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Ringworld's Children r-4

Page 2

by Larry Niven

  I could go home, Louis thought, tasting the notion.

  Where is everybody? Louis looked around him, feeling the adrenalin surge. He was starting to shiver with cold.

  Hed be almost two hundred and forty years old by now, wouldnt he? Easy to lose track here. But the nano machines in Carlos Wus experimental doc had read his DNA and repaired everything down through the cell nuclei. Louis had done this dance before. His body thought it was just past puberty.

  Keep it cool, boy. Nobodys challenged you yet.

  The spacecraft, the hull section, the doc, machines to move and repair these masses, and crude-looking instruments arrayed to study them, all formed a tight cluster within vaster spaces. The cavern was tremendous and nearly empty. Louis saw float plates like stacks of poker chips, and beyond those a tilted tower of tremendous toroids that ran through a gap in the floor right up to the roof. Cylinders lay near the gap, caged within more of Tunesmiths machinery. They were bigger than Needle, each a little different from the others.

  Hed passed through this place once before. Louis looked up, knowing what to expect.

  Five or six miles up, he thought. The Map of Mars stood forty miles high. This level would be near the roof. Louis could make out its contours. Think of it as the back of a mask… the mask of a shield volcano the size of Ceres.

  Needle had smashed down through the crater in Mons Olympus, into the repair center that underlay the one-to-one scale Map of Mars. Teela Brown had trapped them there after she turned protector. She had moved the ship eight hundred miles through these corridors, then poured molten rock around them. Theyd used stepping disks — the puppeteers instant transport system — to reach Teela. For all these years since, the ship had been trapped.

  Now Tunesmith had brought it back to the workstation under Mons Olympus.

  Louis knew Tunesmith, but not well. Louis had set a trap for Tunesmith, the Night Person, the breeder, and Tunesmith had become a protector. Hed watched Tunesmith fight Bram; and that was about all he knew of Tunesmith the protector. Now Tunesmith held Louiss life in his hands, and it was Louiss own doing.

  Hed be smarter than Louis. Trying to outguess a protector was… futz… was both silly and inevitable. No human culture has ever stopped trying to outguess God.

  So. Needle was an interstellar spacecraft, if someone could remount the hyperdrive. That tremendous tilted tower — forty miles of it if it reached all the way to the Repair Center floor — was a linear accelerator, a launching system. One day Tunesmith might need a spacecraft. Meanwhile hed leave Needle gutted, because Louis Wu and the Hindmost might otherwise use it to run, and the protector couldnt have that.

  Louis walked until Needle loomed: a hundred-and-ten-foot diameter cylinder with a flattened belly. Not much of the ship was missing. The hyperdrive, the doc, what else? The crew housing was a cross section, its floor eighty feet up. Under the floor, all of the kitchen and recycling systems were exposed.

  If he could climb that high, hed have his breakfast, and clothing too. He didnt see any obvious route. Maybe there was a stepping disk link? But he couldnt guess where Tunesmith might place a stepping disk, or where it would lead.

  The Hindmosts command deck was exposed too. It was three stories tall, with lower ceilings than a Kzin would need. Louis saw how he could climb up to the lowest floor. A protector would have no trouble at all.

  Louis shook his head. What must the Hindmost be thinking?

  Piersons puppeteers held to a million-year-old philosophy based on cowardice. When the Hindmost built Needle, he had isolated his command deck from any intruders, even from his own alien crew. There were no doors at all, just stepping disks booby-trapped a thousand ways. Now… the puppeteer must feel as naked as Louis.

  Louis crouched beneath the edge of some flat-topped mass, maybe the breathing-air system. Leapt, pulled up, and kept climbing. The docs repairs had left him thin, almost gaunt; he wasnt lifting much weight. Fifty feet up, he hung by his fingers for a moment.

  This was the lowest floor of the Hindmosts cabin, his most private area. There would be defenses. Tunesmith might have turned them off… or not.

  He pulled up and was in forbidden space.

  He saw the Hindmost. Then he saw his own droud sitting on a table.

  The droud was the connector between any wall socket and Louis Wus brain. Louis had destroyed that… had given it to Chmeee and watched the Kzin batter it to bits.

