Temptation's Hold [Temptation, Wyoming 4]

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Temptation's Hold [Temptation, Wyoming 4] Page 5

by Zoey Marcel

  She wanted it. He’d told Brad she did, but had he listened to him? No, of course not. He was all about the waiting and blah, blah, blah. His loss. Cory couldn’t wait to tell his brothers how freaky their woman was in bed.

  “Holy mama,” he murmured as he took in the glory of her precious little bush and the delicate folds it covered.

  “Are you going to answer my question or stare at my crotch all night?” She placed her hands on her hips, waiting for his response.

  He grinned. “Probably the latter.”

  Chanel smiled, removed the pillows out from under his hips, and got onto the bed in front of him. She spread her legs and pushed her cunt into his face. “Well, as long you’re going to gawk at it, you may as well have a taste.”

  His mouth watered and he tugged on the restraints, wanting desperately to put his hands on her. The cuffs pinched his skin with metallic nips. “Are you going to release me?”

  “Your semen or the handcuffs?”

  He grinned. “Either one.”

  “Both, but when I’m ready. Right now my pussy needs some loving.”

  He grinned and licked his lips when she parted her labia, revealing her moisture-coated slit to his hungry gaze. “God, you’re amazing.”

  Chanel’s head went back and she groaned softly at the slow, gentle strokes of his tongue. He loved the way she tasted and responded to him. She couldn’t seem to get close enough to his pampering mouth as he pleasured her. She splayed her fingers in his hair, lips parting in apparent bliss over his oral ministrations.

  “Oh, Cory, it feels so good,” she whispered.

  Cory couldn’t help smiling as he worked her sex toward the inevitable release he wanted from her. He would make her come hard and say his name while doing it. His tongue lapped greedily at her feminine juices, relishing the wet, silky flavor of hot, aroused woman.

  The heady musk of desire permeated the room as her pleading whimpers filled his ears, fueling his masculine pride. Yeah, he was good and now she knew it.

  Chanel braced herself on his shoulders, rubbing him with her long, slender, gloved fingers. The intimate touch moved his heart. It pleased him to know his mate liked what he did to her and that a simple touch from her could stir him down to his soul. She touched every place inside of him with her hands and her pleasure.

  He’d rushed through foreplay with other women in the past, eager to get to the grand finale. It wasn’t until Brad and Dawson taught him to slow down and really take his time to enjoy a woman that Cory learned to appreciate the erotic journey leading to the coveted destination.

  He liked pleasing women, but he had to admit there were times when their magic buttons seemed to have some encrypted code that took forever to crack and it put a damper on his libido slightly. Perhaps it wasn’t their fault.

  Aside from a few girlfriends he’d genuinely liked, most of the relationships had been about sex. The women sought the pleasure he could bring them, and he used them likewise for the high they could give him.

  This was different. Chanel was unique, special. He desperately wanted to please her even if he had to delay his own release. He wanted to take time to explore her breathtaking body and bring her to the pinnacle of euphoria.

  Her gloved fingers snaked up his nape, clutching his skull for dear life as her body tensed and her pussy flooded in response to his tonguing. He licked the honey oozing from her warm pot, savoring her rich sweetness.

  A part of him wished his brothers could be here to share their mate with him. On second thought, he was glad to have her alone on his first night with her. She was creaming and shuddering for him alone, and the blissful outcry escaping her full, pouty lips was all for him.

  Chanel gripped his head tightly and jolted against his doting mouth as she came for him. Her nectar intoxicated him and he wished his arms weren’t chained so he could claim her. Although he knew she’d have his nuts if he endeavored to bite her without asking first. Not that she would agree to the claiming, given her seemingly deep-seated aversion to shape-shifters.

  Well, that crap had to change. She belonged to them and they weren’t letting her go no matter how many walls she erected to hide from them and disguise all her doubts and fears, whatever they were.

  Cory lapped up the fluid coating her folds as he listened appreciatively to her thankful, sated sighs. When he was done, he looked up at her expectantly. “Well?”

