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An Underestimated Christmas (Underestimated 3)

Page 5

by Woodruff, Jettie

  Drew circled me and pulled the chair out from my vanity. “Have a seat, bad girl,” he ordered in the deep, Drew-dominating tone. The one that scared and excited me at the same time. I knew what was coming and my clitoris was going crazy anticipating it. This is the part where I didn’t speak a word. I followed orders and waited for Drew’s direction. It’s a Drew and Morgan thing. Yes, I was giving up control I wasn’t supposed to give, but drew wasn’t taking it. I was giving it to him. I’m sure Deidra wouldn’t agree with my irrational excuses, but neither of us cared.

  My pussy throbbed and the wetness was felt when Drew told me to sit. “Spread your legs,” he demanded, kneeling in front of me. My eyes fixated on his cold, dark pupils. My monster man…

  The cool air I felt on my slit as soon as I opened myself for Drew sent a chill up my spine. Drew leaned in and kissed my aching nub with a soft, sweet kiss. My hips thrust toward him, hoping for more contact. Of course, that wasn’t in my control. Drew smiled at me with a smirk. I smiled back. I guess things were the same, but different. Drew would have never smiled that I love you smile at me in those days. I loved him so much. Like it was stupid for someone to love someone as much as I loved him.

  I moaned when Drew dipped a finger inside me and moved it in and out. I was beyond wet. I was saturated and I wanted to come. Grasping the sides of the chair, I watched the green light appear on the probe I was about to feel. Drew split me with his fingers, exposing my anxious, swollen clitoris. His eyes met mine right before he slowly moved the tip closer to my nub. I held my breath, and waited.

  “Aahh!” I screamed, defensively trying to close my legs. The instant orgasm peaked and tortuously halted at the exact same moment. Drew moved his body between my legs and split my lips again, barely giving me time to recuperate from the first earthquake.

  I slumped more with the second one, feeling it through my entire body. Drew moved my fingers and held my wrist on my waist when I tried to touch myself. I needed contact. I needed to come, and I was ready to beg after two times. I knew this wouldn’t be quick and to my advantage. Drew was getting off on controlling my orgasms. His erect cock, laying to the top right of his black dress slacks, was prominent, standing at full attention. I wanted to touch it, stroke it, and taste it.

  The session consisted of seven shocks and seven slow convoluted intervals. Holy Mother of Pearls. “Drew,” I panted, unable to take number eight. My pussy needed to come right that second. Once again, I tried to move my hand. I didn’t need him. I could make it come myself if he would let me. And he didn’t. Shit.

  Drew pulled me to the floor in front of him and bucked his hips. Looking up, I watched him remove his tie and unbutton his shirt while I took care of the belt. My hands slid down his strong chest, down to the band of his shorts, and to his freed, rock hard steel rod. I tasted the clear pre-come when my tongue traced its slit. I moaned an erotic whimper when I sucked his head into my mouth. Drew’s pleasure escaped his own lips when I took him to the back of my throat, cupping his balls in a massage.

  Drew tugged on my wrist to bring my lips to his once he’d had enough. He held my naked body close to his while he kissed me like we used to kiss. He broke the contact of our lips and kissed my nose with a smile. “I love you, can I spank you?” he asked lightheartedly. I’m not sure if Drew was trying not to cross a line, or if it was more of him wanting to make sure that I really wanted it. That I wasn’t going there for only him. I wasn’t. I wanted it as much as he did. I wanted to feel the stinging on my ass from his hands.

  “Yes, I think you should. Thank you for tonight, Drew,” I spoke to his lips, tracing the opening of his mouth with my tongue.

  “You’re welcome. I had a good day. I wanted to celebrate.”

  “What happened today?” I curiously asked.

  “I closed the deal of the century,” he boasted.

  “Oh,” I responded, trying to hide the instant response.


  “Nothing,” I countered with another kiss, feeling the tension once again. The erotic atmosphere that lingered moments before was gone, replaced with hurt and rejection. I know Drew sensed it, too, but that didn’t keep him from splattering red handprints about my ass. I still enjoyed every second of it. It just wasn’t the same feeling as it was before Drew told me that the only reason he did this, took us out and showed us how much he loved us, was because he was celebrating. He needed a reason to do that. It had nothing to do with him wanting to make things better. It was about work, a deal. I should have known.

