Page 13
''I would give it a miss if I were you, at least until they catch him. What kind of a name is Sherbet for a dog! I bet it's a poodle.''
Jenny looked hurt, ''I'll have you know Sherbet is a golden retriever and she is a beautiful dog too.''
''Well I can believe that, they say dogs look like their owners.'' I hoped the compliment wouldn't be lost on her. Even though I knew she was a lesbian I lived in hope.
''I think you'll find that's owners look like their dogs. Have you any pets Steve?'' Jenny fended off my compliment.
''I have a Siamese cat called Jackie.''
''How cute, how long have you had her?''
''He. I have had him about five months now I suppose. I didn't want a cat, didn't even like them, but I was left with no choice and now I wouldn't be without him, he's my good luck charm.'' It was true I loved that cat.
''Maybe I will meet him one day.'' She said picking up a menu. ''What do you fancy to eat?''
I had already seen the menu while I waited for her to arrive and knew what I was having. ''I fancy the Butternut Squash Lasagne, it sounds good. I'm not hungry enough for a starter but maybe I will have a desert.''
After studying the menu for a while Jenny finally decided, ''the Grilled Halloumi Tortilla Salad for me, I'm vegetarian too.''
I wasn't a vegetarian I just liked the sound of the dish but if it made me more attractive I could be anything that Jenny Groves wanted me to be.
We ordered the food and made small talk until it arrived. The food was as delicious as Jenny had described over the phone and we finished the meal with Lemon and Lime Tart Wedges and coffee. I paid the bill and we opted for a stroll along the bank of the Thames to walk off the food. The small talk continued and eventually we found a bench to sit on and watch the world go by.
''This is nice, we must do it again.'' I said.
''Yes I'm sure we will. I hope when you take over from Howard I can still be of service. I know I am not always available as I am usually fully booked but I do like to keep a few regular clients so please don't hesitate to call.''
From the work I had seen her perform it was no wonder that she was sought after. I was determined to keep her on the books when I succeeded Howard.
''You will be my first choice should we need a reconstruction or cosmetic work I can promise you that. You are too good to let go.''
''Thanks Steve and thanks for the lunch.'' She looked at her watch. ''I must go Sherbet will want her walk. I will see you soon.'' She stood and we kissed again.
''Don't forget take care when walking the dog while that monster is on the loose. I wouldn't want you to be a victim.'' I was genuinely concerned having witnessed Price last night. ''And stay away from black cabs for now.''
''I will, I promise.'' Jenny said as she walked away waving.
It was later than usual when Howard finally made an appearance, he was still not convinced about Price after another normal day at the office. Price had spoken to a couple of women during the day but it seemed to Howard that he knew them. There had been the usual fast food break, then back to work until he finished for the day and parked his cab on his drive around six thirty.
''He isn't putting a foot wrong, I just don't understand it how can we have got it so wrong, we must be missing something.'' Howard was not happy.
''Maybe he thinks he is being watched by the police or maybe this is what he does after a rape, he stays below the radar until the heat dies down. I am sure he has already selected his next victim and is waiting for the right time to attack.'' I had to keep the pressure on Price.
''See what he gets up to tonight. How was your lunch date with Jenny?'' Howard changed the subject to lighten his dark mood.
I gave him the details of the lunch and recommended the Slug to him as a fine establishment to eat at. I also said that I had made it clear to Jenny that she would always have a job here whenever she was needed. Howard was pleased, he liked Jenny almost as much as me it seemed.
''I have left the keys in the Viano so when you're ready you can go. I've got some paperwork to catch up on so I will be here for an hour or so. Good hunting Steve.''
I took up my usual position close by to the Price residence and waited. Like yesterday Price came from down the road and got into the black cab. He must go out walking before he heads of for work in the evenings I thought. The cab pulled out and drove off into Richmond. The MO was again the same, collected a few punters and took them to their destinations and again it was a mixture of males and females. Maybe Howard was right after all and we were barking up the wrong tree. Then something happened to make me certain I was right about Price.
Price was patrolling the streets of Richmond searching out fares when he suddenly pulled up alongside a young woman, possibly 18 to 20 years old. She had obviously been drinking after work and was slightly worse for wear. Price spoke at length to the girl and eventually she stumbled into the back of the cab. The cab drove off in the direction of Richmond Park and I followed as closely as I dared. I thought the journey would never end as the cab drove down Queen's Road through the Park and then turned left onto the A308 eventually picking up the A3. After travelling a fair way the cab suddenly turned left into Telegraph Road, drove past Putney Village and then turned down a dirt road that lead onto Putney Heath. It was dark by this time and I couldn't follow without him seeing my headlights so I parked up and followed as best I could on foot. Luckily the cab had not driven too far into the woods before it came to a standstill. I watched as Price climbed out of the driver's side and opened the back door to slip in. As soon as he opened the door a leg shot out and caught him right between the legs, he doubled over in pain and fell to his knees as the now sober girl launched herself from the cab and ran as fast as she could towards the main road. She had kicked off her shoes and was making good progress before Price had a chance to recover from the kick. I thought he was going to give chase but he jumped back in the cab did a clumsy three point turn and drove at speed back towards the road. The girl had already passed by my hiding place and was busy trying to hail a passing car out on the road. The cab barely missed her as Price made his escape towards the A3. The girl had managed to stop the car and she climbed in looking very distressed. The car drove off and I assumed the driver would be taking her to the nearest police station. I climbed back into the Viano and headed back into Richmond. By the time I got back to where Price lived the cab was parked on the drive and there was no sign of life in the cab or the house. It was getting on for eleven thirty by this time and I thought there is no way he was going out again.
