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Page 56

by Marguerite Labbe

  “Lay down first and then we’ll leave,” Steve said.

  Kayla rolled her eyes and stretched out. As soon as she did, a huge yawn struck her. Kristair sighed in relief. “She’ll be fine. I’m sure of it. They may have tampered with her, but she needs the sleep anyway.” There was a wistful note in his voice and, as impatient as I was to leave so we could make a game plan, I waited. This might be the last time he ever saw her.

  No. It wouldn’t. I refused to believe that. I was not going to lie down and give up. Not now. Not ever.

  Kayla’s eyes were already drifting closed when Steve caught my arm as I turned to go. “Is it true? What she said happened? Is Tony?”

  “Yeah, he’s gone.” Even if he was one of the Ascended, he was out of our reach. It hadn’t hit me yet, that he was gone. I wasn’t sure it ever would. Maybe I was just numb after everything that had gone down. Or maybe I just couldn’t believe it had all happened. Being in Rome seemed more like being in a dream than reality.

  That seemed to be happening often lately.

  “You’d have been proud of him though.” An image rose in my mind of Tony standing there, staring down an older vampire. He’d been so smooth and certain… confident.

  “You’ll have to tell me about it.”

  “Yeah.” I smiled as his gaze drifted to Kayla. “Not today, though. I’m going to go do what she’s doing, probably until tomorrow.” That should keep them both off my back.

  “Get out of here, man. You’re damn lucky neither of you were hurt, but I’ll kick your ass for going out of the country and not taking me with you later.”

  Oh damn, she hadn’t told him everything. But I let it lie and left after getting Steve’s promise that he wouldn’t leave Kayla. Maybe her omission was for the better anyway. Steve didn’t need the images of her being tortured in his head any more than I did.

  Kristair was just as quiet as I was as I wandered around the campus and then ventured out. For some reason I wasn’t ready to go back to my room yet. The clock over the Mellon Bank said it was just before eleven. We had plenty of time before nightfall.

  My cell phone rang and I winced when I saw Coach Latimer’s number. I was gonna end up missing practice again. Fuck. I’d deal with the fallout tomorrow. At least it would give me something to concentrate on.

  “It’s kind of silly in the light of everything else, but I’m going to miss watching you play the game next weekend. I’d been looking forward to it,” Kristair said.

  “You’ll see me play again.”

  I sensed Kristair’s smile and he nuzzled close. “I swear I’ll be sitting with you at your table when you’re drafted.”

  “I know you will.” I sat down on a bench, watching people go by. The wind had died down, but the cold was just as biting as ever.

  Kristair’s biggest worry was that somehow he’d forget about what we had, what I meant to him, or that it would cease to matter. Maybe that’s why I couldn’t wrap my head around the problem. It just didn’t seem possible he could lose what we had. Even with his memories of what it was like with the Ascended, I couldn’t understand.


  I jumped up as an idea hit me, practically dancing in excitement. It was so elegant and brilliant in its simplicity. I wondered why it hadn’t come to us before. “What? What is it?” Kristair asked. “Your thoughts are moving too fast.”

  “Welcome to my world, love,” I shot back, unable to contain my glee. “What if you transferred all of my memories, a piece of my soul to you as well? You said I wouldn’t lose that part of you, even if you broke the link, so that means you wouldn’t lose that part of me either. No matter what the Ascended did.”

  There was a breathless pause. Then Kristair laid such a mental kiss on my lips that I had to sit back down. “That’s perfect. The emotional link would be gone so it wouldn’t set them off anymore and I wouldn’t lose you, not really. I think it’ll work!”

  “What do we need to do? What kind of paint did you use on me? Where can I find it?”

  Kristair laughed. “That will be easy to find. The harder part will be getting a tattoo gun and needles. We don’t have time for an argument or a hard sell and I’m sure none of those guys in the local shops will be interested in letting you borrow their tools. You’ll have to use your abilities to sway them.”

  “Wait a minute. What happened to the paint? I liked the paint. You’re really going to tattoo me?”

