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Childhood Sweethearts PT 2

Page 2

by Jacob Spears

  “Oh my God! That was so good!” China said after she finally caught her breath.

  Chapter 4

  Stepping out of the shower, Smooth dried off and then slid on a fresh pair of Theory jeans, a tight white shirt, and a new pair of Nikes. After dressing, he headed to the kitchen to pet and feed Zorro. Then, figuring he had procrastinated long enough, he pulled out his phone. God, China was going to flip when she found out what he was doing. With that thought in his head, he dialed the number and pushed send.

  “Hello?” a voice said.

  “Yes, is Jefe there?” Smooth asked.

  “One moment please.”


  “Hey, Jefe. It’s me, Smooth.”

  “Ah, yes. How are you my friend?”

  “I’m as good as can be.”

  “And how is China?” El Jefe inquired.

  “She is hanging in there.”

  “Glad to hear it.”

  “Well, Jefe, I called for a reason.”

  “So what can I do for you?”

  “Is our deal still on the table?”

  “Yes of course my friend. What do you need?”

  “I figure 30 of those things.”

  “And when would you be by to pick them up?”

  “Well, if I left tonight, I’d be there by lunch time tomorrow.”

  “Okay. I’ll be seeing you then.”

  After hanging up the phone, he couldn’t stop thinking about China. God, she was gonna kill him. He was definitely not looking forward to telling her.

  * * *

  Smooth called Banga, “Yellow!”

  “Hey, I’m gonna come pick you up.”

  “Where we going?”

  “Got to go to New York to pick up that work and you’re coming along so you can drive halfway.”

  “Alright, I’ll be ready in 15 minutes.”

  “See you then,” Smooth said, as he disconnected his phone. He then called Miranda.


  “Miranda, I’m going out of town for a few days. Can you watch Zorro for me?”

  “Sure, bring him up.”

  Smooth disconnected and grabbed the leash.

  “Come on, boy. Time to go!”

  Upon seeing the leash, Zorro’s tail excitedly began wagging back and forth, knowing that leash means walk. Attaching the leash, he headed out the door and toward the elevator. Miranda answered on the first knock.

  “Come on in,” she said as she opened the door.

  “Sorry, but I’m in a bit of a rush. I’ll catch up with you later.”

  “Okay, have a nice trip. Me and Zorro will be waiting for you, so bring us both a present.”

  * * *

  Pulling up in front of Banga’s house, Smooth saw him and another nigga he had never seen before outside talking. As soon as Banga saw Smooth pull up, he gave the nigga some dap and headed to the car. After he climbed in, Smooth pulled away and asked, “Who was that?”

  “Oh, that’s my Uncle Ronny. He just got out of prison yesterday.”

  “What was he in for?”

  “Possession with intent to sell, car theft, grand theft, and a thousand other things. He’s a good solid nigga, you’ll like him.”

  “So what’s on your mind? I can see the wheels turning,” Smooth asked.

  “Well, I was thinking we gonna need help. We gonna need people to hustle and grind, but we gonna need muscle too. I was thinking we could bring my Uncle Ronny into the game. He knows all the ropes and could probably teach us something.”

  “Well, do you think he’d want to help us?”

  “Won’t know ‘til we ask him.”

  “We will ask him when we come back. But for now, we gotta pick up these keys and have them cooked up.”

  “Ah man, that’ the shit,” Smooth said, as he cranked up Rick Ross’ Belly Boy. Banga leaned back into his seat to nap.

  * * *

  “Wake up, nigga!” Smooth said.

  “Huh? What? Are we there?”

  “Nah, we ain’t there, but it’s your time to drive. I’m too tired.”

  “Alright,” Banga answered, as he got out of the car and walked around to the driver’s side.

  “Man, let’s find something to eat,” Banga suggested, as he pulled out.

  “There’s a Denny’s up ahead.”

  “That’s as good as any place, and it’s probably the only place open at this time of night,” Banga said, looking at the clock . . . 1:27 a.m.

  After they pulled up and headed into Denny’s, they noticed two fine-ass redbones coming out.

