Temptation's Hold [Temptation, Wyoming 4]

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Temptation's Hold [Temptation, Wyoming 4] Page 4

by Zoey Marcel

  “Why not? We all want kids.”

  Chanel pulled her hand away as a spasm of pain nipped at her heart when she recalled the smallness of his hands and little feet. The adorable way he’d laugh over the most trivial things. The feel of his chubby face and fuzzy head resting on her shoulder as he breathed softly against her skin and the way he lightly gripped her finger with his tiny digits and looked up at her in wonder. His eyes had been blue like his daddy’s.

  “Just because you want a baby doesn’t mean you’d make a good parent,” Chanel said quietly, trying to keep her voice from breaking with grief.

  “Wow, thanks,” Cory snorted. “We’d be damned good daddies. Dawson’s great with kids and I might be better with women than babies, but I know a thing or two about youngsters. I really like them. And you know Brad. He’s protective and caring and he’d be a great provider.”

  “Can we not talk about this right now?”

  “Fine, but someday we’re gonna.” He seemed annoyed as he chugged his drink.

  Her heart clenched in misery when she realized “Who You’d Be Today” by Kenny Chesney was playing. The song always touched and tore her up inside. She tried not to listen, but her ears and memory of the lyrics couldn’t seem to shut out the song as it played.

  She put her hand up to partially hide her flow of tears from Cory. The chorus broke her heart and Chanel lost it. She forgot that she was in a packed bar, sitting next to a heartthrob of a guy. She buried her face in her hands when a tiny sound of anguish escaped and she started to sob.

  Cory put his arms around her and pulled her against him, his blue eyes filled with genuine concern. “Honey, what’s wrong?”

  She cried harder and hugged him tightly, not caring that they were in public and she was hugging someone who hounded her constantly to go out with him.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you. You don’t have to go to the party with all three of us. You could just go with Dawson if you want and Brad and I’ll stay home so you don’t feel uncomfortable. We’ve waited for you this long. We can stand to wait a little bit longer...I guess…if we have to.”

  She pulled away slowly and wiped her eyes, trying to stop crying. “It’s not that. I just need to go home.”

  “Well, here, let me pay for our drinks and I’ll take you home. We’ll have to walk since we’ve been drinking, but I’ll go with you to make sure you get there safely.”

  Chanel donned her coat while Cory paid for the drinks. He put his coat on and walked her out into the cold outdoors. It was dark out, but the streets were decorated with Christmas lights, casting a luminous glow on the snow that looked quite magical.

  White garland snowflakes with interwoven clear lights acted like a festive arbor over First Street and lampposts on the side of the road had wreaths attached to them.

  The large pine tree in the center of town was lit and decorated, and Christmas music could be heard sometimes when passing some of the stores.

  “Oh, ‘Carol of the Bells,’ I like that one,” said Cory. “That’s probably my favorite Christmas song.”

  “It’s a good one,” she agreed, resting her head against him as they walked. He had his arm wrapped around her.

  One martini was only enough to relax her, but it couldn’t wash away the pain in her chest. She needed more alcohol for that. Although Cory seemed to be doing a good job of consoling her and she hadn’t even confided in him about what had her so troubled. Somehow just being with him and feeling his arm around her was enough.

  “What’s your favorite Christmas song?” he asked.

  “‘Silent Night.’”

  “Yeah, I like that one, too.”

  “Brad Paisley’s version is the best.”

  “I haven’t heard that one.”

  “I have it at home. It’s really tranquil and peaceful. It makes me feel like all is right with the world whenever I hear it.”

  “Aw, that’s nice.” He gave her a light squeeze and gazed down at her tenderly as they walked. “You’ll have to play it for me when we get home.”

  “What makes you think I’m going to invite you inside when we get there?”

  “What the hell? I walk you home in the dark and snow and you don’t even invite me in for a second to get warm?”

  She gave him a teasing smile and sighed. “Oh, I suppose if you must.”

  “That’s better.”

  “I bought some lime beer recently and haven’t tried it yet.”

