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Mad Hatter Vampire Prince: A Dark Paranormal Vampire Romance

Page 11

by Kia Carrington-Russell

  A mixture of Galador’s and my brother’s men fought against one another. A few human hunters were fighting off Oppollo’s men but evidently outnumbered. Against the back wall was a large waterfall. It gushed as men ran into it. They returned after only a few seconds indicating that it was clear on the other side. I paused for a moment, realizing that Oppollo was in this very room and before my eyes, his silhouette vanished into the waterfall after receiving the all clear. His presence, his smell, his might, his everything, entirely disappeared from this world.

  It dawned on me. This was it. The place that took our kind into the next, the parallel world we knew of but could never reach. Oppollo had used this battle as a decoy to step into the new world. He didn’t care about the outcome of his entire army, he hinged it all on this one opportunity. How had my brother been so oblivious that the entrance to the new world was so close to us this whole time.

  Sasha’s gasp broke my focus. She was pinned against the wall as Galador dove his fangs into her neck. I grabbed his face from behind and ripped open his jaw, flinging him back in rage.

  I couldn’t make sense of any of it. All four parties fought one another. There were no alliances amongst the warriors from Grand Klaus. My brother’s men continued to fight one another. The remains of Sasha’s mutated people were fighting to stay alive amongst the room of vampires that they could never outmatch. Galador’s jaw hung by its hinges. He growled in response, slashing at one of the hunters who ran past him. His nails dragged down the hunter’s face and down his chest.

  “You’ve always had the tendency to get in my way. And now your bitch of a girlfriend is causing more issue,” he said limply as his jaw reattached itself.

  Sasha collected herself, trying to lean against the wall behind me. Blood oozed out of her neck and trailed down her shoulder. I kept her in the corner of my eye. If she was going to attack me, she would’ve done it already. Her legs buckled beneath her and I knew that the bite from Galador had taken its toll. He wasn’t like the young vampires we had fought before. And she had fought an army of vampires only the day before. It had taken its toll on her human body.

  “Are you working for Oppollo?” I asked to clarify the situation. Either way I was going to kill him. His jaw stitched back into place and he pointed behind me.

  “And betray your brother?! That thing,” he said pointing to Sasha. “Was the one that led Oppollo to this cave!”

  “Okay,” I said and smiled. I’d always hated Galador anyway. I ran for him. He snarled in response and prepared himself. One of the hunters shot a bullet at him, and like the same mistake that I had made, Galador moved only slightly to avoid it. The bullet exploded into silver splinters and threw him against the wall. As soon as he staggered to move, two of my brother’s men jumped on him and began to tear him a part. So Galador was loyal to my throne. Some of my brother’s men were working for Oppollo and as for the Hunters…

  One of the hunters raised a gun at me. “Stop!” Sasha exclaimed. But it was too late. I wouldn’t allow anyone who raised a weapon against me to survive. Even if they were her beloved and own kind. In fact, I wouldn’t let any of them survive. There were consequences to Sasha’s daring abandonment. I dodged the bullet and ran sideways along the inside of the cave. I slashed through them bearing my fangs and ripping into each of their necks. I tore apart the final human as I dove into his neck. They weren’t nearly as strong as my Darling Sasha. They were her mother’s failures. His scream was a beautiful wave of music to my ears.

  Sasha threw a dagger at me. “Stop!” She screamed. But I wouldn’t listen. She had betrayed me. There was consequence to that. And I wouldn’t stop at that. I wouldn’t allow any of those who betrayed my brother to follow Oppollo into the new world to survive either. No one was to whisper of the secrets to this cave. Few had already slipped through into the waterfall behind Oppollo. Some had even run back out, frightful of what they’d seen. As they tried to run back through the entrance of the cave, I slaughtered them.

  I grabbed the heart of the remaining vampire and threw it away and into the waterfall. Let this new world have the decaying heart of the vampires which lived on the other side.

  “Stop!” Sasha said as I approached the final human who was dragging herself towards the waterfall. The insides of her stomach were daring to fall out from where a vampire had slashed her open. I stepped towards her and looked Sasha dead in the eye as I pressed my foot against the woman’s head and stomped it into the ground.

