Temptation's Hold [Temptation, Wyoming 4]

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Temptation's Hold [Temptation, Wyoming 4] Page 16

by Zoey Marcel

  Dawson lashed violently at her clitoris while Cory flicked his finger swiftly and repeatedly over her nipple, just barely touching it like the teasing flutter of the clitoral stimulator on her vibrator.

  “Oh, god, don’t! It feels too good,” she pleaded, but they didn’t stop. They continued their maddening assault on her sensitized skin until she came, crying aloud with pleasure at everything they did to her. The slightest brush of their fingers over her skin afterward had her shivering violently.

  “How was that?” Dawson asked with a grin.

  Chanel smiled, trying to catch her breath. “That was wonderful. Thank you both.”

  “Thank you, cookie. You look so damned hot when you finish,” Cory praised her. “Well, would you look at that? I left a hickey on you.”

  “Oh, no, I have to work tomorrow.”

  He grinned. “Now everyone will know you’re our woman.”

  Dawson sat up once he finished lapping up her juices. “You could always put makeup over it, or wear a really high neckline.”

  “Hey, shut up. She should never wear a high neckline,” Cory objected with a mischievous grin.

  She smiled.

  Brad tucked his cock back into his pants and pulled a package out from behind a large potted plant in the corner. It was an anal plug.

  * * * *

  Brad’s loins ached with hot, desperate need at the sight of their woman lying highly aroused on her back on the bed they had made for her, wearing the provocative lingerie they bought her. She was perfect for them in every way.

  Chanel studied the new anal plug they bought for her as he took it from its package. After a moment, she smirked. “Why did you buy me a butt plug, Brad?”

  He threw her a naughty wink. “Why the hell do you think?”

  Cory rubbed her arm. “It’s to stretch your ass so we don’t hurt you when we take you up there.”

  “Because naturally, being a librarian, you suppose me to be an anal virgin who can’t handle men with tree trunks for cocks. Is that it?”

  “Are you telling me you’re not an anal virgin?” Brad asked.

  “No, Brad. I’m not.” She looked annoyed with him. “Why didn’t you just ask me whether or not I was? Why did you assume I had no sex life before you? Or that my past lovers never thought to take me there?”

  He didn’t like the sound of that. “You seemed antsy both times I stuck my finger up your ass. It was a natural assumption.”

  “You caught me by surprise. That’s all. It’s been a while since I’ve had a man play with my ass, but that doesn’t mean I’ve never tried that before. I’ve had anal sex quite a few times.”

  Lord, he wanted to beat this woman’s ass. She was so sassy and outspoken in regard to her past liaisons. He didn’t like thinking about other men playing with her, especially her ass. “My mistake, but you were mistaken to think that you can handle our cocks without any preparation beforehand. We’re not your past mortal boy toys with puny dicks. We’ve got serious wood, woman, and if you’re going to share our bed, then you’ll be properly stretched and primed first for your own comfort, enjoyment, and safety.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “You think you’re God’s gift to women, don’t you? I can handle any cocks you stick up me...without a butt plug to stretch me.”

  He folded his arms, rising up to her challenge. “All right. You two keep having fun with her, and Cory, go ahead and take her up the ass since you’re the smallest.”

  “Hey, I am not small!” Cory argued.

  “I never said you were, but Dawson’s the widest and I’m the longest, so guess what that makes you?”

  “Fuck you.”

  Chanel sat up and loosened the buttons on Cory’s shirt. “I like your cock. You’re much bigger than all the mortal men I slept with.”

  He grinned. “Thanks.”

  He stripped out of his clothes, but Dawson only lowered his pants and underwear, keeping his shirt on.

  Brad tossed a tube of lubricant onto the bed for them, smiling when Chanel snatched it up before either of the other two could. She kept her front to him and stared at him defiantly so he couldn’t witness her fingers dipping in and out of her butt hole. He’d love to watch her playing with herself back there, but he let her have her space...for now. She was adding to her list of infractions. He was in control and she would know it.