  “Of course. Then you’ll paint the design on me. Just be grateful there are tattoo guns now and you don’t have to get them done the way I did. This is much quicker.” Kristair nudged me up and I was walking down the sidewalk before I realized I was moving. “You’ll have to say the words of the ritual as well.”

  “But I don’t speak that language. I don’t even know where to start. And I’m not a very good artist either. What if I fuck it up? And do you even know how to use a tattoo gun?”

  “My memories will guide your hand and your mouth. You just have to relax and slip into them.” There was a pause then Kristair’s voice turned teasing. “You’re not afraid of needles are you? I think it would be a little anticlimactic after getting your nipples pierced.”

  “Don’t be an ass. Of course not. Just wanted to make sure I’m still beautiful after you get your hands on me. How many tattoos will I need?”

  “A few. We have a couple hours to prepare. In the meantime, I want you to think about significant events in your life, things you believe shaped who you are.”

  “Gotcha.” I followed Kristair’s directions toward a tattoo parlor he knew. With any luck, they’d be open. If not, I was more than ready to practice my breaking and entering skills again. The sun seemed to slide faster across the sky now. We had to hurry. Dawn wasn’t too many hours away.

  Chapter 27

  I COULD barely keep still and knew my agitation was driving Kristair batty. I could hear him behind me at my cleaned-off desk, puttering around with whatever it was he needed to do so he wouldn’t give in to his threat to tie me up and gag me. How he thought he was going to pull that one off eluded me.

  Instead, I stared hard at the sun, watching it sink its way ever more slowly below the horizon. Later on I’d curse again about how quickly time was slipping by, but not now. Now I wanted Kristair’s hands on me and to be able to look into his eyes as he touched me.

  The sky darkened in little increments. Kristair lit the candles he’d had me purchase earlier, complaining under his breath about them not being homemade. I watched him walk up behind me in the glass, a sense of déjà vu hitting me as we looked at each other through our reflection. Then he slipped his arms around me, pressing close, and the wonderful shock of the contact rippled through me. I reached my hand around the nape of his neck and leaned back into his embrace.

  Minutes slipped by as we held each other and watched. I could stay like this forever, but if we didn’t get moving, we might not have forever. I turned my head, twisting to look up at him, my heart beating faster as I brushed my lips over his. “Ready?”

  Kristair nodded then leaned down to kiss the puckered scar on the back of my shoulder. It would be a continual reminder of what had happened in Rome. Four new scars. I’d have a hell of a time explaining their sudden arrival at practice, but at least it was something I had been able to heal. If I had to rely on doing it the natural way, I might never have recovered enough to play at all.

  It brought back another rush of memory I didn’t want: Kristair realizing he had this limitless power and using it to heal me and save my life after Montrose shattered my spine with that bullet. Knowing he doomed himself at the same time.

  Kristair would have that power again. This was going to work and he’d come back to me.

  I stretched out on my back and watched Kristair intently as he brought his tools over to me. He cleaned the skin on my shoulder near the scar and laid down the transfer paper. When he peeled it back, the image he’d drawn was left on my skin. “Seems like you’ve done this before.”
  “I have.” Kristair picked up the tattoo gun, adjusting the rubber bands before setting out the little pot of ink. “I’ve always followed the art. It wasn’t something I wanted to lose. Before I made the deal with the university for my library, I was a tattoo artist.” A smile flitted across his lips. “The hours were better.”

  As hard as I tried, I couldn’t picture Kristair working in a tattoo parlor. Despite his own tattoos, he seemed too serious to me, too proper. “I’m not as dried up and old-fashioned as you make me out to be,” he said with asperity.

  “I’m not so sure about that,” I teased. The gun whirred as Kristair turned it on and I watched curiously as he began outlining. It didn’t hurt, not really. Felt more like a scratchy burn. But after having had spikes in my shoulders, and being shot, any sort of pain was relative. “So am I supposed to meditate or something?”

  “Nope, just lie back and take it.”

