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Maid For You - A Cinderella Love Story

Page 21

by Paisley Lang

  Now all I need is the woman I’m in love with to be by my side.


  Tears are running down my cheeks and I feel like I can’t breathe. My pulse is racing and I can hear the sound of my heartbeat thrashing in my ears. Taking a few deep breaths, I try to calm myself, but it’s futile and my throat feels like it’s closing up.

  “Ava! What’s going on?” Lauren’s eyes widen with fear and I glance around, thankful everyone is up on their feet and focused on Jax.

  “Get me out of here. Now.”

  Lauren looks at me like I’m crazy, but she doesn’t argue for once. She grabs my hand and we snake our way out of the room without drawing too much attention to ourselves.

  Once we’re outside, I bend over and place my hands on my knees, gasping for air. Lauren rushes off and comes back a second later with a tall glass of iced water.

  “Drink, Ava.”

  I inhale a few deeper breaths and pull myself up with her help. Taking the glass, I gulp down a large sip of water and then another, and it seems to help the tightness in my chest.

  I’m relieved that it’s fairly quiet in this part of the hotel.

  Lauren pushes my hair back away from my face. “My god, you scared me. I think you’re having a panic attack. Should I call for some assistance?”

  I widen my eyes and shake my head “No, no. Please, Lauren, get me out of here.” My voice cracks and tears fill my eyes. “Please, I need to get out of here.”

  “Okay, honey, I got you. Come on, let’s get us outside the hotel.” She talks to me in a low and patient voice, as if she’s addressing a child, and it helps to calm my nerves.

  I nod and grip her hand, wiping away my tears. Somehow, we make it outside and she finds us a car to take us back to our hotel.

  We don’t exchange words on the way back. I just place my head on her shoulder and she squeezes my hand as my tears run down my cheeks.

  When we’re back at the hotel, I start to shiver badly so she runs me a warm bath and waits in the suite to make sure I’m okay. I feel numb as I step into the warm water and lower myself into the bubbles, wrapping my arms around my legs. The shaking subsides eventually and soon exhaustion takes over me.

  Lauren helps me change into my pajamas and then slips into the bed next to me. I can see she’s worried as hell, but she doesn’t press me right now.

  I squeeze my eyes shut and pray for sleep to take over.

  Two weeks later

  It’s Friday evening and I wander around my empty apartment, room to room, missing Lauren’s presence. I lean against the doorframe to her old room and take a sip from my glass of wine. Funny how the apartment suddenly seems so huge. I look at the color on the walls and think that it may be time to freshen up the paint. Carter had bought the apartment from the company and gifted it to me upon graduation. I was so focused on work that I never stopped to think that it might be nice to put my own touch on it.

  Exhaling, I walk back into the living room and take a seat on the sofa. Curling my legs under me, I give a cursory glance at the coffee table, which is covered in various media packs.

  The phone rings and it startles me, the sound coming from somewhere on the table. Digging around under the paperwork, I locate it and swipe right when I see it’s Lauren.

  “Hey, thought you were out entertaining tonight.”

  “Yeah, I’m heading out shortly. Just wanted to check that you’re sure you don’t want to join us?”

  I smile. “No, I’m good, thanks.” There is a pause and she’s so quiet, I’m unsure if she’s still on the line.

  “Lauren, are you still there?”

  I hear her exhaling on the other end. “Yeah, I’m here.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing wrong with me, hon. I’m just worried about you.”

  I pick at my yoga trousers. “I’m fine.”

  “Ava, all you’ve done since we got back is to work fourteen-hour days. You refuse to talk about what happened with Jax, and you don’t want their business either.”

  “I know, I know. I’m sorry you got caught up in this.”

  “You can’t hold it all in and stay locked up in your apartment all day. It’s not healthy, Ava. Besides, the press has died down and moved onto another story now…I just can’t bear to see you live like this.” She pauses and her voice softens. “This is supposed to be the happiest time of our life. The business is going well, although I do think you should reconsider the offer to work with The Dreams Foundation, but besides that, you’ve got so much to live for. Come on hon, you can’t bottle this all up…you need to let someone in.”

