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Child of Beauty (Prophecy Series)

Page 15

by T. N. Hayden

  Kurtis brushed her loose hair behind her ears and looked deeply into her eyes. She stared back into the deep blue pools of kind sunshine. For a few moments, neither spoke. They just breathed together, almost sharing the same breath as her mind gradually calmed. She wetted her lips. “I-” What could she say? She couldn’t tell him the truth about what was going on.

  “It is okay.” He gently rubbed her ears with his thumbs, his hands still cupped her jaw, and he held her hair behind her ears. “You do not have to tell me what happened.”

  “How did you find me?”

  “I saw you running through the woods. I was in this part patrolling for rebels.”

  She closed her eyes. “Father and I got in a fight.”

  “Ah.” He paused. “Come with me.”

  She opened her eyes, and he held his hand to her. Everything in her life continued to change, to shift, but the one constant through all this had been Kurtis. Even before he had asked to court her, he had always been there those moments she truly needed him.

  The day Jerrika had told Viveca the truth about which sister was the true Little child, Kurtis had found Rayna in the north garden and held her as she cried in his arms. He’d always chosen Jerrika’s friendship, but he’d also always chosen to be her secret love.

  Now their love was in the open, and they could truly be together in a way she had never allowed herself to think was possible.

  “Where are we going?” Rayna looked around the woods.

  “You will see.” He grinned back at her. “I think you will appreciate seeing this.”

  He led her through the woods, keeping their hands entwined as they moved together.

  “I always argue with my father as well.” Kurtis stated. “We never agree with each other, but I know he loves me. No matter what you are arguing about, you should know how much your father loves you. I have seen it.”

  Rayna blinked back more tears. “It is complicated.”

  “I am sure it is.” He stated.

  “You know.” Rayna stopped. “I do not think I have ever heard you talk about your family before.”

  “Well we rarely used to talk.” Kurtis smiled. “I am glad we have been changing that.”

  “Me too, but you know, all of the little things you have done for me have made me attracted to you. Thank you for the poem.”

  “You are welcome.” Kurtis stopped and touched her face once more. He stared into her eyes for a long moment before he continued speaking. “I love your courage. I love your honesty. I love your kindness. I love your patience. I love your integrity. I love you.”

  She sucked in a shallow breath, staring into his deep-blue eyes as hope welled within her. She’d longed to hear him say that, wished for it for many years. Kurtis loved her. He loved her because of who she was. Kurtis gently brought her face closer to his, and their lips brushed each other.

  He pulled back with a grin. “Do not tell your father I kissed you. We are almost there.”


  He took her hand once more and raced several steps further before stopping. “Here.”

  She took a closer look. The leafy dirt of the forest ground had caved into an underground pool, long strands of ivy and ferns overhung the edges. “It is stunning.”

  He gestured for her to follow, and Kurtis used one of the long roots of a willow tree to help himself climb down. Rayna trailed behind him, feeling the soft bark of the sand-coated roots.

  “How did you find this?” She placed a foot on the rocky ground surrounding the pool of clear water reflecting brown and grey rocks.

  “I found it when I was on patrol.” He shrugged.

  “Are you not supposed to be looking for rebels?”

  He chuckled. “I think the rebels use this pool at times. It is breathtaking down here. When I need time just to be by myself and think, I come down here and watch the water.”

  “Is it cold?” Rayna touched the liquid. It was warm.

  He smiled. “You never wait for an answer, do you?”

  “Not usually.”

  “I have a question I have wanted to ask you for a long time.”


  Kurtis touched the charm around his neck. “How come you gave me the letter ‘F’?”

  “It does not stand for Fergus.” She grinned, and he chuckled. “My birth name is Faryn. You have had a little piece of me with you this whole time.”

  “Faryn.” He whispered. “That is beautiful.”

  She ran a hand through his hair. “But you should still call me Rayna.”

  “Do you remember your birth family?”

  Remember? She’d been reunited with them, having her parents and siblings back once more. She’d gained a little sister and received her brothers and older sister again. Her twin was back, and she felt whole with him in her life. But she couldn’t tell him any of that.

  “I do.”

  “What happened?”

  Viktor Little kidnapped me, and he made up that I was adopted by him and Ederra. It turns out that I am the one the prophecy is about; you know the one with common blood.

  “I do not remember. I was four. What about you? Tell me about your family.”

  “My mother died when I was two. I have a sister, and my father and I rarely get along.”

  “Did your sister join the soldiers? I never know how easy it is for a noble family. My brothers, sister, and I will all be Soldatas and Soldats. Do your parents look down on your sister for not being a Soldata?”

  “No.” Kurtis took her hand and ran his finger along her palm. “She is also a warrior.”

  “Is she as kind as you?”

  He looked at her. “No.”

  “Oh.” She couldn’t read his expression. For a moment, she felt like she could trust him. They loved each other, so why wouldn’t she tell him the truth? Would he accept her? Or would he reject her? Kurtis understood how it felt to be bullied by high nobles. Would he want to join the rebels?

  “It is alright.” He touched her chin, rubbing his thumb against her cheek. “I promise to not turn out like my sister.”

