Book Read Free

Wild Cards

Page 15

by Katalina Leon

  Her emotions ran high. His appeal was undeniable. If she were blind, she’d love his rich voice. If she were deaf, she’d love his gentle way with her. Everything about him called to her soul.

  Picking the bathrobe off the floor, she slid her arms inside the plush sleeves and wrapped it around her. She opened a drawer and saw that it was fully stocked with basic toiletries, including a dental kit. Opening the kit, she squeezed a bit of blue toothpaste onto a miniature brush and cleaned her teeth. After she finished, she rapped on the door. “I’m coming out.”

  Kai stood near the window, wearing a robe. His damp hair had been slicked away from his face. His soaked clothes were draped over the bar.

  He turned. “My phone got wet. Can I use yours? I need to call Roy. I don’t even know where I’m going to start.”

  She padded to a couch where she’d left her purse and shopping bag. Picking up the glittering silver seashell of a handbag, she briefly admired it before opening it. She reached inside to retrieve the phone and handed it to him.

  He took the phone from her hand but allowed his touch to linger. “Crazy day, huh?”

  Fighting an almost overwhelming tide of conflicting feelings, she nodded. “We better tell Roy everything.”

  “I plan to.”

  “I mean everything, everything. He’s trusting us to be in the right frame of mind to hunt a killer, and I’m hallucinating rattlesnakes.”

  “So was I. I heard them also. Don’t you think Vegas PD would have freaked out a bit too? The skinwalker could have taken advantage of anyone, human or supernatural.”

  “It’s not just seeing the ghost snake. Other parts of my judgment might be impaired.”

  Concern flooded his eyes. “Like what?”

  “We both took a shot of the Don Mágico. Am I being completely paranoid to consider someone might have drugged or hexed the tequila?”

  “What? Who?”

  “I’m not sure. Maybe there’s someone out there who knows a thousand-dollar, hand-blown bottle of Don Mágico would tempt you? Or maybe everything in that goddamn liquor cabinet is hexed. It’s not a reach for someone clever to assume we’d need a drink at the end of a day like today.”

  “That’s a big leap. Who knew we’d be in the penthouse?”

  “Roy knew.” The moment she said it, she regretted it. “I don’t really suspect Roy, but something feels wrong.”

  “Adara, you’re the empath, but I think you’re getting off track here.”

  “Am I? I didn’t imagine the bone bead or the corpse dust being blown in my face. That happened. Someone is watching us. What else has happened that I might not have noticed?” Tension rose and left her knees shaking. “I’m scared. I don’t even want to be in this penthouse anymore. I want to go home and clear my head.”

  “Try to stay calm.” Kai took her hand and pulled her close. He enveloped her in his arms as he rocked her against his chest. “I understand, I really do.” Reassuring warmth radiated off his skin. “Relax. We can work this puzzle together. I’ll do whatever’s needed to keep you safe. If you want to leave the penthouse, I have a room on the eleventh floor. We could go there and regroup.”

  His velvety voice soothed her raw nerves. She wanted to open his robe and run her hands over his coppery skin. “That’s the other thing—we can’t trust this overwhelming attraction. It came on too fast, and too strong, to be real. The Fae’s boon could be just as big an illusion as the diamondback in the bed.”

  He drew away. “That’s not true. I’m not going to let you say it. I used to wake up early and walk far out of my way just to catch a glimpse of you before your shift ended. I’d look at you and think, ‘Who is she? I’ll bet she has a husband or someone who loves her.’ I didn’t ask you out even though I wanted to because of my situation. I was ashamed of what I’d done and still healing from the Odine ordeal. Of course, I had no idea you were an elemental too. In hindsight, it sure explains a lot. I think I saw a bit of myself in you.”


  “I noticed you as soon as I got here. I’m just such an idiot for not talking to you sooner.”

  “I love hearing this.” She laughed, a quiet, nervous little laugh. “I noticed you noticed.”

  He held her in a warm bear hug. “If you smiled at me, it made my day. I promised myself I wouldn’t leave Vegas until I found out who you were.”

  Her heart pleaded for this to be true. “I’ve never had anything like this happen to me. I have nothing to compare it to.”

