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Page 17

by Brenda Jackson

  When she reached him she wrapped her arms around his waist and said the words that filled her heart. “I love you, Bane.”

  “And I love you.” He then swept her off her feet and into his arms. “I’m taking you back to bed.”

  “To sleep?” she asked.


  She smiled as he carried her back into the bedroom. Once there he eased her gown off her and tossed it aside before placing her back in bed. “I began reading your letters and cards,” she said when he joined her there. “Thank you for sharing that period of time with me. And I kept something for you, as well. A picture journal. I’ll give it to you when we get to Alaska.”

  He stroked a hand down her thigh. “You’re welcome, and thanks for keeping the journal for me.”

  And then he leaned down and kissed her and she knew that like all the other times before, this was just the beginning.


  “I can’t believe this place,” Crystal said, after entering the cabin and glancing around.

  Bane knew what she meant because he could barely believe it, either. The cabin was huge, but it wasn’t just the size. It was also the location and the surroundings, as well as how the cabin has been built with survival in mind.

  They had arrived in Kodiak, Alaska, a few hours ago after spending another full day in North Carolina. They had been Garth’s guests on his private jet owned by Outlaw Freight Lines. Garth’s three brothers—Cash, Sloan and Maverick—had met them at the tiny airport. Their brother Jess, who was running for senator of Alaska, was currently on the campaign trail and their sister, Charm, had accompanied their father to Seattle on a business trip. Garth had joked that it was business for their father and a shopping expedition for their sister.

  As far as Bane was concerned, Garth hadn’t been lying when he’d said that there was a strong resemblance between him and Cash. The similarity was uncanny in a way. And the similarities between the Westmorelands and the Outlaws didn’t end there. In fact, Sloan closely resembled Derringer, and Maverick favored Aidan and Adrian. The Outlaws had easily accepted their biological connection to the Westmorelands, but according to Garth, their father had not. He was still in denial and they didn’t understand why.

  After making a pit stop at Walker’s ranch to drop off Bailey and Walker, Garth and his brothers had driven them on to the Outlaw cabin, which was deep in the mountains and backed up against the Shelikof Strait, a beautiful waterway that stretched from the southwestern coast of Alaska to the east of Kodiak.

  “Let us show you around before we leave,” Garth said. He and his brothers led them from room to room, and each left Bane and Crystal more in awe than the last. And then the Outlaw brothers showed them the movable wall that led to an underground tunnel. It was better than what Bane had expected. It was basically a man cave with living quarters that included a flat-screen television on one of the walls. The sofa, Bane noted, turned into a bed. The pantry was filled with canned goods. Then there was the gun case that probably had every type of weapon ever manufactured.

  “Our grandfather was a gun collector,” Sloan Outlaw explained. “Our father didn’t share his passion so he gave them to us to get rid of. He has no idea we kept them. As far as we were concerned, they were too priceless to give away.”

  “Of course, over the years we’ve added our own favorites,” Maverick said, grinning, pointing to a .458 caliber Winchester Magnum, a very powerful rifle. “That one is mine. Use it if you have to.”

  A short while later, after the tour of the cabin ended, they had returned to the front room. Bane looked over at Cash, the cousin whose identity he would assume for a while. “Hope I’m not putting you out, man.”

  Cash smiled. “No problem. I need a few days away from Alaska anyway. A couple of friends and I are headed for Bermuda for a few days. Hate how I’ll miss all the action.”

  The plan was to lead the group looking for Crystal to assume that she was in the cabin with Cash, an old college friend. But in order for that plan to work, in case someone went digging, the real Cash Outlaw needed to go missing for a while.

  Oakwood would be calling in the morning to give Bane the final plans and let him know when word of Crystal’s whereabouts would be leaked so they could be on guard and get prepared. The DOD already had men in place around the cabin. They had been there when Bane and the group arrived. Other than Garth, no one had noticed their presence, since they blended in so well with the terrain.

  A short while later Bane and Crystal were saying goodbye to everyone. After Bane closed the door behind him, he looked across the room at Crystal. He thought she was holding up pretty damn well for a woman who in the next twenty-four hours would be the bait in an elaborate trap to catch her would-be kidnappers. As soon as the DOD purposely leaked her whereabouts, it would set things in motion.

  “I like them.”

  He saw her smile. “Who?”

  “Your cousins.”

  “And what do you like about them?” he asked, moving away from the door toward her.

  “For starters, how quick they pitched in to help. They didn’t have to offer us the use of this place.”

  “No, they didn’t. Garth and his brothers paid a visit to Colorado the week before Thanksgiving to meet the Denver Westmorelands and from there they headed south to visit with the Atlanta Westmorelands. Dillon told me I would like them when I met them and I do.”

  He drew her into his arms. “If we pull this off we’ll owe them a world of thanks. This place is perfect, and not just because of the underground tunnel. There’s also the location, the seclusion. I can see someone hiding out here, and I’m sure the people looking for you will see it, too.”

  “I wonder when Oakwood will send his men,” she said thoughtfully, looking up at him.

  Bane chuckled. “They’re already here.”