  Her light green eyes sparkled with satisfaction, though she tried to keep her approving smile subtle. “Not bad.”

  He smirked. “Not bad? I was fucking amazing and you know it.”

  Her smile couldn’t be hidden this time as she got up and placed her gloved hand on his right hip, making him shiver at the cool smoothness of her touch.

  “Roll over onto your side,” she quietly directed.

  He did as she asked, groaning with unrelenting need when she ran her gloved fingertips up the length of his pounding shaft. His smitten head bobbed submissively to wherever the enchanting temptress beckoned him.

  She offered no comments one way or the other regarding the size and beauty of his cock like women often did and like he’d always imagined her doing. Rather, she continued to stroke him in silence, eyes steadily devouring his package as she made a deadly assault on his groin with her fingers.

  “Let me out of these handcuffs and I’ll give you the fuck of your life,” he promised her.

  Chanel didn’t reply to this. She merely groped his testes lightly and watched his mouth fall open at the smooth, insistent caress of satin against his balls.

  “You’re nothing short of a miracle,” he moaned.

  She smiled, wrapped her palm around his dick, and pushed the crown between her supple lips. His gasp was almost embarrassingly loud as she drew him farther into her mouth, tasting his primal flesh and moaning contentedly on his meat.

  Cory panted as she sucked him off, fighting to stay in control. He wanted to finish inside her cunt, but the more she slurped and suckled his cock, the more he thought it might be quite nice to finish in her mouth this first time.

  Would she swallow his seed? Did it matter? Her entrancing mouth was skilled beyond anything his memory could conjure. Hadn’t the other women been good? He thought so, but now he was sure Chanel had them all beat.

  He and his brothers had been wrong about her—dead wrong. Brad especially seemed to think of her as a delicate flower that would shrink back in fear if they told her everything they planned on doing to her once they got her beneath them. Granted, some of their carnal appetites might give her cause for hesitation, but she’d certainly experienced more than they’d given her credit for.

  Maybe now they could dispense with all this waiting bullshit and just make her theirs now that Cory knew how bold she was in the bedroom.

  Hot and cold electricity raced through his body as her mouth enveloped him in her humid embrace, sending sparks of awareness all throughout his system. He did his best to meet the suction with light thrusts of his hips. The charge that shot through his balls when she rubbed and squeezed them was unreal. There was no lasting tonight, no control to hold on to. He lost it completely and erupted in her mouth.

  “Swallow for me, sugar. Oh, shit!”

  Cory gave her everything he had, unable to stop shaking on the way down. He felt his semen still swirling around in her mouth when she pulled off of him.

  He grinned breathlessly at her and welcomed the kiss she seemed intent on giving him, squealing when his cum flooded from her mouth into his and he felt her forcing it toward his throat with her cruel tongue.

  Chanel pulled back and smashed her forearm against his lips to keep his semen in. She gave him a saucy grin and batted her long eyelashes at him. “Swallow for me, sugar.”

  He glared at her, wanting to spit it back up on her, but the thought of it running down his face and neck didn’t exactly sound appealing and she’d probably just leave him chained there with spunk all over him simply to be the bitch she was.

anel flicked her finger against his sensitized shaft and Cory squirmed. He didn’t like having his dick touched after he’d just come. It was just too damned sensitive.

  “Swallow and I’ll stop tormenting you,” she said ruthlessly.

  He made a noise to let her know he was irritated with her, but the bitch started toying with his empty balls and jerking his deflating shaft. It was too much. He swallowed his own cum, trying not to gag on the thick, foreign essence. Oh, she would pay for this.

  Chanel pulled her arm away from his lips with a sadistic smile. “That’s better. No man gives me orders in or out of bed. Remember that.”

  “Yeah, well, things are gonna be a lot different when Brad gets a hold of you.”

  “I would never sleep with Brad. He’s a chauvinistic pervert. This little encounter of ours tonight was just a one-time thing, so don’t get any ideas.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, cookie dough. I already knew holding you would be good, but now that you’ve shown me just how good it can be, I ain’t letting you out of my sight.”