  Cory lay on his back with his feet hanging off the bed. “Mount me, sugar. Dawson will stand in front of you and take your pussy while I come at your ass from back here. This way it will give you control of the speed and depth so we don’t overwhelm or hurt you.”

  Dawson shook his head with a snicker. “You just want to lie there so she has to do all the work and you can just lie back and revel in it all.”

  Cory chuckled. “Shh. She doesn’t know that.”

  Chanel gave him a playful frown. “I see how it is.”

  Cory and Dawson both sheathed their pricks and got into position.

  “Make sure they don’t have any holes in them this time,” Brad warned, watching the knowledge pass briefly through Chanel’s eyes.

  He knew what she did to their condoms last time, but he hadn’t confronted her on it yet or told his brothers. Apparently, she wanted to get pregnant. He had no qualms with that, but she was crazy if she thought they would ever let her go now that they finally had her right where they wanted her, let alone if she ever conceived from it.

  “We checked them,” Dawson assured him.

  Chanel straddled Cory’s lap, flinching in surprise when he held open her butt cheeks while she slowly impaled herself on his turgid penis. Both gave themselves over to the erotic sounds of surrender. Cory seemed to be in heaven and Chanel appeared to be experiencing a certain level of discomfort, though she coped with it rather well.

  “Do you want your butt plug, sweetheart?” Brad taunted sweetly.

  She held her head high as she tried to focus on breathing as Cory filled her bottom to the brim. “I’m fine.”

  “Go ahead and lean back on me,” Cory suggested, lightly tapping her arm to get her attention.

  She nodded and he guided her so her back rested against his chest while Dawson drew nearer. The movement made her mewl in pain and uncertainty. When Dawson aligned his cockhead at her front entrance and pushed, she stiffened.

  “Relax, sweet thing. We’ll go slow with you,” he reassured her.

  She nodded, crying out when he jerked his hips to gain ground in her vagina. “Oh, god, it’s too much! I don’t think I can do this.”

  “You’ll be okay,” Cory promised, kissing her head.

  “But you both are so much bigger than my dildos,” she protested.

  Brad’s ears perked at this and he felt his ego swelling. “You double penetrated yourself with dildos before?”

  “Yes, Brad. I’ve used sex toys before and had a dildo in both holes,” she snapped unevenly as her men paused to allow her time to adjust to their siege.

  His sense of masculine pride was gloating and his groin burned at the idea of her fucking herself with two dildos. She could say she didn’t desire a ménage all she wanted, but the fact of the matter was that there was only one reason to dual penetrate oneself.

  “What were you fantasizing about while you fucked yourself with two dildos?”

  Her cheeks pinked. “Nothing.”

  He laughed at this, loving that she was cornered and looked so damned cute and embarrassed that she’d been caught. “That’s not true, babe, and you know it. You were pretending you were with two men at once, weren’t you?”

  Her cheeks grew pinker. “So what if I was? That doesn’t mean it was you.”

  A cry wrung from her throat when Dawson advanced in her cunt.

  “I’m sorry, honey. Shit, I can’t get in anymore. I’ll just thrust with my tip. Do you think you can handle it?” Dawson asked in a caring tone.

  Brad grinned, feeling hot and bothered that their mate was overwhelmed right now. No dildos could do to her or make her f
eel what they could. “Yeah, Chanel, do you think you can handle it? Because I’ve got a butt plug right here with your name on it if we’re too much for you.”

  Her jaw clenched. “No. I can handle this.”

  “Good girl. Fuck her.”

  Dawson gently helped Chanel sit up and Cory pushed lightly on her back to assist her as well. “Ride us, love. Go as fast or as slow as you’re comfortable with.”

  “My feet don’t touch the ground. The bed is so tall,” she pointed out.

  “You can use your hands to push up and down on the mattress. Brace your feet on the bedframe,” Dawson suggested.

  “Holy crap, hurry or I’m gonna blow,” Cory groaned.