  Surprise appeared on her face. “What? Are you sure?”

  “Pretty much. I haven’t seen them but I can feel their presence. I noticed it the minute we pulled up in the yard. And because Garth is an ex-Marine, he did, too.”

  “He said something to you about it?”

  Bane shook his head. “He didn’t have to. He knew what to look for.” Bane didn’t say anything for a minute and then he said, “Nothing can happen to you, Crystal. I won’t allow it. Do you know what you mean to me?”

  She nodded and reached up to place her arms around his neck. “Yes, I know.” And she really did. Reading those cards and letters had left her in awe at the magnitude of his love for her.

  “Good.” And then he leaned down and captured her mouth with his.

  * * *

  Later that night, just as before, Crystal untangled herself from Bane and slid out of bed. At least she tried. But Bane’s arms tightened around her. “Where are you going?”

  “To read. I’m on stack three now.”

  He rolled over in bed so they could lie side by side. “Interesting reading?”

  “I think so,” she said. “It means a lot knowing you were thinking about me.” Reading those cards and letters, especially the letters, had helped her to understand that he loved being a navy SEAL and that his teammates were his family, as well.

  “I always thought about you,” he said huskily. He rubbed her cheek. “Sleepy?” he asked her.

  “No. I plan to read, remember? So let me go.”

  “Okay, just as long as you’re where I can see you.”

  “I’ll just be in the living room.”

  He shook his head. “Not good enough. I want you in here with me.”

  She was about to argue with him, remind him the cabin was surrounded by the good guys, but instead she said, “Okay, I’ll read in bed if you’re sure I won’t disturb you.”

  “I’m sure. I’m wide-awake, as well.”

  He released
her. After slipping back into the gown that he’d taken off her earlier, Crystal padded across the room to pull the third stack out of the satchel.

  While getting the cards and letters, she pulled out the photo album she had packed. Going back to the bed, she handed it to him. “Here. This is my gift to you.”

  Bane took it. “Thanks, baby.” He then got into a sitting position and began flipping through the photo album. He came across their marriage license and smiled. When she saw his smile, she said, “We were so young then.”

  “Yes,” he agreed. “But so much in love.”

  “We still are,” she said, settling into position beside him. In amiable silence, he turned the pages of the photo album while she read his cards and letters. “This is your high school graduation picture?” he asked.

  She glanced up from reading the letter to look over at the photograph he was asking about. “Yes. And all I could think about that day was that because of you, I had done it. I had gotten the very thing I thought I hadn’t wanted and was actually pretty happy about it.”

  He looked at several more pictures, and when he came to her college graduation picture he said, “Isn’t it weird that Cash was there on campus at the same time you were?”

  “Yes. I can’t imagine what my reaction would have been had I ran into a guy on campus who reminded me of you. So personally, I’m glad our paths didn’t cross.”

  She was about to go back to reading her cards and letters when Bane’s cell phone went off. He reached for it. “This is Bane.”

  Crystal tried reading his expression while he talked with the caller but she couldn’t. The only clue she had that he was angry was the way his chin had tightened. And then when he asked the caller in an angry tone, “How the hell did that happen?” she knew something had made him furious. A few moments later he ended the call and immediately sent several text messages.

  “What’s wrong, Bane?”

  He looked over at her and paused before saying anything, and she figured he was trying hard to get his anger in check. “That was Oakwood. Someone in his department screwed up.”

  He threw his head back as if to get his wrath under control and said, “Your location has already been leaked. The only good thing is that whoever they suspected as the mole took the bait, and he and his men are headed here believing that you’re hiding with Cash.”

  “And the bad thing?” she asked, knowing there was one.

  Bane drew in a deep fuming breath. “Whoever this guy is, he’s evidently pretty high up there at Homeland Security. He contacted the person in charge of Oakwood’s men and gave an order to pull out because a special task force was coming in to take over.”

  Crystal frowned. “Are you saying Oakwood’s men are no longer outside protecting us?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying. But I don’t want you to worry about anything. I got this,” Bane said, getting out of bed and slipping on his jeans. “What I need for you to do is to go and get in the tunnel below.”

  “Is that where you’ll be?”

  “No,” he said, picking up his Glock and checking his aim. “I might need to hold things down for a while. Oakwood ordered the men to return and hopefully they’ll be back soon.”

  Crystal didn’t want to think about what could happen if they didn’t. Bane expected her to be hiding out below, where she would be safe, while he single-handedly fought off the bad guys until help arrived. “I prefer staying up here with you. I may not be as good a shot as you, but thanks to you I’m not bad.”

  He frowned. “There’s no way I can let you stay here with me.”

  “I don’t see why not,” she said, sliding out of bed to begin dressing, as well. “To be honest with you, I feel pretty safe.”

  He shook his head. “And why are you feeling so safe?”

  She looked over at him and a smile spread across her lips. “Because I’m not here with just anyone protecting my back. I’m here with Badass Bane.”


  A short while later, Crystal studied the arsenal of Bane’s personal weapons spread out on the table and glanced over at him. “I thought a person couldn’t travel on a plane with one weapon, much less a whole suitcase full of them.”

