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Just Once: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance

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by Kate Hunt

  Just Once

  An Older Man Younger Woman Romance

  Kate Hunt

  Copyright © 2019 by Kate Hunt

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  1. Angel

  2. Dante

  3. Angel

  4. Dante

  5. Angel

  6. Dante

  7. Angel

  Want to stay updated?

  Sneak Peek: Take Me

  Chapter One


  “Angel! You’re here early,” says my mom, beaming when she sees me. I’ve just walked into my parents’ house after a two-hour drive from my college campus. It’s Halloween weekend, and I’m going to be at my parents’ house until Sunday night. It might seem weird that I’m spending the holiday at home, especially since there are so many great college parties I could be going to. But my favorite part about Halloween is getting to hand out candy to all the cute kids, and my parents’ house is the perfect place to do that.

  “Hi Mom,” I say, giving her a big hug. Then my dad walks into the room and I give him a big hug, too. “I know I’m a bit early. I was just so excited to get up here. The house looks great, by the way.”

  “The new decorations look okay?” asks my mom.

  “Yeah, they’re amazing,” I say. My mom went all out this year with yard decorations. There’s fake cobwebs, big fuzzy fake spiders, carved pumpkins, and even a fake witch on the roof.

  “Thanks, Angel,” says my mom. “You’re sweet.”

  “How much candy did you pick up?”

  My mom and dad look at each other and both laugh.

  “Too much,” says my dad.

  “No,” says my mom, pushing him playfully. “It’s not too much. Remember when we ran out last year? I don’t want to have a repeat of that. It was awful.”

  My dad shrugs. “I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. There were still plenty of other houses that the kids could go to.”

  “Well, anyway,” says my mom. “We have plenty this year. Come on, Angel. Help me mix up a bowl.”

  “I’d be happy to,” I say, and we go off into the kitchen to do exactly that.

  The kids start showing up around four in the afternoon. Most of the kids coming around this early are the really young ones. There’s even some babies being carried around by their parents, which is kind of silly because obviously the babies aren’t going to be eating the candy. But I guess it’s not really about the candy. It’s about the fun of dressing up the baby and going around to see all the neighbors. Hell, if I had a baby, I’d probably do it, too.

  I’m only twenty-one, so I’m not seriously thinking about babies yet. But I definitely want to have kids. No question about it. Biologically or through adoption, I don’t even care. I just know I want to have them.

  The doorbell rings again and I grab the candy bowl and go to open the door. This time it’s a little girl dressed up as a lion. Her parents are standing a few feet behind her.

  “Trick or treat!” she says, in the cutest voice imaginable.

  “Whoa! A lion,” I say. “Can I hear your roar?”

  She takes a big breath, then lets out a huge Rrrrroar!

  I laugh and hold the candy bowl down to her. She takes a piece and then smiles up at me and says, “Thank you!”

  “You’re welcome, sweetie,” I say.

  Before she leaves, though, she takes a second to look at me.

  “Are you an angel?” she asks.

  “I am,” I say. “Do you like my halo?”

  She nods.

  “Happy Halloween,” I say, and she waves at me and then runs back to her parents.

  I know it’s a pretty obvious costume, me dressing up as an angel. But all these years, I’ve never actually dressed up as one. So I figured I may as well. When my parents saw the costume, they both started laughing with glee.

  I set the candy bowl back down and go into the kitchen to see what my mom is up to. The last time I checked, she was busy forming dough into a loaf. Now, when I walk in, I see that she’s cutting up vegetables for a stew.

  “Mmm,” I say. “Soup sounds delicious. It’s so chilly out.”

  “I’m trying out a new recipe,” my mom says. “It should be ready in about an hour.”

  “Sounds good,” I say. “Hey, by the way, I thought of a few good scary movies we could watch later tonight. They’re both from the ’80s, and they’re probably going to be pretty cheesy, but they look really fun too.”

  “Actually,” says my mom, “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you before, but there’s a party your dad and I are going to this evening. Your father’s new business partner is hosting it. You’re more than welcome to come with us, of course.”

  “Oh,” I say. “Okay.”

  My mom looks over at me. “Are you upset, honey? I know we have a tradition of watching scary movies on Halloween. But it’s important that we go to this party. Dante is vital to your dad’s business now, and we wouldn’t want to offend him by not accepting his invitation.”

  “No, I understand,” I say. I know that my dad was really stressed out running the company by himself and that it was necessary for him to bring in a partner. “And I’ll go with you. It’s not like I’m going to sit here at the house watching scary movies on my own. No way.”

  My mom smiles. “Great. I’m glad to hear that. We’re planning on heading over there as soon as the trick-or-treaters die down.”

  I nod. I glance down at my outfit, though, and kind of wish that I’d worn something else. I made this angel outfit myself—it’s just a little white dress, white heels, a pair of cheap wings, and a fuzzy halo. I haven’t met Dante or seen his house, but based on what my parents have told me, it sounds like he’s kind of well off. I hope I don’t feel too lame in this DIY outfit.

