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Page 52

by Marguerite Labbe

  “Angie? Angie baby, talk to me.”

  The girl looked up at Russell then hurled herself into his arms, clinging. He let out a sigh of relief and glanced my way with grudging respect and awe. “You really did it. Holy fuck.”

  I shrugged. “She’s not in the clear yet, but she will be. I think she needs to sleep, and give her brain a rest. You might want to knock her out.” Goddamn, that sounded good. I could use a long nap myself, like maybe into next week. “Okay, Kristair, what questions did you want me to ask them? I want to go home before I fall over.”

  “Why had they used Angie? There were other ways they could have subdued you other than trying to grab you psychically. It makes me wonder if they wanted something in particular and planned on using her to dig it out of your head.”

  Russell shook his head as I relayed the question, his big hand stroking through the girl’s hair. “I’m not sure. They talked more with Angie than me. They were looking for something they thought you knew; some bullshit key to immortality, I think.” Russell barked a laugh. “Which made no damn sense. They’re vampires. I’m not sure what they’d need with more immortality than what they already had. Angie was supposed to probe for the secret. They were talking about flying us to some council meeting, but they didn’t say where.” He paused, bitterness flashing across his face. “They didn’t warn us that you were psychic too.”

  “They didn’t know. It wasn’t something I was born with. I kinda inherited it.” I frowned and absently gnawed on my thumb until Kristair made me stop. This whole brain-rape thing just to learn what I had stashed in my head didn’t make any sense. It was too much effort to discover the extent of Kristair’s abilities, especially when they’d earn it on their own only if they just waited. No, there had to be something else.

  “Do you mind if I take over, Jacob?”

  “Why the hell not? You’re halfway there already.” I relaxed and Kristair slipped deftly into control. It was getting easier each time, this fluid give-and-take, as if we were really two separate and whole personas sharing one willing body. Like we belonged this way, two people in one, joined forever.

  “Why does the Syndicate believe there’s another path to immortality?” Kristair was troubled by this and I tried to soothe him, but he shrugged me off.

  “You think they suspect something about the Ascended?” I asked.


  “How would I know? All I heard was something about some prophet of theirs had predicted it, I think. They talked about a really old vampire called Chris something, but when he disappeared, I guess they shifted their plan and named you instead. But Angie didn’t find anything about immortality in your head.” Russell drew her closer, his brows furrowing. “They questioned her for hours, but she kept screaming there was nothing there. They wanted us to check someone else out, but their damned interrogation made Angie even worse. She almost died. Once they’d decided they weren’t going to get anything more, they left, and I haven’t seen them since. For all I care they can go fuck themselves.”

  I spotted one of Angie’s eyes peering at me through her hair, the sight of it chilling me to the bone. “But you know it now,” she said softly. “You’ve unlocked the Ancient’s secret, and they’re going to come for you.”

  Chapter 23

  “ROME! YOU’RE going to Rome? Are you crazy?” Kayla’s eyes blazed with outrage as she moved in close enough to take a swipe at me. “You’re not some damn cowboy, Jake. You’re a football player. What the hell do you think you’re going to be able to do against the entire Syndicate Council?”

  “Ouch, that hurts,” I tried teasing her then took a step back when her mouth tightened. “Okay, sorry, no more joking. I’m not going to be going alone. I’ll be safe. You trust your Uncle Ghedi’s abilities, right?”

  “I trust that Ghedi Ussier has his own damn agenda and you might be smart to consider that.”

  “She’s right, you know.”

  “Please don’t start, Kristair. One of you is bad enough and neither of you are going to change my mind.” My lover muttered some snide comment about being stubborn and then fell silent.

  “Thanks for the advice. I promise you, I’ll trust my instincts. I won’t be gone long. You won’t even have a chance to get over being mad at me before I’m back to harass you.”

  “You are fucking nuts. You are.” Kayla grabbed my jeans out of my carryall and began putting them back in the dresser, much more neatly than how they were in there before. I don’t think I’d ever seen her so rattled. “You think it’ll be over with just like that.” She snapped her fingers. “That you’ll be able to waltz in and take over their Council as easily as you rescued me. It’s just like another football game to you, isn’t it? It’s not a fucking game. People are going to die. You could die.”