  She unlocked the handcuffs and he was free to sit up and rub his wrists. “This was a one-night stand, Cory. Don’t try to make it into anything more than that.”

  He winked at her with a huge grin. “But what are my two big brothers gonna say when they find out you seduced me and refused to make an honest man out of me afterward?”

  Her eyes widened and she looked mildly panicked. “You’re not going to tell anyone about this, least of all your brothers. This was just a drunken mistake. I was lonely and needy.”

  He scanned her head to toe and wiggled his eyebrows at her in sweet remembrance of their tryst. “Yeah, you were. I fixed you real good.”

  She couldn’t keep him from seeing her smile. “Yes, you were great. Get dressed and get out.”

  Her dismissal didn’t surprise him in the least, though it sent a wave of disappointment crashing through him. This was so like her, but he’d dared to hope that tonight she would realize just how right they were for each other.

  “I thought maybe I could spend the night and we would cuddle,” he said.

  She snorted at this. “That would imply a relationship and feelings, Cory. This was about sex, plain and simple. Don’t be such a pussy.”

  There was a time when he would’ve loved to hear a woman say those words to him and let him off the hook after a wild night of passion without expecting an ounce of commitment, but coming from Chanel, they stung like hell.

  “It’s okay to sleep next to a fling, you know. I’ve done it before. It’s actually really nice.”

  She ran her fingers through her lustrous brown hair, seeming as though something weighed heavily on her mind. He could see the conflict brewing in her eyes. Was she tempted by his proposal? He hoped so, though he doubted she’d give into it.

  “You’re young and possibly naive, if I can believe that. So I’ll try to say this as nicely as possible. I’m going to go take a shower, and by the time I come back, I want you gone. You can nod at me when we pass by each other in town, but no more stalking me, and for god’s sake don’t tell anyone about what we did tonight.”

  That was her idea of nice? His eyes followed her out of the room with a longing sigh. She just gave him the best blow job of his life and then stuck a knife in his heart.

  Cory gathered his clothes reluctantly before glancing at her dresser with a smug half smile. She could pretend this night with him never happened, but by golly he required a souvenir. He rummaged through her top drawer, admiring her various panties. Which one to take with him as a memory?

  Intrigued, he pulled out something he hadn’t expected to find in her underwear drawer—a little, blue Onesie that a baby might wear.

  He looked up in time to see Chanel walk back into the room and her jaw drop in outrage. “What the hell do you think you’re doing with that?”

  “I was just browsing for a keepsake. What is this?”

  Her eyes flashed with anger and sorrow as she snatched the baby outfit from him and shoved him toward the door. “Get out! Don’t you dare go through my things! You have no right!”

  “I’m sorry. I was just curious. Why are you so upset?” Cory stumbled through the doorway into the hall, struggling to get his clothes back on with her pushing and shoving while yelling at him.

  “Get the fuck away from me! I don’t want to see you again, just go!”

  “Jesus, you’re crying. Are you okay?”

  “Leave!” she screeched at him and shoved him toward the front door and out into the stairwell, slamming the door shut and locking it behind him.

  Cory wriggled into his sweater and shirt, grateful he had his pants on at least. The door opened long enough for her to toss his shoes and socks out before closing the door again. He put them on, wondering what the hell just happened.

  Chapter Three:

  Christmas Party

  Dawson Taylor sat at one of the round tables in The Gothic Angel, playing poker with Sheriff Ben Easton and Sampson Burns. Somehow they got on the subject of Ben’s estranged wife, Jill. She was apparently living in Southern California and engaged to another man. She’d contacted Ben several times, requesting a divorce, but the sheriff never gave in.

  “She sent me a text a while back and mailed me a copy of the divorce papers,” Ben said, staring down at his hand.

  “Did you sign them?” Dawson asked.

  “Nah, I burned them. Turns out they make for better fuel than they do a future.”

