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[Kentucky Brothers 01] - The Journey

Page 9

by Wanda E. Brunstetter

  “See, you’re doing it again. You’re not looking at me when I’m talking to you.”

  Titus turned his head and looked her right in the eye. “Is that better?”


  “Okay,” he said, then drew in a quick breath. “You have done a few things to irritate me, but the real reason it’s hard for me to look at you is because you remind me of someone. Someone I’m trying to forget.”


  “Her name’s Phoebe Stoltzfus—the girl I used to court in Pennsylvania.” He frowned. “I thought she was going to marry me, but she took off for California with one of her girlfriends instead.”

  “Is Phoebe Amish?”

  He pushed his hands against the doorjamb so hard that his knuckles turned white. “She was raised Amish, but she’s never joined the church. Phoebe started running around even before she turned sixteen, and I’m pretty sure she’s gonna go English.”

  “How old is Phoebe now?”


  “She’s still pretty young. Maybe she’ll change her mind and return to Pennsylvania and join the church.”

  “I doubt it. She’s been stringing me along since she was thirteen.”

  Suzanne’s eyebrows squeezed together. “You’ve been interested in the same girl since you were thirteen?”

  He shook his head. “I was seventeen when Phoebe was thirteen, and I waited for her until she turned sixteen, so we could start courting.” He stabbed the side of the door with the toe of his boot. “For all the good it did me.”

  “It’s no surprise that it didn’t work out. She was practically a child when you became interested in her.”

  “That’s what my folks and her folks thought, too. I figure she must be pretty immature even now if she ran off to California without caring at all what I thought.”

  “Maybe she wasn’t the right girl for you.”

  “Now you sound like my folks. I don’t think Mom or Dad ever liked Phoebe. They tried to discourage me from the very beginning, and so did Phoebe’s folks.”

  “I don’t mean to sound like your folks. I just think you might need to find someone who’s more mature and settled. Someone like—”

  “I might do that if I can find the right woman. I’d like to make sure my job is secure and that I have a home of my own before I think about finding a wife and settling down, though. Need to prove to my family that I can measure up.”

  “Measure up?”

  “To my twin brother, Timothy. He’s been doing all the right things since he got out of school. Went to work right away for our older brother Zach; later bought a house with some land he could farm; then found a good woman and got married. He and Hannah have a daughter and another baby on the way.” Titus tugged his left ear lobe. “Timothy’s way ahead of me. I might never get married, much less own a place of my own.” He gestured to the trailer. “Might spend the rest of my days rentin’ some place like this.”

  Before Suzanne could respond, Callie leaped onto the porch, darted between Titus’s legs, and raced into the kitchen.

  Titus grunted. “Stupid critter seems determined to get in. If you had to haul a cat over here, couldn’t you at least have picked one that’s content to be outside?”

  Suzanne frowned. “Callie is usually content to be outside, but if you’ve been having problems with mice, then I would think you’d want to allow the cat in the house.”

  “Cats belong outdoors.” Titus stepped back inside, grabbed the broom, and chased the cat out the door.

  “You don’t have to be so mean,” Suzanne said with a huff.

  “I’m not mean. Just don’t want to pick the critter up and take the chance of getting bit again. Besides, a little push with the broom won’t hurt her any.”

  “Maybe not, but I’m sure you scared the poor thing. You’ll never make friends with the cat if you chase her around with a broom.”

  “Who says I want to make friends with the critter?”

  Suzanne glared at him. “I don’t have time to stand here and debate this with you. Do you want me to plant the flowers I brought or not?”

  “Go right ahead.” Titus quickly shut the door.

  “That man is so rude,” Suzanne fumed as she carried the flat of primroses to the flower bed. Obviously Titus didn’t know how to care for a cat.

  Should I take Callie back? Suzanne glanced around but saw no sign of the cat. After Titus had chased Callie with the broom, she’d disappeared behind the barn. Maybe when I’m done planting these flowers I’ll look for her, she decided.

  Suzanne grabbed the shovel she’d brought along and stabbed it into the hard ground, twisting it angrily. Callie isn’t the only thing Titus doesn’t appreciate. He obviously didn’t appreciate me bringing over these flowers because he didn’t even say thanks. Makes me wonder if his folks taught him anything about manners and how to treat other people. Is it any wonder his girlfriend ran off to California? She was probably tired of his bad attitude. Humph! I think I should speak to Esther about Titus and let her know what he’s really like.

  Suzanne had just finished planting the primroses when she heard a pathetic, muffled-sounding meow. She glanced to her left and saw Callie rolling in the grass with her head stuck in a soup can.

  “Ach, my!” Suzanne jumped up and rushed over to the cat. She tried to pull the can off, but Callie wouldn’t hold still. It was going to take two people to free the poor cat—one to hold Callie and one to pull on the can.

