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Viking Warrior Rising

Page 14

by Asa Maria Bradley

  Naya kept her gasp from escaping and instead nodded encouragingly.

  “In the Norse culture, warriors who die in battle or die a heroic violent death are sent to live with the gods in Asgard. The men spend their time training in Valhalla with Odin. The women are schooled by Freya.”

  Naya’s mind reeled. What he described didn’t seem possible, but he was so sincere. Obviously he believed his story to be true. “I thought there were only male warriors in the Nordic tradition.”

  “Most stories are based on the old Icelandic sagas. They describe Valkyries as leading the men to Valhalla.”

  “And that’s not the way it is?”

  Leif smiled. “The sagas were all written by men long after the Viking age ended. They didn’t know what happened in Freya’s meadow and took some poetic license.”

  “So, typically male, instead of just saying ‘I don’t know,’ you make up shit instead.”

  He smiled, his dimples stealing her breath. Again.

  She looked away. “So, this place where the gods live, this is the Nordic heaven?”

  “Not exactly. It’s the warriors’ reward for dying an honorable death. They are allowed to live on, to fight again.” He studied his hands. “I don’t remember much of Valhalla. Time flows differently there. All my memories run together as if they happened the same week.”

  She looked up to find him watching her. “I’m sorry, I’m trying to follow what you’re saying. But—”

  “It is a little crazy?” He smiled.

  “A little.” A lot.

  “Is it any crazier than being abducted and kept in a camp? Any crazier than enhancement injections?”


  So maybe her history was a little nutty, but living with gods? Seriously, way crazier. “So, why are you not in Valhalla?”

  Leif sighed. “If you thought I was delusional before…” He smirked. “In addition to the Icelandic sagas, there are ancient rune stones that speak of a Viking king defeating Loki and preventing the final battle, Ragnarök.”

  I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole. Her forehead furrowed.

  “Loki is also a god, well, half god, half giant. He likes to stir up trouble. The old stories depict him as a ‘trickster.’ But that is too benevolent for what he is. He can’t leave the gods’ dwelling, so instead he sends his minions to earth to instigate the final battle—minions like the wolverines.”

  “Sending monsters to kill you does seem more serious than a practical joke.” How did this Loki tie in with the wolverines being created in the lab? She shook her head. “What about the battle you mentioned?”

  “The Icelandic sagas foretell a battle between the gods and their enemies. According to legend, Ragnarök destroys the world and all of civilization.”

  “Why does Loki want to destroy the world?”

  “He thinks he’ll be the only surviving deity and thereby rule the universe.”

  “But there’s a king who can stop this?” Naya scooted closer to the edge of the seat.

  His blue eyes bore into hers. “That’s how some interpret the ancient rune stones.”

  “And you are that king?”

  “That’s what Odin and Freya think.”

  Naya couldn’t process what he’d told her while he watched her so intently. She stood, the heat of his gaze tracking her, prickling her skin. “So you are over a thousand years old.”

  “Not exactly. I was twenty-eight when I died, fairly old for a Viking. We start raiding and fighting in our early teens.”

  Naya stopped and turned to look at him. “You look younger. Do you age backward, like Merlin?”

  Leif laughed out loud. “No, I’m not a wizard. I didn’t age in Valhalla, and I have aged very slowly, maybe not at all, since I returned to Midgard.”

  Naya stared at him. “I’m sorry, what?”

  He shrugged. “Midgard, it’s where the humans live,” he said, as if it was something everyone knew. “Earth.”

  She shook her head. “When did you return to…the humans?”

  “A century ago.”

  Naya just watched him for a moment. He seemed sane, but what came out of his mouth was not. “This is a lot to take in.” Like a hundred years’ worth of cray-cray to process.

  Leif stood and walked toward her.

  She forced herself to stand still although her body screamed to meet him halfway.

  He stopped a few inches from her. “I don’t expect you to understand or even believe us right away. Just know that none of my warriors will hurt you.”