  She stopped and sat down on my bed, her hands trembling. “Don’t go, please.”

  I crouched down in front of her and took her hands in my own. They were chilly and, damn, she looked miserable. I felt a twinge of regret for putting her through this. “I have to go. As someone pointed out to me, those jackasses are not going to stop just because I want them to. And I can’t let Tony go by himself.”

  “No, I guess you wouldn’t.” Kayla scrubbed a hand over her face, wiping away a tear I hadn’t seen fall, and then her jaw tightened. “I could go with you. I have a townhouse in Rome I’ve never seen before.” She began to talk faster, trying to convince me, as I shook my head while Kristair made it known to me how much he disliked that suggestion. “You don’t have to take me to the fight, but I could just be there, in the same city at least.”

  “Do you have any damn idea of what Kristair would do to me if I agreed? Maybe I am crazy, but I’m not that crazy.”

  “You act like he’s going to find out. He’s gone, Jake. He’ll never know. Besides, he wouldn’t want you going either.”

  “Kristair would find a way to get to me and kick my ass. You’re right; he wouldn’t want me going either. But if he was here, he’d be the first one to head over and take the Syndicate out himself.”

  “Why the hell am I even arguing with you?” Kayla glared, her mouth settled into an adorable pout, though I didn’t dare point that out. “You’ve got your mind made up. I suppose I should be grateful you even took the time to tell me about your damned jaunt.”

  “I’m not trying to hide things from you. I wouldn’t.” I sat down next to her on my bed and slid my arm around her shoulders. At first, she resisted, but then she laid her head on my shoulder and burrowed in.

  “I don’t want to lose you too. You’re the only family I’ve got left.”

  “You’re not going to lose me, I promise.”

  “You can’t promise something like that. You don’t know what’s going to happen.”

  Damn she was stubborn, just like someone else I knew. “Fine then. I’ll give it my best damn shot. Is that better?”

  “Ass.” Kayla gave me a hard hug. “I guess that’ll have to do. I don’t know why I keep surrounding myself with so many hardheaded men.”

  “Like you can talk,” I retorted. Kristair was hurting, having her so close and upset, so I gave in to his wish and settled back, gathering her into my arms.

  “God, you’re so much like him sometimes it’s scary,” she said, her voice muffled against my shoulder. She lifted her head and gave me a smile, her eyes hard and damp. “I swear to god, if you get so much as a scratch, I’ll hurt you bad, Jacob Allen Corvin.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I touched her face. “You take care of yourself too, trouble. No more kidnappings while my back’s turned.”

  “Yes, Daddy.” Kayla gave me a hard kiss on my mouth. “Come back quick, Jake. I’m serious.”

  AS THE private jet taxied down the runway, I tried to figure out how I had managed to get myself into this predicament. I was the only human on a plane full of vampires. There really had to be a better way to travel. Of course, with them I could use a doctored passport and didn’t have to worr
y about the authorities when we landed. On the other hand, I’d almost rather have handled those inconveniences over wondering how long it was going to be before one of my traveling companions got hungry.

  “You’ll be just fine, Jacob. Older vampires have more control when it comes to feeding. Seems to me the only one you should worry about is Tony.” There was an undercurrent of amusement to my lover’s voice.

  “Aren’t you a barrel of laughs.” I couldn’t help but smile, though. It was going to be a long trip and having Kristair with me to occupy my attention would keep my mind from wandering places I didn’t want to go. I especially didn’t want to think about the Syndicate, or what was going to happen the next night. “Why don’t you pop out of my head and lounge naked across from me? Maybe do a little dance.”

  “You’d really love that, wouldn’t you?”

  “Oh yes, I would.” I grinned and sent Kristair a mental image of him with pasties and a pole in the middle of the plane.

  “Sorry. I’m not into cheap thrills, but if you want a distraction I could do this.”

