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Maid For You - A Cinderella Love Story

Page 19

by Paisley Lang

  Somehow, I walk us to the bed and gently deposit her in the middle. Backing up a few steps, I took a calming breath.

  Easy. We’ve got all night.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, Kitten. So goddamn sexy right now.”

  “Take off your boxers, Jax. I want to see all of you.”

  Oh hell yes.

  Her eyes flare and she licks her lips seductively, finally tearing her gaze away from my full frontal view to give me a sultry little grin.

  “Back up the bed, baby. I wanna taste you.”

  She slides her tight little body up the bed and brings her knees up.

  Crawling onto the bed, I bend one knee and then the other, giving it all up for my private viewing pleasure.

  I have my face between her thighs, licking at the folds of her pussy, until I get to her clit. She tastes fucking amazing and I can’t get enough.

  She rocks her hips against my face, her breathy moans of pleasure spurring me on, building her closer to her peak with every flick of my tongue.

  I hold her open with my hands on her inner thighs and pin her to my bed, totally at my mercy while I give her my best. Every whimper and soft shuddering sigh turns me on further and I work my tongue a little harder, a little deeper until I’m rewarded with the sound of her crying out my name as her orgasm crashes through her. Pulling on my hair, she clenches her hands as she writhes underneath me, sexy as hell.

  After she releases my hair, I give her pussy one gentle suck before moving up the bed and gathering her into my arms.

  She takes deep breaths as she brings herself together, her breasts rising and falling in unison.

  There aren’t words for how beautiful she looks.

  For how she felt, in this moment, in my arms.

  She looks up at me, her face flushed and her eyes sparkling. “That was…wow…”

  I grip her chin and crush my mouth to hers once again, taking as much of her as I can get. She melts perfectly underneath me as I continue my exploration, trailing kisses along her jaw and then down her neck.

  Reaching her beautiful tits, I palm her left breast, feeling the perfection and softness that fills one hand. I suck and nip, pull and kiss, even using my teeth on her, before turning my attention to its twin. I feast and indulge in her body, getting lost in the sweet and beautiful compliance she gives up to me.

  “I need to feel you, baby. Are you ready for me?” I look up into her eyes, hooded in desire, her neck arched to one side.

  “Yes, Stud. I want you too.” She smiles in the dim glow of the light and shifts beneath me to make room.

  I kiss her quickly before hopping off the bed to retrieve my wallet from my jeans. Condoms. I pray there’s one in there. Success.

  She studies me as I drop my boxers and sheath myself. I wink at her and she gasps, unable to tear her eyes away from my movements. The smile on her face just about does me in. That and the sexy way she rubs her thighs together in anticipation.

  Patience is a lost battle. I’m desperate to bury myself in her and press her back into the bed, stretching her arms over her head.

  She says nothing but I see the fire in her eyes, telling me she wants this just as much.

  Gathering her knees and spreading her wide, I guide the tip of my cock to her center, pressing in softly at first.

  She lets out a little moan, spurring me on, and I don’t hold back. Her slick wet pussy draws me in on one hard thrust. As much as I want to be, this first time can’t be gentle.

  “I want to be gentle, baby, but I can’t do it that way right now. I’m dying for you. I’ll make it up to you later, I promise.”

  “I don’t want you to be gentle, Jax.” She arches her back. “I want to feel you, really feel you inside me.”

  She looks at me with eyes already lost to the pleasure we’re experiencing. She wants everything I’ll give her.

  “Shit…that feels so good.” I close my eyes, just reveling in the feeling of being inside her tight, wet pussy. She feels incredible.

  It feels like coming home.

  I thrust deep, full, plunging into her over and over until everything else disappears from thought and nothing else exists except the two of us coming together. Hard moving into soft.

  Like a key fitting into a lock.

  She belongs to me.

  Her hands drop from where they’re tangled in my hair and grip the bedspread while I reach below me and tease her clit.

  It feels like time has stood still as I continue to fill her, fighting off the urge to empty myself because I’m not ready for it to end yet.

  Jagged breaths and faint sighs fall from her pretty mouth. “I’m getting close, Jax.”

  I pump harder, faster. My fingers against her clit coax her to a climax and I study the way her lips purse and relax as she rides the high.

  The moment she’s done, I piston inside her, giving her everything I have.

  Drained and spent, I collapse on top of her before rolling over, catching my breath. Drowning in the scent of us, I’m already longing for another touch.

  She rolls to the side to face me and I discard the condom, then pull her into the crook of my arm. I watched her chest rise and fall as we bask in a silent euphoria.

  “My God. That was incredible, Kitten.” I kiss the top of her head, breathing her in.

  “You’re not too bad yourself, Stud.”

  I can tell she’s smiling.

  That night, after I explore her over and over again, we finally fall asleep wrapped up in each other’s arms. She fits perfectly against me.

  It was the best night’s sleep I’d experienced in the past six years. Must have slept like a baby.

  So much so that when the light filters in from the open blinds, I reach out for her, my body instantly craving for her touch once again.

  The sheets are cold on her side.

  My eyes fly open. Heaviness and realization settles around my chest as I scan the room.

  No trace of her belongings is left.