  The crazy thing was that she did believe she was safe in this house. But she still had to ask. “Why are your people so protective of me?”

  Leif avoided her eyes. His hand encircled her wrist and he pulled her toward him. “Because you saved me.”

  “And you are their king.” Him stroking her arm made it hard to concentrate.

  He nodded. “And they are grateful to you.”

  Naya wanted to resist, but her legs had a will of their own and didn’t listen to her brain. “But they have already repaid me by saving me from the handlers.”

  Leif captured her other hand. “And then you helped us again by finding the listening devices.” He buried his face in her hair.

  The heat between them scorched her brain. She couldn’t breathe. “Anyone with a similar security background could have found those bugs.”

  Leif nodded against her head, then held her a little farther away by her shoulders and looked into her eyes. “But it would have taken us much longer. Now we don’t have to worry about a traitor. My people are much relieved.” His voice lowered to a whisper. “Most grateful.” He leaned in and brushed her forehead with his lips. His hands moved lower, stopping on her hips. Slowly, he moved her backward.

  The bed hit the back of her knees. “I just did what anybody would have done.”

  “Not anybody.” He cupped her ass.

  Her body leaned toward him. Traitorous body.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were married?”

  His body stilled. He leaned back and nudged her chin up until her eyes met his. “That was a long time ago.”

  “Still seems like something you could have mentioned.”

  Leif sighed. “My wife and children died long before I did.”

  “Why didn’t they go to live with the gods?”

  “They were murdered,” he answered. “And dying in your sleep isn’t an honorable death.”

  She wanted to ask him if he missed his wife, if he still loved her, but wasn’t sure she’d like the answer. And didn’t like that she wanted to ask. “I’m sorry,” she said instead.

  Leif’s hand traced her jaw, and then pushed an errant strand of hair behind her ear. “It happened long ago. It has nothing to do with us.”

  She couldn’t afford to think about an “us,” and yet the word sent tendrils of warm longing through her body. Her heart swelled. “What makes a death honorable? I don’t understand the rules for who gets to live on.”

  A smile quirked his lips. “I’m not sure I do either, but I don’t want to talk about death and dying anymore.”

  She was standing close enough to feel his voice vibrating in his chest. “What do you want to talk about?” She closed her eyes and leaned into his caress.

  This was so dangerous. So good.

  “I don’t want to talk at all.” His whisper heated her skin.

  She sighed. She didn’t want to resist anymore. But this wouldn’t be casual. Sex with Leif would mean something. She didn’t want to think about the hurt that would come later.

  His lips caressed hers and she automatically parted her lips, a satisfied sigh escaping.

  He groaned and deepened the kiss. His tongue plundered her mouth, claiming it as his territory. Leif’s hand moved to the back of her neck. He tilted her head for better access.

  Her knees buckled. They tumbled into bed together, Leif bracing himself above her, hands on either side of her body.

  Naya arched a
gainst him. She needed his heat, his strength. Impatient, she reached for his belt and undid the buckle. Tearing the button open, she reached for the zipper.

  He reached down, capturing her hand in his. “Patience.” He chuckled. “I want to take my time.”

  Naya shook her head, looking straight into his eyes. “We can go slow later. I want you now.”

  His pupils dilated. Something flickered deep within but disappeared before she could identify the emotion.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, his voice hoarse.

  She ignored his question and continued to unzip his jeans. This time he didn’t stop her. “Yes,” she hissed as she stroked his hardness.

  He pressed into her, growling deep in his chest. Grabbing both her hands, he raised her arms over her head. “Slow down, little one, or I won’t last.” He nuzzled her neck.

  A sigh escaped her lips as heat rippled through her body. Her nipples tingled. She arched her back, moaning with pleasure as the hard buds rubbed against his chest through her shirt.

  Leif claimed her mouth again, moving his tongue in and out.