  “Oh, yum. We’ll try it together and if you get me good and drunk I can sing for you.”

  “Why do you have to be drunk to sing?”

  “Oh, I don’t, but I sound better when I’m drunk.”

  “Alcohol does tend to impair the senses,” she teased, giggling when he tickled her.

  * * * *

  It was strange having Cory in her apartment, though his presence seemed to fill a vacancy inside of her tonight. They talked while they guzzled lime beer, which proved rather tasty. Laughter soon followed and they started singing drinking songs after a few empty bottles had been achieved.

  Chanel played “Silent Night” for him and they sat on the couch together and listened to the peaceful classic. Cory scooted closer to her until they sat with their legs and ribs touching and he had his arm resting against the back of the couch and her shoulder.

  “This is nice,” he said, moving his arm lower so it was between her back and the couch. He pulled her so her head rested against his chest, or perhaps she moved into him. It was difficult to tell, only that they seemed to be on the same page.

  “I’m glad you like it. Thanks for the martini earlier and walking me home.” Her eyes closed when she heard the steady beating of his heart. She could fall asleep to that beautiful sound easily. The beats became somewhat quicker when she started to rub his chest gently with her palm, admiring his solid strength and lean youth.

  “It was my pleasure. Thanks for the beer and listening to me sing. Did I blow your mind with the sound of my melodious voice?” He stroked her arm slowly with his hand.

  She chortled. “Yes, your voice is unbelievable.”

  “Hey now, that can be taken either way.”

  “I know.”

  He tickled her and her breath caught when he accidentally brushed her boob. The heavy silence that followed was smoldering. Her breathing became harsh and ragged when his palm deliberately returned to her right breast and cupped it before playing with it lightly with his fingers. She groped his firm chest back and he gave her breast a thorough squeeze.

  Chanel sat up and met his hot gaze. Cory covered her mouth with his and slowly seduced her with his tongue and lips. Their hands wandered and explored one another over their clothes, learning the shape of the other’s body and committing it to memory. He carefully pushed her onto her back and climbed on top of her as they made out.

  Did he like to dominate in bed the way she’d heard Brad did? Cory had a big mouth. What if he told his older brother what they did and how he’d conquered her and gotten her to submit to him? Brad’s pursuit of her would become twice as relentless as before.

  On the other hand, what if Cory conveyed a very different tale? What if he told his brother how she’d dominated and humiliated him in bed? Then Brad would know that she wasn’t a woman to mess with or be walked over.

  Of course, Cory might be too embarrassed over having been topped by a female and keep quiet about their little night together. That was what she hoped would happen.

  She really needed it slow and sweet tonight, but there was a small part of her that feared the emotional magnitude of a tender encounter with him. Would she weep afterward over how beautiful their lovemaking was the way she had with Dawson back in high school?

  No, she must be strong and not become moved with tenderness through this encounter with Cory. They would have it rough and dirty so both knew it was nothing more than a night of hot sex.

  Maybe after sleeping with her, he would give up harassing her to go out with him since he’d
have already gotten what he really wanted from her. Plus if she inflicted pain on him and humiliated him like an object maybe he’d have second thoughts about wanting to be with her.

  It might feel good to hurt someone after having seen Lucius in the crystal ball earlier.

  Chanel broke the kiss. “Let’s take this into my room. Get comfortable on my bed while I change into something a little more revealing.”

  Cory flashed her a big toothy grin and couldn’t seem to get up off the couch fast enough. Men were so easy.

  * * * *

  Cory waited for Chanel in her bedroom while she presumably changed into some kind of lingerie in the bathroom. Should he get partially undressed or completely naked? She said to get comfortable, but what did that mean coming from her? Should he leave a little bit on so she could have the pleasure of taking something off him, or would she rather walk in and find him nude?

  Ah, hell, he was going for it. Cory shed his clothes and lay on her bed in the buff, waiting for her. He lay on his back with an arm under his head like a pillow, noting with no small degree of satisfaction how stiff and large his penis was right now.