  “God help me, I’ve never had a day like today either.” His hands rested on her shoulders. He stroked the delicate chain of her necklace. A quizzical expression crossed his face. With care, he unfastened the clasp and removed the necklace.

  Touching the bare spot on her throat was disconcerting. “What are you doing?”

  Kia placed the chain and crystal heart on a high shelf beyond her reach. “Destroying doubt.”

  “Why did you do that?”

  “It’s enchanted. You said it yourself. If you suspect it’s affecting your judgment, take it off.”

  “But, it was a gift. And—”

  “And what?”

  She was terrified that the new sensations of loving connection with Kai would come to an abrupt end. “I liked how it made me feel.”

  He held her face and looked her in the eye. “Do you think you could have feelings for me without it?”

  A flock of butterflies swooped in her belly. “Yes, I’m sure I could.”

  “Then you don’t need it anymore. Stop being afraid. We’ve crossed an invisible line. Be yourself with me. I’ve got good intuition too. The more time I spend with you the more clearly I see we have a solid chance. Those are decent Vegas odds.”

  Before reason could stop her, she rose on tiptoe and kissed his lips. “You know how to say the sweetest things.”

  His arms locked around her. “I know how to do them too.” He slid her bathrobe down her arm and kissed her bare shoulder. “Let me prove it.” Using the edges of his teeth, he nipped her throat and made the skin pebble.

  Having him pressed against her made her want to wrap her legs around his hips and surrender. “We should go to your room.” Her voice was breathy.

  “In our bathrobes?”

  “No one will care. I’d rather be in your bed than this playboy mansion of sofa sectionals.”

  A wicked grin made him look like a lustful satyr. “I like the sectionals.” With ease, he picked her up and carried her over to a broad couch near the window. He set her down on the lush surface and gently toppled her onto her back. A glint of mischief shone in his gaze as he took hold of her wrists and pinned them above her head. “The first time I walked through the door and saw this monster sofa overlooking the city, I thought…” Leaning down, he kissed her lips. “Never mind what I thought, I’ll show you.”

  Kai released his grip on her wrists and untied the sash of her bathrobe. She looked up at him, smiling so hard it hurt. He pushed the fabric aside, exposing all of her in a single breathtaking motion. Lovingly, he stroked her round hips. “Adara, you’re so beautiful.”

  She licked her lips nervously. Her mother and her older brother Blayze were the official beauties of the Torris family. “I’ve never felt beautiful.”

  He stretched beside her on the couch and traced a fingertip along the bridge of her nose. “Trust me when I say that you are.”

  From an unseen speaker, the perfect music played, sultry gypsy guitar. His gaze skimmed the length of her. Appreciation shone on his face as if she were something precious he was eager to claim.

  She nuzzled his chest. A patch of soft hair tickled her nose. Kai’s subtle masculine scent pleased her. He parted her legs with his knee and rolled on top, taking his weight on his elbows. Burying his fingers in her hair, he held her captive beneath him. The depth of emotion shimmering in his eyes stole her breath. Pressing closer, his mouth explored hers with hot, silky kisses. She twined a leg around his hips, locking him against her, not want
ing the moment to end.

  His kisses deepened. Wet and slow, he drew her bottom lip between his teeth and sucked.

  Her mouth reacted with a warm throbbing sensation that left her highly sensitized.

  Skimming his hands over her curves, he cupped her breasts and gave them a gentle squeeze. In anticipation of greater pleasure, she arched off the sofa with her hair cascading over the edge. The lustful look on his face melted any remaining resistance.

  He kissed each coral nipple and teased it to a firm peak with the tip of his tongue. With his warm breath bathing her skin, he drew a rosy bud past his lips and tugged it deeper, making contented sounds.

  Having her nipples sucked was a favorite pleasure that triggered bliss. His gentle touch was especially exciting. She floated away on the sensations of the swirl of his tongue and soft licking.

  Kai’s hand slid between her thighs and brushed against her springy curls. “You’re wet.” A pleased growl rolled low in his throat. “And you’re going to get wetter.” He stood and untied the sash of his bathrobe. With a sweeping motion, he shrugged the robe from his shoulders and tossed it on the floor. “It’s not fair that you’re the only one going nude. I’ll join you.”

