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Temptation's Hold [Temptation, Wyoming 4]

Page 31

by Zoey Marcel



  “Go on.”

  “We tried fire play and gun play.”

  “Did you give consent before those things?”

  Chanel jolted when his knuckles began grinding against her buttocks before she relaxed into the fingers kneading her bottom. “I did for the fire play, though I was scared at times.”

  “What about the gun play?”

  She hesitated, groaning and pushing into the delicious pain when he dug his nails into her fanny.

  “Answer me.”

  “No, not the gun play. I don’t consider Russian roulette a turn-on and the other uses he found with the gun were just as frightening.”

  “What about needle play?”

  “No, we never did that, thankfully. We did plenty of knife and blood play, though. That wasn’t so bad once I got past my fear of being cut.”

  “Did he ever try to control your breathing or any of your other functions?”

  Chanel felt her cheeks warm with humiliation. She choked on a startled cry when he nipped her backside with his teeth in warning.

  “Chanel.” The word was exhaled in a scintillating murmur against her skin.


  “Did he strangle you?”

  “Not with his hands.”

  “With ropes?”

  “Yes, but he wasn’t trying to kill me. He said it would be erotic.”

  “Did he make you come while you struggled to breathe?”

  She blushed. “Brad—ow!”

  His teeth clamped onto her right butt cheek, provoking a sharp, pinching flare of pain in the area.

  “Yes, damn it!”

  “Don’t swear when I’m asking you questions.” Brad caressed the warmed flesh with his tongue, making her shiver with primitive urges. “And he controlled your other functions sometimes? Did he ever piss on you?”

  Damn him. “Brad—”

  She cried out when he garnished her bottom with two punishing slaps.


  Her cheeks became inflamed with heat. “Jesus, Brad, just drop it.”

  He delivered three nasty swats to her globes, bathing the flesh in brutal heat. “I’ll take that as a yes, but I want to hear it from you.”

  When she failed to answer him, he spanked her even harder, making her mew and writhe against her restraints. “Yes, damn you! He humiliated me! Are you happy?”

  “I’d be happier if you’d quit swearing at me like a sailor.”

  “This is hardly the language of a sailor, Brad. I think you’re a lot nearer the mark than I am.”

  Brad snickered and rubbed away the pain he’d inflicted on her posterior. “Why are you weeping?”

  Damn, he must’ve heard her sniffle. “I’m not crying.”

  Brad didn’t spank her. Instead, he lay down on his side next to her and jerked her head up with one hand while he snatched the key away from her with the other hand.

  “Oh, no!” Chanel shrieked and clawed for the key he held just beyond her reach.

  “Just stop it.” He stilled her with his firm hold and the unmistakable severity in his tone. His dark eyes searched and reproved her simultaneously. “Quit lying to me. Why are you crying?”

  The tears came faster and she started to sob. “Because this is so hard for me. I want you so bad, but I’m scared you’ll hurt me like he did. I want to submit to you, but I don’t trust myself to go there again. You have so much power over me already because I love you and if you ever found that out, you might become obsessed with controlling me like he was.”

  Brad stared at her with a knowing expression as he listened in silence.

  “You’re not the only one I’m afraid of.” The tears rolled down her cheeks in a torrent of fear and sorrow. “I would do anything for love and it scares the shit out of me. I need you so badly, I just know I would let you do those things to me too and probably go even further with you. God, what’s wrong with me?”

  Brad handed the key back to her. “There’s nothing wrong with you, love. You have a big heart and a submissive nature. I just wish I’d gotten to both before he did, then you wouldn’t be so damaged by all this. But you have my word I’ll never ask those things of you. They’re not my cup of tea and even if they were, I would never force them on you.”

  Chanel smiled at him and kissed the top of his hand. “Thank you. You’re a good man.”

  He returned the warm smile as he brushed her tears away. “I appreciate the compliment, but I still have to discipline you for lying to me and for putting yourself in danger when you met with Lucius and let him pulverize you.”