  She matched his motion, the pace driving her crazy. When he pulled his mouth away, she whimpered in protest. The sound turned into another moan as his lips found her nipple through her shirt. She arched again, wanting increased contact.

  He held both of her wrists with one hand and used the other to pull her shirt up and over her head. The snaps on her bra provided little challenge, and the garment quickly followed the shirt. His lips caressed her naked breasts, one after the other, before settling on one nipple. Using his teeth, he gently tugged.

  “Please,” Naya whispered. She tugged her wrists, trying to get free. “I need, I want…”

  “Shh, I know, älskling.” He kissed her and released her hands. She buried them in his hair as he unbuttoned her pants, swiftly pulling them, and her panties, down her thighs. His fingers tangled in the curls between her legs, finding her wetness, pressing in until one, then two, fingers entered her.

  She pressed against his palm, grinding her hips, matching the pace he set.

  Leif’s clever hot mouth found a nipple again, then the other. He spoiled them both.

  Licking. Sucking. Biting.

  Heat rushed straight to her core. Pressure built deep in her womb, radiating out until it exploded. Her body shook as she orgasmed. Screaming out her pleasure, she relaxed in a puddle on the bed.

  She tried to catch her breath.

  He captured her mouth with his and quickly swept her garments off the bed. He raised his head and torso, kneeling on the bed as he pulled his shirt over his head. It followed her clothes, landing in a heap on the floor.

  Moonlight from the uncovered windows cast silver shadows on his broad chest as he freed his legs from his jeans. They caught on his boots. He tumbled off the bed with a thud, cursing as he tore at the tangle around his ankles.

  Naya laughed and rolled to the side of the bed. She peered down. “Are you okay?”

  “I will be in a minute.” Leif kicked off his boots and captured her face in both his hands. He kissed her deeply, pushing her back on the bed, stretching out above her. “Wait just a little longer,” he said, slipping off the bed. She heard the rip of a wrapper, a quick snap as he put the condom in place, and then he was back beside her. He moved one hand to cup her bottom, pressing her groin against his.

  She opened her legs to give him access.

  Leif stopped for a moment, his face hovering above hers. Pupils dilated, myriad emotions swirled in the deep pools of his eyes.

  Her breath caught as the same turmoil echoed deep within her. But then the head of his shaft found her entrance and she closed her eyes, forgetting everything but how good it felt to have him slide into her.

  She raised her hips, forcing him deeper.

  With a guttural groan, he thrust all the way.

  Naya gasped as he filled her, widening her, stretching her, the friction between them delicious.

  Leif plunge into her again and again, setting a fast pace.

  Angling her legs, pushing against the mattress with her heels, she matched him stroke for stroke.

  Her body burned, every nerve ending on fire. She couldn’t breathe. She tightened around him as she came, the orgasm crashing through her body.

  One final thrust and Leif joined her, shouting her name.

  Panting, Naya felt a strange sensation of soaring up out of her body toward millions of tiny lights. The pinpricks danced and melted together into a white flashing circle. Passing through them, she reached a complete darkness.

  Complete silence.

  Complete stillness.

  She floated in balmy darkness until a rush of sound approached, building like a waterfall, rushing faster and louder.

  She was swept away with it, crashing down back into her body. She jerked violently, opening her eyes wide. Breathing hard, she turned her head.

  Leif was watching her, his eyes serious. He stroked the hair off her forehead and face. “You okay?”

  She couldn’t form any words, but nodded.

  A grin filled with male satisfaction spread across his face. He gathered her in his arms.

  She melted into the comfort and warmth of his body. Her heart slowed to match the rhythm of his, her breathing calming as her chest rose and fell with his. Contentment spread through her limbs, flooding her heart.

  It felt like coming home.

  Naya closed her eyes and drifted off, her limbs heavy as sleep claimed her.

  * * *

  Leif covered them both with the down duvet.

  Naya sighed softly in his arms.

  Had she experienced the same thing he had while they completed the bond? The rushing white light and the beckoning darkness beyond had been incredibly beautiful, overwhelming.