  That was all the warning I got before pleasure rippled through me. I stifled a gasp and gripped the armrests as the sensation of Kristair’s mouth closed around my nipple and tugged on the piercing. That evil bastard. How the hell was he doing that?

  “You okay there?” Ussier asked as he sat down next to me. “You look a little shell-shocked.”

  “I’m cool,” I managed without my voice squeaking like I’d just started puberty. “Stop that right now, Kristair. I swear when I get my hands on you….”

  Kristair’s chuckle filled my mind, but he took mercy on me and stopped his torments. My body throbbed, on edge. I had to admit I was very distracted. It was hard to think when my balls ached.

  Ussier had chosen to bring only a few others with him besides myself and Tony. There was Alette, whose plane we were using and who thankfully sat with Hugh at the front of the plane. Tony was sitting with Artemise, looking both awed and a little frightened as he talked with him. I almost laughed. He still fidgeted when he was nervous.

  Four older vampires against a whole infestation of younger ones. It didn’t seem like good odds to me.

  “It’s better than you think,” Kristair said with a nuzzle to the back of my neck. The sudden sensation of his tongue tracing just under my earlobe made the blood rush out of my head. I shifted in the chair and prayed Ussier wouldn’t notice my hard-on.

  “Cut it out!”

  “So who’s manning Pittsburgh?” I asked, trying to make conversation despite the surreal situation I was in. Other than traveling with vampires and having Kristair whispering naughty suggestions in my head, the fact that I was in a private jet threw me. I’d always dreamed of being in one someday, but the dream had been very far away, almost out of reach. The seats were covered in butter-soft leather and spaced so there was more than enough room for me to stretch my legs. It was decadent and sinful. I loved it. I’d like it even better if everyone else was gone so I could stretch out Kristair against all that leather and give him the fucking he had coming.

  “Lisabeth,” Ussier answered. “There’s no one better to keep an eye on things for me. I almost brought her, but then I would’ve had to leave Alette in charge and I’d rather keep her close. She’s capable of bombing the entire city and believing she’s saving it in the process.”

  I cast a glance at her and was glad she was on the other side of the plane. She was more beautiful than any starlet out of a movie, but whenever she turned her eyes on me, a chill ran through every nerve ending in my body, urging me to run away as fast as I could.

  “She’s, ummm… a little unstable? Why would you want to bring someone like that?” I whispered, hoping her ears weren’t as good as Kristair’s had been.

  Ussier laughed. “Because even a rabid dog has his uses, and Alette is very, very good. She’s steadier when she has Hugh and Artemise around. I’d stay away from her if I were you, though. You’re just her type: young and good-looking.”

  I shifted in my seat and wet my lips. “Why the hell did you bring me into this mess?” I complained to Kristair.

  “You’re the one who chose to come to Rome.” Then Kristair took pity on me. “Don’t worry. Ussier’s messing with your head. Alette does prefer men like you, but she likes musicians the best. So unless you can play the trombone, you’re safe.” He paused. “I’d still keep my distance from her.”

  “So what’s the plan for tomorrow?” I asked Ussier.

  “Tomorrow night you stay put in that house of Kristair’s while me and my Razor Children check out the place where the Syndicate is headquartered. Tony can meet with his contacts and then we’ll meet with you at the townhouse and make our plans from there.”

  Two days in Rome versus one. I sighed. One week had almost passed, or at least that’s the way it seemed, and I only had two weeks with Kristair. What was I thinking? We still needed to figure out a way to counteract the remoteness he felt when he was a part of the Ascended. They’d visited him again last night after I’d fallen asleep and I was sure they’d come visit again as soon as I drifted off tonight. If I could get away with it, I wouldn’t sleep for the next week.

  “What are Razor Children?” It was safer to ask Kristair, but I was not at all reassured by his response.

  “You don’t want to know.” Kristair’s lips drifted down to the pulse in my throat and I almost jumped when he nipped it hard. It became a struggle to concentrate on what Ussier was saying.

  “If everything goes right, then we’ll set up a new Council for the Syndicate and then be on our way back home.”