The next day the radio news bulletin was all about the attempted abduction of a seventeen year old office worker in Richmond who had been picked up last evening by a black cab and driven against her will to Putney Heath. Luckily the girl had been taking self defence classes and she had been able to fight her way out and run for help. Police said she was very brave and they were investigating the incident, they also appealed for witnesses and gave out a direct contact number for people to use in the strictest of confidence. There was no way I was ringing that number and placing myself at the scene.
''I couldn't believe what I was seeing Howard!'' I had explained the events to him and I was still shocked that I had almost been witness to a rape. I don't know what I would have done if the girl had not escaped.
''You would have rescued her I'm sure Steve. There would have been no choice. This puts a different complexion on things, Price is definitely the rapist.''
At last Howard was on the same page as me.
''There is no need to watch him today, we need to come up with a plan before he strikes again.''
I already had one in my head and I explained it to Howard. He agreed that it was a good plan.
The police had again brought in Brendon Price for questioning and again he had an alibi for last night, he was at a social event for black cab drivers and there were several witnesses, including his wife, to him having been there all night. The poli
ce were baffled, the cab had been taken for forensic investigation and there was evidence that it had been in a wooded area, bits of twigs and heather were stuck under the front wheel arch and there was mud on all four wheels. The girls shoes had been found back at the Heath but there was nothing inside the cab that linked her to it. There was no video camera in the cab unlike newer ones that had them installed for the drivers safety. Price had been checked over by a doctor and no bruising or other injuries were found on his body despite the girl claiming to have kicked him very hard in the groin. Price was released without charge pending further enquiries.
I had everything I needed for the execution of Brendon Price. The stun gun had arrived the next day as promised and I had purchased a length of rope from a boot fair from which I had cut off a short length that I could use as a garrotte. The rest I kept for phase two of the plan. I also had a pair of leather gloves and a briefcase to put the items in. Once again I had acquired a false moustache and a wig to help disguise my appearance, a trilby hat completed the look. I had decided to look like a business man who was in a hurry, I needed to get Price to take me to a remote location so I could carry out the kill. This would be the tricky part.
Howard would not be accompanying me as I said I would prefer to do the job alone. I said it would be better for us both as when he retired I would have to work by myself anyway, Howard readily agreed.
I didn't want Grace to see me in my disguise so I got ready in the flat and waited until she was busy with a client so I could sneak out the back door. I walked into Richmond town centre and made my way to the taxi rank. I would have to wait until Price was at the front of the queue as the other drivers would be angry if I jumped in his cab halfway down the line.
After a wait of fifteen minutes Price moved his cab to the front, I quickly ran over and tapped on the driver's window. Price opened it.
''Yes sir, where are you going?'' Price asked in a gruff but polite voice. He smelt of cigarette smoke and body odour.
''I'm in a bit of a hurry, I am running late for an appointment can you take me to Broomfield Hill car park please I am meeting a colleague there.''
''Certainly sir jump in.''
I opened the rear door climbed in and made myself comfortable. ''Thank you.''
I had banked on two things, one that the old cab had a glass partition isolating the driver from the passengers that slid across so the driver could communicate and not the modern type that was secure with a slot to pay. This was a slider. The second thing was that I gambled on the car park being empty at that time of day especially as the weather was not good. I had been to the car park several times over the last few days and it was usually empty. There were many trees in the car park and plenty of opportunity to be discreet.
All the way there Price was silent, the glass partition was closed. I checked the contents of my case and without being seen I removed the garrotte and the stun gun. I would have to move quickly when the time came. The car park was coming up on our left and I held the stun gun in my right hand as I leaned forward towards the partition. Price entered the car park which was fortunately empty and stopped just inside the entrance. I tapped on the partition and he slid it open.
''That will be seven pounds and.......''
I swiftly pressed home the stun gun onto his right shoulder and pressed down hard on the button sending millions of volts through his clothing. He jerked from side to side as the electricity dumped energy into the muscles. I held the gun to his body for a good five seconds at least. The instructions had stated that a burst of three seconds would cause a loss of balance and muscle control, mental confusion and disorientation. They were right, Price didn't know what hit him. Dropping the stun gun I grabbed the garrotte and looped it over his head, leaning back I applied all my strength as I pulled it tight cutting off his air supply. It took me a few minutes before I was satisfied he was dead or at least unconscious. I would check which later. I climbed out of the cab and opened the driver's door, with some degree of difficulty I managed to push the slumped form of Price across his seat and into the empty foot well next to him. There was no passenger seat in the cab as the space is used for the carrying of luggage so it was the perfect place to put him, I covered him over with his coat which had been left next to him. When I was satisfied I started the engine and drove out of the car park before anyone else arrived. As I was driving my phone rang, I glanced at the screen and saw it was Howard calling. I had no intention of answering it as the last thing I needed was to be pulled over by the police for using a mobile while driving. He would have to wait until after I had completed the task. I was driving the cab to the wooded area I had selected, it lay off Queen's Road, the location wasn't far from the car park so the risks were minimal. Pulling off Queen's I drove down a dirt track that lead deep into the trees. I parked the cab in a small clearing and got out. I walked around to make sure there were no people in the area and when I was satisfied I returned to the cab. Price was still comatose and when I checked him for vital signs there were none, he was dead. Now for the heavy work.