  She’s gone.

  Chapter 26


  Silent tears fall from my eyes and I hang my head in my hands. The driver is thankfully discreet and doesn’t say a word, except for offering me a box of tissues. I’d have to remember to give the concierge an even bigger tip for sending this particular one to collect me from Jax’s house at the crack of dawn.

  God, what had I done?

  My entire body is still on fire from the connection I’ve experienced with him, muscles aching in parts I never knew existed.

  No other man in the last six years had ever made me feel like he did, invoked every part of me right down to my very soul.

  My defenses, the steel walls I’ve erected around my heart, tremble as I battle with myself, trying to comprehend the tornado of emotions running through me.

  No, no, no. It wasn’t meant to happen like this. I try to reason with myself, reminding myself of the rules I choose to live by. We had agreed to one night only. For closure on our past, which has haunted me for the past six years.

  Why did it feel like my heart was breaking all over again?

  I dry my eyes as the car approaches the hotel. Slipping the driver a handful of cash, I duck my head with my walk of shame and speed my way across the lobby. Punching the elevator button, I’m grateful that the hotel is still relatively quiet at this time of morning and it arrives within seconds. Once the doors shut, I sink to the floor and hug my knees, my reflection in the doors showing a broken woman staring back.

  I strip fast and stand under the shower, and the hot water soothes my muscles. Once I’m done, I don’t even bother to dry my hair and simply crawl into bed. I curl up into a ball, cradling the spare pillow against my chest.

  The tears starts to flow again, even faster this time, wrecking my body with sobs until I’ve nothing left to give.

  I’ve buried my pain for six years, but the wound is fresh and raw once again.

  Eventually, physically and mentally exhausted, I find a l
ittle peace and drop off to sleep.

  “Hey Sunshine. Where’ve you been all morning?”

  Lauren is standing at the door to my suite, looking like she’s just come from a meeting. She widens her eyes as she takes in my state.

  “Oh my God, Ava. What the hell? Are you okay?”

  She follows me into the room and kicks the door shut behind her. I’ve no idea of the time.

  “Ava? Honey…what happened?”

  She is full of concern as she brushes back my hair and tries to make eye contact.

  I shake my head, staring at my feet. My vision blurs again and I finally look at her with a small smile on my face.

  “Jax.” That’s all I say, as if it explains everything.

  She gasps. “Did he hurt you? Because if he did, so help me God, I will get my ass over there this instant and punch his Henry Cavill lookalike face. In front of all his staff. And then, once I’m done with the warm up, I’ll-”

  “Stop. He didn’t hurt me. Not like that.”

  She looks perplexed. “Then help me understand. What happened? It’s after noon and I’ve been at a meeting all morning, assuming you were out and about too. It’s only because Carter called telling me he couldn’t get a hold of you that I panicked and came straight back here.”

  I groan and walk over to the seating area and sink into the sofa.

  “I’d turned my phone off earlier…” Not wanting Jax to come after me. “Sorry to worry you. Did he say it was urgent?”

  She shrugs. “Didn’t sound like it, but he said to ask you to call him as soon as you can.”

  I make a quick decision. “Are you free now or do you need to be someplace else?”

  “The only place I’m staying is with my best friend who right now, frankly, looks like hell.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence.” I drag myself up from the seat. “Give me a few, let me just get this call out of the way.”

  “Sure, take your time. I’ll order brunch from room service.”

  I stop and smile gratefully at her. “Perfect.”

  I walk to my room and dig my phone out of my bag. Firing it up, the alerts come through. Three missed calls from Jax and two from my father. I hit the call button to Carter’s office and he picks up on the second ring.

  “Hey Dad.”

  “Ava, everything okay? I’ve been trying to get in touch for the past couple of hours.”

  “Yeah, Lauren’s just told me…sorry about that, my phone died…”

  “What, and you couldn’t charge it?”

  “Yes…something like that.” I trail off, knowing how weak my excuse sounds, even to myself.

  “You sure everything’s fine?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. What’s going on?” I’m anxious to change the subject and to stop the grilling.

  “Well, I was calling to tell you we’ve got news. Carlo has taken the deal. He’s going to settle today with the amount Jax proposed.”

  “Wait, so Carlo’s back?”

  “Yes, God knows where he went, but he’s obviously come to his senses. As our settlement offer is more than fair, he must have realized he’d be fighting a losing battle.”

  “That’s wonderful. And more importantly, the campaign can be turned on once again. Have you checked stats? Any sales or audience participation decline in the past week?”

  “I had a meeting with Fletcher Clothing this morning. Thankfully, their brand is really strong in the marketplace so it hasn’t made a negative impact.”

  I breathe a sigh of relief. They’re a huge client of Carter McKenzie Communications, and it would have been detrimental to have this ongoing. “Awesome. So, do you need me to do anything?” I’m praying I won’t have to see Jax.

  “No, we’re good, thanks. We’ve sent the agreement to Carlo’s lawyer and he’ll sign this afternoon.”

  “I’m glad it’s been dealt with.”

  “Me too, it was a headache I could have done without. But thanks to you and Jax, it got settled without drawing any attention from the press.”