  He felt a slight buzz, but he wasn’t drunk. Then again he could feel it coming on gradually. But he would always remember this night with her. He knew he would.

  Hell, maybe if he played his cards right, he’d shake up her world and make her crave him until she finally agreed to give their ménage idea a try. He knew she’d love it if she ever gave him and his two older brothers a chance to prove how good it could be both between the sheets and in day-to-day life.

  Chanel returned and his jaw dropped. She’d let her brown hair down and it fell to about where her nipples were. Her gorgeous green eyes sizzled with mischief and he always loved the sophisticated quality of her oval-shaped face and the distinguished cuteness of her nose.

  The black corset pushed her ample bosom upward and inward into an enticing display of cleavage. The black satin gloves ran almost to her elbows and called to him seductively. His groin ached to be fondled by them.

  His eyes journeyed lower and saw the thin scrap of black lace barely covering her womanly crotch. It had to be a thong. There was a tiny black belt with silver studs on it attached to the top of the undies just for show. To look lower than this revealed creamy bare thighs and black thigh highs fringed with black lace.

  When his gaze fell to her feet, he saw that she wore black, open-toed heels that were several inches high. The shoes had delicate black lace and a tiny ribbon tied into a bow on top of each one. The heels were so feminine and sexy they reminded him of lingerie for her feet.

  “Holy crap,” he breathed in awe, getting up from the bed to reach for her.

  “Stay on the bed. I have plans for you,” she told him.

  He sat back on the bed like she instructed. “Oh, believe me, I’ve got plans for you, too, my apple fritter.”

  She grinned at this and pulled out a pair of handcuffs from the drawer of her nightstand. They were heavy-duty cuffs a cop might use. His prick responded to the kinky item.

  “I’m going to chain you to my bed,” she explained as she climbed onto it with him.

  “Oh, baby.” He grabbed her, but she moved his hands.

  “No, no. Lie down on your stomach for me.”

  Cory obeyed, feelings his loins burn as she shackled him to her headboard. He’d never been chained by a woman before. Usually, the woman would be the one to be bound, disciplined, and pleasured, but he was fine with trying something new. In truth, he found this rather exciting. He was chained to her bed and she was dressed almost like a dominatrix. Heaven only knew what was coming.

  Chanel propped two pillows under his hips to raise his ass up in the air for her. “Have you ever been spanked with an object before, Cory?”

  His eyes widened and his heart raced when he saw that she held an off-white wand that would normally be used to open and close blinds over windows when turned, but for some reason was in this woman’s hand, seeming more like a weapon at present.

  He swallowed. “Um, no, but I’m more than fine with the idea if that’s what you want to do.”

  She flashed him a devilish smile. “Good. Don’t look too surprised. I’m not a virgin, you know. I’m older than you.”

  “Only by five years. I never thought you were a virgin.” He shivered when she ran the wand down his back, buttocks, and thighs, awakening the nerve endings in his skin as she silently foretold his coming suffering.

  “Were you expecting me to be vanilla, Cory?”

  “Well, yeah, kind of. There’s nothing wrong with vanilla sex, though. I like it, too, sometimes.” Cory stiffened when she poked his asshole with the end of the stick without entering. He was starting to get the impression that she was a mistress of torment. He only hoped she didn’t stick anything up his ass, unless of course it was her fingers. That would be glorious.

  “I generally am vanilla for the most part,” Chanel confessed, “but every now and then it’s fun to mix things up.”

  “Yeah, it is.” He flinched and yelped in surprise when she whacked his buns with the wand. It smarted more than he would’ve thought, but he could take it.

  “Your ass is all pink like a bad little boy getting a spanking. Will you cry for me, Cory?” she taunted him as she smacked his butt with the stick again.

  He winced in pain before smirking. “Hardly. I never cry.”

  He uttered short, feeble cries when she slapped his ass a few more times with the menacing tool. The sound of it making violent contact with his skin proved to be surprisingly titillating considering he was the one on the receiving end of the punishment. His ass cheeks bloomed with heat and he could only imagine the glowing shade of pink they must be right now. He sucked in a breath of air and jerked his hips in elation when she stroked his flaming rump with the instrument.