  Chanel moved up and down on them slowly, dragging the erotic moans and grunts from all three of them. She tried to go faster, but cried out and her face twisted with emotion, likely overcome by the added friction, so she slowed her pace again.

  Brad knew none of them would last long. Just watching his brothers make love to their mate touched his soul and nearly had him coming in his jeans. He wanted to masturbate while he watched them, but knew he’d shoot his load the minute he got inside her if he got too worked up before entering her. Best to pace himself.

  Dawson reached toward her slit to tease her, but Chanel grabbed his hand. “Oh, no, I can’t! It would be too much.”

  He relented and continued to thrust inside her.

  Dawson may be fine with Chanel coming only when she wanted to, but that crap would never fly with Brad. She would come when he told her to and restrain herself when he forbid her to climax.

  Cory’s fingers snaked around the front of her to bounce her tits.

  “Oh, don’t! It’s too much! I can’t take it!”

  He whined. “I’ve got to touch you, baby. Oh, fuck!”

  She deliberately rode him harder to distract him with his own instincts. The clever seductress. Brad would have fun breaking her of her cunning tricks and forcing her to take all the pleasure they wanted to give her.

  He noticed the way Chanel slowed down each time her face distorted as if the pressure on her G-spot was too much. Her slow pumping only prolonged their pleasure and he suspected that she not only gentled her pace to keep from having a vaginal orgasm, but also started playing with their testes for the same reason. She found the pleasure to be too much and sought to avoid it by making them come quicker.

  Brad smiled, knowing full well what he needed to do once it was his turn.

  His brothers came at nearly the same time and she mewed in pain at their manic twisting and jerking. Once they exchanged sweet endearments and praise of her skill, they disengaged and stepped aside.

  Brad shucked his jeans and underwear and slowly unbuttoned his shirt. He would leave it on for added sex appeal just as Chanel still wore her sexy red chemise, but he’d have his shirt undone to tempt her with his well-developed torso. Yeah, she was looking at it and licking her lips.

  He gave her a cocky smile and saw her sit up, trying to collect herself so she could stay in control with him. The thought made him chuckle inside. Oh, but she wouldn’t be in control with him. Far from it. He would make her lose more control than she ever had with anyone in her life.

  “I’m going to bind you, Chanel,” he told her seriously.

  She stiffened and her pupils dilated. “You are not handcuffing me.”

  He retrieved the silken ties from his pants pocket. “I’m going to bind you with these. They’re not handcuffs.”

  “I can see that.”

  “I won’t tie them very tight, but I do want you restrained. I’m going to teach you to trust me.”

  She looked uncertain and possibly afraid.

  “Or maybe you don’t trust yourself to be tied up. Are you worried you’re going to lose control if you’re bound to my will and restrained for my pleasure?”

  Her eyes narrowed into indignant slits. “You can tie me if you like. I won’t lose control. I’m not one of your brainless little subs.”

  Brad wanted to spank her for that, but he held back...for the moment. “Lie down on your stomach.”

  She hesitated with an expression of pure obstinacy before complying with his wishes. Oh, her ass would glow in a few brief minutes.

  He bound her wrists and tied the ends securely to hooks they’d had installed near the bedframe in the headboard. There were similar hooks in the footboard as well.

  “You did very well handling both of my brothers at once, but I could tell you were in pain some of the time. They’re too big for you right now. Admit it.”


  He brought the butt plug over and poised it near her mouth. “I want you to kiss this before I put it in your ass.”

  Chanel’s eyes widened in shock and her lips trembled in fear as if he’d triggered something significant inside of her. The silence was loud and unsettling.


  She shook her head, fists clenching against the pillow as if preparing to defend herself if necessary. “I’m not your sub.”

  “I never said you were. How does kissing a sex toy when I ask you to make you my sub?” He wondered if the sense of familiarity painted all over her features and her evident knowledge that Doms sometimes required this act of their subs meant that she had some level of experience with this.

  “You want me to worship you with my submission and regard any toy or instrument of punishment as a sacred item and to display my complete acceptance of my fate and ultimate respect for you by kissing them in surrender,” she said quietly.