  She chuckled. “Alright.”

  “Jerrika told me about your mother’s plan for your future, your marriage, to the prince.”

  “I do not love Prince Navion.” Rayna took his hands and entwined their fingers. “He and I will only ever be friends. I love you. I do not care what Mother wants me to do. I will follow my heart.”

  “I am glad you love me too.” He smiled. “You did not return the sentiment in the forest.”

  “You surprised me.” She blushed. “I love you Kurtis. It does not matter that you are of noble birth. I would love you even if you were of common birth.”

  “As would I.” He brought her fingers to his lips and kissed them. “I love you no matter what happens Rayna.”

  Hope swelled within her, begging to burst free. “Then I should tell you something.”

  He moved his head slightly to the left. “Oh?”

  “When you asked about my birth family,” she took a deep breath, “I can in—”

  A bright light reflected off the water of the pool. Rayna tried to shield her eyes with her elbow, and Kurtis’ grip loosened. He fell back, eyes closed, and breath shallow.

  ~ Chapter 34 ~

  “Kurtis.” Rayna grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him close. They’d just admitted their love to one another, so he couldn’t be dead now.

  “He’ll be fine.”

  Rayna gasped as she spun. A tall blonde woman stood behind her, and Rayna stared. She seemed familiar, as if she was from a nightmare. She stiffened as she realized which nightmare this woman was from. “Wynn?”

  “I see you remember me.”

  “I could never forget the woman who told me my parents sold me. You destroyed me, and now I find out you are allied with Viktor.”

  Wynn nodded. “My true name is Rosewyn.”

  “You are the woman Viktor is in love with.”

  “Yes. He is the father
of my son, but Viktor doesn’t even know that.”

  “Why are you telling me?”

  “Because you need to understand.”

  “Understand what?”

  “Your destiny.”

  “I am going to kill the king. I get it.”

  “Viktor didn’t get to tell you everything.”

  Rayna rolled her eyes. “What did you do to Kurtis?”

  “I used magic to knock him unconscious.”

  “Like how you made me sleep so Viktor could kidnap me?”

  Rosewyn closed her eyes. “I’m so sorry about everything we put you through.”

  “Oh well that makes everything so much better.” Sarcasm dripped from her tongue.

  “It was a much darker time.” Rosewyn sat on a rock beside Rayna. “Viktor had been loyal to the king, promising allegiance to him and gaining his high noble status. Death was rampant, especially for those with common blood. The king was still setting his laws into action. When Krijar opened, Viktor had to slaughter dozens of young men and women. He had so much blood on his hands, and he couldn’t stand following the laws of the land anymore. But he knew that he couldn’t face the king and stop him. The prophecy had already stated someone of common blood would defeat the king.

  “My magic is linked to prophecy, and I saw the moment when you defeat the king. You’re as you are now.” Rosewyn touched Rayna’s shoulder. “But you have your Wopler. It was that moment when I realized the common blood in the prophecy would have the most unusual life, growing up to become a Soldata. But the problem was that no high noble family would take someone with common blood as their own. The king had poisoned the minds of all those loyal to him.”

  “Not quite everyone.” Rayna whispered.

  Rosewyn raised a brow.

  Rayna shrugged.

  “I kept watching that moment of your destiny over and over again.” Rosewyn continued. “I had to look outside that time, the thread of your destiny, to see who would help me bring the prophecy to pass. That was when I saw Viktor as the figure I needed. I found him three days after the Battle for Krijar. He was distraught and questioning his resolve and loyalty. I helped him understand his true destiny, to right his wrong by raising the common blood of the prophecy. It was through our joined purpose that we fell in love.”

  “Does Ederra know about the affair?”

  “She does. Viktor talked about leaving Ederra for me, but when he went to her to tell her the truth, Ederra didn’t care about the affair. She was pregnant with Fergus. He stayed with her, promising to always be faithful to her. I was heartbroken, but I understood. He needed the king to believe he was still loyal to him, and the king had been the one who asked him to marry Ederra.”

  “This all happened before I was born.”

  Rosewyn nodded. “I didn’t see him again until I knew you had been born.”

  “You said Viktor is the father of your child.”

  “Viktor doesn’t know that when Ederra was pregnant with Fergus, I was pregnant with our son as well.” Rosewyn sighed. “My son doesn’t know who his father is. He has magic like mine, connected to prophecy. He has joined a group of warriors who help protect those linked to prophecy.”

  “Why are you telling me about all this?”

  “Because you are angry with Viktor right now, and you have to accept everything. I will never lie to you.”

  Rayna closed her eyes. “So what happened when you realized I was born?”

  “I found you first.” Rosewyn explained. “I saw that you were loved and happy with your family. Seeing all of you together, I didn’t want to take you from them. I knew that you belonged with them and would always be loved. I resolved to forget, to let the prophecy pass over you.”

  “Is that possible?”

  “No.” Rosewyn stood, her silver skirt flowing around her as she started to pace. “I walked away from the Smithy in Kapok, promising to never remove you from your happiness, but then I had a vision so violent that I collapsed in the street. I saw a new future, one where the king gained immortality, killing his own children so they wouldn’t overthrow him. I saw the Little children in battle against each other. The king killed Viktor, the only man I ever loved, and I saw you, burned and battered, used as a common slave, broken and beaten. In that moment, I knew you couldn’t be raised as Faryn Quint.

