Temptation's Hold [Temptation, Wyoming 4]

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Temptation's Hold [Temptation, Wyoming 4] Page 8

by Zoey Marcel

  “I’m surprised there’s room for any woman in your bed with your ego,” she retorted.

  He grinned. “Just enough. Take off your bra and let me see those luscious tits of yours—the ones that belong to me now.”

  “No. I’ll take it off when I’m good and ready. And they don’t belong to you. I own my breasts completely.”

  “Not anymore, baby doll.” He approached her confidently and with wicked determination in his dark eyes. “I need to teach you to mind soon or you’ll never be comfortable enough to sit on your ass.”

  She glowered at him, losing her breath when his erection sizzled hot, hard, and wrapped in satin against her tummy as he unhooked the front of her bra and brought it down her arms so she stood as nude as he was.

  “Beautiful. I always knew these tits would be the epitome of perfection. Good girl for not disappointing me.”

  She wanted to beat him upside the head with his long cock, but the brawny heat of his masculine body burned her with the fires of an ecstasy she couldn’t run from or deny any longer. His manly palms sizzled against her breasts as he groped her.

  “I don’t want you biting me,” she said quietly.

  “And I was under the impression you liked it rough between the sheets.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  He sighed, disappointment swimming in his eyes before they became serious again and hardened with lust. “Fine. We won’t claim you tonight, but eventually you will be claimed, Chanel. You can’t get out of it. You weren’t meant to.”

  His mouth devoured hers in a savage kiss that smashed her better judgment in two. His lips ate hungrily at hers and their tongues entwined repeatedly, never wanting to part. Chanel moaned in his mouth when Brad lifted her so her legs wrapped around his hips, cradling his toasty erection between their heated bodies.

  She went breathless when he laid her back on the couch roughly beneath him and suctioned her swollen breasts into his mouth one at a time, making the lust-afflicted nipples harden even more for him.

  “So fucking hot!” Cory exclaimed.

  “She’s so beautiful,” Dawson agreed.

  “One of you have any condoms on you?” Brad asked in between lavishing her tits with hot, wet love.

  “Right here.” It sounded like Cory rummaged through his clothes before tossing a condom packet to him.

  Brad caught it and ripped it open to pull the sheath out. “Put this on me, babe. I want to feel your hands all over my penis.”

  Chanel felt a rush of excitement as she unrolled the condom and pulled it gently onto his hard, aroused dick.

  “You’ve never put a large condom on a man before, have you? I have to buy this size. Otherwise the regular ones just rip on me,” he teased. “They can’t handle me.”

  She shook her head with a smile, being sure to lure his eyes to her face so he wouldn’t see what she did before she sheathed him. He would make beautiful babies.

  “You’re too much,” she said.

  “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, babe.”

  Chanel laughed lightly, moaning in pure bliss when his lips crushed against hers as he covered her body with his and entered her moist, pulsing cunt. She felt his girth stretching her as he filled her with his engorged size and she tried not to tense at the massive length moving inside her. It took several slow, steady strokes to permit him full access to her inviting depths. Her toes curled when he filled her to capacity.

  His guttural sounds were sheer rapture as he hovered over her, seeming insane with salacity.

  “Damn,” he breathed, countenance radiating with awe and appreciation of her.

  Damn indeed. She hadn’t realized anything could feel so incredible despite some of her agreeable past flings. This was different, all-consuming and unreal.

  Brad looked like a handsome, chiseled god as he thrust inside of her, simultaneously sating and making her more aware of the demanding ache between her thighs.

  He ravished her breasts like they were covered in chocolate and he just couldn’t keep himself from tasting them. His ravenous sucks and gentle licks and kisses on her mounds undid her.

  His gentle strokes inside her cunt possessed her as his slow, intimate kisses on her mouth drugged her.

  He owned her in that moment, no matter what she tried to tell herself. Chanel couldn’t believe this was really happening. She took Brad Taylor into her body and let him win. She couldn’t think about that right now.