  Oh, well. There’s nothing I can do. And right now, I don’t even have time to keep thinking about it. The doorbell is ringing again. I grab the candy bowl and go answer it.

  The trick-or-treaters keep coming in a steady stream for the next three hours. There are superheroes, firemen, cartoon characters, ghosts, princesses, and all kinds of animals…and I love getting to see all of them.

  Eventually, the doorbell stops ringing. I finish my bowl of soup and eat another small slice of bread and then help my mom with the dishes. Then my parents go upstairs to change into their costumes and I snack on some of the leftover candy while I wait.

  My dad emerges first, dressed in a long black robe and a white curly wig. He also has a gavel in his hand.

  “Nice, dad,” I say. But when my mom appears, I start laughing. She’s dressed in an orange jumpsuit and black sneakers. She’s also slicked down her hair to make it look greasy.

  “How long of a sentence did Dad give you, Mom?” I ask.

  “She’s in for life,” my dad says before my mom can speak up.

  “I’m plotting to break out, though,” my mom says in a loud whisper, and I laugh again.

  The three of us get into the car and head over to the party. As soon as we pull up to the house, I feel a little nervous, because it’s a really nice place. It’s not a mansion or anything, but it’s still a big, gorgeous house. Even the Halloween decorations out front are somehow elegant.

  We go up to the house and my dad rings the doorbell. I can hear sounds of the party coming from the other side of the door. And when the door swings open, I’m amazed at how crowded i
t is inside.

  What stuns me even more, though, is the man who answers the door. He’s tall, ripped, and sexy as hell. He’s dressed up as Hugh Hefner, with a dark red velvety robe—no shirt underneath—and a captain hat and a pipe.

  “Welcome!” he says, reaching out and giving my dad a vigorous handshake. When he leans in and gives my mom a quick kiss on the cheek, she giggles. Then his eyes drift down to me.

  “This is our daughter, Angel,” says my mom proudly.

  “Angel, huh?” he says.

  “Hi,” I squeak out.

  “It’s lovely to meet you,” he says, grinning. “I’m Dante.”

  Chapter Two



  I knew that my business partner, Ron, had a daughter. I’d even glimpsed a recent family photo on his desk. But I guess I was too busy focused on work when I saw it, because my eyes didn’t linger for more than a fraction of a second.

  If I’d realized Ron’s daughter was this beautiful…and that she was going to be here on Halloween…I would have tried to figure out a way to keep her from coming to my party. I don’t know how the hell I would have managed it, but I would have.

  Because from the minute I lay my eyes on her, I know that being in the same room as her and not being able to have her is going to drive me insane.

  I mean, damn. Just look at her. She has the perfect curvy little figure. And she has the most gorgeous, innocent eyes. How old did Ron say she was, again? Twenty-two?

  No. Twenty-one.

  As I welcome Ron and his family inside and close the door behind them, I get a glimpse of Angel’s round, juicy ass. My cock twitches at the sight. I force my eyes away and give Ron a friendly pat on the shoulder—which instantly helps me cool down.

  I can’t lust over my business partner’s daughter. No fucking way. It’s just plain wrong. And while Ron is one of the nicest dudes I know, he’d probably kill me if he got even a whiff of my desire for Angel. On top of that, even if Angel wasn’t his daughter, she’s way too young for me. I’m fifteen years her senior.

  Yeah. I know what you’re thinking. Doesn’t that make me kind of young to be Ron’s business partner? And it’s true that there’s a bit of an age gap between Ron and I—I’m thirty-six, and he’s in his mid-forties. But I’ve always been ambitious. And I enjoy the challenge of unconventional partnerships.

  “Hope you three enjoy yourself,” I tell Ron and his family, then I excuse myself.

  I’ve gotta put as much space as possible between myself and Angel if I have any hope of making it through the night.

  Thankfully, it’s pretty easy to do, because there are so many people here. I spend the next hour slowly making my way around the room, chatting with guest after guest. There’s even a neighbor of mine who happens to show up wearing a playboy bunny costume. We laugh about it, and make sure we get a photo together. And I tell her she looks great, because she does. But I don’t flirt with her. Like I said, she’s a neighbor. And I don’t cross lines that shouldn’t be crossed.

  Besides, now that I’ve met Angel, it’s like all other women are just tiny blips on the radar.

  Fuck. I can’t let myself get wrapped up in her, though. Silently chiding myself, I make my way through the crowded living room and head upstairs. I just need a few quiet moments alone to get my head in the right place.

  I walk into my bedroom upstairs, close the door behind me, and shut my eyes. The noise of the party downstairs continues to pulse below me. But I do my best to ignore it.

  Then there’s a sound I can’t ignore. The flush of the toilet in my en suite bathroom.


  My eyes shoot open. I hear water running from the sink next, and then a pause. Then the bathroom door pops open, and Angel walks out.