  “So I went back to Derbon and found Viktor. I told him about you and your family. He didn’t want to steal you from your parents, but I told him about my vision if he didn’t. Viktor begged me to find another way. He told me to look at different futures: if your family gave you to him, if he faked your family being noble, if he trained you in secret. But all those futures had the same ending: death. It took me a whole year to convince Viktor that you had to be kidnapped. He finally agreed.

  “I used a spell to make you and your twin sleep for three days. Viktor went in and fought your family to steal you. Seeing your family put everything they had into fighting Viktor, doing everything in their limited power to save you, I realized why you were the one of prophecy. With a family line like that, you truly were destined to be the first common blood Soldata. Viktor took you from your family and gave you to me.”

  “And I know the rest.” Rayna whispered.

  Rosewyn looked at her. “I wish there had been another way. Viktor did everything in his power to protect you, as he has since.”

  Rayna stood, making sure Kurtis was lying on the large rock. “What happens now?”

  “Now your birth family must come to accept what is, and, most important, you cannot tell anyone else the truth.” She looked at Kurtis.

  “He loves me.”

  “You cannot risk the future for feelings. You were torn from your family for a reason. Don’t make that for naught.”

  Rayna closed her eyes.

  “The rebels are meeting with your father and Sage.”

  “Then we should not keep them waiting.” Rayna stepped closer to Rosewyn before pausing and turning to look at Kurtis. “I cannot leave him here.”

  “He’ll be fine.” Rosewyn promised. “He’ll wake when we return.”

  “Alright.” Rayna looked at the woman responsible for ripping her from her birth family, and she realized she could be trusted.

  ~ Chapter 35 ~

  Aileen stood beside her father with their family, Wilma, and Jerrika. Dressed as a Soldats, Viktor and his son Sage walked up.

  “Seems like we are the last to arrive.”

  Aileen turned to see Rayna and a beautiful woman join the small group.

  “Everyone, this is Rosewyn.” Rayna introduced. “I suppose I can introduce everyone present. My father, Creedon, mother, Gwen, sister, Aileen, brother, Peyton, brother, Barrett, sister, Delisa, adopted sister, Jerrika, friend, Wilma, adopted father, Viktor, and adopted brother, Sage.” She paused. “Why are you wearing your helmet?”

  Aileen wondered the same. She watched the Soldat who had kissed her so long ago. She still wondered why he had kissed her. Was he so shocked a rebel was truly a woman?

  “It is time.” Viktor looked at his son.

  “I am sorry.” Sage took a step closer. He looked at Creedon. “I was loyal to the king when I first became a Soldat. I went to Kapok for my joining year. The mission the king gave me was to infiltrate the rebellion and gain their trust. I was successful in my mission, but after learning everything I did about you, I promised myself I would never be loyal to the king again.” He turned to Aileen and walked toward her.

  Aileen stiffened. What was he talking about? He was successful in his mission? How long had he known their family had begun the rebellion?

  “After my joining year, I was reassigned to Derbon. My initial plan was to betray my king and openly join the rebels. But upon returning home, I got in a fight with my father after I realized Rayna was truly Faryn.” He looked back at Barrett. “You two are most definitely twins.” He looked at Aileen again. “It was then when my father revealed his true allegiance. I agreed to help him. I am so s

  Sage slowly removed his helmet.

  Her eyes deceived her as Aileen looked at the young man who had the same face as Jonathan. Perhaps they were twins, or brothers. No. Jonathan had lied to her. He wasn’t the man she’d ever believed him to be.

  “I am so sorry Sparrow.” He watched her eyes.

  “Jonathan.” She breathed the name she associated with that face.

  He nodded.

  “No wonder you kissed me…” She murmured.

  “I love you.” His words felt true, but they couldn’t be.

  “You lied to me.” She saw hope drain from the chocolate brown eyes she’d always loved. “You’ve always lied to me.”

  “It’s been eating him up.” Barrett stated. “You should have seen him when I found out. He thought I had shown up to the Little Estate as part of a rebel attack, and he got me out of there before something could happen. He didn’t know I was there to see Jerrika.”

  “What?” Aileen gasped. “You know Jonathan was Sage Little?”

  She had never felt so betrayed. The love of her life had never been honest with her. And her brother, sweet Barrett who never lied, had kept his secret for months.

  “I am so sorry.” Sage repeated.

  “So you’ve known about our family for a long while.” Aileen looked at Viktor. “Why did you kidnap my sister?”

  “I told him to.” Rosewyn explained.

  “She has magic.” Rayna put in. “She saw that I was the one the prophecy is about. I am sorry Dad, but the prophecy is not about you.”

  “What?” Creedon whispered, staring at his daughter with disbelief clouding his eyes.

  “I had to train her as a Soldata.” Viktor continued. “You asked me last night what would happen when she gets her Wopler. She is going to be able to use it against nobility. She can kill the king with it. Rayna will be the first Soldata with common blood.”


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