  Drew mostly backed off on the control, and tried like hell to make the rest of the night about me. After he brought me to orgasm with his mouth twice, he fucked me from behind and then with my feet over my head, that time in my ass. Using my ass to bring his own orgasm to head, Drew pulled out and jerked himself frantically until three quick bouts of come coated my stomach. Drew lowered my hips and spread it up my abdomen and to my nipple. Lowering himself to me, he kissed me.

  “I love you so much,” Drew whispered.

  I gave him a quick kiss and squirmed from beneath him. It had nothing to do with anything. I wasn’t thinking about anything, I was happy. Drew, of course, had to make it something.

  “What is your problem, Morgan? I don’t know what you want anymore.”

  “What, Drew? I’m just going to the bathroom. Don’t ruin this. I don’t have a problem. You just dumped a load all over my body. Can I clean up?” I asked, trying to keep my cool and not go to bed angry with him—again. “Do you want to soak in the tub with me?” I asked, trying to save what was left of the night.

  “Yes. I’m sorry,” he apologized. Thank god.

  I exhaled an exasperated breath and took a Lortab from my medicine cabinet. Being in the hot tub of water and resting my body against Drew’s was nice. Relaxing. He played with my fingers while he told me about his big deal and how his fake call to Celeste created enough urgency to close the guy on the spot. I told him I was proud and happy for him.

  “I didn’t take you guys out to celebrate my achievement. I took you out because I wanted to celebrate my achievement with you and the boys. I know it may seem that way to you, but that wasn’t my intention, Morgan. I just wanted to make you happy, see you laugh and smile. The only thing on my mind when I decided to take you guys out was you, not my deal.

  I turned to face Drew and wrapped my arms around his neck. I don’t know if he read my mind or what, but that was exactly what I needed to hear. “Thank you for that. And thank you for the dinner theater. I loved it.”

  I stayed home with the boys the next day. Chelsea brought her two kids over and they played in the pool. I blew Alicia off, telling her I had company and would call her back. I hated the disappointment in her tone. I just didn’t need her lecture about Nicky right now. I had enough on my plate.

  Watching Tad, Anna, and Miah jumping in and out of the pool, I looked to see Nicholas, crossing the bridge. Stepping from one square to the other, he crossed over and over. That was the first moment I even consider there might’ve been something to what Celeste and Alicia were saying. I started thinking about the way Nicholas wouldn’t have anything to do with the kids at the playgroup. Tad always played whatever the other kids were. Nicholas watched, or played by himself. That was normal, though. Drew said himself that he was like that. He didn’t like to be around other people, either.

  The next day was when I considered it even more. May still wasn’t back from vacation and my not even five-year-old son convinced me why it was a bad ideal for me to leave him alone with Melissa. He was truly concerned, but didn’t really make sense why it was such a big deal. Although he spoke like an adult with a flat tone, his reasoning of being left with Melissa rather than May was silly. He couldn’t explain why, just that he wasn’t supposed to stay with Melissa.

  I’m not sure why I gave into him, but I did. Nicholas was devastated that I was going to leave him and his brother with Melissa and not May. I canceled my lunch date with my friends and
spent the afternoon with my little people instead. I really didn’t mind. We surprised Drew and took him out to lunch.

  “What’s wrong, Morgan?” Drew asked, slurping coke from his straw. I turned my attention from Nicky’s smile to Drew and then back to Nicholas. He watched the other kids play on the outside play area, but didn’t join them.

  “That’s high enough,” I called to my dare devil, Tad, trying to swing higher than the little girl beside him. I looked back to Nicholas and coaxed him to go play.

  “Hey, buddy, why don’t you go play with Tad?”

  “No. I’m just going to stay here.”

  “Why? You can go play,” I persuaded.

  “I might not come back. I better stay here.”

  I looked at Drew concerned. “What?” he questioned, clueless.