  “Sounds kinky.”

  A little frown formed between Kristair’s brows as he bent over me. He was so intent. It was a little sexy. “You know, we never broke out those body paints,” Kristair said, with a quick glance up.

  “The night’s still young.”

  Kristair smiled, but I sensed in him the same anxiety I had, compounded by helplessness. The night may be young, but there was so much left to do. The worry faded as he concentrated again on his work and I distracted myself by watching the tattoo take shape on my skin.

  It was an odd design, kind of tribal, and I wondered if it meant anything in particular or if it was just a pretty design. It reminded me of three interlocking stylized petals woven around a circle. “What is it?”

  A faint smile appeared on Kristair’s lips and he didn’t look up but concentrated on what he was doing. There was such an odd sense of sudden shyness, so out of character for him that my curiosity roared to life. “Come on, Kristair, tell me.”

  “Our minds have been linked and our bodies, many times.” He sat back and took up a wet wipe, cleaning the area he’d just gone over with the needle. He lifted his gaze to mine. “Now our souls will be linked. They may be able to take the first two from us, but not the third.”

  There was something more to it than that. As much as I liked the symbolism of that idea, it didn’t account for the strange shyness which was still strong in his mind. “What else?”

  “You know me far too well, mo chroí.”

  “I don’t think that’s possible. Now give it up.”

  Kristair traced a finger over the circle trisecting the symbol and I savored the simple touch. “It implies a commitment as well.”

  Understanding dawned. “Were you planning on asking me, Kristair, or informing me after the fact?” I teased, glancing in wonder at the symbol before meeting his gaze and brushing my thumb over his jaw.

  “Didn’t think I needed to.”

  “No, you didn’t.” I propped myself up, still looking deep into his eyes, and brushed an openmouthed kiss across his lips. “I’ll be happy to tell everyone you’re mine for the rest of eternity.”

  A glint appeared in Kristair’s dark brown eyes, chasing away his uncertainty. “Maybe it’s me laying my claim on you. Ever think about that, my smart-mouthed brat?”

  “Nope. See, you may have been the one who started this relationship, but as much as you fight against your own natural instincts and fight against me taking control, you want me to. You crave it.” I laid a hard kiss on his mouth, smiling as his lips softened. “And I’m not going to ask either. You’re mine. You’ve always been mine. So if this tattoo represents some kind of marriage ceremony, then let’s go. It’ll be the first one I paint on you once you’re done sticking needles in me.”

  “Thank you, I think,” Kristair said dryly as he picked up the tattoo gun again. I could sense how pleased he was and couldn’t help teasing him more. My lover just raised the devil in me.

  “Does this make you the wife?”

  Kristair’s head jerked up and I started laughing. Indignant shouldn’t be so sexy on a man, but Kristair did it well. “It’s not wise to taunt the man who’s tattooing you,” he growled.

  “You’re not going to retaliate that way. Remember, whatever goes on me will end up on you too.” I blew him a kiss. “And you’ve got way too much pride to put something permanently on you that’s gonna be embarrassing.”

  “Doesn’t mean I won’t retaliate.”

  I chuckled. “Look forward to it, love.”

  Kristair brushed his fingers over my skin and shook his head with a wry smile. “I’ve never worked on someone who heals so fast. At least you won’t be miserable tomorrow. Most of the tattoo designs are small, but the one on your side will take some time.”

  “How long?” I glanced at the clock, almost wishing I’d tossed it out the window earlier. I’d be staring at the damn thing all night.

  “A couple of hours. Don’t worry, Jacob. We’ll be able to get everything done.”

  It wasn’t just that. I wanted to make love to him again too. I bit back an impatient sound as Kristair adjusted another piece of transfer paper. My mind drifted as he continued to work until I found myself thinking of odd moments of my life, things I hadn’t remembered in a long time. The taste of my grandmother’s pecan pie. The scent of tobacco clinging to my dad’s jacket and the sound of my mother humming as she cleaned our trailer or did laundry.

