Temptation's Hold [Temptation, Wyoming 4]

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Temptation's Hold [Temptation, Wyoming 4] Page 17

by Zoey Marcel

  “Is that why you kept slowing down with them whenever the pressure in your pussy got to be too much? You rubbed their balls so they would come faster and you wouldn’t have a G-spot orgasm? Was the pleasure too much to bear, Chanel? Or were you afraid that coming with your mates would be too powerful? That you’d feel something for them—something you can’t deny or fight anymore?”

  “No! I don’t love you,” she said frantically.

  He smiled slyly. “I never said it was love, sweetheart. Is it love, Chanel?”

  “No, no, no.” She went on for several more nos.

  Brad made a tsking sound. “Ten nos. Seems a bit adamant and over-the-top, don’t you think? One might have convinced me, but ten just confirms my suspicions. You’ve fallen hard for us, haven’t you?”

  She shook her head and buried her face in the pillow to hide from him, squealing with bliss when he increased the speed on the vibrator again.

  His penis tightened and thickened when he saw the juices trickling down her leg as she whimpered into the pillow at the building pleasure he gave her.

  “That’s right, darlin’. Your hot little cunt is leaking all over the place because it can’t take all the pleasure, but it will because I won’t stop or let you escape it. You’re going to have both types of orgasms and when I bury myself inside you I’m going to bounce those full tits and play with your plump clit and there’s not a thing you can do to stop me.”

  Chanel moaned harshly, shuddering with the tiny tremors that announced her approaching release. She lifted her head and gasped breathlessly as more liquid flowed from her snatch. “I’m making a mess. It feels so strong.”

  “That’s right, baby doll. You’re making a big old mess and I love it. You should see the way Dawson and Cory are drooling over you. Your ripe, juicy cunt is squirting all over your legs because you can’t fight it. You’re going to come here in a second and I want you to make the biggest damned mess of your sweet life.”

  Her elated noises drove him wild and Brad knew he had to have her. If he could get her to acknowledge that they were her mates then he would put his mark on her tonight.

  “Brad, I can’t...I need...oh, god!” Her eyes closed and her mouth formed a perfect O as she came long and hard. He could feel the tug from her vagina on the vibrator that made it jerk slightly as she gave herself over to the pleasure he wouldn’t let her run from.

  “Fuck, that’s so hot,” he groaned when he saw her squirting her release down the toy and all over her thighs.

  Chanel collapsed against the mattress quivering and writhing in the aftermath, jolting suddenly when he shut off the vibrator and handed it to Cory to lick clean before he washed it.

  “Now I think you’re ready for me,” Brad said arrogantly. He tapped his organ against her face. “Kiss my penis before I put it inside you.”

  Her eyes filled with understanding of his hidden meaning, but Chanel obeyed. Her lips trembled as she softly kissed the head, making it leap to attention beneath her soft, doting lips. He lost his breath and she seemed turned-on by his sudden loss of control. She kissed the crown again and ran her tongue over his glans, making him pant and gasp at her prowess. He pulled back before she could take him into her mouth, though he was mighty tempted to give in to her wishes.

  Dawson tossed him a condom, but Brad didn’t put it on just yet. He moved between her thighs and turned the butt plug clockwise in her bottom, smiling when Chanel sobbed and bucked at the movement.

  “I’m going to teach you to come when I want you to,” he informed her. “You’ll love the power I have over you and the freedom of being enslaved by your soul mates and coming in your panties whenever and wherever we tell you to.”

  Her helpless sound of longing spiked his lust and Brad could tamp down on his urges no longer. He ripped the foil and donned the condom with a haste that was probably amusing to watch. He lifted her pelvis, grinning at her shivers when he ran his fingers over her hips.

  “Oh!” Chanel tugged against her binds and arched when he gradually breached her opening and was slowly swallowed by her hungry sex. He only had the tip in so far.

  “Do you feel how tight it is and how full you are?” he ground out hoarsely.

  She nodded, choking on a feeble whimper.

  “Feeling my brothers inside you was better than any dildo, wasn’t it?”