  So, a replacement. Bait for Louis Wu, the current addict, the wirehead. Louiss hand crept into the hair at the back of his head, under the queue. Plug in the droud, let it trickle electric current down into the pleasure center… where was the socket?

  Louis laughed wildly. It wasnt there! The autodocs nano machines had rebuilt his skull without a socket for the droud!

  Louis thought it over. Then he took the droud. When confused, send a confusing message.

  The Hindmost lay like a jeweled footstool, his three legs and both heads tucked protectively beneath his torso. Louiss lips curled. He stepped forward to sink his hand into the jeweled mane and shake the puppeteer out of his funk.

  "Touch nothing!"

  Louis flinched violently. The voice was a blast of contralto music, the Hindmosts voice with the sound turned up, and it spoke Interworld. "Whatever you desire," it said, "instruct me. Touch nothing."

  The Hindmosts voice — Needles autopilot — knew him, knew his language at least, and hadnt killed him. Louis found his own voice. "Were you expecting me?"

  "Yes. I give you limited freedom in this place. Find a current source next to—"

  "No. Breakfast," Louis said as his belly suddenly screamed that it was empty, dying. "I need food."

  "There is no kitchen for your kind here."

  A shallow ramp wound round the walls to the upper floors. "Ill be back," Louis said.

  He walked, then ran up the ramp. He eased around the wall above a drop of eighty feet — not difficult, just scary — and was in crew quarters.

  A pit showed where the doc had been removed. Crew quarters were not otherwise changed. The plants were still alive. Louis went to the kitchen wall and dialed cappuccino and a fruit plate. He ate. He dressed, pants and blouse and a vest that was all pockets, the droud bulging one of the pockets. He finished the fruit, then dialed up an omelet, potatoes, another cappuccino, and a waffle.

  He thought while he ate. What was his desire?

  Wake the Hindmost? He needed the Hindmost to tell him what was going on… but puppeteers were manipulative and secretive, and the balance of power in the Repair Center kept changing. Best learn more first. Get a little leverage before he reached for the truth.

  He dumped the breakfast dishes in the recycler toilet. He climbed around the wall, carefully. "Hindmosts Voice," he said.

  "At your command. You need not risk a fall. Here is a stepping-disk link," and a cursor arrowhead showed him a spot on the floor of crew quarters.

  "Show me the Meteor Defense Room."

  "That term is unknown." A hologram window popped up in the portside wall. "Is this the place you mean?"

  Meteor Defense beneath the Map of Mars was a vast, dark space. All the stars in the universe ran round an ellipsoidal wall thirty feet high, and the floor and ceiling. Three long swinging booms ended in chairs equipped with lap keyboards, and those stood black-on-black before the wall display.

  Past the edge of the pop-up window, under a glare of light, knobby bones had been laid out for study. This was the oldest protector Louis knew of, and Louis had named him Cronus. In the far shadows stood pillars with large plates on top, mechanical mushrooms. Louis pointed into the window. "What are those?"

  "Service stacks," the Hindmosts Voice said, "each made from several float plates topped by a stepping disk."

  Louis nodded. The Ringworld engineers had left float plates all through the Repair Center. If you stacked them, theyd lift more. Adding a stepping disk seemed an obvious refinement… if you had them to spare.

  Louis saw a boom s
wing across the starscape. It ended in a knobby, angular shadow.

  All protectors look something like medieval armor.

  The protector was watching a spray of stars. His cameras would be mounted on the Ringworld itself, maybe on the outside of the rim wall, looking away from the sun. He didnt seem aware that he was being spied on.

  Louis knew better than to expect asteroids or worlds. Unknown engineers had cleared all that out of the Ringworld system. This drift of moving lights would be spacecraft held by several species. Now the view focused on a gauzy, fragile Outsider ship; now on a glass needle, a General Products #2 hull, tenant unknown; now a crowbar-shaped ARM warship.

  Tunesmiths concentration seemed total. He zoomed on starscape occluded by a foggy lump, a proto-comet. Tiny angular machines drifted around it, marked by blinking cursor circles. A lance of light glared much brighter: some warships fusion drive. Here came another, zipping across the screen. No weapon fired.