  I didn’t want to say anything in front of Nicky, so I let it go. For the first time in his life, I was afraid for him. I was afraid Nicholas was different. How, I wasn’t sure. I mean, he looked like any other four-year-old boy, playing around the fenced patio, but he didn’t act like them and I was afraid he didn’t think like them. It scared me, and looking at him broke my heart. I knew without knowing that Nicky couldn’t go play with the other kids. I just didn’t understand why.

  Drew helped fasten both boys in their car seats, and then pulled me close for a kiss. “I’ll see you in a few hours. I’m glad you’re with the boys and not Chelsea,” he alleged.

  My headshake didn’t go unnoticed.

  “Now what? You’re driving me crazy. Everything I say pisses you off.”

  “That’s because you have no idea how ignorant you are. You don’t have to praise me to manipulate what you want.”

  “That’s not what I was doing.”

  “Okay, whatever. I’ll see you tonight. I’m going to lay these guys down for a little bit and take a pain pill.”

  “Is it bad?”

  “No, not at all, but it’s there. I just need to close my eyes for a few minutes.”

  “I’m a phone call away if you need me to come home.”

  “I’m fine, I’ll see you in a little while,” I said with a peck from my lips to his. Drew told the boys to behave and I pulled out, smiling at him as I pulled away. Glancing at him through rearview mirror, I watched him watch us drive away.

  I watched Nicholas through the mirror, staring out the window without a blink. I thought about his milestones, and how different they were from Tad’s. Nicholas was closer to five than four, and it took him that long to talk like Tad did at three. Tadpole could talk a million miles a minute by the time he was two and a half. Nicholas expressed what he wanted in one word until recently. Unless, of course, it was about a bridge. Did that mean something? Was his fascination with bridges due to a glitch in his brain, or was it really because he was so smart?

  Tasks that came natural to Tad were hard for Nicholas. He needed step-by-step directions when told to do stuff. And a lot of times, Drew and I had to repeat them to him over and over, especially if it involved more than a couple steps.

  Potty training was a nightmare, and I am embarrassed to say that Nicholas was four and still wearing diapers. When I finally had enough, I put the big boy pants on him and told him he had to pee in the potty. Nicholas went nine hours without going. I did this while Drew was at work, knowing he would make me give in and put the diaper on him to go. I felt horrible knowing his willpower was stronger than the urge for him to just sit on the potty.

  I finally carried him to the potty, removed the turtle underpants, and told him he had to sit there until he went potty. I cried right outside the door while he cried “mommy” over and over for twenty minutes straight. My hand went to the doorknob a thousand times, wanting to make it stop. My willpower was stronger than I thought, and when I heard the silence, I prayed that he went.

  “Mommy! I did it. I go pee!” he called. I don’t think Nicholas was as excited about anything as he was about his accomplishment. I made huge deal out of it, wanting to encourage him as much as possible. That didn’t mean there was anything wrong, did it? A lot of kids are later than others in certain things. Just because Tad was potty trained before two didn’t mean Nicholas wasn’t the same.

  Nicholas hated anything to do with loud noises, too. Was that normal? Tad didn’t mind it. Drew had to take him to the car once when we went to watch fireworks back at the beach house. We either didn’t go, left Nicholas at home, or watched them on television. Tad loved it when I blasted the stereo in the car, singing to the top of my lungs to some Katy Perry or Pink song. Nicholas held his ears and cried. I hadn’t done that since Tad was like one.

  Wondering of the reaction I would get now, I turned the radio on. “Cool song!” I playfully announced, cranking the radio to Lorde. I paid special attention to Nicholas’s reaction compared to Tad’s. Tad kicked his legs and wiggled like he was dancing. He was excited, but Nicholas held his ears. He didn’t cry. He looked like he was in immense pain. I shut it off.

  “I don’t like that,” Nicholas informed me.

  “Me do. Me do, Mommy,” Tad giggled from his seat.

  “Why don’t you like it, bud?” I asked.

  “It doesn’t feel good in my ears.”

  “What does it feel like?” I questioned.