  Sasha’s eyes were her usual intense steely brown. No tears or emotion. “Who will you experiment on now?” I antagonized. She hissed at me, as she tried to stand on her own. “I told you that I wouldn’t let you go. And yet you orchestrated quite the operation here.” I waved my finger around, impressed. “Invisible rock thing?”

  She huffed and raised her top lip in anger. She stood tall with her hands by her sides. “My mother created it.” I shook my head in approval. Her mother’s advancements in technology was something this world could never handle. Good job mother-in-law.

  As Sasha kept a steady eye on me, I wondered if she would attack me first. She was the only survivor from this expedition and her fate was in my hands. I couldn’t smell fear on her. This woman didn’t care about such things nor did my presence rattle her as it should. I pinned her against the wall by the throat.

  “So, you’ve been in cahoots with Oppollo. I wasn’t anticipating that,” I said gallantly. I loosened my grip on her throat so she could speak. Part of her hair cascaded around my knuckles from where her hair had been cleanly sliced in the fight.

  “I told you he planned on escaping into the other world,” she said condescending.

  “Yea but you lacked in detail my little mouse,” I said squeezing her throat once again. “So, you’ve unleashed a ruthless vampire into the world of unsuspecting humans. Isn’t that against what you so very much believe in?”

  “My mother-” I crushed down on her throat so she couldn’t finish the sentence.

  “You did all this because Mommy told you to?” I irked.

  “I told you that I would leave,” she said, now scratching at my throat. “What do you want from me, Kyran?”

  I released her and she barely caught herself from dropping to the floor. Did she even have to ask the question? I snorted at her ignorance. The cave began to stink of the dead.

  “Well I’ve made it very clear!” I snapped at her, irritated that I would have to summarize something so simple to such a clever woman. “You’re mine. It seems that my little pet thought she could stray farther than what I permitted her and that makes me angry. I knew that you were looking for a way into this new Utopia of yours, but I thought it was an unrealistic ambition. To then secretly have this entire project planned and to be in cahoots with the enemy while defending my brother’s Kingdom…” I paused, processing it while I said it out loud. She watched me steadily and looked at the waterfall from the corner of her eye. I wondered if she would be so bold as to make a run for it. That aroused me. She would be the only daring mouse to continually try and run away from me.

  “I’m rather impressed,” I decided, casually putting my hands into the pockets of my loose pants. I began to laugh wickedly, finding the humor in all of this. This was actually perfect. There was no greater insult to my brother than being undermined by the very pet I had only recently adopted. It was brilliant. This whole time she had been scheming such a brilliant plot and even I was oblivious to the performance and stage. How this woman existed just for my pleasure, baffled me. “Oh, how I adore your clever mind, Darling Sasha,” I scooped her face into my hands. I was fixated on this fragile human who at no point had begged for her life. She stood by her decision despite my consequential reaction.

  “This is utter madness. I’ve hardly explained anything to you and yet you praise me,” she shook her head. Her body still wobbled from the blood loss. She looked over my shoulder at the decaying vampire bodies and the humans that still bled out. She pressed her hand
against mine and closed her eyes.

  “They don’t matter,” I said. “None of them matter. Only you and I.” I didn’t care for how many creatures came between us. I would kill anyone who tried to step between me and what was mine. If she considered the only thing that could truly separate us was this world and the next… then I was willing to prove her wrong and keep her chained to my side. I looked at the waterfall and back at her. “If you want this so badly. Then let’s go together.”

  She shook her head and offered me her usual matter of fact expression. “You might not survive the new world. I don’t know what’s beyond that wall.”

  “And yet you let Oppollo and his army stride straight through,” I said pointing after them. I wrapped my hand around her waist and jolted her into a dance. She hissed at the pain. I didn’t entirely stop my gleeful dance but slowed the pace. My fragile Sasha daring to complain about a private dance with me, the Prince of Grand Klaus. “Tell me in words why. Speak.”

  Her eyes whirled around as she breathed heavily censoring out the pain. “If you came with me, I don’t know what my mother might try to do to you.”