  The Fringe War is still cold, Louis thought. Hed wondered how long that could last. A formal truce could not hold among so many different minds.

  The protectors arms jittered above the keyboard.

  In the corner of Louiss eye, sunlight glared down. Louis spun around.

  Above Needle the crater in Mons Olympus was sliding open, flooding the cavern with unfiltered light.

  The linear accelerator roared; an arc of lightning ran bottom to top.

  The crater began to close.

  Louis turned back to the display. Looking over Tunesmiths shoulder, he watched fusion light flare from offscreen and dwindle to a bright point. Whatever Tunesmith had launched was already too far to see.

  Tunesmith had joined the Fringe War!

  A protector could not be expected to do nothing, even if the alternative was to bring war down on their heads. Louis scowled. Bram the protector had been crazy, even if supremely intelligent. Louis must eventually decide if Tunesmith was crazy too, and what to do about it.

  Meanwhile this latest maneuver should keep the protector busy. Now, how much freedom had Louis been allotted? Louis said, "Hindmosts Voice, show me the locations of all stepping disks."

  The Hindmosts Voice popped up three hundred and sixty degrees of Map Room. The Ringworld surrounded Louis, a ring six hundred million miles around and a million miles wide, banded in blue for day and black for night and broad fuzzy edges for dusk and dawn. Winking orange cursor lights were displayed across its face. Some were shaped like arrowheads.

  This pattern had changed greatly since Louis had last seen it. "How many?"

  "Ninety-five stepping disks are now in use. Two failed. Three were dropped into deep space and probes launched through them. The fleets shot them down. Ten are held in reserve."

  The Hindmost had stocked stepping disks aboard Hot Needle of Inquiry, but not a hundred and ten! "Is the Hindmost building more stepping disks?"

  "With his help Tunesmith has built a stepping-disk factory. Work proceeds slowly."

  The blinking orange lights that marked stepping disks were thick along the near side of the Ringworld, the Great Ocean arc. The far side looked sparse. Two blinking orange arrowheads had nearly reached the edge of the Other Ocean. Others were moving in that direction.

  The Other Ocean was a diamond shape sprawling across most of the width of the Ringworld, one hundred eighty degrees around from the Great Ocean. Two such masses of water must counterbalance each other. The Hindmosts crew had not explored the Other Ocean. High time, Louis thought.

  Most of the stepping disks were clustered around the Great Ocean, and of those, most were in a tight cluster that must be the Map of Mars. Louis pointed at one offshore from Mars. "What is that?"

  "That is Hot Needle of Inquirys lander."

  Teela the protector had blasted the lander during their last duel. "Its functional?"

  "The stepping-disk link is functional."

  "What about the lander?"

  "Life support is marginal. Drive systems and weaponry have failed."

  "Can some of these service stacks be locked out of the system?"

  "That has been done." Lines spread across the map to link the blinking lights. Some had crossed-circle verboten marks on them: closed. The maze was complicated, and Louis didnt try to understand it. "My Master has override codes," the Voice said.

  "May I have those?"


  "Number these stepping-disk sites for me. Then print out a map."

  As the Ringworld was vast, the scale was extreme. His naked eye would never get any detail out of it. When the map extruded, he folded it and stuffed it in a pocket anyway.

  He broke for lunch and came back.

  He set two service stacks moving and changed a number of links. The Hindmosts Voice printed another map with his changes added. He pocketed that too. Better keep both. Now, with luck, hed have avenues of travel unknown to Tunesmith.

  Or it might be wasted effort. The Hindmost, when he woke, could change it all back in a moment.

  The Voice refused to make weapons. Of course the kitchen in Needles crew quarters hadnt done that either.

  Tunesmith was still at the end of a boom, still tracking whatever hed launched.

  "Where are the rest of us?" Louis asked the Voice.

  "Who do you seek?"


  "I do not have that name—"

  "The Kzin we shared this ship with. Chmeees child."

  "I list that LE as—" blood-curdling howl. Louis had to pry his fingers loose from a table edge. "Rename him Acolyte?"