  I nod my head even though I know she can’t see. “I’ll get my shit together, but thank you for having my back these past two weeks. I know you’ve shouldered the brunt of entertaining and I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

  “I don’t care about that. I just want you to be happy. And Ava, honestly? I’ve never seen you like this. I want my best friend back. Jax or not.”

  “Thank you for caring, Lauren…hadn’t you better go? I’ll join you next time. Promise.”

  We say our goodbyes and I toss my phone onto the sofa.

  I guess it’s another night of Netflix and ice cream to keep me company.

  I try to sleep in the following morning, but as of late, my mind is constantly overridden with noise and I end up waking early. Sitting at the table and nibbling on a piece of toast, the buzzer rings. I’m not expecting anyone at this time, and therefore I’m a little hesitant when I pick up the handset.

  Barry, the security guard’s voice, comes on the line. “Morning Miss Cortes, there is someone here to see you. Says it urgent. Her name’s Mrs. Prescott.”

  My mouth goes slack and my chest begins to thump. Is it Jax? Is he alright?

  “Miss Cortes? Are you still there?”

  “It’s Ava.” I say it out of habit - he’s known me for almost six years.

  “Sorry. So, Ava, should I let her up?”

  “Oh. Yes…okay, send her up.”

  I replace the receiver and smooth out my hair. My heart is racing and I realize I’m gripping the door handle so hard, my knuckles are turning white.

  There’s a short and sharp knock, and I suck in a deep breath and pull open the door.

  And then I’m face to face with the woman who tried to ruin me six years ago.

  Someone who I never thought I’d see again for the rest of my life – and even that would be too soon.

  We take each other in, and I note she almost looks the same. Perfect blonde bob, linen pantsuit, and a five-thousand-dollar handbag suspended from the inside of the upturned arm. I don’t detect any lines on her face, and I know it’s the result of some highly skilled surgical work.

  I cross my arms as her eyes rake in my appearance, and I’m conscious that unlike her perfectly made-up face, I don’t have a scrap of makeup on.

  “Ava. May I come in for a moment?”

  I pull the door open wider and twist on my heel as she follows my lead.

  “Take a seat. I was just finishing up breakfast. Can I offer you a coffee?”

  She glances around the apartment and perches on the edge of the sofa, her legs perfectly crossed at the ankle as she considers my question.

  “Coffee would be great. I’ve just flown in.”

  I raise an eyebrow but don’t comment as I fix her a cup. When I place it in front of her, she nods with a smile. “Thank you, I appreciate it.”

  “How can I help you, Veronica?” I’ll be damned if she sits in my apartment and thinks I’ll address her as Mrs. Prescott. I take the seat opposite her and eye her movements. From her demeanor, I’m relieved that nothing bad appears to have happened to Jax, and I exhale loudly in relief. My stomach begins to settle, having feared the worst a few minutes earlier.

  She takes a sip of her coffee and then replaces it on the table. “Heavenly. Thank you.” Her eyes fix on mine but unlike six years ago, I no longer feel intimidated by her. I stare right ba

  “Ava, I’ll get to the point. I’ve come here today because I can no longer live with myself. I owe you an apology, which is long overdue.”

  I suck in a breath and don’t know what to say, so I just continue to look at her.

  She folds her hands together and glances out the window. “What I did to you and to Jax all those years ago is inexcusable.” She cuts her eyes to me and I see them soften. “Are you familiar with the term helicopter parenting?”

  I shrug. I’d heard of it. “Kinda. Why?”