  She rose on her elbows to stare at Kai’s formidable body. All man, his lethal torso was powerfully built. Every inch of him screamed island warrior. Bronze skin and smooth chest provided an exciting backdrop for bold oceanic tattoos ornamenting his broad shoulders and rippling arms. A heavy cock, already hard, glistened at the tip. “Whoa.”

  With a wolfish gleam in his eyes, he knelt on the sofa between her thighs and wrapped her legs around his neck. “I could eat you up.”

  Melting onto the couch, she flung her arms above her head. “Do it.”

  He kissed her knee then traveled to her soft inner thigh. The grainy stubble on his jaw tickled her tender skin. Dipping his head, he brushed his nose against her mound and inhaled. “I love your scent.”

  She lifted her hips, waiting for the first stunning torrent of warm breath and soft lips.

  Sinking between her thighs, he planted a firm kiss against her clit. The first moment of contact was lush and so incredibly intimate she gasped.

  Kai glanced up at her and waited.

  “It’s been a long time.” She bit her lip to keep from offering a more explicit explanation that she’d not had a lover in over a year and had been terribly lonely.

  “It’s been a long time for me too. Adara, I want to make you happy.”

  Her voice sank to a breathy murmur. “This is a good start.”

  Parting the lips of her pussy with splayed fingers, he kissed her dark curls. With head bowed, he treated her clit to a long, slow lick that drenched her. He sought out her tiny bud and lavished it with wet, teasing kisses. His hands gripped her thighs and held tight.

  The tip of his tongue swirled in maddening circles that left her aching for more. The blood rushed between her thighs. His beautiful mouth teased her with slow, wet caresses that made her feel like she were the center of his world. Just as she thought she couldn’t take any more without grabbing hold of his shoulders and begging him to fuck her, he sucked her clit and sent her soaring over the moon. The soles of her feet tingled. She rocked her hips against his face, a sweet orgasm hovering just beyond reach. What he was doing was perfect, but she just needed a little more to push her over the edge. She pinched her nipples.

  “Come, sweetie.” His gravelly tone pushed her higher.

  Her phone rang. They both jolted.

  He glanced at the phone on the coffee table. “Damn. It’s Roy.” He reached out and clicked to accept the call.

  “Adara?” Roy sounded alarmed. “Pick up. I can’t reach Kai. He’s not answering his phone. Call in now.”

  “Holy crap.” With a groan, Kai pushed himself away, muttering, “Why now? Roy’s got shit timing.” A look of reluctance shadowed his face. He grabbed the phone off the table. “Roy.” He sounded breathless. “My phone got wet.”

  “What’s going on?” Roy demanded. “Why haven’t you checked in?”

  “Sorry.” Kai smacked his lips. “We lost track of time.”

  “I hope you’re rested. I need you both back on the job.”

  His smile crooked to the side. “We’ve been lying down.”

  “Good. I’m glad you got a little shut-eye. I have some disturbing news.”

  Kai sat and hunched forward on his elbows to listen.

  She slipped her arms through the bathrobe and scooted to his side.

  “When ‘food-wizard extraordinaire’ Marvin Appledore realized there was no way in hell he could possibly raise bail on his own, and it became clear no one was willing to post it for him, he had what I would describe as an existential breakdown.”

  Kai’s brow rumpled. “An exta-what? Could you be clearer?”

  “He threw a fucking tantrum like a three-year-old, with a reddened face, tears and all. When he was finished sobbing and cursing, he started talking, and it was mighty interesting. Sam called me and we recorded this. Apparently, Marvin’s buffet stunt was intended to grab the attention of a certain billionaire who was looking for some sort of wizardly hired gun.”

  He bumped his shoulder affectionately against hers. “We already knew that.”

  “We did, but we didn’t have a name. Now we do. Hold on. I’m going to let you hear Appledore say it in his own words.”