  He met her gaze. “They can’t.”

  She lifted a curious brow. “Then, how did you get through the security checkpoint when you flew to Dallas?”

  “I didn’t. Bailey figured I might need them and brought them with her to the cabin. I’m glad she did. And there was no problem bringing them with me on Garth’s private plane.”

  Crystal watched how he checked each one out, making sure there was enough ammunition for each. It was close to one in the morning. “You have some awesome teammates, Bane. I enjoyed reading about them, and they have been here for you. For us. Throughout this ordeal. I can’t wait to meet Coop. You mentioned him a lot in your letters.”

  She noticed Bane’s hands go still, and when she glanced into his face she saw pain etched in his features. “Bane? What is it? What’s wrong?”

  He looked at her. “You won’t get a chance to meet Coop, Crystal. We lost him during one of our covert operations.”

  “Oh, no!” She fought back tears for a man she’d never met. But in a way she had met him through Bane’s letters and knew from what he’d written that he and Coop shared a special bond. “What happened?”

  “I can’t give you the details but it was a setup. I’m not sure how it was done but he was taken alive. Then a few days later they sent our CO Coop’s bloody clothes and military tag to let us know what they did to him.”

  She wrapped her arms around Bane’s waist. “I am so sorry for your loss. After reading your letters I know what a special friendship the two of you shared.”

  Bane nodded. “Yes, he was a good friend. Like a brother. I’m sorry you didn’t get to meet him.”

  Hearing the sadness in his words, Crystal leaned up on tiptoe and pressed her lips to his. It was a quick kiss, because they didn’t have much time and the situation wouldn’t allow anything else. She released him, took a step back and glanced at the clock on the wall. “That’s strange.”

  “What is?”

  “I’m surprised no one has called. I would think Oakwood would be keeping tabs on us, letting us know what’s going on or how close those people are to here.” When Bane didn’t say anything she studied his features. “You noticed it, too. Didn’t you?”

  “Yes, I noticed it and I think I know the reason.”


  “Someone blocked any calls coming in or out of here. Whoever did it assumes they have us cornered, but I was able to text Walker and the Outlaws right after talking with Oakwood to apprise them of what’s going on. I have every reason to believe they are on their way if they aren’t here already.” He looked down at her. “I’m asking you again to go down below, Crystal.”

  “Only if we’re down there together.”

  She heard his deep breath of frustration before Bane said, “Then take this,” and passed her one of the smaller handguns off the table. “Not that you should need to use it,” he added. She inserted it into the pocket of her jacket.

  At that moment the light in the room flickered a few times before going completely out, throwing the entire house into darkness. “Bane?”

  “I’m here,” he said, wrapping an arm around her.

  She jumped when suddenly there was a hard knock at the door.

  “Seriously? Do they think we plan on answering it?” Bane said in an annoyed tone.

  “But what if it’s Walker or the Outlaws? Or even Oakwood?”

  “It’s not,” he said. “Too soon to be Oakwood. And as far as Walker and the Outlaws, we agreed to communicate by a signal.”

  “What kind of signal?”

  “The sound of a mourning dov
e’s coo. I didn’t hear the signal so you know what that means.”

  She nodded. Yes, she knew what that meant.

  * * *

  Bane wished like hell that Crystal had done what he’d said and gone down below. He needed to concentrate and wasn’t sure he could do that for worrying about her.

  Suddenly a loud voice that sounded as if it came through a megaphone blared from outside. “Mr. Outlaw. Miss Newsome. We are members of the Department of Homeland Security. We’re here to take Miss Newsome to safety.”

  “Like hell,” Bane whispered in a growl. “Those bastards expect us to just open the door and invite them inside in total darkness. They figure we’re stupid enough to fall for that?”

  “If you don’t respond to our request,” the voice continued, “we will assume the two of you are in danger and will force our way in.”

  Your decision, Bane thought. Bring it on.

  “You think they really will force their way in?” Crystal asked softly.

  “That’s evidently their plan, so let’s get prepared,” he said, lowering her to the floor with him. At that moment his cell phone vibrated in his pocket. Someone had gotten past the block. He quickly pulled the phone out and read the text message from Walker. 5 of them.

  “Somehow Walker got through the block to let me know there are five men surrounding the cabin. At least that’s all they see. There might be others.”

  “At least Walker and the Outlaws are here.”

  “Yes, and they know to stay low and not let their presence be known unless something serious goes down. We need to get the ringleader.”

  “So for now it’s five against two.”

  He frowned. “I want you to stay down, Crystal. They won’t do anything that will harm you since you’re valuable to them. That means they’ll try to get inside to grab you.”

  Suddenly there was a huge crash. It sounded like the front door caving in. “Shh,” Bane whispered. “Someone just got inside.”

  * * *

  Male voices could be heard from another room. “Miss Newsome, let us know where you are. We know you think you’re safe here with Cash Outlaw, but we have reason to believe he can’t be trusted. We need to get you out of here and get you to safety.”


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