  He wouldn’t let her. Fast or slow, all of his movements consumed her. She wished he wouldn’t look into her eyes like that while he fucked her. The gaze was soul searching and powerful and she feared there were things she just couldn’t hide from him when he stared right into her like that—like he knew her completely.

  Her eyes glazed as she felt a surreal cloud of nirvana come over her. Somehow he was getting through to her and she couldn’t handle it.

  The sex is just so good it’s clouding my better judgment, making me think I have feelings for him.

  She could go along with that. She was a smart, experienced woman, not a young, naive teenager. Chanel knew that chemistry could often blind people to the truth. Hormones were deceptive sometimes, although she wasn’t entirely sure why she never had this struggle before with the other men she’d slept with. Some of them were good, but they never made her feel such deep, confusing things inside like she did now.

  Only Dawson had ever done this to her. But they were in love back then. She didn’t love Brad, could never love him.

  He still looked at her with that heart-sweeping stare in between the addicting sounds of his panting and grunting. It really was too much. She wished he would stop.

  “Chanel,” he whispered, running his fingers through her outspread hair.

  Why did he have to say her name like that and look at her like he’d found his soul mate?

  Chanel averted her eyes to escape the enthralling trap his eyes had set for her.

  She heard moaning and saw that Dawson and Cory had each taken up a chair and sat while they watched their oldest brother take her. Cory was naked, but Dawson was still dressed with only his boner exposed from his undone jeans. They palmed their impressive erections slowly and smiled at her adoringly when they saw her looking at them.

  Dear lord, why did they all look so caring? This was just a quick fuck in the heat of the moment. Why did they act like she was the one? Perhaps she was just being paranoid. She wasn’t their special someone.

  At one time, Chanel thought she could be Dawson’s, but if he knew what she’d done, what she let happen, he would probably never forgive her just as she could never forgive herself.

  Brad wrapped her legs up over his hips so she held him trapped against her body while he pumped into her furiously. “That’s right, baby. They’re watching you. They’re so hard and hot for you right now. You have no idea. They won’t be able to last once they get inside you. You feel too damned good.”

  His steamy words combined with the blistering heat of his gaze and the lascivious way his brothers gawked at her naked, writhing body sent her to a place she’d never been before. Her lust reached a fever pitch that was unreal. If knowing his brothers was as satisfying as becoming one in flesh with Brad then she knew she would always regard this encounter as the best of her life.

  The unexpected presence of his rough finger on her plump clit surprised a tiny mewl from her. She could already feel the climax building inside of her.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, Chanel,” Brad murmured gently as he played with her hair while pleasuring her with his other hand. “Come for me. I want to feel your tight pussy squeeze my cock while you do.”

  His words heated and electrified her. She was close. A part of her wanted to come, but the other half of her never wanted this night with them to end.

  But it would after they had all taken what they wanted. Perhaps she could prolong it somehow. She slightly moved her hips in such a way that he touched a less sensitive region of her cl
it that wouldn’t get her off right away.

  As if knowing this, Brad’s finger moved back to where it was, insistently summoning the euphoric finale he wanted to share with her. “I said come, Chanel.”

  She snickered breathlessly at this as she felt her juices trickling brazenly down her inner thighs. “I’ll get there when I’m good and ready. You can’t rush me. I don’t come on command.”

  His eyes flickered in challenge and he stimulated her faster with a mocking smile. “I decide when you come, sweetheart, not you. And I want you to come right now.”

  She felt her climax starting and moved to escape it. “You’re not the boss of me.”

  He flashed her a wicked half smile, his eyes dark and possessive as he moved his finger back to its original spot. “I’m so much more than that. I’m your Master and you’re going to do whatever I tell you whenever I tell you.”

  Chanel flashed him a warning glare. “You are not my Master. I belong to no man.”

  “You belong to me.”

  “Fuck you.” She concentrated hard, trying to fight the rapidly building sensations blossoming inside of her.