  She nodded her agreement.

  “Hell, even a butt plug and one cock is better than the two dildos, isn’t it?”

  She nodded again, tensing and crying out in pain when Brad swatted her fanny. He felt a spark of primal energy surge straight down to his dick when he saw the creamy palm print vanish into a pink glow that spoke of erotic pain. He slapped her other cheek and saw the same effect. He’d seen it before when spanking other women, but never had it fascinated him so much as it did with her. There was something raw and captivating about seeing the ass of the woman he loved being marked by his hand as he delivered a stinging blow to her that would soon become nirvana for her.

  “You will answer me with a straight yes or no when I ask you questions. Is that understood?” Brad cracked his hand down on her bottom again when she snickered at him. The loud whack of the slap fired his lust, as did her sudden outcry. “Don’t tighten your ass.”

  Chanel moaned when he gave her another inch of his cock, and she threw her head back and wailed when he struck her butt again.

  “You didn’t answer me, Chanel,” Brad said sternly, wiggling the butt plug with one hand while he smacked the side of her rump with the other, causing the rouge in her cheeks to spread.


  “Relax your ass, Chanel.” He whacked his palm up the side of her other butt cheek, attempting to curb her errant ways. Her toned backside had a beautiful shape and curve to it that became even more sinful to gaze upon when the blushing rose he’d rendered it earlier became rubescent at his additional swats back there.

  “Brad!” Chanel choked out his name in a pleading tone when he fed her more of his throbbing length and stretched her with his generous girth.

  “Tell me who you were fantasizing about when you penetrated yourself with two dildos,” Brad interrogated.

  “It doesn’t matter. Oh, my god! Stop!” she implored when he fucked her with the butt plug and delivered another blow to her vermillion bottom.

  “The truth, Chanel. We’ve always been honest with you.”

  Brad nearly lost it when he saw the impact of his next strike. The skin contused beneath his ruthless contact and he felt himself leaking pre-cum into the condom. He wasn’t even completely inside her yet and already he was about to shoot his load like a horny teenager with his high school sweetheart. He’d never last tonight.

  “It was you,” Chanel murmured as she shook from the pleasure-pain he bombarded her with. “All three of you. I only had two dildos, but I pretended all three of you were there taking me.”

  Brad stroked her derriere to soothe away the hot suffering of the spankings. “Good girl. I want you to always be honest with us. Give me your word.”

  She hesitated and then jolted and dug her nails into the pillow when he fed her more of his meat.

  “Your word, Chanel.”

  “I promise,” she whispered, gasping when he massaged her clitoris with his fingers. “Oh, no!”

  “Oh, yes. You’re going to come for me because I want you to. You’re not going to hold back with us or deny us any longer. If Dawson wants to play with this clit you’re going to let him. Got it?”


  Brad felt a keen sense of satisfaction when he felt her move into his probing fingers. He tugged the strap of her chemise down and coerced a breast from its cup. “And if Cory wants to play with these tits you’re going to let him. Understood?”

  Chanel moaned deeply as he squished and bounced her breast while he advanced in her cunt with his stiff cock. “Yes.”

  “Keep that ass loose right now.”

  Brad smacked the underside of her globe as
she relaxed it, thrilling at the slight jiggle of her perfect butt. It knew its Master. It blushed timidly at his power, wearing his mark proudly.

  He had to delay her orgasm or he would come too soon from the feel of her vaginal walls closing in all around him.

  “Can you feel how wet you are? The way you’re creaming all over my shaft like a horny little slut?”

  “Oh, god!” she sobbed. “I can’t take this. I need to come. You have to stop.”

  Brad chuckled and fucked her with the anal plug, hissing when he felt it rub against his aching cock, adding to her tightness. “Spanking you or fucking you?”

  “Both. Everything feels too good. I’ll go crazy if it continues.”

  “Good. I want you to go crazy. I want you to lose your fucking mind. I don’t want you to ever fight your orgasms or try to trick us into coming before you’ve come again. Do you understand me?” He slapped the underside of her left globe this time, making it jiggle beneath the force.