  “Aren’t you worried she might be sleeping with that fiancé of hers?” Sampson cautioned.

  Ben’s face hardened, but he kept his eyes glued to his hand of cards. “It doesn’t change anything. She’s still my wife.”

  “If you keep ignoring her requests she’s probably gonna come up here and pay you a visit,” Sampson told him.

  “Now wouldn’t that be a shame,” Ben said with a slow, calculating smile.

  Dawson grinned.

  Sampson managed a half smile. The grizzly bear shifter was a man of few words, but he spoke when it was important. He kept to himself mostly, never talked about his past, and kept his personal life private. He didn’t seem to mind solitude, but Dawson hoped Sampson found a nice lady to settle down with eventually. Everybody deserved to be happy.

  Dawson looked up when his little brother, Cory, burst into the room excitedly. “I fucked Chanel Carmichael!”

  The men with Dawson at the table turned suddenly to look at Cory with expressions that likely resembled the shocked incredulity on his own face. “You what?”

  “I fucked her!” Cory said happily.

  Dawson could tell his brother was drunk by the way he stumbled slightly on his way to the bar counter, but he wouldn’t lie about something like that, so it must be true. “How did you manage that?”

  Cory shrugged with a hiccup. “I don’t know. I guess she was finally just ready for this.”

  “Was she as drunk as you are?” Ben asked.

  “We had a few drinks, yeah,” Cory admitted.

  Ben turned back in his chair toward the table with an amused smile. “That explains it.”

  Sampson snickered.

  “Hey, man! She wanted me bad.”

  “You gave a woman drinks and took advantage of her?” Dawson teased.

  “Hey, no! She gave me drinks and took advantage of me,” Cory insisted. “My good name is soiled now, but oh, what a way to go out.”

  He missed the barstool and landed on his ass on the floor, chuckling at his mistake.

  Dawson shook his head. As if his little brother had a pristine reputation to keep clean. Cory was a flirtatious little player and everyone in town knew it.

  Dawson was glad Cory got a chance with Chanel tonight and that she’d responded to Brad earlier in the library, but Dawson became saddened that she’d changed her mind about going with him to Sally’s Christmas party. He wished he hadn’t brought up the fact that his brothers wanted to accompany them there as well and scared h
er off. But then she turned around and screwed his little brother, so Dawson didn’t know quite what to make of it.

  He felt a thread of self-consciousness when he wondered if his body type had something to do with it. Cory was lithe and toned while Brad was buff and muscular. Dawson, on the other hand, was stocky. He wasn’t enormous or anything, but he had some extra meat on him and a bit more padding than his brothers.

  He’d always been somewhat insecure about his weight, even back in high school. Chanel hadn’t minded his extra pounds. In fact, she seemed to enjoy his squishies and called him her teddy bear.

  But that was sixteen years ago. Perhaps her taste in men had changed. She’d always been strong and independent, even back then, but now she seemed outspoken. She was what Brad referred to as a classy bitch.

  Since moving to Temptation and running into them again after years, Chanel had warmed back up to Dawson again once the awkwardness of running into an ex repeatedly in a small town finally wore off some. She’d pretty much shunned his brothers, though.

  Tonight she slept with Cory and earlier she let Brad get her off in the library, but she didn’t want to go to the Christmas party with Dawson because the thought of a three-way turned her off? What the hell? Was he just the sweet, good guy that she enjoyed texting and being friends with now? Was her new taste in men bad boys like Brad and cute clowns like Cory?

  What happened to that adoring, young girl who gave him the confidence he needed to accept himself? That dulcet soul mate who professed her love for him one warm summer night and made him a man?

  Dawson didn’t mind the idea of sharing her with his brothers, but he wanted her to be as attracted to him as she was to them. He used to be her world, but she’d never stopped being his.

  He’d been in three relationships after her, and while two of them had been pleasant, they weren’t her and he had too much of a heart to make a serious commitment to any of them when they could never be anything more than second place in his heart.


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