  “Don’t even think about it. We on a mission,” Smooth told Banga.

  “Once they were seated, a beautiful, older white lady came over to take their order.

  “What can I get you fellows?” she asked.

  “Grand Slam and a Coke,” Banga replied.

  “Chicken strip sampler and a Coke, no ice,” Smooth followed.

  “So how far do we have left?” Banga asked, after the waitress was out of earshot.

  “About another six hours.”

  After eating and heading to the car, Smooth said, “Wake me up when we get to New York.”

  Driving while Smooth slept, Banga couldn’t stop thinking of all the money he was going to make. He could finally get himself a car and a whole new wardrobe. And he would actually be able to do more for his mother who worked her ass off and did her best.

  * * *

  “Why are we stopping?” Smooth asked, as he was waking up.

  “‘Cause we in New York.”

  “Where we at?”

  “A Flying J Truck Stop. We need gas and something to drink.”

  “I need to take a piss bad.”

  They both headed into the truck stop. Smooth went to the bathroom and Banga walked over to the drink island.

  “Grab me a Dr. Pepper,” Smooth told Banga.

  Inside the bathroom, Smooth relieved himself. The bathroom looked and smelled as if it hadn’t been cleaned in years. After he washed his hands, he headed back out to the car where Banga was pumping gas.

  “Your drink is on the seat.”

  “Thanks bro.”

  After grabbing his drink, Smooth slid into the driver’s seat. Done with pumping gas, Banga got in the passenger seat. Smooth put on a Lil Wayne C.D. and pulled out of the truck stop, heading back to the highway. Thirty minutes later, began traffic slowing down. Going around a bend in the road, they saw lights everywhere.

  “Damn, a checkpoint,” Banga said.

  “Nah, nigga, it’s a wreck. See the two trucks.”

  Every passing car was rubbernecking to see more. Smooth just wanted to get away from all the cops. Police made him nervous. Even though they were clean, he felt uncomfortable with all of them around.

  “Mother fuckers act like they’ve never seen a wreck before,” Smooth said.

  “Yeah, I know. Damn, there’s a lot of pigs around.”

  * * *

  Pulling up to the guard shack and gate in front of El Jefe’s house, Smooth waited for the guard to come out. Finally, he came to the car—a big-ass nigga with an MP5 machine gun.

  “Can I help you,” the guard asked.

  “Yeah, my name’s Smooth. I’m here to see Jefe.”

  “Is he expecting you?”


  “Let me check it out,” the guard said, as he returned back inside.

  A minute later, the guard returned and opened the gate.

  Driving to the house from the fence, Banga said, “Damn, these niggas got major fire power. Like they protecting the President.”

  “Yeah, Jefe got some beefed up security.”

  Arriving at the house, two more big-ass dudes with MP5s met them at the door. Smooth grabbed the money out of the back, as he got out.

  “Smooth?” one of the guards inquired.

  “Come this way,” the other guard directed.

  Once inside, the guards searched Smooth and Banga for weapons and wires. Smooth figu
red it was a good practice that he should begin implementing.

  Taking them into the library, one guard said, “Wait here. Jefe will be with you shortly.”

  Banga said, “Damn, this nigga getting that paper.”

  “Yeah, he is,” Smooth replied.

  They both sat down to wait for Jefe. Five minutes later, a guard came back and announced, “Jefe’s ready to see you all and wants you to join him for lunch. So follow me.”

  Smooth and Banga stood and followed as the guard led them outside to a table beside the pool where Jefe was waiting. Smooth handed the guard the money.

  “Ah, Smooth, there you are. Please, you and your friend have a seat.”

  Smooth and Banga both pulled out seats and sat down.

  “Jefe, this is Banga, my right-hand man; and Banga, this is Jefe.”

  “Pleasure to meet you,” Banga said.

  Before anyone could say anything further, two staff members approached with trays filled with sandwiches and chips.

  “What can we get you all to drink?” one of the servers asked.

  “Just surprise us,” Smooth replied.

  After a few minutes, they arrived with their drinks.