  Chanel winced. “Yes, Brad. I didn’t mean to hold back. I’m just not used to all this with three people at once.”

  “I know. That’s why you have to trust us to prepare you for it and give you what you need.” His sex drive went into overload when he saw her flaming ass cheeks and the two light bruises that he’d left on her. “Woman, do you have any idea what your ass looks like right now?”

  “Probably not very good after all the spankings,” she guessed.

  “You’re wrong. Your gorgeous ass has never looked better. It’s inflamed for me and bears my marks of ownership like your neck soon will.”

  “What?” She tensed and grabbed a fistful of the pillowcase as he bottomed out inside her and their sensual cries melted into one carnal symphony.

  “Look at them over there jacking off to the sight of you getting dominated. Look at their eyes, Chanel. Did you ever see such a mingling of lust and emotion in men before? Do you have any idea how bad we want you? How much we need you?” Brad gave several controlled thrusts, but he could feel himself slipping and her pre-orgasmic flutters around his boner. “I want you to think of the filthiest porno you’ve ever seen and the most heart-moving romance novel you’ve ever read. Now imagine both of those wrapped into one package. That’s what we feel for you, Chanel. That’s what we want to give you.”

  Chanel sobbed at his words and a soft, tortured cry wrung from her throat when he fisted her by the hair and jerked her head up toward him.

  “Do you want us?”

  “Yes,” she confessed breathlessly.

  “Then say we’re your mates.”

  * * * *

  Chanel couldn’t think straight. She knew they were mates and wanted to acknowledge this to them, but for some reason she couldn’t. What was the reason again? With her mind clouded, her body on fire, and her heart in emotional turmoil, she could think of no reason to deny them anything.

  “Yes.” She shivered at Brad’s warm, humid breath bathing the sensitive flesh of her neck in a steamy caress.

  “Yes what?”

  “You’re my mates.”

  Obviously pleased with her answer, he got her off and she screamed as she came. Her cunt milked him like there was no tomorrow and he succumbed to his own release.

  She felt the sharp tips of his canines lightly grazing her skin as he prepared to bite her. She knew he would, and although scared, her heart rejoiced.

  Suddenly, an image of Lucius flashed in her mind. His eyes flashed yellow with rage and jealousy and she heard his voice audibly in her head. “You belong to me!”

  An image of him slaying Brad, Dawson, and Cory rushed through her mind and Chanel screamed bloody murder. Lucius’s threat was clear. They must never get hurt or killed because of her.

  She jerked as hard as she could against the bonds, but they didn’t give. They held her in place while a man did what he wanted to her, destroyed her.

  Flashbacks of that dreadful night scourged her mind and she heard Trevor’s cries all over again. Felt the worst fear and adrenaline of her life, felt and heard the snap in her wrist. Ultimate suffering.

  Chanel screamed and flailed, preventing Brad from biting and claiming her. “No! Master, stop! Please! Don’t do this!”

  She sobbed uncontrollably as Brad ripped at the ties and freed her.

  “Shit, baby, what’s wrong?”

  She shook her head and wailed into his shirt and caressed his hot, bare chest for comfort. They all gathered around to console her, but she refused to divulge any information.

  It was in that moment when she found real happiness and lost it to Lucius again that Chanel realized the significance of the bite mark he gave her in Las Vegas. He’d claimed her that night. He put his mark of ownership on her so that no man could ever take her away from him. Not even the men she loved more than life.

  Chapter Ten:

  The Master

  Chanel told herself repeatedly to stop crying on Brad’s shoulder and fondling his chest, but his firm embrace brought her comfort and she felt protected from the horrible truth she’d just discovered. When she finally made herself let go of him, he only pulled her tighter and refused to part with her.

  “Baby, what’s wrong? What is it?”

  “She’s shaking so bad,” Cory observed, rubbing her shoulders.

  Her mating mark began to burn like fire at his inadvertent touch and she struggled against the pain and fear of what it meant.