  Her shoulders lift up and down as she blows out a big breath. “When we picked up Jax from the foster home, he was so small from being severely malnourished. So incredibly timid. Michael and I fell in love with him and slowly and surely, we brought him out of his shell.” She chews on her bottom lip, lost in her memories. “You see, after Alicia was born, I had some internal complications and was told I’d never be able to carry another child. Of course we were distraught and I felt like I’d somehow let Michael down by not providing him with an heir. After many conversations, we decided to adopt. Of course, everyone wants a baby, so we were way down on the list. When we came to know of Jax, we weren’t that convinced…but meeting him, he stole our hearts. Those big blue eyes of his were just filled with so much sadness that our hearts melted and we adopted him immediately. Of course, he was given the best of everything growing up, but I also see now that I stifled him. I hovered over him far too much, dictating and making decisions for every part of his life. I became one of these helicopter parents.” She gives me a small smile and takes another sip of her coffee. “So, Jax ultimately rebelled.”

  I nod. “I see…”

  “Which leads me to the point of my explanation. When Jax met you six years ago, it was obvious how taken he was with you, but I tried to do everything in my power to dissuade his interest. I thought he deserved better. Forgive me. I realize what a snob I come across as. I didn’t know the extent of your feelings for each other until I made that unforgivable decision to fire you.”

  I knit my brows together and look away. “I was everything – stupid, naive, a little in love with your son, but never a thief.” I cut my eyes to her. “My mother raised me with standards.”

  She winces and looks to her feet. “I know, and the truth is, of all the bad things I’ve done over the years, that was the worst. And I’ve had to live with the pain I caused you both for the past six years.”

  I sit up straight, anger pooling in the pit of my stomach. “You’ve had to live with it? Oh, I’m so sorry to have inconvenienced you!” I realize my voice is raised but I don’t care. She needs to hear it. “If it wasn’t for my father accepting me – and God knows, it could have gone the other way, who knows what could have happened to me? I was left with no one, Veronica.” I glare at her. “No one. And you threw me out like last night’s scraps. Even when your boyfriend, Christian, tried to rape me, you still believed the worst in me.” I sink back into my seat, furious and only realizing I’m crying when I feel my face wet with tears.

  “I’m sorry for how I treated you over that scumbag. He was a huge mistake.” She looks away. “I never even liked him. But Michael and I strayed apart, and I was so lonely. Jax couldn’t stand me, Alicia was in New York…” she trails off. “I’ve no excuse for Christian, except to say how very sorry I am.”

  We sit in silence momentarily while I take in everything she’s said.

  “I’ve overstayed my welcome. I’ll never be able to make up the damage I did to you and Jax, but know something, Ava. I’m sorry. Truly, deeply sorry from the bottom of my heart. I hope someday, you’ll find it in yourself to forgive me. And as for Jax – I know how much he loves you.” She twirls her ring around her finger. “He may not be mine by blood, but he’s my son. And I know how much pain he’s been through since the fundraiser. Please, think about everything I’ve said. Don’t hold my sins against him.”

  She picks up her bag and stands up. “And now, I must go. Thank you for your hospitality.”

  I stand and follow her to the door. She turns and gives me one last look and all of a sudden, I see a broken woman standing behind that perfect façade.

  “Goodbye, Veronica.”

  She opens her mouth to say something but instead gives me a sad smile. “I hope to see you again, Ava.”

  And then she walks away and punches the button to the elevator.

  I shut the door and lean up against it. That was surreal.

  It’s only ten in the morning, but I already feel like I need a stiff drink.

  “Dad, so good to see you.” I throw my arms around his neck and hold on for what feels like forever. My eyes fill with tears and I end up sobbing into his chest.

  “Shush, baby girl. I’ve got you.” He strokes my hair until I calm down and then follows me into the apartment.

  “I’m sorry I haven’t had a chance to get out here any earlier.”

  I sniff and use the sleeve of my top to dry my eyes. I’m a total mess. Have been since Veronica’s visit yesterday. I just can’t seem to clear my head, and I’ve had a restless night tossing and turning, her words playing over and over in my head. Dark shadows are beneath my eyes and my hair is pulled back in a low ponytail.

  “It’s fine. I’ve been crazy busy anyway.”

  I’ve prepared us lunch and as we eat our chicken Caesar salad, I fill him in on her visit.