  He stopped touching her, leaned forward, and bit her hard on the shoulder. She cried out in tormented bliss at the rush of pain and pleasure the pinching chomp evoked.

  “Give me the respect I deserve and I’ll give you the pleasure you crave,” he whispered seductively into her ear.

  She shivered. “I can please myself just as easily.”

  His chuckle came out dark and sexy as his digit reacquainted itself with her engorged clit. “Not like this. Come now, Chanel.”

  Her body was helpless to resist his command as he plunged her into an intense orgasm. She shrieked wildly as she convulsed against his hard, strapping body and felt the electric spasms in her womb.

  Brad watched her lose control beneath him with a satisfied smile and grunted at the clutching flutters of her pussy around his cock. He pulled her into him, driving into her with everything he had as she writhed against him. Her powerful climax milked the last of his resistance from him and he sprayed his cum into her cunt in a searing flood of heat. They lay there in each other’s arms, sweating and panting in the afterglow.

  He planted a tender peck on her face and pulled out. “You’re absolutely amazing, you hot little thing.”

  Chanel smiled up at him. “Right back at you, stud.”

  Cory sprang up. “Okay, now it’s our turn. We can go at once, ’cause I ain’t waiting after that erotic show.”

  Dawson tucked his prick away and got up, too. They helped Chanel to her feet and lowered her to the carpet nearer the fireplace.

  Brad frowned when he pulled his soiled condom off. “Oh, shit, the condom ripped. These aren’t some special extra thin kind, are they?”

  “Nope. They’re the same ones we always get,” said Cory.

  “I’m sorry, babe,” Brad told her.

  Chanel shrugged it off. “It’s no big deal. The hole is small, so it shouldn’t matter.”

  “How do you know the hole is small when you haven’t seen it?”

  “Well, it would have to be a small hole, otherwise you would’ve noticed it,” she said as calmly as possible.

  “I call pussy,” Cory said, unwrapping his condom.

  “Let me put it on you,” she insisted. “It makes me really hot to prepare you guys for me like this.”

  He groaned and handed it to her. “You got it, sugar. You’re so perfect for us.”

  She gave him a coquettish smile and tried to divert his attention. “What do think of my home?”

  He glanced around the room like she hoped he would while she sheathed him. “It’s really nice. You’ve got great taste. I love the gas fireplace, too. It sets the mood quite nicely.”

  “It does.”

  He grinned when he saw that his dick was all suited up and ready for action. “Sweet. If you get on all fours you can suck Dawson’s cock while I fuck your pussy.”

  Chanel positioned herself on all fours, licking her lips when Dawson’s erection sprang out to meet her from his open fly. She wondered why he didn’t get completely undressed, but was grateful to at least get a glimpse of his thick, meaty cock. It was even better than she remembered from their coupling back in high school.

  She and Cory moaned as one carnal being when he entered her vagina from behind.

  She parted her lips willingly and welcomed the bulbous head of Dawson’s penis into her watering mouth. The heady, masculine scent of him drove her wild. She loved this chance to suck his cock, but she had to get him inside her later. She wanted to rekindle the oneness they had long ago, and if she couldn’t, then at least she would have his seed inside of her.

  The men moved in unison, plundering her orifices while Brad watched from on the couch. She’d never had it like this before with one man thrusting in her mouth while another tunneled deeply into her pussy. It was overwhelming and mind blowing.

  She squeezed her inner cunt muscles around Cory’s probing shaft on occasion, driving him wild. She played with Dawson’s balls and petted his thighs, enjoying his defeated noises of passion.

  The heat from the fireplace as well as the inferno the three of them created together made the sweat trickle from her in a sensuous descent down her body. Chanel didn’t know if the fever they gave her or the chills they afflicted her with was the responsible culprit. She only knew the men who surrounded her and the intoxicating pleasure of their touches.

  Sad to say, she knew the three Taylor brothers had just spoiled her for any other man. She would only have this night with them, but it would be enough.

