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Temptation's Hold [Temptation, Wyoming 4]

Page 38

by Zoey Marcel

  She stroked her hand over his cheek and caressed his solid jaw. “I really wanted you, too.”

  “Did Lucius ever make you feel like you had to win his love back?” Cory asked.

  She nodded.

  Brad’s gaze became serious and determined. “You will never have to win back my love. I’ll always love you, sweetheart, even when I’m punishing you. Don’t ever forget that.”

  A joyful tear trickled down her cheek. “Thank you.”

  “And me,” Dawson promised.

  “Me, too,” Cory chimed in.

  Chanel hugged them. “Thank you both.”

  Cory grinned and winked at her. “You know, since you’re naked and plan on taking a shower, we may as well join you while we’re in here.”

  Her soft laugh echoed the lighthearted feeling coming over her from their words of affirmation. “Well, when you put it like that...”

  The men divested themselves of their clothing and she turned the water on. When they climbed into the shower with her, naked and erect, sparks of passion danced along the nerves in her skin, causing her blood to simmer.

  Brad snaked his fingers through her flowing, brown tresses. “I’m proud of you.”

  She looked up at him in confusion. “Why?”

  “For taking your punishment like a good slave and for actually meaning it when you apologized. I know neither of those things was easy for you. Cory told me how you apologized to Ben. It takes a lot of guts and sincerity to humble yourself like that. I’m real proud of you for that. I should’ve told you sooner.”

  “She’s been making amends a lot lately. First with Ben and then she got Hilary a thank-you card, too, for the help she provided her,” Dawson told him.

  “And she even apologized to Quinn and Damon Montego,” Cory added.

  Brad turned his attention back to Chanel. “What did you do to them?”

  Her head dropped in shame. “I insulted their lifestyle choice before. Quinn may be a bit of a troublemaker, but Damon seems sweet and I once called him a gay Ken doll.”

  Cory grinned. “He is kind of boyishly handsome, isn’t he?”

  “It’s not funny,” Chanel protested. “He didn’t deserve that.”

  “What about Quinn?” Brad inquired.

  She wrinkled her nose in regret. “I called him rainbow Batman.”


  “He looks kind of like Christian Bale,” she explained, shaking her head. “I’ve offended so many people in town. It’s a wonder anyone likes me.”

  Cory placed a hand on her boob with a lusty half smile. “I like you. Real well, in fact.”

  She snickered. “Thanks, Cory.”

  “You’ve done a lot of damage,” Brad agreed, “but you’re trying to make it right now and that’s what counts. Most of the people here are pretty forgiving and you’ll always have friends in us.”

  “Not just friends,” Cory insisted, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

  Chanel grinned when she felt the scorching heat of his rigid cock being pushed into her hand. “I think Cory’s trying to tell me something.”

  * * * *

  “Damned straight. Feel me up, girly,” Cory instructed.

  Chanel giggled. “The wham-bam approach, huh?”

  He moaned at the way she fondled the length of his cock before wrapping her hand around his erection and stroking him gently. She gave the head a light squeeze and he felt the blood rush into his penis with greater speed than before.

  “Oh yeah, just like that,” he groaned, moving his hips toward the stimulation.

  Brad washed himself, seeming to enjoy the provocative show, and Dawson got a condom packet before returning to the shower.

  The droplets of water that had been sprinkled over Cory’s skin streamed down his body, awakening the nerves they passed over. Her ministrations, while divine, were far too slow as if she wanted to tease him into a state of insanity.

  “Faster,” he said hoarsely.

  Chanel stroked her hand over the base of his dick, running it down the shaft before she clutched the head again and jerked him faster.

  Cory’s head went back with a broken moan. “God, you’re amazing.”

  She nuzzled his face before noticing something Dawson had brought back in with him. “Lube, huh? Which of you is planning to pummel my bottom?”

  “I am,” Dawson said with a shy smile. “If you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all.”

  “Hey, right here, girly.” Cory snapped his fingers to get her attention. “Neglected dick in need of attention.”