  “What if everything doesn’t go right?” I asked, a trifle breathless, and hoped it didn’t show. At least Ussier’s expression never altered.

  “Then we move on to Plan B.”

  I shouldn’t ask. I knew I shouldn’t, but I did anyway. “And what’s Plan B?”

  “We blow everything to hell and let the devil sort it out.”

  “Oh.” I knew I should’ve kept my mouth shut. “No offense, Ussier, but you scare me a little.”

  He laughed again, a low, rich sound. “I’m the reason why God has a thousand eyes.”

  That sounded vaguely familiar. “LL Cool J?”

  “No. Redman.”

  Kristair’s lips were everywhere. Places they shouldn’t possibly be, considering I was still clothed. I was very conscious of Ussier sitting next to me and he wasn’t the type of man to miss anything that was going on around him. I’m sure he could hear my heartbeat thundering.

  “Kristair, for the love of god, behave yourself.”

  “Words I never thought I’d hear you say. You wanted a distraction.” There was such wickedness to his tone I knew I was screwed.

  “Excuse me,” I muttered to Ussier and bolted for the bathroom, ignoring the curious eyes on the back of my neck. As soon as I locked the door, Kristair appeared before me, his dark eyes hungry.

  “You’d better be getting down on your knees, troublemaker,” I growled, undoing my jeans.

  Kristair sank down without a murmur. I don’t think I’d ever seen anything so beautiful as this proud man on his knees, sensuous lips parted, a dangerous glint in his dark eyes. I leaned back against the wall, cursing the fact that I wouldn’t get to watch him going down on me as I closed my eyes. But then his wicked lips were around me, my cock sinking into the wet heat of his mouth, and I couldn’t think anymore.

  I bit my lip against a strangled curse, but couldn’t stop the moan. Kristair’s tongue lashed and his fingers toyed with my balls as his voice in my head urged me on. “Fuck my mouth, Jacob. I’m so hungry for you.”

  I slid my fingers over his scalp and thrust my hips. It was like I was in a mad, delirious dream, and it was over with far too quick. Kristair knew every trick I liked, knew just how to suck and tease and torment. And as my orgasm erupted, he sucked harder, lapping up every drop.

  Panting, I opened my eyes as Kristair sat back on his heels. He was licki
ng his lips, his eyes gleaming in satisfaction. “You bit your lip too hard,” he teased in a low voice. “Now it looks all swollen.”

  I glanced in the mirror. He was right, and my cheeks were flushed on top of it. I was gonna have to walk back out there smelling of sex and looking like I’d just gone a round. “Just you wait,” I promised, tucking myself back into my jeans. “When this is all over with and I’ve got you to myself…. Just you wait, Kristair.”

  KRISTAIR’S TENSION increased the closer we got to Rome and by the time we landed it was almost unbearable. He resisted my efforts to draw him into conversation and grumbled as we took Alette’s private car to his townhouse. I tried to ignore Kristair’s unease and tried to watch the city go by, but couldn’t see much at all through the tinted windows.

  I was exhausted and lost track of what time it was. We’d taken off just after sunset in Pittsburgh and I’d not been able to sleep on the plane at all. From what I could tell, it was early evening in Rome the next day. Or something like that. I wish I knew if the Ascended took into account different time zones or not. Did we lose a day or not?

  All I wanted to do was crawl into bed and wrap my arms around Kristair. For once I envied the vampires. The sun was down and they were wide awake, didn’t matter at all how long they’d been up. For all I knew Ussier and his creepy Razor Children were on their way now to check out the Syndicate’s headquarters and Tony was meeting with his people.

  My thoughts were scattered and my muscles felt like leaden weights. I’d wanted to go with them, but Ussier had railroaded me into the car and sent me off like a damn kid. As much as I hated to admit it, I was glad nothing was going down tonight. I’d be useless. At least there was one good thing I could say about being in Rome: it was at least twenty degrees warmer than back in Pittsburgh.

  “I’d take the cold,” Kristair said.

  “So you’ve finally decided to talk to me?”


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