  “Um, like a dynamite. Like blowing up the James Town Bridge,” he explained. That was a smart answer. He knew enough to compare how his ears felt like the dynamite that brought the bridge down. Maybe I just needed to take him to his regular doctor. We did have to call his name over and over to get his attention. This was probably nothing more than he was having trouble hearing or something. I was going to call his doctor once I laid them down for their naps. Right after I took something for this nightmare of a headache that was gaining strength as the minutes passed.

  Nicholas laid right down for his nap. He always did. I never had to fight with him. Tad, on the other hand, got out of his bed four times before finally giving in to his three-year-old exhaustion.

  Rubbing the bridge of my nose and then my temples, I tried to massage the pain away while my thumb swiped my phone in search of Dr. Playl.

  “Yes, I need to make an appointment for my son,” I explained. After giving her the normal name, age, and date of birth, I explained to her what I was concerned about. Just the hearing part of it. I didn’t want to relate everything I was concerned about to a receptionist just there to set appointments.

  She got him in for Friday. That would make Drew happy. I would have to cancel my Friday luncheon at Marbet’s. I closed my eyes after ignoring a call from Alicia. I would call her back, I promised myself, willing the pain in my forehead to disappear.

  I didn’t argue too much about the appointment with Dr. Playl. Morgan was right about him not hearing you when you called his name. I wasn’t really concerned, though. I thought he was using his selective hearing, the way his dad did. There were lots of things I didn’t hear, especially if I was tuned into something else. But, if it made Morgan feel better, I was fine with it. She could take him to ease her mind. I was one hundred percent sure that my son was fine. He was too smart not to be.

  “Drew, you don’t have to meet me. I can take him myself. They’re probably just going to do a hearing test or something,” Morgan explained, trying to get away from me in bed.

  “Where you going? I want to go. I’ll meet you there at eleven thirty.”

  “I’m going to make coffee, and you’re going to work,” Morgan argued, trying to get away from me. I wasn’t letting her up yet. “Drew, we don’t have time,” she added when I moved my hand between her legs. Victory was mine when she opened her legs for me. She could argue all she wanted, but I knew once I started rubbing her pussy, she was putty in my hands.

  I knew I was treading on borrowed time. Tad would give me the few extra minutes I needed to please my wife and then myself. Nicholas wouldn’t. He would be at the door any second now.

  “Just put it in me before Nicky comes,” Morgan coaxed, having the sa
me trepidations that I did. I didn’t have a problem with that. I was more than ready to stick it in. My cock easily slid in her warm, wet pussy and I instantly moaned, feeling every inch of her. I didn’t care that she turned her head. I didn’t care about her morning breath. I turned it back and shoved my tongue between her lips. She responded, letting her tongue dance with mine while her hips met the thrust of my cock. I loved morning sex. Holy shit. I loved morning sex. I held her hands to each side of her head and stared down at her lustful expressions while my rod slid in and out.

  “Fuck, Drew,” Morgan called. Shit. I hated when she did that. I wasn’t ready for it to be over with. Her hands tightening around mine, and the contractions tightening around my dick in quick quivers caused me to thrust in and spew with her.

  “I love you,” I told her one second before Nicholas was at the door, calling for his mom. I looked down and slid in and out of her a couple more times.

  “I love you, too, but you don’t have to leave work for this appointment. It’s not like he’s sick or anything.”

  “I’m the boss. I promise I won’t get fired.”

  “Fine. Get off me before Nicholas has a meltdown.”

  “He’s fine, stop worrying about him,” I assured her, pulling her to her feet and planting one more kiss on her soft lips before opening the door to Nicky. I screamed and grabbed him, trying to be funny. He didn’t find it as funny. He was almost in tears. I lifted him to my shoulders and ducked, keeping him from hitting his head.

  My day always went better when I started it inside my wife. Morgan was clingy, hanging on to me, kissing me, and rubbing her half-naked body against mine. I loved her like this. I held on to her, embracing the time. Times like these made it all worth it. I just wished they never ended. I wished real life would go away and I could keep us right here in the now. Unfortunately, that couldn’t happen. I had to get going. The meeting with a new dealer was too important to put on hold.


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