  She gave him a mischievous grin. “Were you referring to yourself or your cock?”

  “Oh, burn.” He grinned and high-fived her. “Now seriously, jack me off.”

  She yelped when Brad slapped her ass. “What was that for?”

  His brows lifted in warning, but his expression betrayed humor when he swatted her again, aiming for a bruise. A satisfied smile played on his face at her pained outcry. “Is that any way to talk to your Master?”

  “Oh, we’re still doing that?” she asked, yipping when he confirmed this with the flat of his hand on her butt.

  “Yes, we’re still doing this, darlin’. That’s why it’s called a lifestyle. Now play with Cory.”

  “Thank you.” Cory met her strokes with steady thrusts of his hips, grunting and moaning uncontrollably over the carnal magic in her touch.

  “Does that feel good?” she asked, nibbling his lips and bestowing them with light kisses.

  “Hell, yes. You’re freakin’ awesome.” Pre-cum dribbled down his shaft, inciting sounds of delight. “What about my nuts, baby? Are you just going to leave them hanging?”

  “You want me to pull them off or something?” she teased.

  He smirked. “I don’t think you spanked her hard enough, Brad. She’s sassy as an angry pig.”

  Chanel laughed and smacked his arm. “What?”

  Cory grinned and shrugged. “It was the first thing that came to mind. You know wit isn’t my strength.”

  She withdrew her hand and folded her arms, expression taunting and defiant. “No orgasm for you.”

  His jaw dropped in astonishment. “What?”

  Brad came up behind her and pushed Chanel to her knees. “Suck his cock, you little slut.”

  She moaned when his fingers tangled in her hair and he pushed her head toward his brother’s dick. Cory fisted his erection and guided it into her enchanting mouth.

  “Yeah, that’s right. Do what the menfolk tell you to,” he taunted, grinning and blowing her a kiss when she gave him a playful glare.

  The way she suckled him with such devotion and skill enthralled him. She poured all her love and lust into that blow job and it rocked his world. Her hands groping and rolling his ball sac made him hiss and come up on his toes as his climax drew near. When her moan vibrated on his shaft, it was his undoing. The pleasure reached a crescendo and enveloped him completely, washing him in sweet rapture. His body quaked with exertion on the way down and he helped her to her feet.

  Chanel treated him to a tender kiss that spread the flavor of his own release on his tongue. He was thankful she’d swallowed his load this time rather than making him drink it like she had the first night he had her.

  His palm slid down the front of her body, resting on her small baby bump. He eased out of the kiss with a breathless grin. “I’m so glad you’re making our babies.”

  Her soft laugh sounded captivating the way it danced in the steamy atmosphere. “I’m glad you’re happy about it, but I’m only making one baby this time.”

  “But there will be more down the road,” Cory insisted. “We already talked about it. We want you to have one baby from each of us.”

  “Well, okay, then. I’m glad you asked my opinion on the matter,” she teased.

  Dawson kissed her breasts reverently and Cory enjoyed the way she pressed into his brother and played with his spiky hair.

  Brad took her hand and pressed it against hi
s strong chest. “We can talk about it later. Right now I just want to make love to you.”

  * * * *

  Chanel was touched and overwhelmed by the attention they gave her. She’d fantasized about this for so long, having her three cowboys all to herself and making their babies. She’d imagined one or two, but hell, what was one more as long as they all agreed on stopping after three. She didn’t really want a litter. One from each of them sounded perfect.

  “Are you going to be okay if we take you at the same time?” Dawson asked, lifting his head from her bosom. “It won’t squish the baby or make you puke?”

  She smiled. “I haven’t had morning sickness for a couple of days and he’ll be fine.”

  “What makes you so sure it’s a he?” Cory asked with hands on his hips. “Maybe it’s a cute little girl who looks like her mama.”

  “As long as she doesn’t act like her mama.” Chanel grimaced at the thought of a little bitch running around town, insulting the wayward lifestyles of its inhabitants.

  Of course, their children would grow up with three fathers and a mother, so they likely wouldn’t shock easily at the life choices of others once they reached adulthood.