  “What is it?” Smooth asked.

  “Captain Morgan Rum and Coke.”

  “Thanks,” Smooth said, as he took a sip.

  “Tastes great!”

  This was only his second time drinking. The first time was with Miranda. Really liking the Captain and Coke, Smooth decided to start drinking more.

  “So my friend, how is China?” Jefe asked.

  “She is hanging in there. I’m planning to see her this Sunday.”

  After bullshitting for another 20 minutes, Jefe asked, “So how many keys you wanting this trip?”

  “The usual 30.”

  Jefe agreed and then yelled for someone named Raul. When the man arrived, Jefe gave him instructions in Spanish. Ten minutes later, Raul returned and spoke to Jefe in Spanish.

  “Alright amigos, everything is ready. I will be waiting to hear from you, Smooth.”

  “I’ll call as soon as we get home as always.”

  Smooth and Banga got up and headed to the car. Smooth said, “I’ll drive.”


  * * *

  They made good time returning to Florida. Once back, Smooth called Jefe to let him know they made it back safely. While he was calling Jefe, Banga called his girl to see if she’d cook up this shit for him.

  “So?” Smooth asked.

  “She says she’ll do it, so let’s take her two keys, and start getting this money.”

  Once they pulled up to the apartment complex, Banga lead the way. Last apartment on the right. Banga knocked on the door. A pretty red-boned chick answered the door.

  “Hey Banga, come on in,” she said, as she turned and walked back to the kitchen.

  “Amanda, this my nigga, Smooth. Smooth, this my girl, Amanda.”

  Smooth shook her hand and got a good look at her. She was pretty with flawless skin, a little chunky, but in all the right spots.

  “So what did you all bring me?” she asked.

  “We got two keys of that pure shit,” Banga replied.

  “How much you gonna charge us?” Smooth asked.

  “A grand. Five hundred for each key, and I’ll even bag it for ya.”

  “Deal! When will it be done?” Smooth asked.

  “I’ll have it ready for ya tomorrow by lunch.”

  “Alright, we will leave you to it. See you tomorrow,” Banga replied, as he and Smooth turned to leave. On the way out, Amanda gave Banga a kiss and then locked the door behind them.

  “Where to now?”

  “Let’s go see where my Uncle Ronny’s at,” Banga replied, as he climbed into the passenger side of the car.

  After reaching Banga’s block, they saw Robby with two other niggas on the block. They pulled up and got out.

  “What’s good, uncle?”

  “Nothing, B.”

  “We need to talk to you for a few minutes,” Banga said.

  “Alright, let’s walk then,” Ronny said, after telling the other two that he’d catch up with them later.

  “Ronny, we came up on some coke and we gonna start selling big and small. I figured you’d like to come up with us and maybe teach us the ropes.”

  “What ya all know about selling crack?” Ronny asked.

  “Well, I figure it’s like selling weed. Bag it up and sell it,” Smooth answered.

  “You ever sell big? What about small?”

  “I’ve done both, but I sold nicks and dimes of weed, but sold major weight in coke.”

  “Alright, first off, selling crack is way different than selling weed. Crackheads will sell their mom for a 20-piece.”

  “Okay,” Smooth said.

  “So what you think you can just sell crack and get that money?”

  “Well, yeah, that’s how it works,” Smooth says.

  Listen, lil’ homey. You got to find a few trustworthy soldiers who will hustle the small weight. You gotta find a good spot to sell. You gotta be ready to ride hard or die trying, ‘cause each day you will deal with different people. You gotta worry about the jack boys and stick-up kids. Ya gotta worry about the police. You gotta worry about turf wars. You gotta be ready to murk a nigga if they get out of line. Lil’ homey, it’s a real dog-eat-dog world out there. Just remember, the stress ain’t made for everyone, that’s why they make sidewalks. If you in the street, you might get hit or ran over. Feel me?” Ronny asked.

  “Yeah, I feel ya, but ain’t nothing gonna stop me from getting this money.”

  “And if I gotta murk a few niggas in the process, so be it,” Smooth said.