  “What’s wrong?” He sounded puzzled. “Was I too rough?”

  “No. It felt good,” she sobbed.

  “Talk to us, honey. Is it because Brad tried to claim you? He only did it because you acknowledged us as your mates. We thought it was what you wanted,” Dawson explained.

  It was, strangely enough. After all her protests and fleeing her enamored hunters, Chanel finally realized she did want to be with them, but couldn’t risk her baby’s life by staying. She wanted them to prove her wrong, though. But because of Lucius they would never get that chance.

  She pulled back from Brad slowly with her eyes lowered and closed, but he kept her on his lap while she spoke through her tears. “You can’t claim me.”

  “Why not?” Cory whined.

  “Because I’m not ready. I just need more time.” What the hell was she doing? More time? There was no length of time that would ever improve her current dilemma. She was screwed and they would never be able to claim her now.

  Still, how could she hurt them after all their kindness and generosity? After they’d taken her to their bed and made it painfully obvious how they felt about her? Wasn’t false hope a beautiful letdown rather than the crushing bitch slap of truth?

  Brad gently brushed the tears away. “We can wait if you need more time, but I don’t want you to panic when you’re nervous or unsure of something. Just tell us and we’ll slow things down. All right?”

  She nodded. “Thank you for everything. It was absolutely wonderful.”

  Dawson stroked her thigh with a lascivious smile. “Yeah, it was.”

  Chanel smiled back, forbidding herself to cry at the thought of never being with them again. It was one thing to stay away out of fear or to protect a baby, but to have someone she hated so much dictate her future and ensure that she would never be able to share her life with her cowboys was devastating.

  “May I use your shower?”

  “Yeah,” Brad said quietly. “We’ll all go.”

  Chanel might have been insane with lust had she not fallen so deeply into despair, but regardless, the idea of showering with her lovers sent a subtle, sensual thrill through her. Heartache nearly shot it down when she realized this would be her last night with them. She wanted to remember every detail of them and take the memory of this night with her always.

  They all stripped and stepped into the oversized shower. There was plenty of room for all four of them with space to spare and the marbled walls were luxurious and aesthetically appealing. The balmy mist of the hot running water from the showerhead encased them all in e
rotic steam as it caressed their nude forms with its humid heat.

  Chanel drank in every bulge and muscle of their physiques, every plane and sinew, every caring look they gave her and every intimate touch. It was difficult to absorb these details, knowing this was her last chance to be with them before she said good-bye. They washed themselves and her, giving her the sense of peace and belonging they always provoked in her.

  Perhaps Lucius hadn’t claimed her. Maybe he was only messing with her head. They didn’t have sex while she was in Vegas. He only bit her. Maybe that didn’t count. Either way, she knew she hadn’t imagined his voice. She’d heard it loud and clear in her mind as if he’d been standing right in front of her, rebuking her for having intercourse with other men.

  Chanel soaped up Dawson’s chest while he worked some suds into her bosom and Cory stood behind her, washing her back and shoulders. The relaxing massage calmed her spirit as much as she could be soothed under the circumstances.

  Cory’s ministrations ceased and piercing silence followed, drowned out only by the sound of the shower running. “Baby, what is this? What the hell happened to your shoulder?”

  Her eyes widened and she reminded herself to breathe and her heart to resume beating again. “It’s nothing. Just an accident.”

  “That must’ve been some painful accident. It looks like some animal bit you. I can’t believe we didn’t see this earlier. I didn’t think Brad actually got a chance to bite you. I never saw him.”

  “That’s because he didn’t,” Dawson agreed. “What happened to you, sweetie?”

  Brad’s mellow expression changed and he stepped out from under the running water and drew nearer to identify the bite. “Let me see.”

  “There’s nothing to see. I had a little accident. It’s no big deal.”

  The color seeped from his face and he became pale and haunted when he saw the mark on her shoulder. “Where did you get that mark?”

  “While I was on vacation, but it doesn’t hurt. It’s almost healed.” Chanel knew the questions wouldn’t stop there.

  “What bit you?”


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