  “I’ll suck your cock if you don’t,” she said sweetly, batting her eyes at him.

  Brad chuckled. “A bribe, eh? I may take you up on your offer, but regardless, I’m still punishing you.”

  “Maybe you don’t understand how a deal works.” She sniffled with a weak smile.

  “Did he ever try figging with you?” Brad got up off the bed and retrieved something from the bag he’d brought in with him.

  “Is that the thing with gingerroot?”


  “No. We actually never tried that.”

  His brows popped up in surprise before a devilish grin spread across his face. “Well, well. It looks like I found some uncharted territory with you after all.”

  Chanel rolled her eyes, unable to suppress a smile. “No need to get cocky. I already told you ménage was new to me.”

  “Yeah, but you’ve experienced so much before us, it’s refreshing to discover little things you haven’t tried.”

  She watched as Brad took a pocket knife and cut a finger off the hand-shaped root of ginger. He peeled the dull, sandy skin off it and sculpted the knots and bumps out of it so the pale yellow meat inside was smooth and even.

  “And just where do you think you’re going to stick that ginger when you’re done carving it?” she asked with an arched brow.

  He grinned at her before looking down at his work again. “Where do you think?”

  The warm, spicy aroma of fresh ginger wafted through the air, triggering a fresh flow of saliva as her thoughts turned to gingersnaps, though she knew damned well he wasn’t going to bake a batch of cookies with it. Still, this feigned ignorance was fun.

  “Are you making me teriyaki bentos?”

  Brad chuckled. “Do you see any rice, vegetables, or chicken in here, darlin’?”

  Chanel felt a wild thrill as the pungent scent turned her mind to naughty places and her anus clenched at the foreboding sight of the Dom preparing the ginger she knew he was about to shove up her ass. “How bad will it burn?”

  He threw her a playfully ominous wink. “Like the fires of hell.”

  Her suddenly lighthearted laugh surprised her. She was actually bound and naked to a bed, about to be anally penetrated with something that had been created for eating rather than discipline, yet she felt safe, aroused, and was actually starting to have fun.

  “Thanks for being so reassuring, Brad,” she teased.

  “Any time, babe.” Brad winked at her again, this time with lust and adoration in his eyes.

  Chanel watched in fascination as he carved a slight indentation about two-thirds of the way down the ginger finger. “What are you doing?”

  “The concavity will help to keep this in your ass until I’m ready to take it out.”

  “Like a butt plug?”

  “Exactly.” He ran it under water in the sink occasionally in between his sculpting.

  “You look like a pro over there. You’ve done this before, haven’t you?”

  He nodded once. “I have.”

  Her eyes rolled. “Of course you have. You’ve done everything, haven’t you?”

  “Not everything.”

  “Is that so? Then tell me something you haven’t ever done in bed with a woman before me.”

  His loving eyes lifted to meet her demanding stare and his answer moved her deeply. “Made love.”

  * * * *

  Brad felt his spirit rise when he saw the emotion pass through Chanel’s eyes. He touched her heart completely the way she moved his. Experience or not, every time he took Chanel to bed with him she blew his mind. The chemistry between them was explosive, but the deeper bond between them took it to a whole other level. He was bewitched by her body and soul.

  Knowing she was his mate years ago and he couldn’t have her had driven him mad, even while he fucked other women. But now that he’d held her in his arms and heard her say she loved him, he knew he’d never want another woman again, even if for some god-forbidden reason Chanel chose to walk out of his life after this. He wouldn’t let her. She was his soul mate and his brothers’.

  His cock hardened in his pants and his heart constricted in his chest at the captivating sight of the mother of their unborn child sprawled out naked over the pillows and restrained for his pleasure. Nothing else on earth would ever affect him so powerfully as seeing her this way.

  His long, intense stare must’ve spoken to her, because she squirmed beneath his probing gaze and utilized her favorite defense mechanism to hide the way he was obviously affecting her. “What’s the matter, Brad? Haven’t you ever seen a woman before?”

  Sarcasm—her favorite weapon.