I looked about and found a suitable oak tree, there were low branches of sufficient thickness to hold the weight of a man of Price's size. My mobile rang again so I turned it off, I didn't want any sound attracting attention. Taking the length of rope from my case I tied a noose at one end and threw it over the bough of the tree, the noose swung backwards and forwards in a hypnotic, eerie motion like something out of a wild west movie. I now needed to drag Price from the cab and over to the rope without causing too much disturbance to the surrounding grass and plants. I pulled him into a sitting position and heaved him over my shoulder, I would try and carry him though it would be a struggle as he was a heavy man. Using all my strength and determination I managed to stand, lift him and stagger the short distance to the hanging rope. Reaching out I grabbed the noose and by supporting Price I managed to hook it over his neck. I lowered him to the floor and adjusted the noose so that the rope covered the red mark that the garrotte had left when I throttled him, it would look suspicious if there were two ligature marks. Satisfied that all was in place I heaved on the other end of the rope dragging the dead body up until it dangled about a foot off the ground. I tied the end of the rope to a decent anchor point nearby and sat down on a fallen tree trunk to catch my breath. I was sweating like a pig by now and exhausted from the effort. I casually watched as Price swayed slightly in the breeze, a fitting end for a rapist I thought.
Having recovered from my exertions I now had to clear any evidence. The scenario was supposed to reflect a suicide scene whereby Price filled with remorse and guilt for his crimes had driven to a remote spot and hung himself. It occurred to me that Price would have stood on something to launch himself before hanging. I looked around and found a short length of rotting tree trunk and dragged it over to near where Price's legs now dangled, the trunk was strong enough to stand on yet light enough to kick away as he stepped off it. I arranged the trunk to look like that's what happened and I made no attempt to conceal the fact that the trunk had been dragged into position. I even took a piece of rotting bark and rubbed it on Price's hands for effect. I checked the ground around the corpse, luckily the earth was hard and no footprints were visible although the grass had been lightly disturbed but I surmised that it would soon straighten itself out. I swept over the area with a leafy branch as I backed up towards the cab to make its appearance seem more natural. I had worn my gloves throughout so there was no problem with leaving prints, I collected my case, the garrotte and the stun gun from the back of the cab and closed all the doors. Now all I had to do was make my way through the woods leaving as minimal a trail as possible.
On the way out of the woods I removed the moustache and wig placing them along with the trilby in the case, I would burn them in the incinerator on my return to the funeral parlour. I made my way across country and came out somewhere along Sawyer's Hill, finding a bench I sat down and turned my phone back on. I intended to ring Howard when I was cle
ar and get him to come and pick me up. As soon as I had switched on the phone I was bombarded with missed calls and messages from Howard. The first message I read left me cold, it was bad news.
''Viktor I do not want you to do anything stupid while I am back in the Motherland. We will take care of the problem on my return.'' Dmitry was busy packing for a business trip back to Russia, he had the phone held to his ear using his hunched shoulder for support as he stuffed personal items into a small flight bag.
Viktor swore under his breath, he hated his brother telling him what to do, he had already been chastised in private by Dmitry for dropping the cat out the window, he said it was foolhardy and could have attracted unnecessary attention. Now he was ordering him to wait until his big brother returned to solve a simple problem. Well Viktor had other ideas, he would show Dmitry that he could make decisions also.
''Are you listening to me Viktor? I will be back in two weeks so wait.'' Dmitry was getting annoyed at his brother.
''Of course Dmitry. Have a good flight and give my regards to Alexi.'' Viktor answered sarcastically and hung up before Dmitry could say more.
Dmitry dropped the phone on the bed calling his brother an idiot at the same time. The young blonde lying asleep under the silk sheets stirred as the phone hit her on the foot which was poking out from under the covers. She muttered a Russian swear word and turned over.
''Get up Ivanka I have to go soon, you cannot stay here. If my wife finds you she will cut off my balls and do worse things to your pretty face Lapochka.'' Dmitry slapped her foot as he reached for the phone.
Ivanka dragged her naked body to the bathroom and shut the door. She had been Dmitry's current mistress for eight months and he was getting bored with her, the sex was still good but she was lazy and she was starting to annoy him. He made his mind up to 'retire' her when he returned from Russia, he would send her back to the Embassy where she could return to working honey traps for the FSB or maybe he would give her to Viktor, the thought made him smile.