  “That’s not the answer I’m after, Sasha Darling. Besides, I think it’s time you break free from your dearest mother’s shadow. Now tell me what I want to hear,” I said circling her again and pinning her against the wall. “Tell me,” I growled. Her body heat pressed against the coldness of my own. My body thrummed with exhilaration at the prospect of how she would word it. I pressed my lips against hers. My tongue pressed against hers as she tried to fight for dominancy. She fisted the tops of my loose pants as she moaned into my mouth. Her breath was hot and bloody. Her body was always a quickfire response.

  I pulled away offering her space for breath. Her eyes were entirely consumed in oblivion. She responded to my monster as I had hers. I wanted to hear her say it. “I don’t want my mother touching what’s mine,” she growled from low in her belly. I replicated the growl as her words soaked into my every pore. Hers. I had finally won. I had obtained and captured my pet that was a crazy mad scientist. I had finally found someone who could rival me with her quipped tongue as much as her crazy brilliant mind.

  “That’s why I tried to leave without you,” she admitted. I laughed. What a childish notion. It was more comical that she thought she’d get away with it.

  “Oh, my little mouse, I told you that I’d never set you free again.” I crushed my mouth against hers again. I rolled my hard cock against her, my body wanting to claim what was mine once again. Again, and again.

  A small gadget was thrown through the wall. A low ticking noise began to beep behind me. I looked over my shoulder at the balled device that was flashing red.

  “It’s a bomb,” she said and grabbed my hand. “One of the Hunters were instructed to throw it from the outside to destroy the connection between this world and the next.”

  She limply tugged me towards the waterfall. “I don’t know if you’ll survive this new world,” she admitted.

  “Oh, but my Darling, if I do, think of the wicked fun to be had,” I smiled at all the prospects. “I can even help you with your research. I’ll catch your test subjects so you can focus on your experiments at home,” I said nudging her shoulder. She sheepishly smiled; her eyes still entirely swallowed by darkness. It was the first time I had ever seen her so brilliantly smile. We would walk into the unknown together and prepare to have a hell of a time. “Perhaps we should discuss turning you into a vampire soon, my Dear.”

  We walked through the water that rushed over and cleansed our blood splattered body. She added without fear as we began our journey into the new world, “I still despise your kind.”

  I clutched my nails in further so that she began to bleed. A gentle reminder that she was still mine and that I would never let her go. “But oh my Darling, how we like to fuck.”

  'Kia is a Token, no, she is THE Token of Vampire & Paranormal books.'

  ~ 5 STAR Reviewer.

  Kia grew up in the Darling Downs Region in Queensland, Australia. Graduating High School, she pursued a career in freelance journalism. In 2014, having always had a passion for writing fiction, she decided to follow her dream of becoming an accomplished author.

  Now living in Edinburgh, Scotland Kia has a can do attitude, a strong will and the touch of kindness that makes it hard not to fall in love with her. Announced 'The Best New Author of 2015' by AusRomToday, and being awarded numerous awards, she has no intentions of stopping. Kia Carrington-Russell is definitely the new author to be looking out for.

  Learn more about Kia at

  and follow @kia_crystal on Instagram.

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bsp; - Paranormal Trance Reviews

  Sia is a Phantom Wolf. Neither dead nor alive--and rotting from the inside--she is on the edge of her curse. Once a Phantom Wolf has been created, they hunt their blood pack and slaughter all their loved ones. Except for Sia, who woke years after her death to find herself rampaging through the land on a lonely path.

  She continues to run from the rival pack that hunts her because she is a Phantom Wolf. Attracted to a scent, Sia finds her old best friend, who is now a grown woman. Having once saved Keeley, Sia takes the role of protector yet again, despite Keeley's involvement with the mysterious Alpha, Kiba, and his kin brother, Saith. An ambush separates the pack and the four of them blindly fight the new warriors that attack them: desperately needing to find out where the attacks are coming from, as Sia has vowed to protect Keeley. But at what cost?

  Now being chased, Sia finds herself conflicted by the mortal and spirit world while trying to protect her kin. Sia must confront her fears, as well as the human lover who killed her many years before. It is not only survival Sia contends with, but her own façade that must be broken so that she may find peace within herself once more.

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