  “I never knew my mate would be so naughty,” he moaned, tensing when she struck him again.

  “I’m not your mate.”

  “Yeah, you are.”

  “No.” She brought the wand down harder on his backside.

  He winked at her and blew her a kiss. “My feisty little mate.”

  He didn’t miss the way her pastel lips twitched into a flattered smile before attempting to purse with disapproval. She thumped his rear again. “No. If I was your predestined mate or whatever the hell you animals call it, you and your lecherous brothers wouldn’t be fucking other women at sex clubs.”

  “You jealous?”

  She appeared caught off guard for a moment, and her lips parted as if she’d been discovered and reduced to a state of open vulnerability. The angry stick endeavored to conceal her feelings, but it failed. “No! Why would I be jealous of a bunch of horny beasts who can’t control themselves?”

  Cory shrugged, feigning ignorance. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because you want to be the one those horny beasts lose control over? All you got to do is ask, sugar. We’re ready, willing, and able.”


  He grunted over the violent smacks that followed. That brat was going to leave marks on him. Sitting later was probably going to be a literal pain in the ass. “I think you’re jealous.”

  “I’m not jealous.”

  His jaw tightened and he stifled the sound of pain that almost escaped when she slapped his butt again. “You sure are mad for an uninterested party. We’ve always wanted only you, but you keep denying us and men have needs, so we’ve been biding our time while we wait for you.”

  Uh-oh. She sure looked pissed. The stick cracking down on his inflamed ass only confirmed this.


  “Ow! What? A man’s got to get some action once in a while. Is that too much to ask? Ha-ha, I’m kidding. You can stop with that now. Ow!”

  “Women have needs, too.”

  “Well, of course they do, cookie dough, but you should’ve come to us for them instead of running around with a bunch of other men. Oh, crap, what did I just say? Let’s pretend I did
n’t. Ow!” These strikes were fiercer still. His ass was raw and flaming from the delicious abuse.

  “What makes you think you and your brothers can offer me anything that any other man can’t? My sex life isn’t exactly dull, you know. Only when I’m with a boring man, but that isn’t usually the case.”

  Cory sighed. He didn’t like to think about other men bringing his woman sexual gratification and seeing her naked. It pissed him off and made him insanely jealous to know that other cocks had known the beautiful pussy that only he and his brothers should know.

  “I know we’re not the only guys on the planet who are good at sex. I’m not a conceited jackass. Well, I’m not gonna lie, I’m pretty damned good looking, you have to admit.”

  Chanel smiled at this, evidently agreeing with him.

  He continued with renewed confidence. “But I’m not stupid enough to think that we’re the only men who know what they’re doing in the sack. I’m sure you’ve made a lot of men happy and they’ve brought you satisfaction, too. Lucky bastards. But I can promise you that if you give us a chance, we’ll be the best you’ve ever had and you’ll always be completely loved and taken care of.”

  She looked moved by his words, but he recognized the quick wall she erected to shut him out in an attempt to hide her feelings from him and his brothers. Someday she would slip up and they’d get her to be completely honest with them.

  He started salivating when she set the wand aside and he saw the black G-string riding up her taut, perky ass. He wanted to bury himself in her tight, little hole. Had she ever been taken there? His guess would be no, but after tonight he really had no clue what sort of illicit acts she’d been exposed to.

  “You’re so flippin’ cute,” she told him as she lowered her panties and stepped out of them. “Can’t we just put aside this whole ‘I want you, but I’m going to fuck other women while I wait for you’ and ‘I don’t want you in my life, but damn I need you in it’ crap and just have a nice romp?”

  Cory felt a warm glow in his soul, or maybe the punishing fire lingering on his ass had seeped into his skin and gotten soul deep. Chanel was being honest with him, likely only because she was drunk, but he knew an honest, amorous confession when he heard one.


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