rather than her son. Aileen knew that if she wanted to get the right answers from Jack, she had to wait for the right time. She was not about to waste a romantic dinner over a discussion that should have ran its course by now.

  Once Jack ate, she figured she could get to intimate conversation. With him, there was only one way to get what she wanted, the direct approach. Being subtle did not work.

  "You know we haven't talked about this in awhile, mainly because the timing hasn't been right, but this might be a good time to talk about you moving in here with me?"

  "You won't get an argument from me. I agree with you. It's time to take the next step." Jack was nibbling on her neck while his hands were working their way down her back."What about Joyce, how would she feel about sharing her space?"

  "She thinks of you like a brother. She wants what's best for me and besides there won't be that big of change, she is rarely here and I think she has a new boyfriend, but it's too soon to tell."

  Wine made Aileen amorous and she had enough to do qualify. She responded to Jack's advances and continued the process in the bedroom. They filled the night with passion and satisfaction. After they exhausted their energy and lay together in a warm embrace, Jack fell asleep first. Aileen was pleased with the way things ended at the end of the evening but they had still not discussed her son. Maybe it was best. She didn't think that it would be quite as pleasant. She kissed her lovers lips gently and drifted off in peaceful slumber.

  Aileen being an early riser showered, dressed and started breakfast while Jack slept. She looked out the window that led to the front side of the house and noticed Joyce's car was not there. She smiled to herself with the thought that maybe she had an overnighter.

  Aileen didn't know about all men, but she did know that the way to Jack's heart was through his stomach. Knowing this, she prepared a hungry man breakfast, leading the way for the ensuing conversation, part of which would be a continuation of last night. Mainly, when does she meet the parents?

  Jack appeared in the kitchen; showered, dressed and hungry. After a heated embrace, they sat down to eat. They both understood that discussing certain subjects during meals was not a good idea.

  "Where is Joyce?" Jack was looking more delicious to Aileen every minute he sat there.

  "It appears she did not come home last night. I am hoping she had a good time, whatever she did. If she doesn't check in my noon time, I'll call her."

  He finished his meal and his coffee. "What do say to something special today to celebrate our new arrangements?"

  "Did you have something in mind?"

  "In fact I do. How do you feel about doing some horseback riding?" Jack was smiling.

  "Jack I don't do horses well. I've never been around them much."

  "Well maybe it's time to learn. I want to take you to the ranch to meet the folks. If we are going to live together, we need to do this."

  "You say that like it is a chore." Aileen was smiling.

  "Not at all; they will be pleased to know that a filly has roped me."

  She did not mention that she was going to bring up the subject, but he saved her the trouble. That left only one other topic to discuss.

  "Then let's do it." She kissed him, put her hands on his cheeks, and whiffed his manly scent. "I haven't heard from Bobby yet, but he asked me to visit him in Starke. I wanted to talk to you about that." Aileen quizzed him.

  "Do you want to?" Jack knew something was still bothering her.

  "I would prefer not to, but I think I should."

  "Why do you think you should? You don't owe him anything. In fact, he owes you, big time. I won't tell you don't go, but mentally and physically, I don't think you should go very often maybe on special occasions. Like the holidays. That is what I would do. You need to distance yourself from the mental stress and physically you will need to take an entire day off work each time you go and drive the hour and a half plus the expense. If you think about it you will know that I have a valid poin

  "I know you do, and I agree with you. I just needed to hear the words coming from someone else's mouth other than my own. I will write him back when I get his first letter and let him know of my decision. It won't be easy, but I will have to stand my ground.

  Aileen's phone rang and Joyce was checking in to say that all was fine. She indeed had a ‘sleep over' and would be home before dark to tell her all about it. Aileen and Jack headed out for the day after the kitchen was clean and proper riding clothes were established.

  * * *

  Dear Bobby,

  I am filling out the paperwork so I will be preapproved for any future visits. These have been trying times for all of us who were connected to you and Kathy. I have had many opportunities to relive my relationship with you as a mother. We have had our good times and our bad. Someone once said: "Parenthood does not come with a manual."

  I feel that I did the best job that I could. I did not always make the best choice, but they were the ones that I thought were the best for us at that time.

  I will always be your mother, and you will always be my son. It is time now for us to go our separate ways, again, until such time as pay your debt to society.

  I will write you, if you wish, and I will do my best to see you on special occasions, like the holidays, but I feel that it is not in my best interest to jeopardize my health and wellbeing to make the trip to the prison on a

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