  Suzanne hurried across the yard and knocked on the trailer door. Titus pulled the door open a few seconds later. “Are you done planting the flowers?” he asked.

  She gave a nod. “But I need your help. Callie has a soup can stuck on her head.”

  He lifted his shoulders in a brief shrug. “What do you want me to do about it?”

  “I want you to help me get the can off.”

  “If she got it on, she ought to be able to get it off.”

  “I don’t think so, and we can’t just leave her like that. Please, Titus, you’ve got to help me get that can off.”

  “Oh, all right.” Titus stepped off the porch, and Suzanne followed him into the yard, where the pathetic cat was still thrashing about. He bent down, yanked on the can, and it lifted Callie right off the ground. Her claws came out, and he let out a shriek. “Stupid katz clawed a hole in my shirt, and now I think my chest is bleeding!”

  “Set the cat down and let me see.” Suzanne wasn’t sure whom to be more concerned about: Titus, or the poor cat, stuck in a can.

  Titus shook his head. “I’m fine. I’ll tend to my scratches later.” But he did place Callie on the ground.

  “Have you got any metal cutters?” she asked. “I think we need some in order to cut the can off Callie’s head.”

  “I think I saw an old pair of tin snips in the barn,” he said. “You keep an eye on the cat and make sure she doesn’t run away while I go look for ‘em.”

  When Titus entered the barn, he found the tin snippers hanging on a nail. He pulled them down, and then slipped on a pair of heavy-duty gloves, as well as a jacket to protect himself.

  “Sure don’t know why I’m doin’ this,” he muttered. “I don’t even like cats.”

  When Titus returned to the yard, he found Suzanne squatted down beside Callie, who was squirming around as she pawed frantically at the can that held her captive. “I’ve got the snippers,” he announced. “I’ll slip around front and try to cut her free.”

  Suzanne’s eyes narrowed. “You’re going to use that old rusty-looking cutter?”

  “Sure, why not?”

  “It really looks dull. Probably wouldn’t cut a stick of butter.”

  “Well, it’s the only pair I could find.” Titus knelt on the grass in front of the cat.

  “She’s scared and might not cooperate with you,” Suzanne said. “Maybe I should try and hold her.”

  Titus shook his head. “We know that’s not going to work. She’s too upset. Just leave her on the gr
ound, put your hand on her back, and I’ll see if I can cut the can off.”

  As Titus began clipping at the can, the cat flipped her head from side to side.

  “Be careful; you might cut Callie’s head.” The panic in Suzanne’s voice let Titus know how worried she was about the cat.

  “I’m being as careful as I can, but it would help if she’d just hold still.” He gritted his teeth as he continued to cut.

  Finally, with one last snip, Callie was free. She shook her head a few times, and growled, crouching low to the ground. Looking up at Titus, she hissed as though threatening him. Then with a high-pitched meow, she darted for the barn.

  “Stupid critter,” Titus muttered. “She acts like I’m the one who put the can on her head.” He stomped on the can and shouted at the cat’s retreating form, “Don’t play with cans, you ungrateful katz!”

  Suzanne stepped in front of Titus and planted both hands on her hips. “If you didn’t leave your cans lying around, she wouldn’t have gotten herself into such a fix.”

  “I didn’t. Don’t know where that can came from. She probably got it out of the garbage.” As Titus thought more about the whole situation, it suddenly seemed kind of funny. “Stupid critter put on quite a show for us, didn’t she?” he asked with a snicker.

  Suzanne glared at him a few seconds; then she looked down at what was left of the can and started to giggle. “She did look pretty silly with her head in that can.”

  Laughter bubbled in Titus’s chest, and he leaned his head back and roared. Soon they were both laughing so hard tears ran down their faces as they held their sides.

  Finally, Titus got control of himself and bent to pick up the can. “Sure hope nothin’ like that ever happens again. That was downright stressful!”

  She gave a nod. “I appreciate the fact that you took the time to free Callie—especially when you don’t even like her.”

  “Couldn’t let her spend the rest of her days wearin’ a can on her head. Regardless of what you may think, I’m really not mean.”

  Before Suzanne could respond, he hurried into the trailer and shut the door.

  Paradise, Pennsylvania

  “Hi, Mom, how’s it going?” Samuel asked as he entered the kitchen, where Fannie sat working on a crossword puzzle. “We’re fine here. How are things with you and your family?” “Everyone’s doing well. The older kinner are looking forward to getting out of school at the end of April.”

  “That’s just a few weeks away.” Fannie motioned to the stove. “If you have the time, help yourself to a cup of coffee.”

  “Think I will.” Samuel poured himself some coffee and took a seat beside her at the table. “Where’s Dad this morning?”

  “He had a dental appointment, so he headed to town right after breakfast.”

  “I’m surprised you could get him to go. Dad’s always hated going to the dentist.”

  “I know, but he lost a filling the other day, and I talked him into going before the tooth started hurting.” Fannie took a drink from her cup and filled in the next word on her puzzle.