  “I thought I had.” He climbed onto the bed and spread her ass cheeks, nearly drooling over the tantalizing rear entry quivering beneath his gaze.

  She gasped when he placed the tip of the gingerroot at her anus. “Aren’t you going to lube me first?”

  “I don’t need to with this. It’s wet enough from the cold water I ran it under. I’ll go slowly with you. Try to relax.”

  Brad eased the ginger finger ever so slowly into her butt hole, watching her body language for signs of panic. Her absence of it made him proud of her. Apparently, he’d made some level of progress with her tonight. Healing would take time for her, but he was determined to make her whole again, no matter how long it took or what he had to do to get her that way.

  Chanel groaned at the steady entry in her back door. “Brad.”

  “Yes, sweetheart.”

  She sounded nervous but enthusiastic. “I think I’m ready for you to...Will you take me there after this? Please.”

  His dick jumped at her hungered plea for him to fill the orifice he desired most on her. Brad loved having his cock sucked and feeling the tight wetness of her hot cunt wrapped around his pounding shaft was phenomenal, but nothing drove him crazier than sinking into the snug depths of a hot piece of ass. Hers was the best he’d ever seen and he had yet to fill it.

  With her being pregnant, he’d been hesitant to fill her there as he worried he might lose control from his favored form of penetration and accidentally hurt her or the baby. He didn’t want that.

  “Are you begging me to fuck this hot, perky ass, Chanel?”

  “Don’t flatter yourself, Brad. I demand you take me there.”

  Brad grinned. “Oh, you demand it, do you? Well, I’ve got news for you, darlin’. No woman demands anything of me.”

  “Well, then maybe you need a spanking to change your mind.”

  He laughed at her comical audacity and gave her a few good hard slaps on her perfect ass. “I think you’re the one who needs a spanking, sl—sweetheart.”

  He had to watch it or he might inadvertently refer to her as his slave again. God, he wanted to bad, but she wasn’t ready to call him Master yet. Brad felt pre-cum bubbling to his slit and seeping down his shaft. If she ever gave him that level of trust and control over her, he doubted they’d ever leave the bedroom.

  Chanel moaned, clenching her anus once he had the ginger situated in her bottom. “It doesn’t hurt.”

  “It will. It takes a bit. First it feels warm and interesting and then it gradually becomes hotter until it burns. The effects usually only last about twenty minutes, though. But it’s an intense ride.”

  “It does feel warm. I kind of like it, though.”

  The image of his mate slumped over pillows with her wrists cuffed to the bed and a piece of ginger sticking out of her ass became burned into his memory indefinitely. Her smooth back, toned thighs and taut, shapely butt were a feast for his hungry eyes as he let his hands wander shamelessly over the body he worshiped.

  “For some people, ginger can be an aphrodisiac. Who knows? Maybe by the time I’m done with you, you’ll be begging me to fuck you and blubbering all over yourself because you find me so irresistible,” he told her, soaking in the soft smoothness of her skin beneath his touch and the enticing way her muscles clenched and relaxed whenever she moved.

  Chanel laughed. “Your arrogance is as staggering as it ever was, I see. I won’t be begging you and bawling my eyes out no matter how hot you are.”

  Brad grinned, whacking her fanny with the flat of his palm for sassing him. “I accept your challenge, darlin’. How’s your ass?”

  “It’s starting to feel hot inside. Oh.” She jolted in surprise. “Oh wow, that burns. Oh god, it really burns.”

  “Are you using your safe word? Am I too much for you to handle?”

  She threw a challenging glance over her shoulder before tossing her head forward again. “Go to hell, Brad. I can take whatever you dish out at me.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.” He delivered a swift slap to her rump, erection lifting higher at the resonant smacking sound that filled his ears. Her startled cry made his cock swell in his jeans.

  “What was that for?”

  “You didn’t really think I’d just stick some ginger up your ass and walk away, did you? I’m going to spank your sexy ass until it’s warm and red. Any time you clench to try to alleviate the pain of your spanking, the juices from the ginger will burn your anus. If instead you opt to avoid the burn of the ginger, the spankings will hurt that much worse on your relaxed ass.”