  I’m quiet for a moment. “I didn’t really do anything…it was all Jax.”

  “No, you helped. So, what are your plans for the afternoon?”

  “Lauren and I have to discuss our clients, see where we are. There’s the fundraiser event she wants us to attend tomorrow. After which, I plan to fly back to New York on Saturday.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll catch up with you later.”

  “Thanks for letting me know.”

  We hang up and I blow out a big breath. I’m so relieved the case is settled.

  More than anything, there’s no reason now for me to stick around in Miami.

  I head back to the living room area and Lauren is reading a media pack. She looks up and raises an eyebrow.

  “How did it go? Carter okay?”

  I sink back into the sofa and adjust my nightgown. “Yes, all good. The case is settled – Carlo accepted Jax’s offer.”

  “That’s great, right?”

  I nod. “Yep. Now we can go back to New York…get the hell out of here.”

  “Whoa. Back up. I’m actually enjoying my stay. And so were you…until last night. Now spill, Cortes.”

  There’s a knock on the door and Lauren grits her teeth. “Saved by the bell.” She jumps up and the bellboy rolls the cart into the room. My stomach grumbles in anticipation from the smells wafting from under the silver lids.

  “I ordered us omelets and fries. Thought you may want some comfort food.”

  I pull off the lid and hand a plate to her. “Thank you, this is perfect.”

  Once we’re situated with our plates, I tell Lauren about the club.

  “So, what, Jax just turned up?”

  “From what I’d seen and assumed, Gaby alerted him. For goodness sake, I was only dancing with this guy, Brent. It wasn’t like I was planning on taking him home or anything.”

  She takes a bite of her omelet and her fork hovers over her lip as she chews. “That’s pretty hot though…turning up like that and acting all possessive and shit.”

  I don’t respond, even though the way she says it makes me think the same thing.

  “Anyway, we went back to his place…I thought….I thought that we could have one night for closure, you know?” I close my eyes and exhale. “What a dumb mistake.”

  “Oh, hon. That’s why you’re so upset? I don’t know your entire history together, but there’s definitely something happening between the two of you.”

  I take a sip of my orange juice. “Nothing’s happening.”

  She shrugs and glances away. “O-kay then.”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to snap…I’ll figure it out, Lauren. I just want to go back home. Did you manage to send the courier to the realtor?”

  “Yup. All good. We secured the loft space, you’re gonna love it when you actually see it for real. Also…she called last night. She’s been tipped off about an apartment, which will be coming into the market next week. It’s perfect, located in SoHo…” She reaches for her phone. “Here, take a look at the photos.”

  I take her phone and flick through them. It really is beautiful. “I love it…best thing is that we’re still going to be living close together. I assume you asked her to bid for you?”

  She smiles and her eyes light up. “Yeah, I did. Can’t believe I’m finally getting my own place.”

  I give her a sad smile. “I’m gonna miss you, hon. We’ve been through so much together.”

  “And we’ve got so many more adventures in front of us. Trust me, it’s all good.” She glances at her phone again and then replaces it on the table. “So, we have this fundraiser to attend tomorrow – the big potential client. After that, I don’t have anything more scheduled so I’ll fly back with you.”

  “Great, I’ll get onto it later and have our flights booked for first thing Saturday.”

  We spend the remainder of the day chilling by the pool. I’m grateful that Lauren doesn’t press me further about Jax. She
knows me well and respects my need for space.

  Later, after dinner, we go shopping in search of outfits for the fundraiser since it’s a black-tie event.

  Jax doesn’t call me again and although I’m glad he isn’t pressuring me, a huge part of me is disappointed with the radio silence.

  I fall asleep with one last thought - perhaps he’d gotten all the closure he needed last night.

  Chapter 27


  “Ava, I’m so sorry I’m late.”

  I look up from where I’m browsing on my phone and see my father approaching me. I’m sitting at the bar adjacent to the hotel lobby, a glass of sparkling water keeping me company while I wait.

  I place my phone on the counter and slide off the stool as we embrace with a quick kiss on the cheek.

  “It’s fine, what happened?” I glance at my watch. “Unfortunately I’ll have to be on my way soon.”

  He removes his jacket, places it across the bar, and gestures with his hand. “The call just went on and on. Issue upon goddamn issue, and I was conscious that you need to be across town like twenty minutes ago.”

  “It’s fine, Lauren went on ahead. This is more her thing anyway, but she’s convinced me to attend.”

  He nods and pulls out a stool, signaling to the bartender for scotch on ice. “What time is your flight?”

  “Eight in the morning. We’re both keen to get home quite early so that we have the day to catch up on everything.”

  His scotch is placed in front of him and he lifts his tumbler. “To my beautiful, intelligent daughter.”

  I smile and raise my glass. “To my father, who taught me everything I know.” I shoot him a wink. “And now, Carter McKenzie Communications better watch its back.”

  He bellows out a laugh and shakes his head. “That’s my girl.”

  We talk for another ten minutes or so and then I slip off the stool, making sure my long black dress isn’t caught on anything. “I gotta run, Dad.”

  “It’s fine, thanks again for waiting. Take the car – it’s outside.”


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