  “Have you heard anything more from Titus?” Samuel asked.

  She shook her head. “He left a message for Timothy a few weeks ago, but he’s only left one message here, and that was the day he got to Kentucky. I’ve written to him a few times already, but he hasn’t answered any of the letters.” She sighed. “Guess he’s either too busy or is trying to prove that he’s independent and doesn’t need me anymore.”

  Samuel placed his hand over Fannie’s. “I’m sure it’s not that. Most likely, he’s keeping busy.”

  “I thought I’d feel better about his move if your daed and I went to Kentucky so I could see for myself that Titus is doing okay.” Fannie slowly shook her head. “But your daed says he’s too busy right now with the spring planting and such.”

  The back door swung open, and Timothy rushed into the room with one-year-old Mindy in his arms. His face was red and beaded with perspiration.

  “What’s wrong, Timothy?” Fannie asked. “You look umgerennt.”

  “I am upset. Hannah’s outside in the van with our driver and is hurtin’ real bad with contractions. She started bleeding awhile ago, too, so we’re taking her to the hospital.” Timothy moved toward the table. “Hannah’s mamm is going with us, so I was wondering if you could keep Mindy while we’re gone.”

  “Of course.” Fannie held out her arms, and the child went willingly to her. “Please call as soon as you know something.”

  “I will.” Timothy leaned over and kissed his daughter’s forehead; then he turned and hurried out.

  Fannie sighed. “I hope Hannah’s going to be all right. The boppli‘s not due for several more months. I sure hope she won’t lose it.”


  Pembroke, Kentucky

  As Titus ate breakfast that morning, he thought about Suzanne and how much she resembled Phoebe. He knew it wasn’t fair to compare the two women when their personalities weren’t the same, but it was hard to look at Suzanne without thinking about Phoebe, which only reminded him of her betrayal. Titus wondered if the ache in his heart would ever heal. He wanted to settle down and get married someday, but would he ever find a woman he loved as much as he had Phoebe?

  He added a spoonful of sugar to his coffee and stirred it around. I’ll never find a wife if I don’t get a grip on my anger toward Phoebe. And I won’t make any points with Isaac if I don’t start being kinder to his granddaughter.

  Yesterday, after Suzanne had come into the shop and made a nuisance of herself, he’d stupidly said something to Isaac about his granddaughter being a pest. The elderly man had shaken his arthritic finger as he looked Titus in the eye and said, “Suzanne may be a pescht sometimes, but she’s mygrossdochder, and I’d appreciate it if you kept any negative remarks about her to yourself.”

  A verse from Proverbs 15 that Titus had heard at church last Sunday popped into his head: “A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.” He knew he’d been unkind to Suzanne several times, and he owed her a thank-you for the flowers she’d planted for him. If she’s still outside, I should probably speak to her before I leave for work, he decided.

  He pushed his chair aside and opened the back door. Suzanne’s horse and buggy were gone. “Should have come out here sooner,” he mumbled. “Shouldn’t have let her leave without saying thanks.”

  When he got to work, he’d stop by the Yoders’ house first and talk to Suzanne.

  Titus returned to the kitchen and halted. Callie was perched on the table, lapping milk from his bowl of cereal.

  He clapped his hands and shouted, “Get down from there, you stupid katz! I should have left you trapped in that soup can.”

  Callie leaped off the table and raced outside. That’s when Titus realized he hadn’t shut the door when he’d gone out to look for Suzanne.

  He groaned and set his bowl in the sink. This was not starting out to be a good day. Hopefully things would go better after he’d spoken to Suzanne.

  When Titus arrived at the Yoders’, he put his horse in the corral and went up to the house. Suzanne’s mother answered his knock.

  “Guder mariye,” she said. “If you’re looking for Nelson or my daed, they’re already out at the shop.”

  Titus shook his head. “I’d like to speak to Suzanne.”

  “She’s not here. Left right after breakfast. Said she was taking some primroses over to your place to plant. Didn’t you see her there?”

  He nodded. “She did come by, but she left before I did. Figured she’d be here by now.”

  “She may have stopped at the Beilers’ store on her way home. Said something about needing a few things from there, too.”

  “Guess I’ll have to wait and speak to her later on then.”

  “Maybe you can talk to her when she brings lunch out to the shop around noon.”

  “Okay. I’d better get to work now. Sure don’t want to be late.” Titus turned and sprinted
to the shop.

  He’d just entered the building, when Nelson rushed up to him and said, “There was a message for you at the phone shanty from your mamm.”

  “What’d it say?”

  “Your sister-in-law’s been taken to the hospital.”

  “Which sister-in-law?”

  “I think she said it was Hannah. I didn’t erase the message, so you’d better go out and listen to it yourself.”

  Titus opened the door and raced down the driveway to the phone shanty. Once inside, he took a seat and listened to the message.


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