  “Oh,” she says, startled. “I’m sorry. I…um…there was a line for the bathroom downstairs. I really had to go.” Her cheeks turn bright pink as she explains herself.

  “It’s fine,” I say.

  She nods, looking relieved. But she doesn’t move. She just keeps standing there, in that little white dress of hers. She looks so innocent, dressed up like that. I can’t help but wonder how innocent she really is.

  And there goes my cock, twitching again.

  “I guess I’ll go back to the party,” Angel says.

  I nod. But she still doesn’t move. And then I finally realize that she’s not moving because I’m standing in front of the closed bedroom door, blocking her way.

  I step aside. I open the door for her. She starts to walk toward it, taking quick steps in her dainty white heels. She seems to be avoiding looking at me as she walks.

  But then I catch her glancing at me. At my chest, that is. And then away again.

  I reach for her wrist as she passes by me. I don’t even think about what I’m doing. I just do it.

  “Angel,” I murmur.

  She swallows and looks up at me. She doesn’t resist my hand wrapped around her wrist. “Yes?”

  “You need to leave.”

  She frowns. “What do you mean?”

  “I can’t have you here. In my house, I mean.”


  I sigh. “Don’t make me explain. Just do it. Leave.”

  Suddenly, she looks extremely worried. “Is something bad going to happen? Are my parents in danger?”

  “No,” I say. Fuck. “It’s nothing like that. And I only need you to leave. It’s because I can’t be around you. You’re too…tempting. So I need you to tell your parents that you’re not feeling well. And I need you to go home.”

  Comprehension spreads across her pretty face.

  “Oh,” she says. “I see.”

  “So you’ll leave?”

  “I…guess I can.”

  I squeeze her wrist. “No. That’s not good enough. Promise me right now that you’re going to go.”

  She stares at me for a second. Then, completely seriously, she asks, “What will happen if I don’t?”

  Um…okay. That’s not the reaction I was expecting. I was expecting her to be disgusted with me. To threaten to rat me out to her dad. But I guess she’s not like that.

  “If you don’t leave,” I growl, “you’re going to drive me crazy with lust.”

  She smiles. “I don’t think I’ve ever had that effect on a man.”

  “I highly doubt that.”

  “Well, no one’s ever said it to me before.” Then, daringly, she takes a step toward me.

  “What are you doing?” I growl. I squeeze her wrist tighter, which is pointless. She’s obviously not trying to flee.

  “I’m letting you kiss me,” she says.

  “I’m not going to fucking kiss you,” I say.

  “Why not? I thought you just said you wanted me.”

  “Don’t toy with me like this, Angel. You know damn well why I can’t kiss you.”

  “Because you’re in business with my dad?”

  “Yes,” I hiss. “Not to mention that I’m too old for you.”

  “How old are you?”


  “That’s not very old.”

  “It is for a twenty-one-year-old.” She’s so close to me now that I can smell the clean, flowery scent of her skin.

  But then she steps away.

  “Okay, fine,” she says, turning away from me. “We won’t do anything, then. But for the record, Dante, I want you, too.”

  Fuck. Fuck. She shouldn’t have said that.

  I lunge forward and grab her by the waist. I spin her toward me and see the flash of surprise in her eyes. Then her mouth curls up into a smile and her hands raise up and she cups my face in her hands.

  I lower my mouth and hungrily press my lips against hers. Her lips are so soft, and she tastes so sweet. I slide my tongue into her mouth and roll it against hers. She exhales a soft moan.

  I pull her tighter to me, and my cock throbs between us.

  I know this is wrong, but it feels so fucking right.

  We c
ontinue to kiss, deeply and fiercely. She doesn’t show any hint of wanting to stop. And the way she’s pressing herself against me, against my hard-on, it opens the floodgates of my erotic imagination. I start thinking about what it would be like to tear off that angel costume she’s wearing. What it would be like to lick every luscious inch of her naked body. What it would be like to eat her out, to make her come, to fuck her until she’s screaming my name.

  But we can’t do any of those things.

  We shouldn’t even be kissing. It was wrong of me to initiate this.

  It’s almost physically painful to pull away from her. But I do.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks, her voice soft and concerned.

  “We shouldn’t have done that,” I say. “You need to go.”

  Angel looks at me with pleading eyes. But I shake my head. I nod toward the door. And she understands this is over.

  She swallows, then turns and leaves.

  Chapter Three


  “That was such a fun party!” my mom says, swiveling around to look at me from the front passenger seat. “Did you have fun, Angel?”

  ”Uh huh,” I say dully. “It was great.”

  “Is everything okay?” asks my dad.

  “Yeah. I’m just tired.”

  “Well, it was a long day,” says my mom.

  When we get back to the house, I go straight upstairs and get ready for bed. My mom calls up to me to see if I want to watch part of a scary movie, but I tell her that I really am tired and that watching one tomorrow would be better.

  “Okay,” she calls back. “Goodnight, honey.”

  “Goodnight,” I call back. Then I retreat into my old bedroom and crawl under the sheets.


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