  “Alright, what kinda burner you got. Let me see it,” Ronny said.

  “Smooth looked down and said, “Ain’t got one.”

  “Damn, ya lil’ niggas out here with no protection? Ya all crazy!”

  “Can you get some for us, uncle?” Banga asked.

  “How many ya need?”

  “Give us four to start with . . . one for me, one for Smooth, and the other two will be for Bobby and Neko,” Banga said.

  “Alright, give me a few hours.”

  * * *

  After getting the burners, they headed to the spot where they all usually sold and hung out. Once they arrived, they met Bobby and Neko who were holding the block down.

  “Hey Bobby, you and Neko hop in,” Smooth said.

  When they both got in, Banga opened the backpack at his feet. Inside was a Smith & Wesson .357, two Glock 9mms, and a Glock .40.

  Banga said, “This bad boy’s mine,” talking about the .357.

  “Here, Bobby,” he said, handing him one of the 9mm. “And Neko,” he said, handing him the other 9mm.

  “Last but not least, this beast is yours,” he said, handing the Glock .40 to Smooth.

  “Listen,” Smooth said, “we stepping up the game, so we gotta worry about jack boys and stick-up kids. These guns aren’t for show. They for protection. Never go without it. Take the bitch everywhere, even the toilet. You can’t get caught slipping. Y’all understand?”

  “Yeah, we got ya,” Bobby replied.

  “So when we gonna have dat work?” Neko asked.

  “We will have it by lunch tomorrow,” Smooth replied.

  “Until then, stay safe,” Smooth told them, as both Bobby and Neko got out of the car.

  “Well, nigga, all we gotta do now is find a trap house,” Banga said.

  “We will look for one tomorrow. For now, I’m ready for bed, so get out, nigga.”

  “I’ll meet you at Amanda’s around noon tomorrow,” Banga said, as he got out of the car.

  Once home, Smooth headed straight to Miranda’s to pick up Zorro. Miranda answered after the second knock.

  “Zorro was all over Smooth, wanting his attention, so Smooth bent down and petted him.

  “How was your trip?”

  “It was good. Look, I gotta go out o
f town again tomorrow to go visit China. I’ll be back on Sunday night. Can you keep Zorro ‘til then?”

  “Sure, no problem. You want something to drink?”


  After a few drinks, Smooth was feeling pretty good. Just looking at Miranda was getting his dick hard. Not wanting to do anything he’d regret the following day, he stood up and stated, “I better get going.”

  “Alright. I’ll see you Sunday.”

  * * *

  Being assigned to inside grounds is basically like having no job at all in prison because out of hundreds assigned to inside grounds, only about 10 work daily. So not having anything else to do, China went to the recreation yard. There were girls walking the track, working out, playing basketball, and playing volleyball. So China set down to watch the volleyball game. China never played, but it looked fun.

  “Do you play?” a girl sitting next to her asked.

  “No, I’ve never played before.”

  “You want to learn?”


  “Well, I got downs, so you can be on my team. We will be playing the winner.”

  “Are you sure you want me on your team? Like I said, I’ve never played before.”

  “Don’t worry, it’s easy to learn. By the way, my name is Angie.”

  “Nice to meet you, I’m China.”

  “Well, let’s go. We’re up!” Angie said, heading toward the net with China following

  China looked at her opponents and said, “Damn, they gonna kick our ass!”

  After losing the game, China decided to walk the track. As she passed a group of girls working out, she couldn’t help but think, “Damn, those some big bitches.” They got more muscle than most men did. One had arms big as China’s waist.

  “China, wait up!”

  Looking back, she noticed that it was Rebecca yelling for her. China stopped to let Rebecca and another girl catch up to her.

  “What’s up?” China asked.

  “Nothing, just noticed you walking by yourself, so I figured me and my friend would join you. By the way, China, this is Amy. Amy, this is China.”

  “Nice to meet you, Amy.”

  “Same here, China.”

  “Well, let’s walk and talk,” Rebecca said.

  “So what are you in for?” China asked Amy.

  “Got busted passing fake checks.”


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