  “You little twit. Ow!” Chanel yelped at the blow to her fanny before shrieking at the fierce burn from the ginger when she squeezed her ass.

  “Does it feel good, sweetheart?” Brad grabbed a butt cheek in each hand and crammed them together so her anus clutched the ginger, releasing more of the searing juices. “Knowing you’re chained and there’s no escape. All you can do is take all these spankings like a good girl and feel the burn of ginger up your ass. It’s like somebody lit a nice hot fire up your sweet ass, isn’t it?”

  Brad knew he was taking a serious gamble by reminding her of how vulnerable she was right now and how much power he had over her. She could scream her safe word at him and it would piss him off and cut him in two to hear her utter that man’s name while she was in bed with him.

  Or she would become aroused by his good-natured taunting and learn what he wanted to teach her—that being restrained and treated to a little pain with pleasure could be erotic and fun. Lucius had sought to suppress Chanel’s obstinacy and break her spirit, but Brad would modify her rebellious behavior and teach her the freedom of slavery when the choice was hers to surrender.

  Chanel didn’t freak out like he thought she might. She twisted against the handcuffs and writhed against the pillows, a needy sound slipping from her lips. “You ornery bastard.”

  Brad smiled and brought his hand down on her buttocks again, relishing her sudden outcry. He wondered if her former insult was a secret ploy to earn a spanking. She seemed to be enjoying herself even as she winced against the pain.

  The way her ass cheeks bloomed pink and then slowly became a tempting vermillion the more he spanked her sent his libido soaring through the roof. At times, Chanel relaxed her ass, accepting her spankings with harsh cries of pain and eventually pleasure-pain. Then there were times when she tried to escape it and squeezed her ass, only to be rebuked by the fiery ginger wedged in her hole.

  She couldn’t escape him. The handcuffs prohibited her retreat as readily as the blows to her fanny and the sizzling juices the ginger leached into her anus refused to relent.

  Brad saw the parallel between her inability to esca
pe her penalty and the way he and his brothers wouldn’t let her flee from them. Her heart, too, had kept her here in Temptation all these years. Love was the hold this town had on her—the hold they had on her.

  His dick tightened painfully, becoming a length he didn’t think was possible. The symbolism behind the discipline recharged his determination to possess her completely and he struck her ass harder, spurred on by the juices coating and trickling down her inner thighs.

  Her pitiful, pleading whimpers became ragged, drawn-out moans as she endeavored to escape him while grinding her cunt against the pillows, seeking her own release.

  Brad wouldn’t let her. She would come when he wanted her to. He spanked her harder, fighting the urge to tear his clothes off and bury himself balls deep in her fetching ass. “I decide when you orgasm, Chanel, not you. Your body belongs to me now and it’s going to do what I tell it to.”

  Her breathless gasp was followed by an aroused cry. “Oh god, I feel so hot all over! It’s too much!”

  “Are you using your safe word or begging me to get you off?”

  “No, damn you. I’m in control.”

  He laughed at this. “Hardly.”

  “Please. Brad, please.” Chanel struggled against her confines, expression mad with passion.

  “Please what, Chanel? Do you want me to dominate you?” His voice darkened and became saturated with lust and the urge to control her.

  “Oh my god!” She lost her breath and moaned her elation, panting when he traced delicate patterns on her reddened butt with his fingertips. “What are you doing to me?”

  If the discovery of his power over her alarmed her, Chanel didn’t run screaming to her safe word. He felt her melt into a state of acceptance as she became putty in his hands.

  The ginger would probably be wearing off by now, so Brad pulled it out of her slowly, delighting in her conquered groans of ecstasy. He hovered over her, pressing the hard ridge of his cock into her crevice so she felt it through his jeans.

  He grabbed a fistful of her hair in his hand and yanked her head up as he fanned her ear canal with his humid exhale, feeling his inner lion roaring to life when she shivered.


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