  “I hope she does,” Dawson whispered, lips pressing lightly to her hand.

  “Thank you. A little girl would be nice, but I want the first one to be a boy.” She licked her lips at the sound of a wrapper tearing and watched Dawson sheath his cock. “Do you want me to get that for you?”

  “No, thanks.” Dawson winked at her. “I know how you are with condoms. Wouldn’t want you to trick me into making twins.”

  “Dude, she’s already pregnant and you’re taking her up the ass,” Cory reminded him.

  Dawson grinned, cheeks pinking. “Shut up.”

  Chanel laughed, heart pounding like a sledgehammer in her chest when Brad turned her to face him and knelt down in front of her. She let out an exaggerated gasp. “Why, Master, are you getting on your knees for a woman—for your slave?”

  He glared up at her and pinched her clitoris until she winced and uttered a feeble noise of pain. “Keep talking, woman, and I won’t let you come.”

  She didn’t like the sound of that. Her head rolled back and she gave herself over to the soft moans of pleasure as Brad ate her out and Dawson lodged his fingers up her anus to lubricate her.

  Cory soaped off and rinsed beneath the showerhead, taking it all in. “You gonna use the whole tube like last time, Dawson?”

  “Very funny. I just might lube your face for that,” Dawson told him.

  Chanel’s knees shook at the dual invasion from Dawson’s questing fingers in her back door and Brad’s searing tongue dipping into her pussy and loving all over her needy clit. “Oh god, stop teasing me. Make me come now.”

  Brad retracted from her cunt with a reproving glance. “Is that how you ask?”

  “I wasn’t asking.” A cry of pain and want strangled in her throat when he swatted her pussy and flicked his finger against her pulsing clitoris. “I mean, I’m sorry...Master.”

  “That’s better. You come when I say.” His balmy tongue swiped through her dripping slit once before retreating. He stood with a devilish grin. “But not now.”

  She whined in protest. “But I want to.”

  “Then you should’ve asked nicely. I decide when you come, not you.”

  “Damn you...look gorgeous,” Chanel quickly improvised when she saw the warning look he gave her.

  The sound of a cap making contact with something and twisting told her Dawson had recapped the tube and was ready for action. Her insides became an inferno of primal urges and blazing heat when Brad and Dawson sandwiched her between their bodies. The wall of heat at her front and back was intoxicating as they held her and ran their hands all over her body.

  Chanel braced herself on Brad’s arms as Dawson slowly invaded her anus. His girth felt like a garden hose creeping up her ass. She’d never felt such a thick erection in her life. While he certainly applied far more lube than Brad had previously with her, Dawson’s entry back there proved mildly painful because of how wide he was. She’d heard shifters were hung bigger, but good grief, he was a rabbit shifter. Was his cock compensating for his cutesy animal nature or something?

  “I don’t know if we’ll both be able to go in all the way,” Dawson ground out as he slowly advanced deeper into her tight passage.

  “I know. That’s what I was thinking,” Brad agreed as he kneaded her breasts with his manly hands and then rolled her nipples between his fingers.

  Dawson huffed once he filled her to capacity. “I’m in. How you doing, sweet thing?”

  “I’m fine. Thank you.”

  Her ass was stuffed to the brim with his cock and she had to focus on breathing and not tensing up at the thought of another penis filling her in front.

  Brad had to bend down slightly due to his height as his cockhead rolled through her soaked folds in search of her entrance.

  Chanel mewled at the light rubbing on her clit and inched closer to the stimulation.

  He chuckled, pinching her tit as penalty. “Oh no, you don’t.”

  She cried out in shock when he eased his dick into her vagina and fed it to her cautiously until he had her skewered on most of his shaft. They were all breathing hard and ragged as they stood motionless, trying to adjust to the intense feelings that surfaced.

  She let out a light gasp and her pussy creamed all over Brad’s shaft as he lifted her so her legs wrapped around his hips and they held her still between them. He braced himself on her waist while Dawson held a hand under each of her thighs to hold her up.