  The map was back, and a blinking point next to Fist-of-God… a hundred thousand miles port-and-antispin from Fist-of-God — four times the circumference of the Earth — and twice that far to spinward of the Map of Mars. The hugeness of the Ringworld had to be learned over and over. The Voice said, "Here we set Acolyte, with a service stack, thirty-one days ago. He has since moved by eleven hundred miles." The point jumped minutely. "Tunesmith has altered the setting for the stepping disk. It sends to an observation point on the Map of Earth."

  Home to Acolytes father. "Has he used it?"


  "Where are the City Builders?"

  "Do you mean the librarians? Kawaresksenjajok and Fortaralisplyar and three children were returned to their origin—"

  "Good!" Hed meant to do that himself.

  "To the library in the floating city. I note your approval. Who else shall I track?"

  Who else had been his companions? Two protectors. Bram the Vampire protector was dead. Tunesmith was… still busy, it seemed. In the Meteor Defense Room the protectors telescope screen was following a receding point, the vehicle hed launched earlier. Its drive was off… flared brilliantly and blinked off again.

  That was a warship. Reaction motors were still needed for war; modern thrusters couldnt switch on and off as fast.

  Louis asked, "Have you kept track of Valavirgillin?"

  The map jumped. "Here, near the floating city and a local center of Machine People culture."

  Good, and she was well away from vampires. They had not met in twelve years. "Why did you track her, Hindmosts Voice?"


  Carefully, "Who do you take orders from?"

  "From you and Tunesmith and—" a blast of orchestral chaos, piercingly sweet. Louis recognized the Hindmosts true name. "But all such may be countermanded by—" the Hindmosts name again.

  "Is Tunesmith restricted from any interesting levels of this ship?"

  "Not currently."

  The Hindmost was still in wrapped-around-himself catatonia. "How long since hes eaten?" Louis asked.

  "Two local days. He wakes to eat."

  "Wake him up."

  "How shall I wake him without trauma?"

  "I saw him in a dance once. Turn that on. Prepare food for him."


  The Hindmost

  The Hindmost dreamed of perfect safety.

  He did not dream that he was Hin
dmost again, ruler of a trillion of his own kind. Hed been mad to be so ambitious. Always he had known that that was no stable state, that his Experimentalist faction could lose power in a moment. As it had.

  He dreamed that he was young again. That was so long ago that all detail had been smoothed from his mind, and he only remembered a generic sense of being little and protected and unique.

  He dreamed that no tool would ever bite his hand.

  And then the dance began -

  The illusion was marvelous.

  Louis stood in a vast hall. The floor was all broad, shallow steps. A thousand aliens moved around him; two thousand throats uttered orchestral music that was also conversation, unbearably complex. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart would have gone crazy. The Beatles… started out crazy, but futz, so did Mozart.

  Kick, slide, left heads brush fingerlips; hind leg kicks, partner shies. The Hindmost kicked. A flat one-eyed head emerged from beneath his torso. Spin, kick; the Hindmost lurched to his forefeet and tried to turn. Was this a dance or a martial art?

  The Hindmost whistled. The dance dissipated. "Louis," the puppeteer said.

  "How long were you out?"

  "I sleep much. Where is Tunesmith?"

  "Fighting a war, I think."

  A head turned to the display of the Meteor Defense Room. "I watched him build that vehicle. The Fringe War grows ever hotter. Have they invaded the Ringworld?"

  "I have no idea. Hindmost, how did Needle come to be in this state?"

  "Recall that Tunesmith accepted me as his teacher, on your advice."

  Tunesmith, the Ghoul musician, had been newborn as a protector and thirsty for learning. "He needed training, and fast," Louis said. "I thought that the more he learned from us, the more we could guess what hed do. Did you try to keep secrets?"


  "And you barred him from the flight deck, of course."

  "I did," the puppeteer acknowledged. "I taught using your displays in crew quarters. I taught well, but he learned faster, always faster. He demanded access to my tools. I refused. Six days after you entered the doc, I woke to find him standing over me here where I thought he could not reach. I gave him everything."


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