  There was a click then a recording of Appledore played. He sounded distraught. “… I’ve got people on my side who won’t allow me to rot in this fucking cage.” Marvin’s voice was thin and strained. “Powerful people. You’re going to regret smirking behind my back and offering me this fucking cold cup of coffee. I don’t have to put up with this. Has my patron posted my bail?”

  Roy followed, curt in tone. “No one has posted your bail.”

  “He will. He was watching the convention.”

  “Who was watching?” Sam’s deep voice rumbled.

  “My patron. At least, he’s gonna be my patron now that he knows what I’m capable of. I had to prove it to him first.”

  “What were you trying to prove?” Sam sounded skeptical.

  “That I could get to anyone through the simple medium of food or drink and make them absolutely lose control.”

  “Why would you want to do that?” The tension in Roy’s voice rose.

  “For the money, dumbass! He put a bounty on some dude’s head. A million dollars just for making a jackass of him in public. Nothing lethal, just personal annoyance and lots of it. I got the feeling it was payback for a lover lost or some such crap. The guy’s a bit of a playboy.”

  “Does your patron have an actual name?”

  “Fuck off!”

  “How is he spelling that?” Sam chuckled in the background. “I’ll be honest with you. You’ve been here for hours. No one has called you back. Not your lawyer, and certainly not your mystery patron. The jail’s overflowing tonight. Biker rally passed through town. In a few minutes, I’m going to have to transfer you to a holding cell. Are you really ready to meet and greet some angry drunk men who would fist-thump a corporate kiss-ass such as yourself on sight? What do you say?”

  “Don’t put me in a shared cell!”

  “I have to put you somewhere,” Sam blustered. “What else can I do? You won’t give me any names. Come on, let’s go meet Gunnar, Squinty Jack, and the rest of the boys.”

  “Wait!” Marvin squealed. “Private cell. I’ll tell you everything.”

  “All I need are names.” Sam sounded reassuring.

  “My patron is a fucking rich Russian named Yuri Orlov. The bounty is on some unlucky bastard named Kai Moana. I saw the poor chump today at the convention. I was working my way toward him by chatting up his girlfriend. I had something special planned for—” The message was clicked off.

  Roy sounded somber. “Kai, what do you make of this story? Do you know a billionaire named Yuri Orlov?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. Never met the man face-to
-face, but I brawled up close and personal with his bodyguards.”

  “Why did he come to Vegas and single you out?”

  Kia grimaced like he’d been punched in the gut. “We fought over a woman and I sank his boat.”

  “I’m guessing she must have been one fine woman.”

  “No comment on her.” His tone lowered to an almost inaudible mutter. “But he did have one fine boat. No arguments there.”

  A grunt on Roy’s side was followed by silence.

  Adara grasped Kai’s hand. So she wasn’t the only target being hunted? This certainly was a disturbing development.

  He glanced at her with worry deepening the lines around his mouth. “Roy? Are you still there?”

  “I’m here. I’m just thinking.” Roy paused. “Gather your things. I want you both out of the penthouse and back on the job, now.”

  She grabbed the phone. “Roy, we had some odd experiences up here.”

  Kai scowled. “Odd? That’s not very flattering.”

  She talked over Kai. “I’m not sure how, but the suite may have been hexed. I found a rattlesnake in the master bedroom, but it wasn’t real, it was some sort of enchantment. We could hear it moving, but it wasn’t solid, it was more like a hologram.”

  Roy perked. “Do you think it was a technologically created illusion or genuine hocus-pocus?”

  “We couldn’t tell. There was a lot going on. Some bold soul managed to use the express elevator to gain access to the penthouse and blew corpse dust in my face.”

  “How did they do that?” Roy sounded appalled.

  “Skinwalker trick. They can impersonate someone so well you think you’re talking to them. I thought Kai was at the door.”

  “Adara, take Kai and get out. Some days I hate myself for being so nearsighted. I’ve been completely wrong.”

  That wasn’t what she needed to hear at this moment. “What do you mean, boss?”

  “I made the wrong assumptions. I thought I was sending my PHD team into a hostile environment to spy and all I did was expose you to the very people who are looking to exploit you. I’m looking up hotel records. Yuri Orlov has been a guest at Poseidon’s on and off for weeks. Do you think he’s been watching you?”


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