  Before I knew it, several more small tattoos were scattered on my chest and Kristair was urging me to lie on my side. “What’s happening to me?”

  “We’re binding who you are to these tattoos. Instead of spacing them out over your lifetime, we’re doing it all at once. You’re entering into a fugue state to evoke as much as possible. It’s normal.” Kristair pressed a kiss to my shoulder. “Lift your arm above your head. This one’s going to take the longest and will probably be uncomfortable too.”

  “I’m a big boy.” I watched him fiddling with the paper on my side, replaying earlier conversations in my head. “You never really answered me.”

  “Regarding?” He lifted his head and cocked it a little to the side as his mind touched my thoughts. “Ah, regarding whether or not you’ll lose your abilities if the bond is broken?”

  “Yeah, that. All you said was it’s impossible to go back or something like that. Am I gonna still be Super Jake?”

  “I don’t know.”

  I raised my brow and then poked him in the side. “Come on, Kristair. You have an answer for everything, or at least a theory.”

  “Not this time. My gut instinct says you’ll keep some of them, maybe all, but I cannot say for sure. The mind is a very mysterious organ and we only know a little about it. Who knows what may happen? I think that may depend more on you, and what you want, than any laws regarding magic. What it really comes down to is a matter of will. You’re very strong-minded, Jacob. If you choose to forget them, then they may be forgotten. If you choose to exercise them, you may keep them. This has never been done before, not to my knowledge, at least.”

  “I guess there’s no real sense worrying about it then,” I said as Kristair opened a new bottle of ink. “We’re committed either way now.” Before he could start inking me again, I half sat up and kissed him. “I love you.”

  Instead of smiling as I’d expected, his face turned serious. “And I you. I need to reiterate this. I’m not giving up. Despite how it may have seemed when they shortened our time. I didn’t want to waste my energy arguing when I could use the decision to wrest a boon from them.” I sensed there was more he wanted to say so I remained silent. “And if… when this works, it’s because of you.”

  “Okay, I’ll admit I had an excellent idea, but you would’ve come up with it too or something else, with all your brains.”

  “That’s not why it’ll work, though you did come up with an excellent plan.” Now Kristair smiled, a soft smile that I hadn’t seen on his face before. “We’ll win because of who you are, mo chroí, and because of your sheer tenacity.”

  I ran m
y hand over his scalp then tugged him down for a long, lingering kiss. “I don’t care why we win, or how, even if it takes cheating, just as long as we do.”

  He laughed. “So says the man whose integrity won’t let him accept an extra edge for his football games.”

  “That’s different; that’s a game. This is my life and there are no rules. Besides, they fucked with us first. I’m more than willing to fuck with them back.”

  Kristair started on the final tattoo, beginning at the top along my rib cage then working his way down. Once again, I found myself slipping into my memories, even deeper this time. So much so that I had a hard time remembering it wasn’t reality. At first I fought them. I only had a few hours left with Kristair, after all. But then they slowly began dragging me under.

  It was almost like reliving my life all over again and my sense of time passing disappeared altogether. I lingered on the memories that held Kristair, memorizing how his smile lit up his dark eyes, soothing away his too-serious demeanor. Or how I would get caught up in the swirl of his emotions or confused by how quickly his mind worked when he was sorting out a problem.

  Before I knew it, Kristair’s voice was pulling me out of my dreamworld, a place I found to be safe and sane and back into the real world where our time together was hanging on by a thread. I blinked up at him. “What time is it?”

  “Nearing two.” He smoothed back my hair then began cleaning up his supplies, creating room for a neat row on my cluttered desk. “What do you think?”

  I glanced down at the tattoo that covered my left side. I’d expected a twin to the one on the right. It was similar in size and design, but with thinner lines and less blocky than the other one. “I like it.”

  I was surprised to find it was true. When had I crossed the line between putting up with the tattoos to now enjoying the look and feel of them? I couldn’t figure out when that had happened, but it seemed significant somehow. I grinned at my lover. “I’m sure Coach won’t feel the same.”


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