  “I think I’m going to come.” Chanel whimpered at the unreal fullness and the way Brad’s cock was smashed up against her G-spot. Her cunt was made even snugger by Dawson’s erection on the other side.

  “Not until I say.” Brad’s voice betrayed that his control was slipping.

  Hers was long gone and she didn’t have the presence of mind to gloat over his loss. “Please.”

  His long moan did wicked things to her libido. “You sound hot when you beg.”

  The men stroked into her, timing their thrusts just right so that one advanced while the other man retreated. The brutal friction against her hot spot drove her crazy with primitive urges and she held on for dear life, winding her arms around Brad’s thick neck the way her legs were wrapped around his waist for support. They never wavered in their stance as they held her easily while they fucked her.

  “You feel so tight and wonderful, love,” Dawson rasped the words against her nape as he rocked in and out of her. “I won’t last.”

  Neither would she, though talking seemed impossible for her under the savage possession she’d suddenly been taken by. Their rhythmic pumps stirred brazen longings in her that exploded into a firestorm of ecstasy. Having a determined cock tunnel into the depths of her rectum always left her feeling conquered and insane with lust.

  Brad’s dick set off sparks in her womb that were quickly becoming impossible to fight.

  “You want to come, babe?” he panted as he gyrated his hips and jabbed into her cunt rigorously.

  “Yes, please,” Chanel pleaded, feeling the preorgasmic flutters inside. “I can’t hold it back.”

  He grinned. “I know. We’ll work on that, but right now I want you to come.”

  The now-cold shower water had kept her orgasm at bay, but the heat of their bodies and the permission to come summoned it back.

  “Claim me,” she breathed, holding his hungry gaze.

  They stopped moving and Brad stared at her in disbelief. “What did you say?”

  “Claim me, please.”

  Cory, who had apparently gotten out of the shower and had a towel draped around his waist while he used another one on his hair, let out a long gasp. “You want him to bite you?”


  “You’re not worried Lucius is going to come pouring out of the showerhead and kill us if I do?” Brad quipped.

sp; Chanel was too drugged with passion and determined in her decision to roll her eyes. “No. I’m not sure how, but I know everything’s going to be okay. I want to have that eternal, unbreakable bond with you like I do your brothers.”

  “Master Lucius would never approve,” Brad said with no small amount of sarcasm.

  “I don’t care what he thinks anymore. You three are my soul mates and the fathers of my baby and I want to spend forever with you.”

  “Babies,” Cory corrected her. “We’re having three, remember?”

  She smiled and met Brad’s stare, hoping he still wanted her. His yearning eyes said he did.

  “You’d better be damned sure that’s what you want, because this isn’t something you can go back on,” he said with seriousness.

  She ran her fingers through his wet hair. “I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.”

  Dawson kissed her neck. “Lucius is probably going to try to talk you out of it when Brad goes to bite you.”

  “He’s right. No matter what Lucius tells you or what horrible images he brings to your mind, I want you to ignore him and stick to your guns,” Brad told her.

  She nodded.

  “I mean it, Chanel. Once I sink my teeth into you I’m not backing down. I won’t be able to stop it.”

  “I trust you,” she whispered.

  “I’ll remember you said that.” Brad’s eyes changed to a grayish-brown color and the shape became catlike as his sharp canines lowered and he bit down hard over the spot Lucius had bitten her.

  A tormented scream tore from Chanel’s throat at the jagged pain of his teeth slicing into her flesh. Her previous bite mark burned like the fires of hell before the pain vanished, leaving behind only the binding connection of Brad’s bite.

  “Your men will die for your betrayal and your baby!” Lucius yelled in her mind.

  She choked on a sob. “No! Stop!”

  “Baby, it’s done,” Cory’s voice said in the background.

  “Is Lucius in your head?” Dawson asked.

  Her eyes misted. “Yes.”

  “Listen to me, honey. Just ignore him. This is working. That’s why he’s ticked off. He can’t touch you now or us. Just relax and feel. Deep breaths,” Dawson cooed.


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