  And scary as hell.

  What would this mean for both of them?

  The skin on his left hand tingled and he raised his arm. Illuminated by the moonlight streaming through the window, the tail of the serpent tattoo spiraled up his forearm, past his elbow, joining the head on the upper part of his bicep.

  A cold spike of fear pierced his heart for a fraction of a second as the snake glowed white hot on his arm. He watched as the two parts joined into one and an immense peace spread through his body. His heart rate and breathing calmed.

  For a moment, he felt a slight twinge of unease as he thought about Naya not knowing the full story of the själsfrände bond. But he had already told her so much tonight. He’d tell her the rest when she’d processed that information. Still, he didn’t know the full story. His berserker had chosen her. They’d consummated that choice, but was the tattoo the end or just the beginning of the själsfrände bond? He had strong feelings for her, but was it love? Did this mean she loved him?

  Exhaustion claimed him before he found the answers. He snuggled closer to his mate, closed his eyes, and relaxed his body.

  Chapter 13

  Naya perched precariously on a stool in the lab while Irja collected blood from her arm. Irja gave Naya a cotton swab to press against the pinprick. Naya wiped the small wound but didn’t bother applying pressure. She healed fast.

  “Are you any closer to figuring out what the chemicals in my blood do?” she asked.

  Irja labeled the test tubes while she answered. “There is still much to learn, but the particles seem to be related to production and levels of epinephrine, commonly known as adrenaline.”

  Naya prodded the skin of her arm to see if the bleeding had stopped. “That explains increased speed and tolerance of pain, but what about—” She stopped herself. She hadn’t told Irja about her cognitive abilities.

  “I hope you will one day trust me enough to share more of your secrets,” Irja said. “Until then, I’ll tell you a little about how adrenaline works and then maybe you can share enough information to help me in my tests.”

  Naya nodded for her to continue.

  “Adrenaline regulates your heart rate and breathing.�
� She finished putting away the equipment and sat down on a stool, facing Naya. “It also rules the body’s metabolic shifts and the human fight-or-flight response. Your cardiovascular system has extreme control over your adrenaline release and can channel larger-than-usual quantities to the organs in your body, instantly.” She waited for a beat. “I’ve never seen anybody synthesize epinephrine that quickly.”

  “Does the hormone affect cognitive abilities?” Naya kept her voice level, almost bored.

  “Not exactly. Some neurons of the central nervous system produce adrenaline, but the hormone is more involved in maintaining organ functions like heart rate, dilation of pupils, muscle contractions. It controls things like your pH levels and temperature.”

  Excitement welled in Naya’s chest. Could adrenaline synthesis be why her brother could no longer control his muscles? She struggled to keep an even tone of voice. “Could you find out if I produce the same adrenaline as normal humans?”

  “Sure.” Irja leaned forward. “Tell me more about why you need to know these things. It could speed up the process.”

  Naya hesitated. “I’m sorry. I just can’t.”

  Disappointment flared in Irja’s eyes. She looked away.

  “Not yet,” Naya added. “I will try to share as much as I can later.”

  The taller woman nodded. “I understand.”

  Naya doubted she did, but was thankful for the respite. She didn’t expect it would last long.

  * * *

  Feeling strangely guilty for not telling Irja the whole story, Naya returned to her bedroom—her empty bedroom. She ignored the slight hitch in her chest that absolutely was not disappointment. What did she expect? Naya had woken up with her head resting on Leif’s chest, his arms providing a cocoon of warmth and contentment. She’d felt safe and protected.

  Scared out of her mind, she’d bolted into the bathroom, grabbing some clothes on the way. After showering and getting dressed, she’d escaped to the computer room.

  Leif had still been asleep when she left.

  She’d worked on updating the mansion’s cybersecurity walls until she’d gone stir-crazy and decided to search for Irja.

  She stared at the spot where she had left him. Leif had made the bed.


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