  He’s quiet as he listens and finishes his meal. I wait for him to speak and pick at my leaves.

  “Why are you doing this, Ava?”

  “Pardon? Doing what?”

  He sighs and refills his glass of white wine. I decline a top off.

  “Why are you so fixed on causing you and Jax so much pain? I honestly don’t know what’s going on in that head of yours, but honestly, you’re acting like a stubborn ass.”

  My jaw hangs open. “What are you talking about?”

  “Ava, I know your history with Jax. Gaby filled me in on everything when you went to Columbia. I know. You should also know, and probably unknown to Gaby, that Jax approached me five years ago. He wanted to get in touch with you, but Gaby and I felt that you both needed to find your own path. If it was meant to be, it would happen for you two.”

  I blink rapidly and grip the edge of the table. What the fuck was going on?

  He takes another sip of his wine. “What I didn’t expect was for the two of you to keep your love for each other alive. Even though, I might add, you both acted otherwise.”

  My throat is dry and my voice is half strangled. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Nonsense, Ava. Neither of you have ever had a serious relationship. I’ve kept tabs on Jax over the years, and I see he’s a good person. I never thought I’d feel comfortable saying that about another man since you came into my life, but I’ve watched him grow. He’s honorable and decent.”

  A light dawns on me and I meet his gaze. “You never really required me to stay on the Fletcher case, did you?”

  The corners of his mouth twitch. “I may have had an ulterior motive.”

  “I don’t believe you.” I shake my head and press my back against the chair. “Carter James – matchmaker. Ever think about setting up a dating site?”

  “Actually now that you mention it, I’m looking into an app-”

  “Dad. Stop already.”

  He chuckles lightly, but then all traces of humor vanish and his face grows serious.

  “I didn’t know your mother for long, Ava. But she brought up one hell of a girl. I know, wherever she is, she’s immensely proud of how you’ve turned out. But, and I regret to say this, she was also very wrong.”

  I cross my arms and my forehead wrinkles. “What about?”

  “Love. And I suspect that she put all her feeling against me into you. Into trusting men. I’m truly sorry I made her feel that way – for that, I take full responsibility.” He casts his eyes down and rubs his forehead. “But she also had no right to put such strong and deep-seated be
liefs into your life. Not all men are bad, Ava. There are plenty of good ones out there, and you need to open your heart to let someone in.”

  I scoff and focus on the kitchen counter. “Yeah? And look where that got me six years ago.”

  “You were both kids. With Veronica’s scheming, you never had a chance in the first place. But I’m telling you, Jax Prescott loves you. He declared it in front of five hundred patrons two weeks ago. And later, it came out all over the press. If that isn’t true love, I don’t know what the hell is.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut. My throat tightens up and a sob escapes me. “I don’t know what to do, Dad.” My voice cracks. “I’m so scared to get hurt again. I couldn’t live through that a second time. I’ve tried so hard over the years to protect my heart, to never feel so rejected like I did then…”

  “Do you love him, Ava?”

  The question hits me like a dam breaking free. I’ve suppressed my feelings for so long but now it fights its way out and I’m swept along in the wave of emotions, crashing through to my very soul. “Yes,” I cry, grinning through my tears. “I never stopped.”

  “Then open your heart, sweetheart. Go get your man and give each other a real chance this time. You both deserve happiness.” His eyes are shining and then he wraps me into his arms as I cry out six years of pain.

  Six years of loving and missing Jax Prescott.

  Chapter 29


  “What?” I snap into the phone, not bothering to see who it is.

  “Mr. Prescott, would you consider doing a piece on Ava Cortes? How she started out?”

  “Who the fuck is this?”

  “We’re calling from-”

  “Don’t ever fucking call my number again.” I hang up and throw the phone on the kitchen counter. Hanging my head in my hands, I release a breath. I’m sick of these asshole reporters, the ones who won’t give up on trying to find some dirt on her.

  The doorbell goes and I swear under my breath. I just want to be left the fuck alone for One. Freaking. Day.


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