  With Cory’s gentle caresses on her back while he pillaged her channel and the way Dawson ran his fingers through her hair while she loved on his genitals, Chanel wondered if that was even true. How could one night with the three captivating men ever be enough for her? But it had to be.

  “Holy crap, she’s tight,” Cory panted. “It’s like a snug, hot, little vise around my dick.”

  He moaned through a swear word when she squeezed him with her vaginal muscles.

  Brad got up off the couch and flipped the switch so the fire died down.

  Dawson swiveled his hips so his cock hit her mouth at different angles. “Your mouth feels unbelievably good on me, darlin’. God, I don’t remember it ever being like this.”

  His praise spurred her on. She swirled her tongue around the head and took his shaft deeper into her mouth, swallowing on him. His harsh, desperate sounds of need were music to her ears. His thick thighs and the fleshy mounds of his drawn-up sack sent a surge of lust spiraling through her. She never thought she would get to see the body of her beloved again. Let alone touch him.

  Brad sat down on the floor next to them and covered her back with hot, moist kisses while his palm glided along her stomach, making her flinch at the too-good sensations.

  “Don’t tense up, baby doll. Just relax your body and feel,” he murmured. “There’s no need to fight what we do to you. You can’t.”

  His words made her panic, as did the pressure building in her pussy the more Cory’s length rubbed against her G-spot and the adoration she still felt in her heart for Dawson. She should flee from them, run screaming, and hide from their lewd designs on her. But she couldn’t escape them. They had her surrounded and filled completely, stealing every ounce of willpower from her until all she could do was crave what they promised her.

  Fortunately, she’d seen Cory’s shaft had trickles of pre-cum on it before she sheathed him. He wouldn’t last long enough tonight to send her over that way. She couldn’t lose that much control with them. This rapturous heaven was already difficult enough to contend with and the intimate possession proved impossible to walk away from. But she must.

  A cry mangled in her throat when Brad tweaked her nipples and molded the warmth of his palms against her breasts.

  “Oh, darlin’, I’m going to come!” Dawson’s outburst sounded almost like a plea for mercy.

hanel quickly pulled his swollen appendage from her mouth. “I want you to come inside me after Cory does.”

  He snickered, sounding out of breath. “I don’t know if I can hold out that long.”

  Her fragile emotions nearly made her eyes burn as with the threat of tears, but she managed to stay in control. “I need you there, Dawson. I want to feel you inside of me again...really badly. Please.”

  He warmed her with a loving half smile. “All right, then. Anything for you, love.”

  The pet name was a sweet embrace of the past with him that she readily welcomed to the forefront of her mind, but it left her feeling guilty for having an ulterior motive this time.

  Brad’s calloused thumbs raking her nipples nearly sent her into an erotic hysteria. With three pairs of male hands on her and the three breathtaking hunks who burned with lust for her, she was on sensory overload. Her pussy clenched Cory’s penis as an automatic reflex from the stimulation on her nipples.

  “Oh, sweet Jesus!” Cory hissed loudly at the snug embrace on his cock and firmed his grip on her hips as he held her in place while he bellowed his release and sprayed his cum into her center. He slumped over her back when he finished, the humid warmth of his breath fanning against her skin while he struggled to catch his breath again. “Holy hell, woman! I think you just wrecked my ability to ever enjoy another woman again.”

  “I doubt that,” she snorted.

  “No, it’s true. I guess you’re stuck with me now.”

  Chanel felt him shift his weight as he prepared to exit her snatch. “Don’t pull out yet. I like the way you feel inside me.”

  “I’m glad you feel that way. You didn’t say that to Brad afterward,” he teased.

  Brad shook his head and rolled his eyes with an annoyed smile. “That may be so, little brother, but at least I had the presence of mind to give her an orgasm before shooting my load.”

  Cory gasped. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, Chanel. Hold still and I’ll get you off.”

  She laughed. “So romantic. It’s okay, Cory. I don’t need to come a bunch of times to enjoy myself.”

  “You deserve as many orgasms as you can handle,” Dawson told her, blue eyes radiating with warmth and devotion.


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