  Damn. If thinking about her with other men was difficult to swallow, imagining her with another Dom was bloody intolerable. “Do you have experience with BDSM?”

  She raised her shields and briefly kissed the butt plug. “You can have your way with me tonight, but my past is my business. Ask me about it again and I’ll walk out.”

  Her snippy, guarded answer irked him, but Brad said nothing in response. He lubed the toy and sat down on the bed with her, slowly raising the hem of her chemise. Chanel clenched her buttocks nervously and he swatted her left cheek, smiling at her yip of surprise and the light pink blooming across her skin where he struck.

  “Relax your ass and raise your hips for me.”

  She did as he commanded and he moaned when he spread her ass cheeks and saw her quivering asshole.

  “This might pinch a bit at first, but it’s a small one. Regardless of what you think, you need to be prepared before you take my cock back here.”

  “Bite me.” She shrieked in pain when he clamped his teeth on her right butt cheek. “Ow! You bastard!”

  He swatted the underside of her fanny, delighting in the taut muscle there. She was firm with a nice shape, but she was clenching and he would have none of that. “When I want you to talk dirty to me, you’ll talk dirty to me. Now relax or I’m going to keep spanking you.”

  She sighed and unclenched her muscles.

  “How many men have been in your ass?”

  “Excuse me?”

  He brought his palm down high on her left cheek just under her tailbone, stealing a sharp yelp from her. The white handprint on her skin melted into a pink warmth that made him that much hornier. She was being taught to mind him and her fetching ass would soon learn who owned it.

  “Answer the question, Chanel.”

  “Go to hell. Ow! Stop!” Her anal ring locked on the partially inserted toy and he saw that she was shaking. “Just one.”

  He lightly kneaded her ass and kissed each loaf as a reward for her cooperation. “And how long ago was that?”

  She shivered at the sensual trails his fingertips left on her warmed-up flesh. “About fourteen years ago.”

  “Holy shit, that’s a long time!” Cory exclaimed from the chair he sat in. “Damn, no wonder you felt so tight.”

  “Ease up. I’m going to slide it in more,” Brad informed her. “Are you all right? Have you ever had one of these inside you before?”

  She nodded, breathing hea

  Normally, he would demand a verbal answer from a submissive, but because she seemed nervous and uncertain he felt it wise to dismiss convention tonight. The plug slid in easier this time and Brad felt jitters of wild excitement when the toy was seated inside her. His erection would fill her so much deeper.

  “Dawson, hand me the vibrator we bought for her.”

  Chanel’s jaw dropped. “Good heavens, did you guys just buy every toy they had in stock?”

  Brad grinned. “Not quite. I trust you know what a vibrator is.”

  She rolled her eyes. “No, Brad. Teach me. I don’t know anything about sex.”

  He turned the plug counterclockwise in her anus and she wailed at the stimulation deep inside her. He took the vibrator and slipped the vaginal dildo up her vagina and then matched the clitoral stimulator up to her clit. “Raise your hips more.”

  She obeyed, jumping a bit when he turned the toy on.

  “I saw the way you wouldn’t let Dawson play with your clit or Cory touch your breasts. Why was that?”

  “It was too much. It felt too good.”

  “But they wanted to give you intense pleasure and explore your lush body. You denied your mates, Chanel.”

  “You’re not—oh, god!” She gasped when he turned up the speed on the vibrator.

  Brad glared at her and jerked her chin toward him so she had to look him in the eyes. “If you say we’re not your mates one more time I’m going to spank you. You know down to your bones that we’re your mates. We’ve known it since we met you.”

  He saw her squirm and tug gently against her restrains, but they didn’t give.

  “Please,” she begged. “It feels too good with both toys in there and all that buzzing and tickling.”

  He winked at her with a sassy smile. “You want to come? You got it, babe.”

  “Oh, no!” Chanel cried out when he turned up the speed again. She tried to move away, but he only repositioned the toy so it hit all her hot spots and forbid her to move again.


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